Hi Everyone,

Well week 2 is over. I got sick so I only worked out 4 of the 7 days. The Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is pretty good, if anyone is interested! In the first 5 days I didn't lose anything (Not that I should weigh in before 7!) and that was quite a downer! I looked into low thyroid and foods and there is a list of foods that slow down the thyroid even more. I eat most of them daily so I am going to cut down/cut out some of these foods completely and see how I go.

The hardest one will be gluten. Surely I'll lose weight when I have nothing to eat! I have had no side effects at all. I have been fairly tired which seems different to a lot of other posts I have read. However maybe that is due to being sick all week? I am definitely eating less though. I had take away on the weekend and it didn't impress me as much as it would have a few weeks back. So here are my week 2 stats -

Starting date 26/03/13 - Weight 103kg
Week 1 - 2.5kg (100.5kg)
Week 2 - 1kg (99.5)

Measurements as of 02/04/13 - Hips 113cm, Waist 102cm, Chest 115cm.
Measurements as of 09/04/13 - Hips 112cm, Waist 100cm, Chest 112 cm.

I'd just like to thank my chest for losing the most cm. How about sending a signal to the rest to do the work instead!

Hope everyone is doing well!

See you all in a week!
Congratulations! That's an amazing start. You're doing great! Excellent work on losing the cm's and the comment about the chest made me laugh! Same thing happened to me lol. Take care and good luck! xxx
Thanks BrideToBe! Hope you are doing well on your journey!
Hello Everyone,

Well, I had a fairly busy/stressful week in week 3 so no exercise was done at all. Shameful! Hopefully I can pick up my game this week. I have started cutting down on gluten and I am feeling pretty good. Nothing else to report other than my pretty poor week 3 results! Hopefully when I get the prescription for the 2nd month I can go up to 40mg as I don't feel there is any difference at all now, regarding cravings/hunger.

Starting date 26/03/13 - Weight 103kg
Week 1 - 2.5kg (100.5kg)
Week 2 - 1kg (99.5)
Week 3 - 700gm (98.8)

Measurements as of 02/04/13 - Hips 113cm, Waist 102cm, Chest 115cm.
Measurements as of 09/04/13 - Hips 112cm, Waist 100cm, Chest 112 cm.
Measurements as of 16/04/13 - Same as week 2.

See you all in a week! (Hopefully with some better results!)

Well, I had my weigh in at the Dr's yesterday as it's been 1 month. The Dr tells me that I have lost 6 kg in the 4 weeks. By my scales it's 5.5kg but eh, same-same I guess. My usual Dr was not available so this Dr put me on 30mg again (waaa!). It's my little ones birthday in just under a month so I am really hoping to reach 90kg by then so that I can have some nice photos for a change!

So my stats (by my scales) after the first month are -

Starting date 26/03/13 - Weight 103kg
Week 1 - 2.5kg (100.5kg)
Week 2 - 1kg (99.5)
Week 3 - 700gm (98.8)
Week 4 - 1.3kg (97.5kg)

Measurements as of 02/04/13 - Hips 113cm, Waist 102cm, Chest 115cm.
Measurements as of 09/04/13 - Hips 112cm, Waist 100cm, Chest 112cm.
Measurements as of 16/04/13 - Same as week 2.
Measurements as of 23/04/13 - Hips 110cm, Waist 98cm, Chest 111cm.

1 month - 5.5kg loss, 3cm off the hips, 4 cm off the waist and 4 cm off the chest (boo!).

Hope everyone is going well!

I will update in 1 month and hopefully (with a bit more work than I am currently doing) I will have hit 90kg!

Good luck to all x
Well that is a good start I think! Go on sweetheart!!;)
Hi there FitIn13!
Just wanted to ask how are you doing?
Hope you're having lack of side effects and lots of weight came off!:eek:
Hi everyone!
I am taking metamine (duromine) 30mg tablets of a morning ( usually around 7am ) and have been for a little over a week now.

I have been looking over this forum and am hoping to gain some support from it's fellow members as I am feeling myself being a little discouraged.

My numbers are as follows:
Age 22
168cm and 112kgs!!! :(

I was put on duromine as I have been battling with my weight all through my life and it has never really changed and frankly after trying my hardest every other way to loose it I'm over it. So I thought I would give it a go can't hurt to try.

