Hashimoto's Disease and Weight loss Update - first 30 days on Duromine

  • Author Estelle
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 1 min read
Good Day Everyone!!

So I am almost done with my first 30 days on Duromine.

Overall feedback on Duromine 30 mg is still undecided o_O. I do have a little bit more energy throughout the day but it surely doesn't keep me awake at night. My appetite is a little bit suppressed, I do get headaches on days that I have not had enough water. I exercise 5 days a week and my diet is 90% on point but I struggle to lose the weight.

After my fast day on Monday I weighed 72 kg, so there was a definite loss, perhaps not as much as what I was hoping for.

I'll continue to use the Duromine for the 3 months and see - maybe my Hashi's is still a bigger factor than what I would like to admit in my weightloss journey, but let's see...

Will keep you posted ;)


Estelle, hi! How were the last two weeks? Do you see any positive changes? I hope you do and hope you will write soon. Keep that motivation high and keep going no matter what! Cheers
Hi Estelle,

I'm currently on my second week of Duromine.

I too have Hashimoto's Disease, mine has never been too big of a problem until I fell pregnant last January and put on 5kg in the first 9 weeks!! even though i was throwing up more than I was eating!! Fast forward 9 months (Gaining 26kg's) 6 weeks post baby i decided to join a weight loss challenge, I didn't do it as a quick fix but more as a kick in the butt to finally have a life style change.

I lost 8kgs in 6 weeks!! I was amazed at the result, then the swelling and hot flushes started getting too much and i found out i actually had a condition where after pregnancy your hypothyroidism temporarily turns into Hyperthyroidism! that would explain the weight i dropped in that short amount of time.

So i saw my doctor they told me to stop taking my medication immediately (At this point no one knew i had hoshimotos and that i couldn't not take my medication) my levels dropped to a dangerously low level.

I went from the extreme symptoms of Hyperthyroidism to the other end of the spectrum with Hypothyroidism.

This all happened around Christmas and now 6 months later I have only just gotten back into the lower end of the normal range.

My dose stayed the same for 3 years and then I had my son and it has completely gone out of whack, I suffer with symptoms daily even though my levels are normal and I’m now on 150mg of thyroxine a day instead of 50mg.

That’s a bit about my story, I started Duromine 1 week ago and have lost 1.2kg with exercising and eating relatively healthy, I think the Hoshimoto’s plays a bit part in not pulling big weight loss numbers.

I’m just thankful that I lost something! I told myself over and over before weighing in don’t be discouraged if you haven’t lost anything because with what’s happened in the last 6months just try and be positive that at least your levels are finally levelling out!

My words of advice for you are please don’t be discouraged, your levels not being normal will be playing a part in you losing 1kg in a month, just keep positive and continue what you’re doing because you’re doing great!


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