Privacy Policy

Your comfort and safety during the use of is among our main priorities. This is why we kindly ask You to read further the Privacy Policy of

We are committed to respecting and preserving Your privacy. When You make the decision to begin using, You are likely planning to share online Your personal data that has to do with Your health, personal experience and emotional state.

Therefore, using Your real name and other personal information might hinder Your online privacy. Choose a nickname that will help You preserve Your anonymousness, and will ensure that none of Your personal data provided to us is disclosed in any way, unless for serious reasons (fraudulent actions, abusive behaviour, if demanded by law, etc.) or in accordance with Your own will.

During the HUGE Update in April, 2019, the Forum Team decided to hide your profile pages from being indexed by search engines, including Google, Bing, etc., so you shouldn’t worry about your full name being visible online.

This Privacy Policy covers the issues related solely to and shall not be a reason for liability under the Privacy Policy of any other forum or website.

What information we collect from You

During the registration for

To get the access to all possibilities and features of, Members need to go through the registration procedure. We introduced obligatory registration to avoid massive spam postings, as well as postings with abusive nature.

To become a valid Member of, You need to follow a simple registration procedure, which involves You filling in several boxes:

  1. Name (indicate Your nickname, which You will not be able to change later)
  2. Email (indicate the email that You usually use to get all the latest Forum news and notifications on new messages in the threads that You follow. Attention for recommendations under this box)
  3. Confirm Email (please type Your email address once again)
  4. Type in a password that You will remember (do not use simple passwords)
  5. Confirm password (please retype Your password once again)
  6. Indicate other data in the following boxes
  7. Read the terms and rules and, if You agree to them, check the box.
  8. Click the Sign Up button and check Your email for the registration confirmation

Your email address will not be shown to other Members in Your personal profile. You have the opportunity to share more personal information with other Members in “Your profile page” section after the registration is complete and You enter the Forum. This information will be shown to all Members. You can choose what to disclose and what should remain private.

Email notifications offers every Member the opportunity to get the latest Forum news and notifications on new posts in the threads that You follow. The only information that we need for this purpose is Your email address, i.e. the email that You indicate during the registration process.

If You are not willing to get any notifications from, You can do it at any moment by unsubscribing from the notifications in any of the emails You get from

What Information we do not collect from You

You have the opportunity to use limited services without registering to the forum. This does not imply collection of any of Your personal data, like email address, name or physical address. Your registration and submission of required information indicates Your readiness and willingness to provide such information to us.

Cookies uses cookies, which are small files that Your browser stores on Your computer in accordance with our Forum request. Due to this option, it is easier to memorize information about You, including the history of Your logs, views and preferences, in order to make Your stay at the Forum more convenient.

No personal information is recorded with cookies, and the fact that You use this Forum confirms that You agree on our use of cookies. At that, we do not have any access to the cookies from other sites that are stored on Your computer.

Can I remove Cookies?

You can manage Your cookies preferences. This should be done in the section options/preferences of Your browser. For frequently used browsers, we have compiled a list of guidelines, which You can use for an easier cookies management:

Cookies help improve our Forum and services.

Our Contact Us Section

If You have any questions about the Forum use or are willing to offer any suggestions about the improvement of, feel free to use our Contact us form. We do our best to answer You as soon as possible, provide with answers to Your questions and solutions to any issues that may arise.

How we use Your information will use the personal information that You provide to:

  1. Ensure You with the access to the Forum services,
  2. Provide You with the latest news on
  3. Improve Forum services for the Your convenience.

You agree to not use to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.

All Content You submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members. All Content that You submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that You consider to be private or confidential.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish Your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

How do I manage my Personal Information

To change anything in Your personal information, You need to enter ‘Your profile Page’ and introduce the changes that You wish. If You have any problems at this point, You always can ask Your question in this section or contact us via the Contact us form.

Links to Other Sources

Any links to other websites that contains do not fall under its liability. holds no responsibility for the Privacy Policy of any other websites. By following any links that are posted on and lead to other websites or forums, You take full responsibility for Your actions.

Changing the Privacy Policy is in constant evolution and services improvement, which implies the need to change the Privacy Policy at times. We advise You to check the Privacy Policy of from time to time to be sure that You do not miss any important changes.

No matter what changes introduces into its Privacy Policy, It shall not use the personal information that You provide for any inappropriate purposes. However, reserves the right to disclose Your personal information, when the law requires it to do so, or to protect its rights, safety and property, as well as the safety of Forum Members.

Terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions of are intended.

How users can request data deletion

If you want to remove your personal data from our website completely, please do not hesitate to send us your request via email to [email protected].