Hello there! How is it going? So… are you having trouble sleeping? Or (fingers crossed) slept well? I hope you will agree with SamBam and me… I was thinking about you and your exercises… I just started looking for something on youtube that could help you. well, what can I say… if you want to lose weight, you will definitely find workouts that will help you. There are tones of these for disabled, paralyzed, amputees and with various health conditions that prevent people from exercising or involving their lower body part. Just look through these… SamBam is so correct – your heart rate will go up, which aids a metabolism boost. Besides, you will be building some muscles, which always help burning more calories. It might also help you cope with your sleeping problem (that is, of course, if Duromine did give it to you). Hope you are feeling good and if you need any help with finding a good workout video, just ask and I will search for a couple of good options. Bets of luck!
SamBam said:
I'm also unsure about losing without some form of physical activity but is it possible that you could get some small weight Dumbbells and do low weight but high reps with those? Gets your heart rate up and in the burning zone but strickly no lower half activity. I'm sure any small amount of extra activity will help.

I know how much it sucks to be called out like that about your weight. I was seeing an accountant recently and he looked at my license and then back at me and was like "I see you've stopped with dieting then?" I was soooo livid! At least your doctor wants to help, that's the main thing I guess :) at least we are doing something about trying to improve our health- so go us!!

Good luck with it all!

Goodness, SamBam… that accountant… so mean…. You definitely owe him a good one when you lose weight and come seeing him again…
Hey April & Sambam!
I actually did look on YouTube this morning and did an ab workout (only 7 minutes oops) and stretched for 20 minutes too.
I'll have a look for some specifically targeted to people with disabilities!

I am having awful trouble sleeping - only had about 8 hours total in the past 3 nights! Hopefully this will subside soon - I don't feel tired though which is good. I actually feel energised and super focused.
Too focused evwn, I was so caught up in my work today I forgot to eat all day! So I have to be careful not to do that again!
Oh hey! You deserve a big hug! Soooo well done! 7 minutes for your abs and 20 minutes of stretching in your condition is a huge achievement! High five! Don’t stop moving!

Sorry about your sleep… usually subsides by day 4-6, so hopefully you will sleep better this night. If you don’t, you might consider going to a pharmacy and taking sleeping pills. Your body needs to rest. Just don’t forget to tell the pharmacist that you are taking Duromine.

As for your focusing and non-eating, set up several alarms during the day, to remind you that you need to go and eat right now. If you do not eat your weight will be going down, in about week one… and then it will stop. So please carefully monitor your nutrition. All in all, you are doing great! I see your motivation, so let’s rock it! =)
Hello Brokenandoverit. How are you feeling? Did your sleep improve or you had to stop Duromine then? Wish you a great day!
Brokenandoverit said:
Hey April & Sambam!
I actually did look on YouTube this morning and did an ab workout (only 7 minutes oops) and stretched for 20 minutes too.
I'll have a look for some specifically targeted to people with disabilities!

I am having awful trouble sleeping - only had about 8 hours total in the past 3 nights! Hopefully this will subside soon - I don't feel tired though which is good. I actually feel energised and super focused.
Too focused evwn, I was so caught up in my work today I forgot to eat all day! So I have to be careful not to do that again!

Hope you’re well and will find some time for an update. All the best to you!
Hey everyone!
So today I was prescribed Duromine, unfortunately due to a few big bills this week I won't be starting until Tuesday. I am a little anxious about starting it as I already find it hard to sleep.. I have a few questions to ask you all.
-Did you find it hard to sleep when you first began taking it? If so.. how long did this affect you?
-Am I really going to feel overly energised a little jittery? (as I've heard it's a from of amphetamine ) and in saying this should I avoid other stimulants such as coffee, Coke Zero or Pepsi Max?
- Do you have any hints and tips regarding when to take it (before, with or after breakfast?)
-Any dietary changes that you would recommend to help things along ?
-Does it ever stop working and/or has anyone experienced a plateau and had to up the dosage?
- has anyone reached their goal weight and stopped taking it only to gain weight again? (my biggest fear)
- Any other advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated, I look forward to hearing from anybody as I'd love to share our journeys to a healthier happier version of ourselves ❤️
All the best!!
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My first day today too! How is everything going for you?
I feel pretty good, bit of a racing heart but I was prepared for that, I'm quite sensitive to stimulants, a cup of coffee has done worse to me!
Hello HopefulMumof1! Welcome to the forum and have a great Duromine journey!

