Duromine Month 1

Well done Maryanne that's fantastic. Keep up the great work!
hope i have such great results...Congratulations!!!!. I only Have a 1 month script so i feel i really have to make the most of it. My first weigh in will be monday. I have a weekend away in melbourne tomorrow and im quite nervous about it..the temptation of restaurant meals and alcohol. BUT...Im determined not to sabotage all the good eating of my first week. Will let you know monday. CHEERS
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Good luck Cassie you can do it. Remember this is a lifestyle change not just about weight loss. Make good choices and smaller portions. Overindulging is how some of us got in this mess
Enjoy you weekend and remember D isn't cheap so don't waste it!!! Lol
No more fat bum said:
Good luck Cassie you can do it. Remember this is a lifestyle change not just about weight loss. Make good choices and smaller portions. Overindulging is how some of us got in this mess
Enjoy you weekend and remember D isn't cheap so don't waste it!!! Lol
LOL!! Have a great Healthy Weekend. CHEERS
Hi All,

Needing some advise and can't talk to anyone I know about this and it's really eating me up inside!!!

I've been on Duromine for 4 weeks now with a total loss of 10.6kilos so far a massive high for me when I see the results BUT my husband has just burst my bubble big time with his insecurities!!!

My best friend of 21 years (female) has been on a health kick for the last 2 years and lost 30kilos and looks fantastic!! Her and her husband had marraige problems for long time due to his alcohol abuse and have now divorced and she has just recently found another bloke! My husband has never been her biggest fan but has never said that he actually hates her until now! And she has given me a few tips on the exercise routine she used to shed her weight.

So anyway after a huge argument with my husband about his opinion on her divorce and what not he has told me that he hates her and doesn't want me to be friends with her because he thinks that when I lose all my weight again I'm going to do what she done and leave my husband!! Wtf?!? I am shattered... It's not like she is just some random I have met like last year or something... 21 years is a long time and she was here long before I met him and will be around long after he's gone too!!! But now my motivation to lose weight and get healthy has just been wrecked!! I refuse to chose between the two and shouldn't be made too!!
I think I understand his worries. If he met you with this weight and he had never seen you skinnier, then he is just afraid of changes. My best argument would be: Look, if I loose some weight that means I will be healthier. Don't you want me healthier? As for choosing between your friend and him, such subject must never arise between the partners. It's like him choosing between you and his mom, IMHO o_O Ridiculous yes.
Can't advise you much, but spend more time with your hubby, let him feel you need him, you respect his opinions, etc. You and your friend - are two completely different people and your husband is #1 for you;) I am sure he'll understand. Good luck.
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It is very common for this to happen. You will find some partners trying to sabotage you with 'let's get some hot chips, icecream
' etc etc because they are scared of losing you, it is just they love you and don't want you to think you have found someone else in life with the new found you. You need to somehow show him you love him and won't be going away. How you do that is up to you, no one can advise you on that as it is a personal thing.
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It's very hard - and sometimes people's insecurities hurt other people.
It's not an uncommon thing for a husband to get like this when his parter has a friend who has recently divorced or separated from their partner, it's happened with a few of my friends.
This behaviour ultimately leads to a disjointed relationship, and while you are just trying to better yourself and lead a healthy and happy life, he is inadvertently sabotaging your relationship.
I can't really offer any advice but you should be so proud of the improvements you are making, and as long as you stay true to you, your husband will settle and realise you're not going to up and leave with your banging new bod!
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Remember this, it's his insecurities not yours! He's now out of his comfort zone because you made him comfortable having weight on. As time passes he'll see how stupid he was thinking you'd follow suit to your friend. Either way re-fill that bubble 10 kgs is awesome!!! Be proud of yourself!
5 years ago I weighed in at a toned 72 kilos after losing 25kg A job in a call centre & lack of movement , had me back up about 94 kilos in September 2013. I made a conscious effort to shift some & over a few months dropped to about 88. This was just calorie control mostly. I had a fall in the shower that had caused bursitis in my hip which made me less inclined to get active.
By April 2014 I realised I had to keep losing & take pressure off that hip as well as my OA knees.
I started out walking 15 mins a day. I hate exercise & getting hot & sweaty! I knew I just had to get into a routine. Success followed. Walking further, longer & faster I also noticed my hip pain was much less. Now if someone can fix my knees i'd be grateful!
My original goal was to get back to 72kg, which I almost reached in March this year, getting to 74kg.
I guess because I've only been walking I didn't look as slim as I thought I had before- or maybe now is it just because I'm a grandma & in my 50's? :oops: I
I decided to try lose that last 2kg but I was firmly stuck in a plateau. Increased workouts & changes to diet made no difference.

