Kate, hello! What a lovely day it is to share your news! :laughing:

Hope, you’re still moving towards your goal and are closer to entering the triple digits ratio. All the best to you and hoping on an update soon! =)
Hello Bella! Still going? Any results?
Tash, hi! How are you doing?
Hi Cheska! How is it going?
Hi Everyone,

I'm on Day 3 of 15mg of Duromine. Side effects are insomnia and a little dizziness. And I have a few questions.

I have been working with my GP over the last 2-3 years trying to address a number of health issues. At my last appointment she suggested to try Duromine to give me energy and reduce weight. We're hoping that my body may respond better to the other treatments after weight loss. I haven't been able to exercise for a number of years, though I eat fairly healthy (except chocolate is a daily food).

I'm currently about 20-25kg overweight, despite eating about 90% healthy. Though on Day 1 I was able to do some housework for nearly an hour. Usually I am able to do about 15 mins, before I'm totally exhausted for the rest of the day.

Does Duromine have an effect on stamina? And how does that affect the adrenal glands? I don't want to exercise at the expense of my other health issues and find out I'm worse off when I stop in 3 months.

My GP said that if I'm feeling Ok on 15mg, that I can increase it to 30mg in a few weeks. I just have to call for another script. Does that seem reasonable? How will I know the optimal dose?

I look forward to sharing the next few months with everyone.
Hi everyone!

I've been reading this forum a lot to see how everyone's been going with their Duromine. I just started 15 mg on Sunday and my stats were:
SW: 98kg
GW: 65
Which makes my BMI just under 35. I was really worried about side affects so that's why my doctor started me on a low dose but said she'll be happy to give me a script for a stronger dose if I wanted it. So far I've not had any side affects except the thirst, so I drink about 3-4 litres each day, which is actually helping clear up some of my pimples too!
It seems to be working as it's supposed to, I get little bursts of energy but tonight I had a massive carb binge and now I feel down. I've been trying so hard to plan ahead an eat properly and on day 3 I'm already keeping up old habits. I'm still going to keep going strong for the rest of the week and if I can stay under 1500 cal a day I'll still be on target :)
Has anyone else had issues with binging? How did you overcome it?
My biggest weakness is chips/crisps, I must say since starting D, the cravings have gone, I will have 1 or 2 and stop. Strangest thing ever normally I would eat the entire packet without batting an eyelid. I don't know whether it's your mindset/determination or something else. Keep strong and don't let those bad temptations/ habits come back. You can do this.

Good luck

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On Day 12. I've lost a couple of cm's overall and my clothes feel a smidge looser. But nothing dramatic. Or perhaps it's my imagination? I have a GP appointment on Friday, so I'll check my weight. I don't own scales. Is it possible I haven't really lost weight? Perhaps I should increase to 30mg?
Hello LHay! First of all, welcome to the forum and into Duromine family! You should keep in mind that weight is not always the best indicator of “fat loss”. Measuring your waist, breast, thighs, neck, and so on are another great way to see if your body is “shrinking”.

As to your question about exercising… since you have various health issues, no one but your doctor can give a truly sane advice.

Duromine can provide you with some extra energy that people usually use to make themselves used to increased physical activity. If you get tired quickly, try at least dong the plank exercises. These work miracles. You can’t take long walks, right? Means you need something to act quickly. I would suggest short Tabata sessions, or HIIT 5-7 minute workouts, which you can find plenty on youtube. On the other hand, I am not sure if you are allowed to do these and how they can affect your overall health condition. You can help your body develop stamina by exercising regularly and slightly increasing the intensity/duration. (still, I am not sure if you are allowed to do this).

If you want to make sure you eat enough, try writing down and counting the caloric value of foods you consume for a couple of days. Make sure you also get all important substances.

