Thank you. I have to say I had a much better sleep last night. No electronics, herbal tea and I actually used a guided meditation for sleep from
YouTube and I fell asleep before the 10mon was over. I woke a couple of times but went back to sleep easily. Up at 4:30 but that's usual as we have a puppy. Fingers crossed this works for the sleep.
I've not eaten much as I just have no appetite. But I know I need to increase my calories a bit.

Hope it goes well for you!!!
Not getting the results I did last time
As of Friday I was sitting on 89.5kg
I've had the past 2 days eating bad and drinking beer
My PT did my measurements last Friday and according to her scales and measurements I was 2.7kg down and 20cm loss in 3 weeks with her. I started Duro a week after starting with her.
I really want to be at 80-82kg for Christmas.

I am doing cardio 5x 30-40 min on the stair master and if I can fit it in, then I'll jump on the treadmill and walk for as long as I can.

How are you going?
Good sleep technique Lin30! I will remember it and share with others. Thanks. :)
Hi All,

I'm going to start Duromine tomorrow (7th November). I must admit I am VERY nervous to start it but reading over this forum has slowly started to settle my nerves. I have only been prescribed 15mg which I am happy to start off with.

Here are my details and goals:
SW: 73kg
Goal weight: 60kg
Height: 155cm

I have 13kgs to lose and given my height and current weight my BMI is obese.

I currently do have a healthy diet and exercise 5 times a week so that is not a problem for me. I just can't seem to lose these 13kgs. I don't feel good about the way I look and I know I will feel so much better once I can shift the weight.

I am nervous to start but excited at the same time. I am also happy that I have found this forum so I can chat to other people who are going through the same thing as me.

I'm a bit worried about the feeling thirsty all the time...I already drink 3L of water a day so I'm going to be going back and forth to the toilet all day haha!!!!

Will keep you updated with how I go tomorrow :)
Welcome Mazza!:)

Don't worry, we've all been there) Everything new, especially medications, seems scary because we have just one body. But you can always monitor your state, in case you experience severe side effects (which are rare), you can stop using the pills. But I am sure, if you follow proper instructions, you can have only beneficial effect from Duromine. Start using pills in the morning to avoid sleeplessness. Drink at least 2L of water (no soda/sweet drinks), walk more, move more, cook healthy meals and you will lose weight. My personal secret: to take every meal at one time every day, this way your body gets used to get food regularly like a clock and you can minimize food cravings. Good luck dear!
Thank you so much Kate :)

It's so good having this forum to talk about your experiences.

So today was day 1 and so far it all went well. I was REALLY thirsty and drank so much water but I guess that is a good thing. After a few hours of taking it, I felt a little bit jittery but it didn't last long. It kept me alert throughout the day which is a positive. I am feeling tired tonight so I will see how my sleep goes. I felt hungry but didn't really feel like I needed to eat and didn't have my usual sugar cravings after lunch and dinner. I still ate but my portions were a lot smaller than what I usually would eat.

Let's see how tomorrow goes :)
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Hi everyone,
I started at 86kg
Attempted (not fully) to eat right got down to
81.5kg went to doctors got duromine
Didn't take it for a few days (had stuff on)
SW - 79.9kg
CW - 79.1
GW - 65kg

I am 169cm.

Day 1 - down 500g
Day 2 - will weigh in tomorrow

The only side effects I have are thirst and an urge to kill my husband (well not kill but... he is giving me the irits and I can't hold back)

Anyone else have those feelings towards their husband?
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ha ha too funny ... only when I am on steroids :eek: (prescribed by the dr of course)

Good luck on your journey
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Good luck, Fitjourney2017!

Your stats are similar to mine although you are taller and it's day 2 for me today. I didn't want to weigh myself this morning but I couldn't resist. 1/2kg down but I don't know if that will last long...

I've loads of energy and I was worried about irritability. I had my husband read the product disclosure doc so he would be aware of the side effects in case I feel the urge to decapitate him over the next four weeks.

I found yesterday that I could negotiate my nervous energy internally (that sounds like I'm a crazy person) and when that didn't seem like an option, I just walked at least 250 steps away from the situation at work, home, husband, kids etc.. (this also makes me sound like a crazy person!).

I haven't told anybody except hubby that I've opted for chemical intervention for weight control (I'm too embarrassed as I've never had to before - I'm injured now).

Please continue to post and update, I'll keep an eye out for you.

Anapolis :)
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Fitjourney2017 said:
Hi everyone,
I started at 86kg
Attempted (not fully) to eat right got down to
81.5kg went to doctors got duromine
Didn't take it for a few days (had stuff on)
SW - 79.9kg
CW - 79.1
GW - 65kg

I am 169cm.

