Duromine Month 1

marrissaevans said:
Hi Guys

I just started Duromine on April 13th and have lost 10kgs so far. I've been eating really healthy however I still allow myself on occasions to eat things that may be considered "bad". I just didn't want to completely drastically change things as I find myself failing when I limit myself to things. I tell myself to eat them in moderation, so never too much and maybe once every 12 days.

My starting weight is 135kg and for someone who is 157cm, this weight needs to shed so I can be healthy. My legs hurt a lot. I used to be 60kgs and to gain more than half in the last 7 years has been pretty hard

Is anyone over 100 who has/is using duromine currently? I really dont want to do gastric bypass or any surgery as I really want to try and do this with a bit of help and mostly eating/excercising
I’m on my last 15mg pill now and tomorrow I start the 30mg
I lost weight naturally but gained it back after falling off the wagon (had urgent surgery and fell into depression) I asked my doctor and he prescribed me a week of 15mg and three months of 30mg
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Hi sweetie! I’m glad you said you’re eating “bad” foods in moderation, too often I hear people drastically change their diet all at once and I fear they will rebound like you said. Very practical! I’m over 100kg so I’m here with you, on 15-30mg :) I’m 170cm tall though- 157cm you sound so cute :laughing: (no offence intended of course)!

I think it’s definitely a good idea for you to give Duromine and good old calorie restriction + exercise a try before something as drastic as surgery (I can list so many reasons that can be horrible, like you may lose weight or you may not but you’ll always only be able to eat a cup full of food or drink at a time for the rest of your life and if you don’t you’ll end up with complications requiring more surgery).

Just remember, people who weigh more than you have lost more weight than you need to without surgery- so you can do it too!
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Hi Marissa! Welcome to the forum! You already have a group of cheerleaders and companions-in-arms, so I am sure you will enjoy this journey! Just like Stargazer, love your attitude towards your nutrition. You know yourself and you are doing everything to stick to the plan! Wish you all the best and looking forward to witnessing your further progress. Congrats on losing 10 kg! That’s a lot of weight and definitely a great motivation to continue!
Stargazer said:
Hi sweetie! I’m glad you said you’re eating “bad” foods in moderation, too often I hear people drastically change their diet all at once and I fear they will rebound like you said. Very practical! I’m over 100kg so I’m here with you, on 15-30mg :) I’m 170cm tall though- 157cm you sound so cute :laughing: (no offence intended of course)!

I think it’s definitely a good idea for you to give Duromine and good old calorie restriction + exercise a try before something as drastic as surgery (I can list so many reasons that can be horrible, like you may lose weight or you may not but you’ll always only be able to eat a cup full of food or drink at a time for the rest of your life and if you don’t you’ll end up with complications requiring more surgery).

Just remember, people who weigh more than you have lost more weight than you need to without surgery- so you can do it too!

Thanks for your kind words, Stargazer! I've just tried to eat healthier but i try not to limit myself. Like when my friend ordered roast chicken for me, I just took the skin off and ate it but didn't eat a huge piece. I just didnt want to only eat salad, its too drastic.

I have a very weird relationship with food where I eat when im sad, or when im anxious.. and i always eat till I feel like I want to throw up. This is why Im trying to set a realistic expectation because I dont want to drastically change only to fall off completely. Im trying really hard to have a better relationship with food and to understand things in moderation.

The doctor did suggest surgery, she said that at my weight now I qualify and she did say I should consider it. But I dont feel that it would solve my problem with food at all, and im just going to keep doing it (eating too much/eating based on feelings) if I dont train myself to eat better and in moderation.

Im not sure how Duromine works though, does it actually help your metabolism or does it only curb your appetite? I never ever ever excercise but I signed up to a boxing day for 3 days a week, I fee that it would be a good intruduction for me seeing as I never used to do any excercise.

I just want to be able to stand for long periods of time without being in pain, my legs are really suffering carrying all that weight.
April said:
Hi Marissa! Welcome to the forum! You already have a group of cheerleaders and companions-in-arms, so I am sure you will enjoy this journey! Just like Stargazer, love your attitude towards your nutrition. You know yourself and you are doing everything to stick to the plan! Wish you all the best and looking forward to witnessing your further progress. Congrats on losing 10 kg! That’s a lot of weight and definitely a great motivation to continue!
Thanks so much April :)
Lottie86 said:
I’m on my last 15mg pill now and tomorrow I start the 30mg
I lost weight naturally but gained it back after falling off the wagon (had urgent surgery and fell into depression) I asked my doctor and he prescribed me a week of 15mg and three months of 30mg

Hi Lottie86! Hope everything goes well for your weight lost journey. I was never on the 15mg, my doctor just straight away prescribed 40mg, it could be due to my size though.
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marrissaevans said:
Hi Guys

I just started Duromine on April 13th and have lost 10kgs so far. I've been eating really healthy however I still allow myself on occasions to eat things that may be considered "bad". I just didn't want to completely drastically change things as I find myself failing when I limit myself to things. I tell myself to eat them in moderation, so never too much and maybe once every 12 days.

