SarahG said:
Hi April
Thanks for that
Breakfast is usually a piece of wholemeal toast and a cup of coffee
Lunch is a salad, I'll either make a garden type salad with avocado and feta or a coleslaw or broccoli salad
Dinner is usually something like spag Bol. Home made pizza, sausage casserole those types of things
I will nibble on a piece of fruit or handful of nuts if hungry during the day
Exercise is usually non existent, maybe get 1/2hr - 1hr of running in on the weekend. I'm at a desk job and been have been making the efffort toget up and move more. This weekend I'll probably be doing at least 1/2hr of cardio exercise each day (fri- mon)

Ok, Sarah. Yes, you are right, you really do need to increase the level of you physical activity, since what you have been having up till now is close to none. I know what it’s like when you work full time sitting behind the desk. Very hard to get into any kind of activity. Been there… Yet, I have to confess. Once you manage to drag yourself into the gym, or in a swimming pool, you won’t be able to stop. You will feel how your muscles start “breathing”, how your joints become smoother, how your lower back starts saying “thank you my dear for this relief, finally, I wanted it so badly!” just try it. A couple of times… swim… it’s something that changes your life for better. Even when I am so tired that I can hardly imagine myself getting up from the couch and going somewhere, and I talk myself into getting into the pool… once you’re in – you feel free and calm, and so fantastically well. Plus, it helps you lose weight =))

Ok, I also can understand if it is impossible for one reason or another… yet, if you have even a smallest chance of doing it – do it. No second thoughts.

What else we can think of… what about your way to/from work? Is there any possibility to walk there on foot, or may be just a couple of stops to walk on foot instead of sitting in any vehicle?

What else… my usual advice for those who have veeeeery little time before work and come home squeezed like a lemon after a hard day of work:

1. Plank exercises – help your muscles work for calories burning and help you tone your body and skin within a very limited amount of time. If you do it once in the morning (it will take you… starting from 30 seconds – you probably won’t hold more if you do it right, up to.. hmm.. 2 minutes may be, when you do it constantly and develop endurance.) Works great & takes little time.

2. Tabata (my favourite). If you are used to taking shower in the morning before work, Tabata is a good start for the day. You will have to work really hard and you will feel like you’re going to crash, yet after a shower (make that alternating shower to increase blood circulation and help your skin get toned) you fell like you’re ready to climb the Everest mountain). Works fantastic & takes little time (about 8-15 minutes).

So these are the recommendations about your physical activity: 2 options for “invisible” physical activity, like walking, and 2 options for strength physical activity that tale very little time and provide extreme benefits for your body shape and overall health condition.

Now… what I have to say about your nutrition. It is great that you manage to fit in the 1200 cal (I think you do, judging by the foods you listed). However, the allocation of foods isn’t the best one, if your aim is to lose weight, and not maintain the one you have. If there is such a possibility, you should switch your lunch with your dinner and add to the salad a small amount of protein (to still fit in the 1200 cal limit). If only you could start today by having your usual lunch for lunch and dinner, and save the envisaged dinner for tomorrow’s lunch. Then go on as needed: save dinner for tomorrow’s lunch, have usual lunch+protein for dinner instead. Everything else about your nutrition is perfect. Yet, we are trying to increase your weight loss. How about you try eating like this for the next week and include at least the physical activity you plan. (better include something of what I suggested).

If you can, give daily reports for the next week about both nutrition and exercising. Let’s do it! Best of luck! Sorry for the long message =)
April said:
Hey Dee! Music to my ears hearing you say you can’t have a day without exercising. It’s just GREAT!

Sorry to hear you feel a bit sick when you wake up, but looks like you found your remedy, so it’s good. Does your stomach react normally to an apple on an empty stomach? Mine goes nuts and I just wanted to tell you to be careful to not hurt yourself with lots of acid as the first thing that gets into your stomach every morning.

=)) pure matcha tea.. I’d appreciate your feedback on it, because I am also thinking about getting it. Want to know your opinion. I see, we have quite close tastes for foods and drinks. =)

Your weight loss pace is just perfect (did I say that already?)! 96 is very very close and I am sure one of the next 2 days will be deafened with your scream yeeeeey! Do you realize how much work you have already done and what a great result you already managed to achieve. Hey, did you take any photos? Before and after photos are so inspiring! If you still don’t have a “before” photo, please, please, please Dee, take it.

The exercise you described… are you sure it will be ok to do it? Your back problem is still there… please, be very very careful! Oh, congrats with plank! 10 sec is great to start with! Each day, you will see this time increase, and you will feel your muscles working. Bravo, Dee!

