Duromine Month 1

Starlet85 said:
Thank you both for your response! I’ve up my calories as well as doing intermittent fasting 16/8 and that seems to be working well, I aim for 1000-1200 cals per day

Yay! Good to know. Ull do just fine with that. Im doing the same 18:6 but i only eat 2 times per day at 1130am and 4pm so i stop eating by 5pm. Doctor doesnt allow me to snack at all bcse she doesnt want me to spike my insulin so frequently bcse my metabolism is super slow now from the wrong diet ive done for 6 months :(

All the best to you :)
Hi all,

As I’m starting week 4 I wanted to have a thread to keep a journal of my progress.

I haven’t really told much of my background so far, so sorry for the length! Please feel free to skip ahead, but here it is:

I’m a 1.78 cm 27 year old female. I work full time and great partner and no kids (yet). I have been on duromine for just over 3 weeks. I hit a bump at week 3 and my weight climbed back up, but it’s just fallen back down to 89.9 (you were right thanks @rava❤️).

SW: 96.5kg
CW: 89.9kg
Mini goal: 84kg
GW: 74kg

Like many ladies here I’ve had a long term battle with unhealthy body image issues and unhealthy relationships with food. I also come from a family of very tall large (but fit) men and I always felt I should be able to eat whatever they ate. I mean I exercised just as much as they did so why not!? I am quite tall (1.78cm) so my inner feminist (hear me roar) wouldn’t have none of this smaller servings BS! Unfortunately my biology disagreed and served me with a slower metabolism

So I’ve been on the vicious up and down cycle since I was a preteen of all or nothing fitness and ‘health’ and weight loss obsession, then exhaustion, over eating, self shame, eventually self acceptance, and weight gain...

I’ve also had quite a lot of joint pain and inflammation and chronic fatigue issues that I have to be careful to balance my exercise whenever on a health kick. Over doing one type of exercise = painnn in whatever joint is most affected.
So even though I’ve always been sporty and competitive I am coming to accept that I will have to be more of an all rounder than an athlete. Which tbh is actually really fun - I now do a hilarious mix of dance (Shine dance fitness on YouTube), kicking the football with my family, yoga, indoor rock climbing, jogging, walking, swimming, riding, and body weight strength exercises - not all at the one time but spread out throughout the week and year to avoid hurting myself, and so I can still walk at the end of the week. I also manage symptoms by being careful with my alcohol, meat and sugar consumption to keep the joints somewhat sprightly.

Final piece of the puzzle:
Not long after starting my first ‘real’ job my beautiful Mum passed away suddenly. Dealing with my grief is my probably my biggest daily struggle even almost 2 years on. I miss her so much, and really just want to have a whole year away from everything to grieve, remember her and hangout in nature to heal a bit. Most days at work I seriously want to give up and quit - even though they’ve been so supportive.

By chance my weight has also gone through some of its biggest fluctuations since Mum passed. From rapidly losing 11kg down to 76kg, to gaining it all back, and then slowly gaining more on top, up to almost 100kg. I managed to drop the first few kilos on my own and keep them off but after that I couldn’t get the numbers to budge, even using all my old techniques.

Duromine for me started as a way to lose weight with a bit of extra help, and get back down to a healthy weight range. Since joining the forum however it has become a lot more than that. I am trying really hard to make real permanent change to put a stop to the cycle and be much nicer to myself. This means facing and accepting the problems made by my flawed thinking patterns (honesty sucks haha ). And working out techniques to develop new habits and do things differently.

Finally, this feels like a genuinely safe space to share my feelings about my Mum and my grief process. Thank you all so much for that. ❤️ *hugs*
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Hi Louise Kaye, am so sad for you with the loss of your dear Mum but are sure she is watching you and cheering you on from above and would be so proud of what you have achieved so far, you are doing fantastically well so keep it up and just focus on your end goal whenever the going gets tough!!! ♡ jo
Jo666 said:
Hi Louise Kaye, am so sad for you with the loss of your dear Mum but are sure she is watching you and cheering you on from above and would be so proud of what you have achieved so far, you are doing fantastically well so keep it up and just focus on your end goal whenever the going gets tough!!! ♡ jo

Thanks @Jo666 ! Firstly for even reading all of that! Mammoth effort! and secondly for your kind words. She would be cheering on no doubt, and worrying about me as Mum’s do. She’d probably also cry reading this (happy sad tears) and want to hug you and the all the lovely people in this forum for looking out for each other. ❤️
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Time on duromine: 3 weeks and 2 days

Breakfast: 2x coffee with organic cream
Lunch: homemade felafels with hommus and salad
Dinner: Lightly fried veggies (cabbage, broccoli, bean sprouts, spinach, celery) with tuna and goats cheese
Snacks: apple and mini protein bar (low carb)

Exercise: 5.6kms + stairs
To train station - total around 1.5kms
At lunch - probably 0.5km ish
Stairs: 4 flights
Run/walk: 2.4kms (1/2 run)
Run: 1.2kms

Completed a good amount of high-ish intensity exercise so far this week, with a run/walk today, dance session yesterday, football Tuesday, and rest day / gentle walking Monday.

