Duromine & Pcos - My Weight Loss Journey

Hello to you Bam Bam! Now that’s a serious approach! As for my suggestions… if the dinner is everything you are planning to eat for the last meal of the day, I would suggest switching it with your lunch. Or to leave the salmon + steamed vegies, and eat your pasta next day for lunch with a salad. In fact, if you want to boost your weight loss, I would suggest you eat all starchy foods you plan to eat in the first part of the day. Have you heard about food combining system? The principle is very simple. To cut it short, you eat either protein+ vegies, or starch+ vegies, and avoid combining protein + starch. You can make some search over the internet and find lots of great ideas. As for your daily caloric value, I would suggest you using MyFitnessPal. It seems that it might be taking much of your time, while, in fact, it is quite easy and fast to use. With time, you will probably be able to count the calories on your own without any aid. Yet, we might sometimes mistakes about the caloric value of our daily nutrition, which leads to weight gain or slower weight loss progress.

All in all, I like your menu. You also can add to your afternoon tea low-cottage cheese, as an alternative, or have a cucumber.

In fact, varying the plan depends on your food preferences. I might suggest the famous chicken breast, and you might hate it. =))

1. Count calories

2. Eat starchy foods in the first part of the day

3. Try combining food correctly

4. Don’t forget to drink enough water

5. Avoid long intervals (more than 3-4 hours) between the food intake.

6. Try to always have your meal, as if you are sitting near Queen Elizabeth II, i.e. keep your back straight, use a fork and a knife (or a spoon, if that’s the case). Take small bites and thoroughly chew your food. Wipe your lips while holding the napkin with your both hands (thus, you will have to put your fork and knife aside).

I am so looking forward to the day you start exercising. Really… hope you get better in a couple of days and get on with making your body shape a toned one. ;)

It’s good you decided to measure yourself. It’s interesting to see how it goes before you start exercising and after. I wonder, if we will see any significant difference.

And of course, congratulations with the first weight loss!!! Keep it up!
Hello there :)

I'm Anni, from South Africa...41 years old, recently diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis.
I was always relatively petite, until about 6 years ago when I started putting on weight. I put it down to unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. I had just moved to a new city, and the daily commute was twice the time as my previous job. Hence I had stopped gym as well.

After a while, I tried to start eating healthily and started gym again, but the weight just would not budge.
3 weeks ago I had a gynae appointment and was diagnosed with PCOS. It was a new gynae, and none of my previous gynaes had detected this. I had only had treatment of endometriosis previously.

My Insulin and Vitamin D levels were all over the place. The doc put me on Metformin, Vitamin D supplements and Duromine.

Today is my 6th day of taking Duromine. I'm not quite sure what to expect as time goes on. For now, I'm making this the start of a whole new life!

Starting weight (9 March 2017): 87kg
Anni said:
Hello there :)

I'm Anni, from South Africa...41 years old, recently diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis.
I was always relatively petite, until about 6 years ago when I started putting on weight. I put it down to unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. I had just moved to a new city, and the daily commute was twice the time as my previous job. Hence I had stopped gym as well.

After a while, I tried to start eating healthily and started gym again, but the weight just would not budge.
3 weeks ago I had a gynae appointment and was diagnosed with PCOS. It was a new gynae, and none of my previous gynaes had detected this. I had only had treatment of endometriosis previously.

My Insulin and Vitamin D levels were all over the place. The doc put me on Metformin, Vitamin D supplements and Duromine.

Today is my 6th day of taking Duromine. I'm not quite sure what to expect as time goes on. For now, I'm making this the start of a whole new life!

Starting weight (9 March 2017): 87kg

Hi Anni! Welcome to the forum! And congratulations with your start of a whole new life! May this weight loss journey be a very successful one and I hope you will enjoy seeing changes in your body and mind with every coming day!

I am sorry about your health problems, and I hope they won’t interfere with your progress.

Do you have any certain plan you are following? I mean, the nutrition. You’re back to the gym, right?

You’re about to finish your first week and I am sure you’re very curious about the results. Did you decide on whether you will weigh in every week or once a month?

Best of luck and have a lovely day!
Hey Bam Bam. How are you feeling? Did you manage to fully recover? I wonder if your health condition allows you to start exercising and I also wonder how you are feeling. Hope on hearing from you soon. Be well! =)
April said:
Hi Anni! Welcome to the forum! And congratulations with your start of a whole new life! May this weight loss journey be a very successful one and I hope you will enjoy seeing changes in your body and mind with every coming day!