Have a lovely day and hope the scales make you cheerful and smiling soon! =)

Hi April
Yes even i do a few things its better than nothing... I guess I am more worried I may go back to the way I was so if I can keep a good routine up now my thought is it will stay with me :)

Hmm good point didn't think of the acid... tummy must be like iron as i get no affects its only a small apple but still I may need to change that apple to something else... I save my egg for later thou today I never had it

Yes I will when I get it hopefully next week...they say the inferior ones dont taste nice...bitter

Thank you!!
you mean you didn't hear me sequel this morning!! :laughing: I am in 96 not by much so tomorrow it could change .. fingers crossed it wont ;) I need to post later... when it rains it pours our cat has gone missing i am trying to stay calm but I just well up with tears and keep crying thinking the worse ... not like him I call him my shadow he follows me every where (I guess you can tell by now I am animal lover) or I should say he follows behind the dog and usually doesn't venture far maybe to the next house..we feel that someone has him locked up because he isn't in the streets (thank goodness) and he doesn't come when I call... he was in bed with us at 12.30 (last time i checked my watch) last night so where ever he went... he hasn't come back since :( he will cry the house down by tonight as he doesn't like being locked in and has a loud meow on him, he also goes to the toilet out side so fingers crossed he comes home soon...

I did take a photo in a dress but I promise I will take another Sunday with and without so I can actual see my body change.... yes I was very careful I did it between a door frame so even had wood to pull on and didn't squat too far down:)... slowly slowly yes same as the plank 10 is good i thought...

Okay il be back need to look again for my cat and get some more exercise in... now thats hard to do when your emotionally worried:(

Dee2017 said:
Hi April
Yes even i do a few things its better than nothing... I guess I am more worried I may go back to the way I was so if I can keep a good routine up now my thought is it will stay with me :)

Hmm good point didn't think of the acid... tummy must be like iron as i get no affects its only a small apple but still I may need to change that apple to something else... I save my egg for later thou today I never had it

Yes I will when I get it hopefully next week...they say the inferior ones dont taste nice...bitter

Thank you!!
you mean you didn't hear me sequel this morning!! :laughing: I am in 96 not by much so tomorrow it could change .. fingers crossed it wont ;) I need to post later... when it rains it pours our cat has gone missing i am trying to stay calm but I just well up with tears and keep crying thinking the worse ... not like him I call him my shadow he follows me every where (I guess you can tell by now I am animal lover) or I should say he follows behind the dog and usually doesn't venture far maybe to the next house..we feel that someone has him locked up because he isn't in the streets (thank goodness) and he doesn't come when I call... he was in bed with us at 12.30 (last time i checked my watch) last night so where ever he went... he hasn't come back since :( he will cry the house down by tonight as he doesn't like being locked in and has a loud meow on him, he also goes to the toilet out side so fingers crossed he comes home soon...

I did take a photo in a dress but I promise I will take another Sunday with and without so I can actual see my body change.... yes I was very careful I did it between a door frame so even had wood to pull on and didn't squat too far down:)... slowly slowly yes same as the plank 10 is good i thought...

Okay il be back need to look again for my cat and get some more exercise in... now thats hard to do when your emotionally worried:(


So funny. I saw you online and was just sitting and refreshing the page, waiting for the post to appear. And here it is! =))))

I am so sorry about your cat =((( I am an animal lover too. Right now, we have a cat (very fearful creature, never goes outside), two white-gray dwarf hamsters, blue-red Siamese fighting fish (switched to one fish and small tank. Used to have a large one). I am still thinking of having a dog and a second cat, yet for now I am not ready… but I always want to.. and a rabbit, and an owl, and a fox… they’re all so lovely. My heart goes out to you… I know how hard it can be to lose your cat and not know if he is ever going to come back. I hope that someone just locked him (why people do this… no pleasure from someone else’s pet. It doesn’t love you). If this is the case, he will come back. Even in a week. They do somehow get out of captivity. Fingers crossed for his soon return. And you be careful there under the rain. You don’t want to get sick.

Very well done on those exercises! And congratulations on these 96 (touch wood). Hope, you’ll see 95 in a couple of days. =)) and you know you will. I’ll just shut it here, and keep my fingers crossed for your cat. Best of luck!
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I did that pretend sit last night and did it in between the en-suite so I was able to pull myself up using the beading on the door frame... I dont think I went right down... like on a seat but close to it o_O slowly slowly I say:p I was able to count to 20

Hi Everyone,

Today's weight is 96.9 fingers crossed I still see 96 tomorrow ;)
Breakfast was an apple and a peach... I had a pretend coffee (big cup)and didn't get to eat my egg didn't feel like it... I had a couple of appointments so by the time I got home i thought not long till dinner so I made a drink half almond milk half water with blueberries, chia seeds, and raspberry protein power dinner was just a chicken sandwich (hi fiber... my poor body)... I will have fish and veggies tomorrow snacks I had cranberries and some almonds not be mention water.... I just had 2 of my jellies