Mood was actually really good today, and energy levels were ok.

Achievement of the day: being nice to myself all day - it was odd but also wonderful to not have all the self criticism! This is really a big non-scale victory (NSV) for me. Will keep monitoring it to see if I can make it a mostly permanent change.

Other notes:
Used my doctors plate planning technique for my meals pretty well today (smaller plate, 50% veggies or salad, 25-30% protein) and felt full and satisfied.

Stayed away from food rewards for exercising and it seemed to be effective - had chamomile tea instead and a nice hot shower.

Sleep was ok, but not the best - felt like a very light sleep night.

Pleased with my extra running effort! Hopefully I can build on this distance again soon :)
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@Louise Kaye

If I could give you a huge hug I would! The honesty in how you write strikes such a cord with me and I really thank you for sharing so much of yourself.

It makes a huge difference to those who might not be able to say the words or have the courage to write them down as yet, but just know you are inspiring others and that you are not alone in your struggles.

I am so, so sorry about your Mum *hugs* and I understand how crippling grief can be. It is hugely understandable that your weight fluctuated at this time, as food can be one of those things that we find comfort in.

I also felt the need to say to you, (even though you know this already) is that grief is dealt with differently by everyone. There is no right or wrong way to get through it.

It's ok to cry, it's ok to have a bad day and it's ok not to want to talk to anyone about it - supportive or not. If you feel the need to shout and yell - then just do it. If you find yourself needing space - take it. You don't need to be strong for others, nor do you need to beat yourself up as being weak by your emotional self.

You do what you need, and you grieve how you must, and you get through each and every day - some better than others.

As @Jo666 has already said "your Mum is so proud of you."

*huge hugs*
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Day 17 - Friday (I may have gotten a week ahead of myself in previous posts somehow)

Started 9.8.2018

Weigh in: 89.7kg
SW: 96.5kg
Weight lost: 6.8kg

Breakfast: usual coffee with cream
Lunch: 2 carrots cut up with hommus, a handful of leftover stir fry veggies, and a mini low carb protein bar
Snack: mini protein bar
Dinner: salmon salad (small) and a frozen banana protein shake
Desert: mini protein bar (437kg)

Exercise: 2.1km + stairs + climbing ‍♀️
Walking: 2.1km
Stairs: 4x flights
Rock climbing: 1 hour
Stretching: 10-15 mins

Mood and symptoms: A bit jittery and anxious today, not sure if it was related to duromine or not.

Upside: I had great fun at rock climbing and I’m now too tired to think :)

Side note: Somehow got my dates mixed up and thought I started duromine on Oct 2 instead of Oct 9 - very embarrassing but means I’m progressing faster than I thought! Bonus points for being a ditz?
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Louise Kaye said:
Day 17 - Friday (I may have gotten a week ahead of myself in previous posts somehow)

Started 9.8.2018

Weigh in: 89.7kg
SW: 96.5kg
Weight lost: 6.8kg

Breakfast: usual coffee with cream
Lunch: 2 carrots cut up with hommus, a handful of leftover stir fry veggies, and a mini low carb protein bar
Snack: mini protein bar
Dinner: salmon salad (small) and a frozen banana protein shake
Desert: mini protein bar (437kg)

Exercise: 2.1km + stairs + climbing ‍♀️
Walking: 2.1km
Stairs: 4x flights
Rock climbing: 1 hour
Stretching: 10-15 mins

Mood and symptoms: A bit jittery and anxious today, not sure if it was related to duromine or not.

Upside: I had great fun at rock climbing and I’m now too tired to think :)

Side note: Somehow got my dates mixed up and thought I started duromine on Oct 2 instead of Oct 9 - very embarrassing but means I’m progressing faster than I thought! Bonus points for being a ditz?
Always bonus points for being "human"!!!!
You did so well with diet and exercise, I was never this disciplined when taking duromine so well done and keep it up ☆♡
@Louise Kaye - your smashing it!

Can I ask what type of protein bars you are eating?

I am always looking for some new bars, especially ones that taste good!
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Link Removed Thanks @Rava and I know what you mean!
We got these recently on a road trip and I thought they were quite good - especially because they are small and all soft on the inside (often the texture of protein bars is way too chewy or hard for my liking). This is the cookies and cream flavour which is alright (the box was on special), but I thought the the chocolate and the English toffee flavours were actually really nice :)


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Day 18 - Saturday

Breakfast: coffee and cream
Lunch: Mushroom, kale and eggs dish
Dinner: steamed veg and fish
Dessert/snack: mini protein bar

Exercise: Rest day!

Mood: ok :) it was a beautiful sunny day but I missed having a walk (ran out of time).