I am sorry about your health problems, and I hope they won’t interfere with your progress.

Do you have any certain plan you are following? I mean, the nutrition. You’re back to the gym, right?

You’re about to finish your first week and I am sure you’re very curious about the results. Did you decide on whether you will weigh in every week or once a month?

Best of luck and have a lovely day!
Hi April!

Thanks for the warm welcome :)

I have recently rejoined the gym and have started off slowly. I'm on a low carb diet that was given to me by my doc. I must say that since I started Duromine I forget to eat! I need to put a reminder on my phone to eat something so that I don't starve!

I'm going to weigh again on Thursday morning (a week since I last weighed).

Thanks again for the support.
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Hi Anni! How is it going? It’s been a week since your last update and I wonder how everything is going so far. Hope you are following your doctor’s recommendations strictly. Low carb diets are tricky ones. How many carbs a day are you allowed to eat? Are you coping well with it?

Looking forward to your update and hope you are enjoying your day and weight loss journey! Take care!
Bam Bam! Knock knock! Did I say something wrong? Are you ok? How is it going? Where’s that determined and willful lady? Hm… hope you’re doing ok and will find some time to drop a few lines. You know how many supporters you have on this forum. =) take care
Hello Anni! You’re one week away from finishing your first month on Duromine. How is it going? Any results? Any news? How is the low carb diet going? Any health improvements?

Hope you’ll write soon! Take care!
Anni, hello! Long time no post… how is it going? Still on Duromine?
Unsure if you ladies are still around.
I'm Alina. 34, 3 kids and new diagnosed with PCOS and a fatty liver. I'm on day 5 of 30mg. I have used duramine in the past (5yrs ago) and it worked well as I was wanting to lose weight to fit into a dress as a bridesmaid for my best friends wedding.

So now with this new diagnoses, the dr suggest I use Duramine to kick start my weight loss.

Last night I was feeling really unwell, light headed and blerg. A friend then ask me what I had eaten that day.... whoops not much at all. I am skipping the tablet today as a rest day (I also have work this afternoon), but i still will be eating healthy and having cold pressed veg/ fruit juice thoughout the day. Fingers crossed I feel bette tomorrow.
Ravenlodge said:
Unsure if you ladies are still around.
I'm Alina. 34, 3 kids and new diagnosed with PCOS and a fatty liver. I'm on day 5 of 30mg. I have used duramine in the past (5yrs ago) and it worked well as I was wanting to lose weight to fit into a dress as a bridesmaid for my best friends wedding.

So now with this new diagnoses, the dr suggest I use Duramine to kick start my weight loss.

Last night I was feeling really unwell, light headed and blerg. A friend then ask me what I had eaten that day.... whoops not much at all. I am skipping the tablet today as a rest day (I also have work this afternoon), but i still will be eating healthy and having cold pressed veg/ fruit juice thoughout the day. Fingers crossed I feel bette tomorrow.

Hello Alina! If I may interfere, I would suggest you open your own thread and indicate that you are losing weight on Duromine with PCOS. Right now, there are several nice women with PCOS in their weight loss journey, and I am sure they will also be happy to share their experience. Besides, keeping daily updates might help you be more focused on the process.

No matter what your decision about this, I would like to wish you all the luck on your way and I hope that Duromine helps you lose weight and get on the healthier side. Besides, you already have an experience with Duromine, so you probably know what you should do to make it work great. Of course, never again forget to eat or drink. =))

Hope, you’re feeling a lot better and are on a good eating and exercising plan. Best of luck!!!!
Hi there!
I'm a 25 year old mother of 2 that has polycystic ovarian syndrome and I'm ready to take the next step in my weight loss journey.
I was diagnosed many years ago and told that I would never have children, but here I am today with two children but also a stack of weight gain from PCOS.
I currently weigh 85kg and I am 175cm.
I plan on doing 3 months on 30mg, paired with daily exercise and calorie tracked food I hope to get down to around 65-67kgs eventually!

I will continue to update daily and do weekly weigh ins so feel free to follow my weight loss and I'd love to hear about yours to!