Exercise wise Ive done 20 on the vibration machine 3km on the bike a mixture tonight.. i felt a bit bad not doing some more exercise so I upped things i did a couple 30 fast 10 slow made a km go fast :)the other 2 km was a mostly 20 fast 10 slow but i did do a few 10 10. I ve done one plank and 20 tummy ones I will do another plank before bed and another of those pretend sits

Wishing everyone a great night :laughing:
April said:
So funny. I saw you online and was just sitting and refreshing the page, waiting for the post to appear. And here it is! =))))

I am so sorry about your cat =((( I am an animal lover too. Right now, we have a cat (very fearful creature, never goes outside), two white-gray dwarf hamsters, blue-red Siamese fighting fish (switched to one fish and small tank. Used to have a large one). I am still thinking of having a dog and a second cat, yet for now I am not ready… but I always want to.. and a rabbit, and an owl, and a fox… they’re all so lovely. My heart goes out to you… I know how hard it can be to lose your cat and not know if he is ever going to come back. I hope that someone just locked him (why people do this… no pleasure from someone else’s pet. It doesn’t love you). If this is the case, he will come back. Even in a week. They do somehow get out of captivity. Fingers crossed for his soon return. And you be careful there under the rain. You don’t want to get sick.

Very well done on those exercises! And congratulations on these 96 (touch wood). Hope, you’ll see 95 in a couple of days. =)) and you know you will. I’ll just shut it here, and keep my fingers crossed for your cat. Best of luck!

voila :laughing:

Thanks April.... aww little kitty sounds like he may have been abused if he is so scared? oh I had hamsters as a child oh my you are an animal lover... I have heard they have released a disease here for rabbits we have lots of wild ones (not near me) worse part is there is no vaccine for the pet rabbits, I have not heard this on the news and feel for those who have no idea...if i could have a huge property I would love lots of animals.. especially for those that have never known what its like to be loved I know people that even have goats as pets as they follow them like a dog would... yes his meow is pretty loud LOL we are going to head out soon (getting dark... not so noisey) because if I call him he will answer if he can hear me.. we just need to hear him.. if not I hope he comes in during the middle of the night to wake me up and say hey im home and Im hungry :rolleyes: and Ive worried for nothing

Yes 95 is around the corner :laughing: once i get done with 96o_O

Wishing you a great day too
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Quick post (unrelated to my weight loss) to say we went for a walk last night called for our cat... nothing... well would you believe I spotted a ginger cat and he started to follow us... the owners came to the front door and probably thought we were trying to take him/her LOL so I couldn't call for mine because when I did this other cat running to me for a pat and started to follow us home

great news he came home around 9.30... his eyes like saucers he jumped on the bed and was so nervous he jumped at every movement he wouldn't take his eyes off the door.... poor thing was petrified... he is missing a nail from his back foot? other than that he is good... slept with me all night (he loves to spoon) and didn't move... I had shut the back door just encase he decided to go back out... nope :laughing:

Have a great weekend everyone and Il be back later with my daily report
Oh, Dee I was really waiting for this news! :eek:Thank you for telling us that your little "wanderer" finally came home safe and sound. I love cats, so I was worried too))) Thank God. I bet he has sooo much to tell you, if only he could))) I hope his missing nail is not a big deal, but maybe it's better to visit a vet one day, just in case. Have a great weekend you too.:laughing:
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Kate said:
Oh, Dee I was really waiting for this news! :eek:Thank you for telling us that your little "wanderer" finally came home safe and sound. I love cats, so I was worried too))) Thank God. I bet he has sooo much to tell you, if only he could))) I hope his missing nail is not a big deal, but maybe it's better to visit a vet one day, just in case. Have a great weekend you too.:laughing:

Thanks Kate.... LOL oh I bet if he could he would love to tell me o_O I have bathed it and will keep an eye on him any issues he will go straight to the vet.... been a very busy month at the vets with the dog, chook etc :eek:

I hope you have a great weekend too :laughing:
Last night i did one of those sit positions again 20 seconds, and I did another plank 10sec

Saturday 4th March
weight 96.9 same as yesterday so all being well im down at least 200 tomorrow then 200 for Monday (8 weeks) Il be a happy girl... my luck il drop to 95 tomorrow and go back up for my 8 week weight on Monday :eek:

Im off to the drs tomorrow have my blood pressure checked etc and make sure the 40 is okay for me... after all it may feel okay but nice to have a medical check to ensure it is... plus I will get her to weigh me again