Energy: medium
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Louise Kaye said:
Link Removed Thanks @Rava and I know what you mean!
We got these recently on a road trip and I thought they were quite good - especially because they are small and all soft on the inside (often the texture of protein bars is way too chewy or hard for my liking). This is the cookies and cream flavour which is alright (the box was on special), but I thought the the chocolate and the English toffee flavours were actually really nice :)

Thanks so much for this!

I leave to go on a road trip Thursday morning as my sisters family and mine head on up North for my Dad's surprise 70th - so will give these a go as a snack to take :)
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@Louise Kaye - I forgot to ask - how are you going with the 2x 15mg instead of the one?
Rava said:
@Louise Kaye - I forgot to ask - how are you going with the 2x 15mg instead of the one?

Good thanks @Rava! I’ve taken two every now and then and so far the symptoms aren’t too bad. A bit more jittery but otherwise fine.

But I haven’t been able to keep it up - I need to get more asap because I’m an idiot and lost some of my first batch of tablets. I just hope the doc let’s me have more or I’ll be out extremely fast!
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Not my best couple of days but not too bad:

Frustratingly I haven’t achieved everything I wanted to in terms of exercise the last few days.

I had a scheduled rest day and found it hard to bounce back after it - and have been feeling tired and flat ever since. However I think it’s mostly hormones so I’m pleased with the efforts I have made. No diet blow out so far so there’s that! :)
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Having some trouble sleeping so thought I’d post my mini goals to keep myself motivated:

-mini goal 1: 90kg - achieved!
-mini goal 2: 87kg
-mini goal 3: 85kg

-final goal: 75kg

Will reassess once I get a little further along!

Exercise goal: 60 sit-ups
An extra half lap of running
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Louise Kaye said:
Having some trouble sleeping so thought I’d post my mini goals to keep myself motivated:

-mini goal 1: 90kg - achieved!
-mini goal 2: 87kg
-mini goal 3: 85kg

-final goal: 75kg

Will reassess once I get a little further along!

Exercise goal: 60 sit-ups
An extra half lap of running
Hey, don't beat yourself up about the exercise thing, especially concerning hormones!! Every month I get very slack for about 5 days and also eat everything I shouldn't but have learnt to change my mind set and realise it's ok to have blow outs and just to get back into it when hormones habe settled down, no biggie, we're only human after all and as Rava already mentioned, it's about sustainability and our hormone cycle isn't going away so we just need to go with what our body is telling us and be content with it all!!!
Hope you are doing well anyway♡
Jo666 said:
Hey, don't beat yourself up about the exercise thing, especially concerning hormones!! Every month I get very slack for about 5 days and also eat everything I shouldn't but have learnt to change my mind set and realise it's ok to have blow outs and just to get back into it when hormones habe settled down, no biggie, we're only human after all and as Rava already mentioned, it's about sustainability and our hormone cycle isn't going away so we just need to go with what our body is telling us and be content with it all!!!
Hope you are doing well anyway♡

Thanks @Jo666 ! I’m relieved it’s not just me who struggles once a month and just has to take it easy! I promise I’ll celebrate all of the little victories and not push too hard then. I honestly just want to be wrapped up in blankets and love and be a sook for a few days lol. Even exercising socially when my pride would normally make me push through, I truly have no will to push through at all. As soon as my body has had enough of the exercise that’s it.

Unfortunately I seem to get a bit smashed around during my ovulation as well. I regularly get ovarian cysts which are painful and exhausting. So that gives me a few good weeks a month to get myself healthy and fit - better make the most of it!

I did manage to do some indoor exercises late last night (probably didn’t help with my crazy insomnia but oh well).
I did a quick round of sit-ups and squats and lunges and pushups while watching Netflix :) Very proud of myself just for trying!

Thanks again @Jo666!
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@Louise Kaye - I think we are in sync at the moment :) and thank you for writing on my blog - gave me a heap of encouragement AND made me feel much better!

You should be proud of yourself - at least you did something - and it is most definitely IMO the way forward to success.

I used to have ovarian cysts (had a hysterectomy in my early 40's so no longer a bother) and I really sympathise. Its a bloody awful thing to have!

Consider yourself wrapped in those blankets hun!
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Rava said:
@Louise Kaye - I think we are in sync at the moment :) and thank you for writing on my blog - gave me a heap of encouragement AND made me feel much better!

You should be proud of yourself - at least you did something - and it is most definitely IMO the way forward to success.

I used to have ovarian cysts (had a hysterectomy in my early 40's so no longer a bother) and I really sympathise. Its a bloody awful thing to have!

Consider yourself wrapped in those blankets hun!

Aww thanks @Rava! And that’s kinda sweet that we’re in sync haha.
No worries about the blog reply, I really do know that feeling! When all your plans seem back you into a bit of a corner and you feel so mad at yourself. It’s just so good to know we have each others backs; and we have the forum here to remind us it’s all ok, to keep going! As you said, it’s not all or nothing. We are fighting and heading in the right direction even when there are bumps in the road <3

And yeah ovarian cysts are a total pain!! I’m so glad you don’t have to deal with them anymore :)
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