As for increasing to 30 mg. I am sure your doc will check your BP and heart rate and will take the decision that suit you better. I know that 15 mg is quite effective for many people, while others don’t feel anything at all and switch to 30 mg. Remember, your health is the most important thing. Best of luck and hope you will keep us posted on your progress
Hello Nerds! I agree with everything Mom2three said. Mindset is indeed very important. You might not be physically hungry, yet you are used to binging. There may be some reasons for this, including stress, physiological issues like depressed mood or sadness, etc. Does Duromine suppress your appetite at all? You might be feeling hungry, yet it can help you get full with small amounts of food. If it does none of these, you might consider switching to 30 mg. Discuss it with your doctor and see what his decision is. You can leave the remaining 15 mg for a gradual exit from the course. Best of luck!
Thanks April. I'm keeping that all in mind.
I had a brief chat with my GP 3 days ago (Day 14) and she gave me a script for 30mg. It seems I lost about 1kg for the first two weeks on 15mg.
On the first day of 30mg I felt fine until about 11pm that night. I was woken with a horrible headache that made me feel nauseaus. I took panadol, but it did nothing for the next 2.5 hours, so I took 1/2 myrsendol. I used to be prone to migraines so I didn't want it getting any worse.
Is it possible the headache be caused by taking Duromine at about 6.30am? I'm also going to be more careful about my water intake. I usually drink heaps at work, but struggle on other days.
Hi there, my doctor has started me on 15mg which I started today. Going to give it a few days to see if it kicks in. So far, I've only felt a little 'happier' for a few hours, but today was a strange one, so I'm not counting this.

I'm on my journey with duromine because my weight has ballooned up to a dangerous level and I need to address it. I'm planning on weight loss surgery next year for a permanent solution, but need to tackle it somewhat in the mean time. If all goes well, I might not need that surgery after all.

So far, after 4 hours I'm hungry and after 7 hours I'm feeling exhausted, but like I said this has been an unusual day. Hoping to see benefits kick in soon.
Hi. I started on 30mg last month. I was going well for the first 2 weeks and then felt like it wasn't working as well as it was. I am now on 40mg. Maybe you need stronger?!
Hello UnicornDreamer! All the best of luck to you on your Duromine journey! Keeping my fingers crossed that Duromine helps you solve the issue of excess weight without the need for further surgery!
Hi UnicornDreamer! How are you doing so far? Did the 15 mg start working for you or you switched to 30 mg?
Hey Everyone

Bit of background about me:
I'm a 27 year old, 178cm and 100kg on the dot as of this morning.
At my skinniest I was 60kg and I would ideally like to be around 70-75kg.

My weight gain has come from a severe injury - broken leg in multiple places about 6 months ago. So I've been emotionally eating and unable to exercise. The other day the doctor described me as "a bigger girl" and told me my weight gain could be affecting my rehab so prescribed me with duromine.

I was so hurt at being called this I cried in the car driving home. But hey, he's right. Seeing 100kg on the scales today made me feel awful! I'm horrible at self control and dedication - so I'm hoping I can make it stick this time as I really need to lose weight.

My question for you guys is have any of you lost significant weight without being able to exercise?

Also, I've not really had any side effects - although I have dry mouth and since I'm writing this at almost midnight I guess I'm having trouble sleeping too!
Also I just calculated my BMI and it's 31.6 which is obese - so mortified
Hello Brokenandoverit. Sorry about your injury. Are you on a rehabilitation program right now? You asked about losing weight without exercising… that’s why I am asking if you were prescribed any special physical activity for your leg? Or it’s too early…

We’ll see what other users answer. My own experience tells me that there are people who lose quite a lot of weight before they start exercising on Duromine. That is because this extra weight was literally chocking them + some more energy you get you are on it…

At that, there are many people who didn’t see any significant weight loss until they introduced physical activity. It differs from person to person, so… no idea how it works for you, yet I am sure if you really really want to add some physical activity to your life (not just to lose weight, but to get more fit), we can think of something. Best of luck to yoU!
Hi April,
Thanks for replying - my leg is still very broken - having more surgery in a few months. So I'm currently not allowed to do any exercise (not even swimming).
Hopefully this helps with some weight loss. Plus I will have a strict diet!
I'm also unsure about losing without some form of physical activity but is it possible that you could get some small weight Dumbbells and do low weight but high reps with those? Gets your heart rate up and in the burning zone but strickly no lower half activity. I'm sure any small amount of extra activity will help.

I know how much it sucks to be called out like that about your weight. I was seeing an accountant recently and he looked at my license and then back at me and was like "I see you've stopped with dieting then?" I was soooo livid! At least your doctor wants to help, that's the main thing I guess :) at least we are doing something about trying to improve our health- so go us!!

Good luck with it all!
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