Current weight: 85kgs
First goal: 80kg
Second goal: 75kg
Third goal: 70kg
Goal weight: 67kgs
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I'm now on my second day of duromine today!
Yesterday went well, I was super thirsty and drank about 2.5-3litres. I ate well despite not being hungry.
I've decided to cut out all drinks besides water at the moment! I have a terrible addiction to coke and it's time to give it the boot.
I had no problems sleeping last night which was awesome as well.
Bring on day 2!
Hello Donna! Welcome to the forum and into this friendly and supportive Duromine community! Sounds really nice that you have no side effects. It’s definitely time to get rid of coke addiction! If you are used to drinking it a lot, help yourself a bit. Make some nice looking and flavorsome drinks with fresh fruit, mint leaves and ice, if you like it. Eating healthy doesn’t mean it has to be boring. =)

I wish you best of luck and hop you have chosen a good eating and exercising routine, which will help you lose weight at a good and motivating pace, despite your PCOS. A great day to you!
April said:
Hello Donna! Welcome to the forum and into this friendly and supportive Duromine community! Sounds really nice that you have no side effects. It’s definitely time to get rid of coke addiction! If you are used to drinking it a lot, help yourself a bit. Make some nice looking and flavorsome drinks with fresh fruit, mint leaves and ice, if you like it. Eating healthy doesn’t mean it has to be boring. =)

I wish you best of luck and hop you have chosen a good eating and exercising routine, which will help you lose weight at a good and motivating pace, despite your PCOS. A great day to you!
Thank you! I'm very motivated right now and I can't wait to see my results at the end.
I'm doing a mix of cardio and weights and I'm enjoying my food changes. I think my problem was that I was so busy and no amount of preparing I did kept me on the right path. But I've learnt that I really need to make time for me so now is my chance.
I'm not experiencing any withdrawals from soft drink either which I'm surprised about but it's good. I've just got to keep it up now!
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Day 3 and I have a massive head ache.
I was so busy today I just didn't get a chance to drink as much water as I would have liked. I drank atleast 1.5 litres but I think that just wasn't enough.
Hopefully a good night sleep will help and I can focus on more water intake tomorrow.
We had a going away party for a girl at work today with cakes and chocolates etc and I didn't touch it at all! I didn't actually feel like eating any of it which was great.
Can't wait for weigh in day so I can hopefully see some results. Bring it on!
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Day 4 and I'm feeling a bit deflated!
Not quite sure why, I just don't have the energy like I did yesterday.
I would love to hear your success stories to get me motivated again.
I think I just feel so far away from my goal. Maybe I might be a bit more motivated when I've weighed myself after a week.
I want this to be a lifestyle change not just a quick fix so I should try to focus on being healthier rather than losing weight!
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Donna said:
Day 4 and I'm feeling a bit deflated!
Not quite sure why, I just don't have the energy like I did yesterday.
I would love to hear your success stories to get me motivated again.
I think I just feel so far away from my goal. Maybe I might be a bit more motivated when I've weighed myself after a week.
I want this to be a lifestyle change not just a quick fix so I should try to focus on being healthier rather than losing weight!

Hi Donna! Even though your sensations do sound like side effects of Duromine, they are also quite similar to the way people feel when they stop consuming sugar. The withdrawal effects can be quite bad. It takes some time, and it’s hard. You say you did not get any withdrawals from the soft drink, yet you surely did cut the amount of sugar you were consuming every day.

You are perfectly right – lifestyle changes for better and healthier nutrition is what you should be focusing on right now. Please, stay strong, have a bit more fruits. They have natural sugar so might help a bit with sugar withdrawal (of course, make sure you stay around your calories limits). Sending you a hug and a nod of understanding. =) You can do it and don’t forget your water, please! In fact, I know a couple of cases, when people ended up in a hospital when they were not eating and/or drinking while taking Duromine, so don’t play with it. have a nice day!
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Thanks ladies!
I think it definitely could do with the cut in sugar.
I'm eating 1200 calories a day and everything is counted in macros to.
I'm eating what I would expect to be eating after the duromine is finished.
I've had between 2.5-3litres of water today and I try to aim for that daily.
I think I expected worse side effects from cutting the sugar out so I guess they aren't to bad compared to what i prepared for!
I'm feeling much more optimistic now, just had a few hours of feeling low this morning.
Onwards and upwards now!
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The kids have given me the flu now so I don't think that helped this morning either!

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