My starting weight is 135kg and for someone who is 157cm, this weight needs to shed so I can be healthy. My legs hurt a lot. I used to be 60kgs and to gain more than half in the last 7 years has been pretty hard

Is anyone over 100 who has/is using duromine currently? I really dont want to do gastric bypass or any surgery as I really want to try and do this with a bit of help and mostly eating/excercising
Hey! I am 120 and starting today. I had the lapband in 2014 and had heaps of complications and ended up getting it removed because it was causing me a lot of pain. Duromine is my last resort!
Jana said:
Hey! I am 120 and starting today. I had the lapband in 2014 and had heaps of complications and ended up getting it removed because it was causing me a lot of pain. Duromine is my last resort!
All the luck in the world to you, Jana!
Hi marrissaevans! While I am not over 100, most of my family is. I think it's awesome that you have stepped up and giving Duromine a shot. Any alternative to surgery has got to be a good thing. It sounds like you're in a really good headspace and have a solid plan so you're off to an excellent start. I want to share with you a book I read about a technique you can do - on yourself - to help release trapped emotions. All you need is a quiet space, a page that they give you to print out and a fridge magnet. I have personally released tonnes of trapped emotions in this way.

The best thing about this technique is that you don't have to 'feel' or relive the emotion to release it. You simply acknowledge it, when it happened, if it's yours or someone else's and then use the technique to let it go. It sounds so simple and the technique is actually that straightforward. All you need to do is apply yourself. This way you will be able to release the trapped emotions so that when you have lost the weight, you won't even consider emotional eating anymore :)

If you don't like reading you can download the book on MP3. I listened to it during my afternoon walks over the course of a week or two. This is the kind of information that changes lives. I hope it helps you be all that you can be.
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Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I took my little hiatus when I did and didn’t get to reply to you after your post, marrissaevans! Hope you read this one day...

I won’t overburden you with the chemistry and physiology of how Duromine works, I’ll just give you the summary. The short answer is no, Duromine does not inherently speed up your metabolism and cause weight loss by itself. It’s basically the side effects of how Duromine effects the chemicals in your brain that causes weight loss through increased energy and decreased appetite. You still need to maintain a calorie deficit (and exercise if you want- hey, it’s good for other reasons anyway). Think of ravers that take ecstasy who dance all night (water bottle in hand usually), sleep all day and have no appetite to eat so they’re all skinny and euphoric.

I too am an “emotional eater”. Many overweight and obese people are. You’re right in your approach to solve the solution needs to be aimed at your emotions. There’s lots of books with strategies on how to manage it and many more on trying to work through the psychosocial issues that led you to this point in the first place. You shouldn’t be afraid to see a psychologist about it either, many actually list weight loss as part of their services nowadays.

I have known at least one emotional eater who sort psychological help and lost a tremendous amount of weight (like he was easily 150kg or over and at the end weighed 80-90kg) by working through the underlying psychological issues he had that led him to overeating. So I have hope for all of us that it is *possible* to get there- work through our issues, learn new coping and relaxation strategies and gain a better relationship with food for life.
Hey everybody,
Just thought I'd pop in and tell my story about Duromine.
I'm in my early 30s and have been a tad on the chub side for the last 10 years. Not by much, but still weighed more than I liked. This was fine until I hit 93kg. My normal weight would sit between 83-85, the later being more uncomfortable.
During my early 20's there was a time I could lose weight in a few weeks by just eating less and moving more. Since getting married and having children this has reversed. I now eat more and move less.
So about 6 months ago I decided enough was enough and I needed to do something about it. Went in to see my doc and told him I want to try Duromine. He prescribed me 15mg.
For the first week it was amazing, nearly averaging 1-1.5 kgs per day. The hunger was gone and I thought this would continue until I stopped taking it. But after about 2 weeks, the hunger started to creep back and the affects where fading. Stuck on 83+-kg I was pretty disappointed as my target was in the mid to high 60's. Then I remembered how sometimes Modafinil (another story) would stop my hunger if I was out working, so I thought maybe half a dose of Modafinil would help increase the affects of Duromine.
(Warning: Modafinil is not for everyone and I only tried this knowing how I react to Modafinil as I have used it on and off for several years now)
To my surprise, the affects of Duromine where not only back but had multiplied. My energy levels had increased 200% and hunger was nowhere to be seen. Not only was I losing weight again (slowly) but my business was also doing great because of the energy boost I had. I was so more awake and motivated I felt brilliant!
Noticing that I only had a limited number of pills that my doc would prescribe me, my next prescription I asked for 30mg pills. I started halving the pills into a second capsule and only taking 15mg Duromine with half a pill of Modafinil (100mg). This let me keep losing small amount of weight over a longer period of time. The lowest I hit by the end of 3 prescriptions was 73kg and that was ok for the time being. I thought I'd give it a few months break and let my new weight settle before going at it again. Now I weigh around 77 and have been sitting around this weight for a few months without restricting myself from food.

