NinaMb said:
Can someone please explain to me why they are so expensive? Is it because it's not prescribed from the doctor or??
Hello NinaMb
Welcome to our beloved Forum
i have been a member here for a long time my love, and believe me when i say that it really is like a family,
when i joined we had no way here in Australia to obtain Duromine unless we wanted to Import it from overseas,
and over the past few years Australian Customs have become water tight
of course you are welcome to go to your own Doctor and obtain a script, as we all are,
but unfortunately for the most part, Doctors here in Australia are hard to deal with when it comes to Duromine..
which is why our magical Forum is so lucky to have "Trusted Sellers" here to help us!
over the years we have come under attack from Scammers (Vampires) which is why i set up a team to fight back

we are called "The Slayers" and i can say the Forum is now much safer than it used to be.
each and every one of our 'Trusted Sellers' are very much protected,
they set their price and it really is up to you if you wish to pay it
if you or anyone else has any questions i am never far away.