Day 1 - down 500g
Day 2 - will weigh in tomorrow

The only side effects I have are thirst and an urge to kill my husband (well not kill but... he is giving me the irits and I can't hold back)

Anyone else have those feelings towards their husband?
Hey everyone so my weigh in for
DAY 2 - 78.6 loss of 500g
DAY 3 - 78.1 loss of 500g

DAY 4 is going well so far! :)
Hey, I am on day one here and we have similar weight goals! For me I feel spaced out... not sure when the surge of energy will hit, (I took the pill 3 hours ago). Did anyone else feel "out of it"? I had some yogurt and feel stuffed so that's a plus!

SW: 81
GW: 60
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KD77 said:
Hey, I am on day one here and we have similar weight goals! For me I feel spaced out... not sure when the surge of energy will hit, (I took the pill 3 hours ago). Did anyone else feel "out of it"? I had some yogurt and feel stuffed so that's a plus!

SW: 81
GW: 60

The first day I did feel a little spaced but never really got the 'energy surge' the doctor said I might vacuum at 3am. But I slept fine. I can even nap during the day if I wanted to... but 2 kids.... who am I kidding lol.

I think it's going great!
I'm down to 77.2
Yesterday I didn't loose as much as previous days. I only lost 300g but I didnt eat enough or drink enough water so it's my own fault but I was at a funeral and all the food was junk and all alcohol so I stuck to water and a piece of cucumber lol.

Usually I would be into every platter that came around. But the duro made me resist:)
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Sarah92kg30yo said:

I am day 2 of Duromine 30mg.
My Dr told me to take it at 5am to stop insomnia, however I've been taking it at 4 am as that's what time my man gets up for work and last night I slept from 10pm until 12 am when I woke up extremely hot and sweaty & it was not a hot night at all. After that I could not get back to sleep. So laid in bed until 7am tossing and turning. I took today's tablet at 4am again.

Yesterday being my first day, I felt more alert and energetic, did 20 mins on the stair master (I am building up to 45 mins on it), went to work, developed a slight headache around 11 am so took panadol, felt good for the afternoon, headache started to return around 3. By 4 my head was pounding and I had NO ENERGY at all. I took more panadol and left work at 5. By 5.30 I was good again.
Came home, cooked dinner, cleaned the house, did washing etc - which I rarely do on workdays as cooking is hard enough.
By 8.30pm I felt so tired so went to bed at the same time as my man and fell asleep between 9.30 & 10 pm.

Today is day two and I feel a bit out of it. Probably due to lack of sleep - I usually need 7-8hours each night.
I start work late today so just laying in bed trying to rest as much as possible.

Would love to hear from other with their experiences etc
Especially in the Newcastle/ Hunter Valley area.

Oh my stats are
Height - 166cm
SW - 93.4 ( going off Dr scales day before I started Duromine, which I will go back fortnightly for accurate weight loss)
Day1- 92.25 (after taking first pill, on my scales)
CW - 91.40 as of this morning.

I'm also having PT sessions and she is tracking my measurements!!!
Hi I'm on my 5 day taking the Duro. Every day for the past 4 days I had bad headaches. If you have headaches Ibuprofen is the best thing. It doesnt interact with Duromine and Paracetamol doesn't help. This is the first day my headaches are gone, slept 5 hrs without interruptions but is fine I feel good.
Do not worry, it all going to fall in place after few days. At the begining the body needs to adjust to it.
You need to eat cause if you do not eat the body changes its metabolism to slow motion which happened to me. I lost only 1 kg but learned my lesson. I eat sensibly even if I do not need to 3 little meals a day and I got in the habit of taking my tablet at 4am too. I think its the best time. I also purchased Sleeping tablets from chemist the natural ones made of herbs such valerian, I take 1 at 8pm together with a multivitamin tab and by 10 I'm "snoring" already. So it will wrk for you too. Don't give up!
Cheers Mimi
Hey hun, im from newy im currently on my first day and have a ridiculous headache but i blame myself for that. I dont think ive had enough water and realised at 6pm tonight that i had eaten anything except 3 grapes...
My stats
Not tall not sure hahaha i have no bloody idea how tall i am leaning towards short than tall...
Im hoping that this can boost me to get down to my goal weight which is 60.... i love the gym have for a while but haven't been able to shift weight (i love coca cola) im hoping this will help to give up the sugary drinks. I think thats my biggest problem i dont do cardio well very rarely i love weights squats are my fav (i like big butts and i cannot lie) hope i can get some sleep tonight... good luck with it all xo
Mimi Michaela said:
Hi I'm on my 5 day taking the Duro. Every day for the past 4 days I had bad headaches. If you have headaches Ibuprofen is the best thing. It doesnt interact with Duromine and Paracetamol doesn't help. This is the first day my headaches are gone, slept 5 hrs without interruptions but is fine I feel good.
Do not worry, it all going to fall in place after few days. At the begining the body needs to adjust to it.
You need to eat cause if you do not eat the body changes its metabolism to slow motion which happened to me. I lost only 1 kg but learned my lesson. I eat sensibly even if I do not need to 3 little meals a day and I got in the habit of taking my tablet at 4am too. I think its the best time. I also purchased Sleeping tablets from chemist the natural ones made of herbs such valerian, I take 1 at 8pm together with a multivitamin tab and by 10 I'm "snoring" already. So it will wrk for you too. Don't give up!
Cheers Mimi

