Hi everyone
I have read a lot of your posts and can certainly relate to your experiences, I appreciate sharing your journeys.
Im 35 married no kids except for lots of the furry variety (dogs, cats and horses)

i have battled with my weight from when I was young but in the last 10 years gained a huge amount. at my heaviest I was 135kg and im 5'9. over the last few years I had gotten down to 115kg, by just making subtle changes and being in a better mindset which i think really helped.
I have wanted to have kids but have always had peroid/hormonal issues even when I wasnt overweight. I saw a few different gyno's about 8 years ago and the experience was really upsetting. Being very overweight, they cant help but look and assume health issues are only related to weight. I felt really deflated, ashamed and unworthy of having kids becuase of my weight.
this year I decided Im not getting any younger and so my husband and i went to a fertility clinic, where I was once again reminded of the weight being a huge issue.
To undergo even the intial testing the maxium bmi is 35 mine was 37. not to mention the weight limit on the examination table at 110kg.
I decided enough is enough!!! I want to be a mum and I no longer want to hide behind my weight and cling to the identity and being inhibited by being fat. i want to be able to seek help to start a family without fear of judgement, so as a faster option to getting the weight off I started duro 30mg. The best result would be to get pregnant naturally once the weight does come off!
Iv lost 3.5kg but also feel the cms dropping off. Im lucky to not have suffered side effects except insominia up until the last 2 days. Im embracing having more energy to get back into swimming which I love... I have reconnected with my inner mermaid

and riding my horse again which has been a life long passion but one that I stopped doing because of the weight.
Short term goal under 100kg then Id love to get to about 85kg.
Has anyone else had success with losing the weight to start a family? or anyone else with any words of wisdom, id love to hear your stories