Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite (Capsules). @Determined93 Crap I was supposed to update you with this info. This was when I was talking about supplements before, in regards to a lady who had been on Duromine and what she did afterwards. She recommended the Hydroxycut so I went down to my local health store and spoke to this woman who has been really helpful to me in the past.Determined93 said:What’s Hydroxycut if you don’t mind me asking?
I cant think of the exact term, but she basically looks you in the eyes and diagnoses... (It will come to me and I will edit the post with the term when it does!). Anyhow I told her I had been taking the Duromine and that another friend who had stopped was now taking this supplement. She too said it could be beneficial so I have grabbed 2 bottles to take with me away
So the skinny is - its a fitness supplement with an added fat burner. Designed for hardcore fitness freaks and bodybuilders more or less, to enhance thermogenesis, mental focus and energy.
Thermogenesis in a nutshell - is the state in which your body burns the most fat, but the same properties also lead to a general boost in energy in the body as it raises your core body temp. Similar to Duromine in this regard but obviously the ingredients are natural and they are caffeine based. So as they raise your body temp, your heart rate increases, causes more blood to flow to the parts of your body that require more oxygen. (Ie: so when running, it increases blood flow too your legs which increases your speed and endurance). It burns the calories and as it uses them up from our intake, in will then utilise our own fat stores - hence it has a good reputation for helping to lose weight.
It also does have an appetite suppressant as well.
I decided to give it a go
Side effects listed;
- Increased heart rate
- Sleeplessness
- Headaches
- Dry Mouth
Also as an added bonus all good to use with my own vitamin routine. So my B's and C's etc. are all good to continue with whilst using. I paid $60 for 120 tablets.
Determined93 said:Yes definitely, I don’t think I would have stayed so committed had I of not joined this forum and admittedly I get excited to jump on and see how everyone is doing. It also keeps me inline when I start to slack off haha. I also don’t see very many people give updates of how they are doing when they are no longer on duro which is a little disappointing so I wanted to be someone that would still check in even after I am done on it for good.
Aw that’s so sweetI feel the same way about you. It really is amazing how great of a support system this is and how much I have come to enjoy and kind of rely on reading updates, especially the people that I have been following constantly.
I agree, would love to see more threads on people after they stop Duromine, whether its for a break or they have decided to just go ahead on their own, and read about how they are doing on their journey. I am so glad you will be doing this! I will be making a concerted effort to log on whilst away and post because like you I think it will hold me in check
Yay! I swear to god if we lived closer I would be making coffee dates! Ditto to all you have mentioned in your last paragraph lol
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