I was due a GP visit in July & I asked if I was able to get Duromine to try break the plateau. He agreed & I took a script for a months supply of 30mg.
Disaster! The week I started, I had an accident at the park on the play equipment ! ( no laughing!) Who says I'm old??!! Twisted my knee so badly I was on crutches for 3 days & it's basically taken all July & some of August for it to be 'normal' so I could get back to walking.
My first month on Duromine I had the dry mouth thing...not helpful when you are on the phone in a call centre ! Sleep went out the window for a while & dizziness ..could be my vertigo though. Hard to tell. But I did lose! Yes! I went down to 68.5! I took a few days break ( well- I couldn't get an apt with the GP !) then went back for another pack.
I started that pack on Sunday- today's Wednesday- & this morning I'd gone to 66.7. :laughing:I'm thinking of seeing how far this pack takes me then maybe stop there. I don't want to look too saggy with all that extra skin now :( probably 60kg is about as far as I'll go.

If you can deal with those pesky side effects, this can be a good tool as part of a plan ,including exercise, to shift the flab & regain the Fab!

Good luck everyone!
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Lana's grandma said:
5 years ago I weighed in at a toned 72 kilos after losing 25kg A job in a call centre & lack of movement , had me back up about 94 kilos in September 2013. I made a conscious effort to shift some & over a few months dropped to about 88. This was just calorie control mostly. I had a fall in the shower that had caused bursitis in my hip which made me less inclined to get active.
By April 2014 I realised I had to keep losing & take pressure off that hip as well as my OA knees.
I started out walking 15 mins a day. I hate exercise & getting hot & sweaty! I knew I just had to get into a routine. Success followed. Walking further, longer & faster I also noticed my hip pain was much less. Now if someone can fix my knees i'd be grateful!
My original goal was to get back to 72kg, which I almost reached in March this year, getting to 74kg.
I guess because I've only been walking I didn't look as slim as I thought I had before- or maybe now is it just because I'm a grandma & in my 50's? :oops: I
I decided to try lose that last 2kg but I was firmly stuck in a plateau. Increased workouts & changes to diet made no difference.

I was due a GP visit in July & I asked if I was able to get Duromine to try break the plateau. He agreed & I took a script for a months supply of 30mg.
Disaster! The week I started, I had an accident at the park on the play equipment ! ( no laughing!) Who says I'm old??!! Twisted my knee so badly I was on crutches for 3 days & it's basically taken all July & some of August for it to be 'normal' so I could get back to walking.
My first month on Duromine I had the dry mouth thing...not helpful when you are on the phone in a call centre ! Sleep went out the window for a while & dizziness ..could be my vertigo though. Hard to tell. But I did lose! Yes! I went down to 68.5! I took a few days break ( well- I couldn't get an apt with the GP !) then went back for another pack.
I started that pack on Sunday- today's Wednesday- & this morning I'd gone to 66.7. :laughing:I'm thinking of seeing how far this pack takes me then maybe stop there. I don't want to look too saggy with all that extra skin now :( probably 60kg is about as far as I'll go.

If you can deal with those pesky side effects, this can be a good tool as part of a plan ,including exercise, to shift the flab & regain the Fab!

Good luck everyone!

Hey hey grandma! I'm a 26 year old lady who just had hip surgery :p I currently see a physio every week to treat my knee. And yep, 30mg for me due to lack of exercise for my dodgy hip and knee joints!

We sound very alike. I also work in a call centre. Dry mouth, tell me about it!

I need to get to 60kg too. How long did it take to lose all your duromine weight?

Still working on it. I'm on my second box - so about 6 weeks. In that time I think I've lost about 9 kilos. Down to 64.5 today. Looking rather wrinkly though lol
Keep at it !
Oh & ... Just when sugar free sweets were keeping my mouth moist, I broke s tooth !had repair done on Friday but it's still cracked & needs capped to hold it together. Sweeties may not be good for it just now!
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Lana's grandma said:
Still working on it. I'm on my second box - so about 6 weeks. In that time I think I've lost about 9 kilos. Down to 64.5 today. Looking rather wrinkly though lol
Keep at it !
Oh & ... Just when sugar free sweets were keeping my mouth moist, I broke s tooth !had repair done on Friday but it's still cracked & needs capped to hold it together. Sweeties may not be good for it just now!

