Duromine & Pcos - My Weight Loss Journey

Hi Donna! Looks like everything is getting on track. Water intake – great! Eating – great!

The flu… if your kids have it now, it might be this… however, I have noticed that quite a lot of people suffer from flu-like symptoms at the beginning of Duromine course… monitor your condition and if you feel worse, I would suggest you skipping a couple of days (just a suggestion), especially if you’re planning on taking any medications for the flu. Get well soon!
April said:
Hi Donna! Looks like everything is getting on track. Water intake – great! Eating – great!

The flu… if your kids have it now, it might be this… however, I have noticed that quite a lot of people suffer from flu-like symptoms at the beginning of Duromine course… monitor your condition and if you feel worse, I would suggest you skipping a couple of days (just a suggestion), especially if you’re planning on taking any medications for the flu. Get well soon!
Hi April!
I ended up skipping the duromine this morning so I could take a cold and flu tablet to get me through work today.
I've just got the runny nose so far and feeling a bit blocked up. Fingers crossed it's only mild and I can get back to the duromine asap. I definitely didn't want to mix the two tablets together.
Fingers crossed… get well soon!
Doctor just prescribed me antibiotics! I'm finding conflicting information when I google taking duromine and antibiotics at the same time. Is that a no no?
I'd hate to take them together if your not meant to.
antibiotics for flu? or he found something more serious?
Whenever I get a cold it goes straight to a chest infection! Hence the antibiotics unfortunately.
I've started the duromine again today so we will see how I go.
I did a quick weigh in on Saturday arvo after being taken out for breakfast and eating eggs benedict (which I felt really guilty for) but I had lost 3.5kgs.
Happy about that but I want to work so much harder this week.

Start weight:

Current weight:
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Thought I'd check in so I can keep myself accountable and have something to look back on when my duromine journey is finished.
This post may be a tad depressing but that's life unfortunately!
I'm not sure if it's the duromine or just life itself overwhelming me but I think I've hit a fairly low point in my life.
I've never really had any depression or mental health issues but this past week has been so hard.
Trying to lose weight and and not having the support at home doesn't help. My two children can be an absolute handful and my partner really doesn't help much either. Pair that with working full time aswell and I'm drowning a bit.
I feel bad doing something for myself (like taking time to look after myself) and the guilt eats me up.
Maybe the duromine exacerbates the problems but it definitely has me feeling like I can't cope right now.
Hopefully things will settle down soon and I can focus on my weightloss journey and not have the pressures of raising two kids with little to no help and trying (and failing miserably) to maintain a home.
I'm not looking for sympathy, more just a get it off my chest moment and something that I can look back on in better times and see that I did make it through and everything's okay in the end.

Did a quick weigh this morning and I'm still sitting at 81.5kgs. Happy that I haven't gained anything after my terrible weekend and looking forward to seeing how I go over the next week.
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Hope u all the best...I've started today on 30mg of duromine I have PCOS and hoping duromine Wil help with my hormone as well as weight ....my 1st day nd I'm feeling overwhelmed nd energetic....Nd no food cravings.....U said u have 2 kids nd u have PCOS ....wat did u take as I've been married 12 years nd no luck with kids been to fertility clinic bt was very depressing....pls let me know if u have any advice ....
Taybs said:
Hope u all the best...I've started today on 30mg of duromine I have PCOS and hoping duromine Wil help with my hormone as well as weight ....my 1st day nd I'm feeling overwhelmed nd energetic....Nd no food cravings.....U said u have 2 kids nd u have PCOS ....wat did u take as I've been married 12 years nd no luck with kids been to fertility clinic bt was very depressing....pls let me know if u have any advice ....
Hi Taybs!
What's your starting weight and your goal weight?
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17, I tried for 2 years to get pregnant and it literally happened as soon as I lost 5kgs. I'm not sure if it's the quick drop in weight that triggers my ovaries to finally work but it worked to conceive both of my kids.
I wish you all the best on your duromine journey and my fingers are crossed that you will get pregnant asap.
Week 2 update!
So I haven't had a fantastic week, my eating has been okay but I have done absolutl y zero exercise.
Between work and my home issues, I had a friend and her daughter move in for a week and it was very full on.
So the lack of weight lost this week doesn't particularly surprise me and I'll have to hit it hard for the next week to try and make up for it.
SW: 85
Wk 1: 81.5
CW: 80.5
Hi Donna! I hope this week goes a lot better for you and you will start feeling better. I understand how taking care of yourself might make you feel guilty. This is the point where you have to work a lot harder than on anything else. The main thing is to realize that you need to get healthier and more satisfied with the way you look simply to help you kids see a happier life and you yourself to go through life with a smile and confidence in good days that are already here. Every little step you manage to make in your weight loss journey brings you closer to the moment where you start being proud of yourself and enjoying the things you do and the way your life is. I am not sure I managed to clearly bring my thoughts to you, but I wish you from the bottom of my heart to start enjoying taking care of yourself and spending time on it, so that your kids see that you are happy with them, and not under a constant heavy burden. Take care and have a fantastic and fruitful week!
Donna said:
Hi Taybs!
What's your starting weight and your goal weight?
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17, I tried for 2 years to get pregnant and it literally happened as soon as I lost 5kgs. I'm not sure if it's the quick drop in weight that triggers my ovaries to finally work but it worked to conceive both of my kids.
I wish you all the best on your duromine journey and my fingers are crossed that you will get pregnant asap.
Hi my starting weight is 74kg and goal is 59kg...it's day 8 on duromine and the only side effects has been insomnia and overwhelming feels at times so far I've lost 1.3kg
Taybs said:
Hi my starting weight is 74kg and goal is 59kg...it's day 8 on duromine and the only side effects has been insomnia and overwhelming feels at times so far I've lost 1.3kg

Congrats on your weight loss! Keep it up!
Decided to weigh myself this morning!
Down to 78.7kgs!
So I'm happy with the 6.3kgs lost so far, I hope it continues.
Am feeling much better about everything now. Fingers crossed it was just a stressful couple weeks in my life and I'm past that now.
Taybs said:
Hi my starting weight is 74kg and goal is 59kg...it's day 8 on duromine and the only side effects has been insomnia and overwhelming feels at times so far I've lost 1.3kg
That's so great to hear! 1.8kgs in 8 days is fantastic!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep it up! Smash the second goal! Going great, Donna!
April said:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep it up! Smash the second goal! Going great, Donna!
Thank you! I hope the second goal comes around very soon.
Just documenting my journey!
I think my mind and my body have finally come to the conclusion that I don't need to look at food as an enjoyment thing. Food is to nourish the body, it doesn't have to taste terrible but I don't need the high fat high sugar crap anymore.
When I did my grocery shopping yesterday I wasn't even drawn to anything remotely "bad" for me. I wanted fresh healthy food.
Maybe this is my turning point!
I know that after the duromine finishes I can definitely keep up the same diet I'm eating now and fingers crossed not pack on the pounds.
I plan on seeing the doctor to check my hormone and insulin levels after to manage my PCOS and see if it has improved with the weight loss.
I can't wait to look back at this in a few months time to see how far I've come.
Donna, hello! How did this week go for you? Hopefully, you managed to get into exercising and enjoyed it a lot! =) A fantastic weekend to you!

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