Duromine Month 1

Hi Beautiful B. How did u manage to lose 8kg in one mth? Did u exercise or Just control diet? I need to slim down quick too. :) don't mind sharing ur regime? Ur duromine is 30g/ 40g/ 15?
Hi Yen....

I didnt do much exercise to tell you the truth.... I just ate healthy, 9am - cereal for breakfast, 11am fruit, 1pm - yogurt or fruit salad for lunch, 3pm - fruit, 5:30pm - skinless chicken breast and green salad for supper and then I dont eat again until the next morning... That is what I would eat on a typical day and I drink 3ltrs of water or more a day from the time I wake up until I go to bed at night.... I cut out all fizzy drinks even juice - would have a green tea or rooibos tea instead, cut out bread - would have provitas instead, or cracker bread or yogurt........ Hardly ate red meat - would eat skinless chicken breast or fish instead and no yummy things, like chips, chocolate etc... bought almonds, raisons, and I make popcorn with my fat free popcorn maker if I feel for a treat.... Oh and I'm on 30mg... Changing to 15mg as of tomorrow, because after a month I still cant sleep at night without taking a sleeping tablet...

Just eat healthy..... and good luck to you...
Thank u for sharing with me. Appreciate it. I can't slp the whole night yesterday. Was my first day. Hopefully gets better. Is 15mg a stronger or lighter dosage? Taking 15mg will help us slp better? So far do u have any side effect beside not slping well?
thats my goal, an average of 2 kilos a week, 24 kilo in 12 weeks, congrats good work! Duramine has changed food for me too :)
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You welcome, 15mg is a lighter dosage.... Hopefully I will be able to sleep on my own with the 15mg, Other than my sleeping issue, I feel I'm strong enough to make the right eating choices now, maybe I'm wrong but thats how positive I feel right now. I know of people using the 15mg dosage and they are getting amazing results with their weight loss.... I dont really have any other side effects apart from not being able to sleep.... Only my first week I experienced very dry mouth and light headed and sometimes that my heart was beating to fast... but after my 1st week I felt pretty normal.... Hold on Yen, give your body some time to get use to the pills. See how you feel after that... for many people they feel fine after the 3rd or 4th day....
thank you :) look forward to your next update
Well done to all you girls. Amazing thing just happened. I bought chocolates to take home to my nieces. I looked at it and thought maybe I should take one. I had no desire for it. I feel full and definitely don't feel for it . Im proud because I can eat 2 bars or more normally.
Thanks Steffi and well done to you for not having that chocolate.... Its simple things like that, that makes you lose weight.... Just stay focused on reaching your goal.... Its all in the mind...
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i never expected my eating habits to change so much, im eating very well and i feel like this is definitely WORKING!!!! waaaahoooo. sorry! lol
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Thanks again joanne87 :)
Hi all.
5th monthly weigh in was wednesday of last week, 58kg.
A 0.6kg loss.
Weird isnt it?
Im on my 2nd month of 40mg now. And im going great with them, i dont know why i was worried. Honestly, i feel no difference between the 30mg and the 40mg; still doing everything the same, still having my apple a day and 4 litres of water.
So i decided to make the most of this as i dont want to go on these tablets again, so i want to lose as much as i can while on them, and im hoping i can do the 40mg for 3 months and then thats it for me, i'll be weening off after that.
So im 4 days into my 2nd month of 40mg daily and i feel just fine.
Hi lovecat,

I really don't want to put a dampener on your thread and your success but please tell me you are eating more than just an apple a day?
Lol ^^^^ of course i am. Tho i do get why you asked, i have also read some weird dietary advice on here.
My dr told me from the beginning to have an apple a day because duromine depletes certain minerals from the body and an apple a day helps restore them.
I do have breakfast and dinner too.
I dont eat much, and im actually eating more now that i have for years because for years i only ate dinner.
I guess we are all different, but personally, i dont eat alot and my diet is good, has been for years.
My inability to lose weight is abit of a mystery, been tested for everything imagineable and all is clear. Duromine was a last resort suggested by my dr and only after over a year and a half of testing and trying to lose it naturally.
I may be menopausal, but we dont know for sure.
So im doing this now and then hoping for the best once im off it. Because my diet and excercise is fine, theres nothing else i can safely do.
My plan is to change my workout once off duromine, to try and 'shock' my body, as people say, but the truth is, i did that anyway before duromine and it made no difference.
So who knows what will happen afterwards.
I do know that this is something i will never do again because, to me, its been a huge expense i can barely afford and i rather enjoyed being totally drug-free before this.
Ive only stuck with it because my body has responded well to it, no horror side effects, and also because its working as it should.
My goal was 55kg but i doubt i'll get there, especially if my dr wants me to ween off after this current month of 40mg.
But im happy to have had this opportunity.
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Hi everyone.
My monthly weigh-in was yesterday, 57.1kg.
Thats a 0.9kg loss, and im happy with that. I have another full month of 40mg ahead of me, and then i will be weaned off.
As far as side effects go, after 6 months, everything is fine.
I did buy a set of scales, but i wont use them til this is all over. I like not knowing til i go in for my weigh in.
Im really happy with my progress overall.
Hope everyone is going well.
Hi again :)
My weigh-in yesterday was good again, a 1kg loss, bringing me down to 56.1kg.
A total of 6.4kg loss over the 7 months ive been on it. That may not seem like much, but to me its massive.
Im ready to stop now.
So my dr offered me another script for 40mg to start taking every 2nd day to begin the weaning off process but ive decided to skip that and go straight back down to 30mg. So i have to take 30mg daily for 2 weeks, and then the rest of them every second day, stretching the whole weaning off process to 6 weeks. Then i go back to my dr for a final weigh-in. Who knows if i'll lose any more weight? From what ive read, some do, some dont. Ive also been advised that the change in my workout routine that i want to do should be done when i start taking the duromine every 2nd day.

I know theres a chance the weight will just return, but there isnt much i can do about that besides starving myself. Im really happy with my weight loss.
I will do one final update after my next weigh-in.
Thanks for reading :)
Believe it or not, my first goal was to just make it through the first 4 weeks without breaking my diet. Four weeks of no sugar, next to no fats (except the good ones), no take aways, absolutely nothing bad. I haven't weighed myself at all, but my clothes are looser so I think thats a good sign. I have a review with my GP tomorrow to see how I'm going, get my next script, and get weighed. I just hope I have lost something and its not my imagination playing tricks on me LOL. Will let you know tomorrow :)
YAY - did my measurements this morning and I've lost 19.5 cms around various parts of my body in the last 4 weeks ... but the bonus? Weighed myself this morning at the Drs ... I've lost 8.5 kgs!! Even my GP was jumping for joy LOL

So I have my script for the next two months - so fingers crossed I keep all this up over Christmas and be at my next mini-goal, which is hitting 115kg :)
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Did my weight and measurements today. I've been on Duromine for four weeks now and I told myself I wasn't going to weigh or measure till I saw my GP for a review of how I was going on it. Anyway, saw her today and I've lost 8.5 kgs in four weeks, and lost 19.5cms in total around my body. So chuffed!! :)

Have my script in hand for the next two months, so hopefully I can keep having this success :)

Wow! That's a massive change! Well done!!!

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