I went to see the doc again a few days ago to go for round 2. Just as the script was printing he wanted to check my blood pressure which I thought was fine. After checking one arm he had a surprised look on his face and wanted to test again on my other arm. Apparently my blood pressure was too high at around 162 so he took me over to another room and had the nurse check to confirm. She got 180! At this stage the doc demanded blood tests, urine tests and to be put on the heart monitor thingo for a few minutes. "No Duromine for you" he said as he was walking out of the room. After the stupid heart machine had finished I asked the nurse what the results where and she said they came out fine. So not too sure what was going on there, but I will be going back tomorrow to see him. Hopefully the high blood pressure was just a thing of the moment and I'm OK to continue my journey.

It’s my first time on Duromine and it worked so well for me in the first week and a half but now my weight really isn’t moving, I’ve cut out carbs and sugar from my diet and calorie counting everything and on average I’m around 800 calories per day, I’m exercising by either walking or boxing everyday

I’m just really frustrated at the moment, did anyone else have this issue of it just not budging? I’m starting to even doubt the significants of my weight loss as no one had noticed I’ve lost weight, I know I should rely on others but it would be just nice to have some confirmation

I’m not giving up but I’m just frustrated as to why it’s not working anymore

Also I wanted to ask how did you guys go once you stopped Duromine? Did your appetite come back strongly, we’re you hungry all the time or did you feel the same?

Thanks, sorry for the negative post but I had to vent, my partner can’t take much more!
Hi Starlet, sorry for the bad week you're going through, but perhaps the below may be reason.. you've done really well so far, don't lose heart over this it will pass.

Hope this helps..

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Thank you for your reply, honestly I’ve never heard of that, I hope that’s true in my case, I weighed myself this morning and just 100 grams difference, reduced my cal intake to 620 today, I hope it starts working soon
Holy mackerel!!!!!! Please, eat 1200 calories during the weekend, both days!
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I’m still eating three meals a day about 100 calories at breakfast 200 at lunch and 300 at dinner, mostly vegetables and protein, I’m not starving or that hungry, I’m really focused on making this work I need it to work
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I found for me the week where I ate less than 1200 calories a day, I lost absolutely nothing and when I went back to 1200 calories, I lost 1.6 kg for the week - your body will go into starvation mode so even eating less, it will hold onto anything you put into it, which could be why you're not seeing a reduction on the scales.
Hi starlet85
You are not losing weight because you are not eating enough calories. Your body has gone into starvation mode. This means you’re body is holding on to it’s stored fat because it’s preparing for a famine. YOU MUST eat approx 1100-1200 calories a day for your weight loss .... trust me, it’s why you’re not losing. Once you up the calories, the weight will start to drop off again.
Good luck!!
Jazz said:
Hi starlet85
You are not losing weight because you are not eating enough calories. Your body has gone into starvation mode. This means you’re body is holding on to it’s stored fat because it’s preparing for a famine. YOU MUST eat approx 1100-1200 calories a day for your weight loss .... trust me, it’s why you’re not losing. Once you up the calories, the weight will start to drop off again.
Good luck!!

I made the same mistake for 6 months lowering my cals while running everyday to burn extra 300cals per day and true enough, my body refused to lose the fat (not even water) because i was in starvation mode. So its all about the diet what we eat while dieting (600-800 of heavy sugary creamy carbs or 1100-1200 of clean eating) Exercise cant outdo a bad diet. And i thought if i eat less i will lose more. :( ive wasted 6 months and i feel terribly depressed until i went to see my doctor for advice (i have hypothyroid and i blame it all on it when in fact its what i choose to eat while dieting)
Thank you both for your response! I’ve up my calories as well as doing intermittent fasting 16/8 and that seems to be working well, I aim for 1000-1200 cals per day
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