Hello Mimi. I just found your message and I don’t think I met you anywhere else on the forum. Are you still on Duromine? If you are, means that you’re 7 weeks on it, right? How is it going?
Hello Fitjourney2017. How is it going? You are approaching the end of the 2-month Duromine journey, right? I think your weight loss slightly slowed down, yet it shouldn’t stop you from continuing to fight the excess kilos. I hope you are still as decisive as you were in the very beginning of your journey! All the best to you! looking forward to some news =)
Fitjourney2017 said:
The first day I did feel a little spaced but never really got the 'energy surge' the doctor said I might vacuum at 3am. But I slept fine. I can even nap during the day if I wanted to... but 2 kids.... who am I kidding lol.

I think it's going great!
I'm down to 77.2
Yesterday I didn't loose as much as previous days. I only lost 300g but I didnt eat enough or drink enough water so it's my own fault but I was at a funeral and all the food was junk and all alcohol so I stuck to water and a piece of cucumber lol.

Usually I would be into every platter that came around. But the duro made me resist:)

Ahhh… it’s such a pity that you decided to stop posting. I wonder how you are doing and where you’re at right now. Hope you are very close to your goal weight and continue working on getting healthy. Best of luck!
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I started Duromine yesterday and am looking forward to this journey. I started at 96.4kg and am 165cm. My goal weight is 65kg but i think that might be pushing the friendship! For now my mini goal is 85kg so i will concentrate on that.

So this is the heaviest I have ever been. Apart from when i was pregnant which was another 10kg on top! I still haven't lost all the pregnancy weight and have come to the point where i really need to address it. So that's why I am now on Duromine!

Symptoms so far have been pretty strong, super thirsty, headaches, sweating, surges of energy, lulls of energy, throbbing/tightness in neck, insomnia. I was wide awake at 3am this morning!! I feel like the side effects are manageable though so we will see how we go.

I will check back in soon to update.

Good luck with your weight loss journeys!!!
2016Cheska2016 said:
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I started Duromine yesterday and am looking forward to this journey. I started at 96.4kg and am 165cm. My goal weight is 65kg but i think that might be pushing the friendship! For now my mini goal is 85kg so i will concentrate on that.

So this is the heaviest I have ever been. Apart from when i was pregnant which was another 10kg on top! I still haven't lost all the pregnancy weight and have come to the point where i really need to address it. So that's why I am now on Duromine!

Symptoms so far have been pretty strong, super thirsty, headaches, sweating, surges of energy, lulls of energy, throbbing/tightness in neck, insomnia. I was wide awake at 3am this morning!! I feel like the side effects are manageable though so we will see how we go.

I will check back in soon to update.

Good luck with your weight loss journeys!!!

Hello Cheska! Welcome to the forum and welcome into your new adventure. I am sorry you have to go through these common Duromine symptoms, yet you know that they will subside soon and I hope you will be able to bear them. Just remember to drink more water. Water is the solution to many Duromine side effects. HOWEVER, if you feel bad, if you feel your heart beating too fast or too hard, you should apply for medical help. This is NOT the situation when you have to wait for the effects to wear off. If your insomnia persists several days, you can get some sleeping pills. Yet you should inform the pharmacist about Duromine. What time did you take Duromine? It helps avoid insomnia if you take it very very early in the morning. I know people who were taking it a 4:30 in the morning. I usually took it at 5. With a couple of tablespoons of yogurt, and went to sleep till 6:30 when I had to get up.

Headaches… these might result from poor eating and insufficient water, as well. Make sure you do it healthy foods in small quantities without skipping meals, and drink enough water, i.e. 2-3 l.

Love it that you set a mini goal! That’s the right thing to do! So, I wish you all the luck and hope you will enjoy your Duromine journey! Take care
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Welcome Cheska!

Good luck to you and please listen to your body all the way through your weight loss journey. Such common side effects tend to subside but like April suggests, when it comes to heart - you don't want to wait till it gets better. Speaking of headaches - drinking water and eating small but regular meals help, as well as walking in the fresh air. I am sure you'll succeed, just read our forum regularly and you will find lots of useful information.
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