Hello Sammie! Welcome to the forum and congratulations with your own thread. I hope you will solve the issue of retained water and continue your journey. I already answered you in the shoutbox, and I will repeat it again here just to make sure you don’t miss this. If your water retention problem doesn’t pass tomorrow, you should address to the doctor. Besides, you feel discouraged that you gained weight. Of course, you did – water!
Let’s hope, everything will be fine and you will continue your journey. I just wrote a post to the user, who has the same plateau problem. If your weight stopped at some point and doesn’t move at all for a long time, means you need to change something for a short period of time, like for a day or two. I mean to increase or lower your food intake. If you usually consume 1200 cal a day, add 10-20% in a day, and continue for three days at 1200 cal, then lower the caloric value by 10-20%, and then continue with your usual 1200 cal. This should work. 70 minutes of HIIT workouts might be too much for such a scarce nutritional value of your menu. You might be losing a lot more, if you start eating 1500 calories on days, when you exercise 40-70 minutes, and 1200 calories on days when you don’t exercise more than 30 minutes. Or exercise every other day.
Sleep, of course, is an important factor. Your body already seems to be exhausted and now the lack of sleep… Hopefully this side effect of Duromine subsides in a couple of days and you will be able to have some decent rest. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! You deserve to achieve the success, since you already know you are a strong woman. You managed to defeat your bad habit, and I am sure you will manage to defeat excess weight. Best of luck!