I have been battling with a few of the side effects mainly being the restless night ( waking up every 1 or 2 hours and not being able to get back to sleep sometimes ) dry mouth ( bad breath ), hot and cold flushes ( and sweating ) and mood swings ( also have depression and anxiety so this probably doesn't help either ).

My experience so far has not been great, I'm not getting anywhere near enough sleep and I am noticing that I am still hungry!! I haven't noticed any weightloss at all, our scales are broken so I need to purchase more and I feel sorry for my boyfriend for having to live with someone who is constantly moody all the time.

The first couple of days were great, I wasn't hungry, I was in bed by 9pm and was sleeping through. I was still eating breakfast even though I didn't feel I needed it.

Now that I am on day 11 I am noticing that I am getting hungry during the day again eg ( for lunch and dinner meals ) and my hot and cold flushes are becoming more noticeable.

I start a new job on Tuesday ( currently very early Sunday morning ) and am a little nervous at how I am going to go.

Would love to hear your feedback/comments as I'm feeling a little disgruntled at the moment :(:(

Thanks guys!!
Hi there,

I'm on my 3rd day of duromine 30mg. I noticed that I am still getting hunger pains too, but it seems to be when i think of food lol. When Im busy doing stuff I don't even notice. I was 90kg before I started and when I weighed myself this morning I was 97kg. But I've heard some people say that the first few kilos are just fluid. Don't know how true that is. Im not a big fan of exercise so Ive just been trying to do sit-ups at home and even that is a struggle. As for the sleeping part, I have a 4 month old baby and he is constantly waking up every couple of hours when he loses his dummy :/ so Im not able to have a solid sleep. Ive found that it can take me anywhere up to an hour just to fall asleep of a night. They say that duromine has a different effect on each individual. Digital scales are the best and they show grams which is harder to notice on normal scales. What are you eating & are you exercising as well?
Ladies hunger pains are a sign that your body needs fuel. Even though its supposed to suppress the hunger you still need to eat at least every 3 hours and small portions. High protien foods and suppliments are great to feel full. I use Complete Whey with 200ml skim milk or just water. I have found that I dont crave fizzy drinks or coffee anymore ( which sucks because I looove my coffee ) also as for sleeping patterns, I took mine around 6am and am still bright eyed now at 11pm but I find reading a book is very relaxing. But studies show that if you have at least 3 solid hours of R.E.M sleep you will feel just as refreshed as if you'd slept 8. I hope this helps :)
I am so agree with Jacqui! You are absolutely right, darling. Small meals, books - these things helped me once, so they should help other too.:)
Day 9 today and just joined this site lastnight, my side affects have been terrible but last night I had a decent sleep and today I'm feeling a lot better than what I have since taking them, hopefully it will keep getting better!
Today I've had one piece of toast with tiny bit of margarine for breaky!
Lunch- piece of steak about the size of my palm maybe a tiny bit smaller and handful of beans
Dinner a bowl of steamed veggies and half a bannana
I still don't feel like eating but I forced myself to eat it!
Oh and plenty of water
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Day 10
Still feeling light headed but I went to my boxing class I did an hour and craved water more than usual and I struggled with it more today , I guess cos of the light headed feeling and it was more intense! I did have a piece of toast and a coffee before I went!
I wish I was getting the energy boost everyone else gets but I don't :(
Just about to make lunch same as yesterday just small piece of steak and some veggies! I do afternoon shift tonight so will make some extra for dinner
Hi, I like your meal plan Em!
The energy boost you probably don't notice because you're physically active, while most of duromine users aren't. But you do great, keep on!
I couldn't update yesterday as the server wasn't working!i went and did my boxing training this morning for an hour! Had the usual toast and coffee for breaky lunch just some crackers and no fat yougart and a tiny bowl of spaghetti for dinner! Side affects have seemed to subside now still tired though
Day 17 - feeling still tired and a tad lazy as I mentioned before I didn't get that energy boost!!
I'm struggling to eat enough but forcing it down!!! And have not touched soft drink and only had takeaway once :)
I started at 88 kilos and am down to 81.9
Which is awesome!!! :)
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It's great!
As for the energy, I don't know, maybe some exercises will help. Try Zumba - Yoga.
I do boxing for an hour three times a week, but yeah not much of an energy boost more exhaustion after wards lol
Yes, I meant these kind of activity, not mentioning your boxing))))) I can imagine how tired you are every time out! Maybe add some home yoga afterwards, just to refill your energy levels?

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