Oh goodness. I have been using chewing gum. My mouth tastes horrible.

Well done so far! Keep us updated.

FB xx
Hello! I'm on day 23, and so far I've lost a little over 5kgs! Which I'm actually so happy with although the scales say that's all I've lost I've actually noticed a lot of clothes are to big and I've gone down 2 dress sizes! :)

Did anyone find they only lost a small amount in the first month? I'm assuming it might be because I'm exercising as well and it would be building muscle.. Which is fine like I said I'm happy. Any weight loss is good weight loss. :)

My tablets are almost up as my doctor only gave me one round, I'm hoping he lets me have them again just to reach that 10kg mark!
H990 said:
Hello! I'm on day 23, and so far I've lost a little over 5kgs! Which I'm actually so happy with although the scales say that's all I've lost I've actually noticed a lot of clothes are to big and I've gone down 2 dress sizes! :)

Did anyone find they only lost a small amount in the first month? I'm assuming it might be because I'm exercising as well and it would be building muscle.. Which is fine like I said I'm happy. Any weight loss is good weight loss. :)

My tablets are almost up as my doctor only gave me one round, I'm hoping he lets me have them again just to reach that 10kg mark!
That must be such an amazing feeling:):) I so wish I can get going as well. I am 1.65m and weigh 125kg:oops: but no doc would give me Duromine. Say it is all about diet and exercise but I have tried it. I just need something to give me a kick start and a little bit of motivation. Keep at it sweety, you have done well
Janine C said:
That must be such an amazing feeling:):) I so wish I can get going as well. I am 1.65m and weigh 125kg:oops: but no doc would give me Duromine. Say it is all about diet and exercise but I have tried it. I just need something to give me a kick start and a little bit of motivation. Keep at it sweety, you have done well
All my sympathy Janine, have been down that road. Do not give up though!
Congrats H990, I know the feeling. 2 dress sizes are wonderful!
Janine C said:
That must be such an amazing feeling:):) I so wish I can get going as well. I am 1.65m and weigh 125kg:oops: but no doc would give me Duromine. Say it is all about diet and exercise but I have tried it. I just need something to give me a kick start and a little bit of motivation. Keep at it sweety, you have done well

That really sux!!!! I hope you don't mind me asking, but was there any other reason they wouldn't give it to you (eg you already had high blood pressure or you are taking other medications that Duromine doesn't agree with) or was it just because they don't believe in it?

Whilst I Definitely don't agree with people getting it online when their Dr's have said its unsafe for the patient's particular circumstances, I think it's terrible when they won't prescribe it to someone who meets the criteria just because they don't agree with it! Especially since some Dr's out there hand out Antibiotics and Antidepressant at a drop of the hat :mad:

I know I'm probably stating the obvious, but have you gone to a different clinic and seen a different Dr?

Im soooo way late for this post but still wanted to comment....

Firstly. Time doesnt matter. Your partner should always come first. Unless you have kiddies

I get what he may mean. Theres something comfortable about knowing the person you love is average. You love average. Average is stable. But when your 6 goes to a 9 i can see how it might worry him a little. And of course worry your friends going to be in your ear.

In saying that. If he loves you he shouldnt make you choose like that. Its not fair.
I could even go as far as saying its mental abuse.

While what hes asking you to do it wrong. Maybe take it upon yourself to show him hes still your #1. And maybe soend less time with the friend. If you see her a few times a week cut it down to 1 and spend your extra time with him.
I know its not the answer you were probs looking for but its scary to think your partner might wake up one day and decide you arent good enough anymore.. (not saying you will but he obviously is worried about this)

I know weight loss can become a full time job but by the sounds of it he just wants reassurance you love him and a little more attention.

In saying that.. its been a while now. What ended up happening?
I'm going through something very similar.. My partner and I have been together two years (mind you we have loved each other for a few years before we made the big step to commit) we have two beautiful babies, and I put on a lot of weight after having them.. I have no lost almost all the weight I put on and my partners now seeing the girl he used to work with (happy confident energetic) I'm not insecure, fat and unhappy anymore . i have noticed he's having a hard time trying to come to terms with the fact I have changed in the last few months. He started pushing me away and getting very jealous when he sees another man trying to check me out. Its like for Christ sakes, I'm in love with you! I'm not going to pack up and leave!! Gosh.. It hurts but I hope he will be able to come to terms with the massive change

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