The effects, both good and bad ones, kick in differently in every person who takes Duromine. If you have sleep issues, you should discuss this either with your doctor or pharmacist, because insufficient sleep hinders weight loss.

On Duromine, if you do get insomnia, it usually disappears by maximum day 7.

Energy or jitteriness don’t appear in each and every person. Avoiding coffee… some people need to abandon coffee, others don’t. Refusing coke and Pepsi is one of the biggest favors that you can do to your body.

People usually take it very early in the morning with or without food, you get to choose, then go back to sleep.

Switch to clean healthy foods and make sure that your menu includes proteins, slow carbohydrates, good fats, enough fiber, vitamins and minerals. Avoid lowering your daily caloric value lower than 1200 calories, to not make your body switch to starvation mode. Drink more water – Duromine requires increased hydration. Do NOT skip meals. Opt for three small main meals and 2-3 healthy snacks, depending on the length of your day.

Duromine can stop working or work till the end of the course. If it stops working, you can discontinue for 3-4 days and restart or discuss the possibility of upping the dose with your doctor. Some people find 15 mg to be sufficient and effective for the entire 3-month course. Plateau is possible… the solution is stop/restart Duromine, revise your eating/activity.

If you don’t develop healthy habits and stick to them after you finish Duromine, it is logic that you will gain weight back. If you want to maintain the weight after the end of the course, your should focus on building a strong and healthy regime that you can stick to.

The advice is to be consistent with what you do and never stop believing in yourself! Find your biggest motivation and stick to your goals! Set reasonable small goals and reward yourself with something nice (not food) every time that you reach the next goal.

Best of luck to you! Looking forward to your journey!

PS. Before you begin, take measurements and photos of yourself. They help you stay motivated throughout the entire journey.
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Hi everyone
I'm meeting with my doctor tomorrow for a consult & hoping he'll be happy to prescribe Duramine to me. I'm fairly overweight & the physical affects are now starting to take their toll.
I'm feeling excited about my weight loss journey & just wanted to introduce myself & get some 'must do' tips from you to get me started in the right path.
Thanks everyone!
Welcome to the forum and best of luck to you!!!
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Hi everyone

My doctors appointment today was fantastic! He was very supportive & encouraging
So here's my starting details...

Current Weight: 103.3
Height: 151cm
Goal Weight: 75kg

Day 1 will be tomorrow! I'm excited & nervous all in one, but more excited then anything, to get my health back on track & get my self esteem back up.
Here's to my first week
Woohoo!!! Really happy for you! May this weight loss and health improvement journey become a very successful one and please you every day with new achievements and changes in your look and overall wellbeing.
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April said:
Woohoo!!! Really happy for you! May this weight loss and health improvement journey become a very successful one and please you every day with new achievements and changes in your look and overall wellbeing.

Thanks so much April
So glad you have a supportive doctor and congratulations on take that first step.

I’m new here too, so just wanted to say hi
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Sk1nnyoneday said:
So glad you have a supportive doctor and congratulations on take that first step.

I’m new here too, so just wanted to say hi
Hi and thanks Sk1nnyoneday.

What day are you on and how are things going for you?
Europe16 said:
Hi and thanks Sk1nnyoneday.

What day are you on and how are things going for you?

2nd day today Europe16. Everything is normal. Since I took the pills my general feeling is “I could eat” meaning I could make food for myself but I can’t really be bothered. Definitely a reduced appetite! Even now I have 5 alarms set per day to remind me to eat. My mid morning alarm went off a while ago and I still haven’t felt the urge to eat. Which reminds me.......

It’s a miracle to be honest

How have you been so far? My profile/blog has more detail btw
So… did you start Duromine at all? How are you?

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