Week 1 - Day 3: Not very productive

  • Author Bam Bam
  • Create date
  • Blog entry read time 4 min read
Hi everyone!
Last night I didn’t end up taking the 1/2 tablet of OTC sleeping aid, but did manage to get 7hrs 3min sleep (according to Fitbit).

I still woke up at 5am to take D, but have found that I am not feeling a huge boost in energy. I think I am probably a little more awake? I don’t know lotl On the plus side, I am not as sleepy in the afternoon, haven’t got a dry mouth, and my headache seems to be subsiding (I have had it since Tuesday).
My food intake has been pretty good today, though I haven’t managed my morning and afternoon snacks. I don’t really feel like eating, but I do feel hunger pains if I go too long without food - weird I bought an easy dinner for tonight: Crunchy Asian Salad and BBQ chook.
I got the keys to my new house this morning, and had to take my dog to the vet (he just wasn’t himself. Apparently it is just a tummy bug... phew!). I have also been out and about running errands today, and haven’t managed to do any exercise yet. I have 2x flights of stairs in my new house, and 1x in my current house, and I managed to reach my stair ascent goals today on my Fitbit. My muscles have calmed down since yesterday, so I will attempt to do another Fitbit Coach workout this evening before dinner. The next few days will see me packing and moving house - so that will take care of my exercise (as much as I hate moving).
I have been relatively motivated despite my low energy today. The only thing I have felt bad about today so far is not having done my exercise yet.
OH! I almost forgot! I decided to give myself an END DATE GOAL of 1st July 2019 to reach my goal weight. It’s a pretty optimistic goal seeing as I need to lose 34.5 kg to be at my goal weight (so, an average of 1.4 kg per week). The strange thing is, my body fat percentage is 36.5% - Does that mean 36.5% of my current weight is body fat? I mean, 36.5% of 95.5 kg is 34.8 kg, so that makes a bit of sense, and would put me at about 60.7 kg. But wouldn’t that be a loss of ALL body fat, and don’t we still need a percentage of body fat? Also, my BMI says that 50-55kg is my ideal range - I know BMI is notoriously lower than it should be, but still! When I used to weight 68 kg, I was pretty happy, though I knew I could really lose around 5kg more. I dunno - food for thought I guess. I might do some reading on it.
I will check in again later and add to this post before bed tonight xx

I didn’t manage to get a workout in tonight as I was busy packing for the move (not my favourite pass time lol). Earlier today, I was wondering about body fat percentages, and what is considered to be a healthy percentage. Well... I WORKED IT OUT!!! so here goes!
1. First, at 95.5kg, I know that my body fat % is 42.7%. That tells me that 42.7% of my 95.5kg Weight equates to 40.8kg.​
2. Second, Given that 42.7% of Weight is body fat, that means that I would weigh 54.7kg with 0% body fat - but obviously, that’s not possible.​
3. After searching through multiple academic papers, It would seem that for me (35 year old Woman), a healthy range of 20-25% body fat is recommended.​
4. To work out what my ideal weight would be, given that I would weigh 54.7kg with 0% body fat and knowing what my healthy body fat range is, I can assume that my final weight would comprise 20-25% body fat, and 75-80% body (I’m just going to refer to everything that isn’t body fat as “body” ). So here is my calculation:
At 20% body fat:
y = 54.7/0.80
y = 68.38kg​
At 25% body fat:
y = 54.7/0.75
y = 72.93kg​
(*y represents my unknown goal weight.)
So, broadly, my ideal weight is a range from 68-73kg, which is a FAR CRY from the 50-55kg that most weight charts suggest for my height. And that’s totally fine, because... everyone is built differently. I generally build a lot of muscle than average, and my frame is larger than other women of my height. Also, this calculation will change as I build even more muscle.
This also means that I actually need to aim to lose around 26.6kg, instead of the 45.5-35.5kg I initially thought I needed to lose.
Anyway, I thought that was interesting to share. Xx


Hello dear! So happy to see you back with all the great changes in your life AND an incredibly thoughtful approach to weight loss and goal weight. The end date goal and the amounts of kilos that you set up for losing look pretty reachable =)) I am sure that you will manage everything as planned. Congrats on the new house, first success and a great night's sleep.
Bam Bam
Hi April! Thank you so much :) Happy to hear from you again too! :) It’s a relief to hear that you think my goals look reachable hehe always good to get outside conformation. I am in the midst of my move, so when I get some time, I will update my blog on the last couple of days. I hope you’re doing well!! Xx
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Blog entry information

Bam Bam
Read time
4 min read
Last update

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