Today I had an apple and egg plus slice of toast for breakfast I also had a pretend coffee with half Almond and water, lunch was a tuna sandwich with onion and lemon... dinner was golden snapper with salad I tried making these strawberry slices, I put in too many strawberries as its a bit runny.. but that is okay they taste nice frozen o_O I snacked on 3 olives, 2 of those slices I made them in those chocolate molds so they are only small
Today I incorporated my arm exercises(with 1kg weights) into my dancing but instead of going flat chat for the full 30 minutes I stopped for 20 seconds or so in-between I also did my elbow to knee ones approx 20 as well as my tummy ones, I've done 2 planks today the second i held till 20 but the second one I asked my partner to check my back I felt straight but I was up a little so I will get him to check again tomorrow when I do them to make sure I am doing it right It felt right but obviously wasn't I was up too high.. must remember to pull my belly in too:oops:

Wishing everyone a good night... don't forget we will do this

Till tomorrow:laughing:
last night I was so hot I got up at 1pm to cool off I was hungry so i had one of those frozen strawberry treats very small I sucked on that had some water and went back to bed oh and I did 20 on the vibro machine yesterday too

Sunday 5th March 2017

Today I had my visit with my dr for a regular check up whilst on duromine she could see that I had lost weight:cool: , my blood pressure is very good and she is very happy with my loss since seeing her on the 23rd Ive lost 2kg.... I remembered when I left the clinic...I had my period then so hence the extra loss... I will stay on duromine till I need the surgery which may be in 2 months time and If i can loose another 5-8 kg by then she would be very happy with that... so will I :laughing: she also made a suggestion of adding chia seeds into my strawberry treats...

I weighed myself this morning and I was 96.4....I won't get too excited but if I am that weight tomorrow that means i would have lost just over 9kg since starting duromine 8 weeks ago... if I had of kept on track and not been ill etc I am confident I would have lost the 10kg... but I am very very happy with 9kg my hand types that and I still cant believe it, 9kg WOW

Oh and I took pictures today in my underwear and will do one in my dress after I have had a shower

I left early to go to the drs so I only had an apple then I came home and made a small foccacia toasted sandwich with roast chicken, lettuce, tomato, capsicum and cheese for lunch, then a small slice of that chocolate slice my auntie made... I haven't touched it since the other day... dinner was ham and salad an easy meal... back to normal tomorrow :) plus lots of water and a coffee earlier in the day snacks have been 4 small pieces of licorice and 2 jelly pieces

I want to tone my inner thigh so I will need to start doing exercises for that, I will pull the Pilates machine out this week too see what I can do on it...I've ridden 2km so far 1km at the higher number 10 fast 10 slow then the 2nd km i did 20 fast 10 slow, and 20 on the vibro machine 2 planks 20 sec each :laughing: and I had my partner check that my back is straight might do that for a bit .... that way I knopw i am doing it correctly and 20 tummy ones plus 20 knee to chest raises

I just rode another 2km on the higher number doing 10 fast 10 slow then 15 fast and 10 slow I will do a pretend sit before bed :laughing: if I can my legs are a little sore :eek:

That is it for today wishing everyone a great night
Hello there, suspicious cat caller =))) Now that ginger cat totally trolled you! =))) I am so happy your adventurer came back home, even if he does have some signs of battle casualties. I guess, he climbed a very high tree really REALLY fast. Hopefully, he’ll go well and you won’t have to take him to the vet. Otherwise, he might think you are doing everything to see him more often =))) kidding

Ok, now to the weight loss stuff. Dee, my hat’s off to you for all the exercises you do. It is amazing how you evolved since the moment you only started. So well done! That Pilates machine must be so excited to finally get on the day’s light and start working with you. =)

Now, you’re probably going to hate me… with all your heart and soul…

good luck!

Ok, now about that “I could have lost 10 kg”… aha, you could have lost 15 and 20 kg in a month, why not? And how would your skin look like? Did you see the Shar Pei dogs? Aha, that’s right. So no, my dear, you have lost a perfect and very significant amount of kilos. Pat your shoulder. =)

Btw, do you take care of your skin? I am not talking only about the body, but also your neck and face? I know you’re excited about the weight loss, yet you shouldn’t forget about the skin, too. I am not sure 100% if you are using at least a tbsp. of olive oil per day, so your skin does need some help to adjust to new volumes. For the body, when you take a shower after the exercises, have alternating showers (don’t need to use cold water, just slightly cooler), finish them on the cooler note and then use your towel to slightly rub and massage the problem areas (till slightly red) and use oil or a good cream.

Have a fantastic week! =)
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Monday 6/3/17

I am pleased to say no change in my weight :rolleyes: today's is 96.4 woo hoo so that is 9.1 kg in 8 weeks I am please with that I even spotted 95 on the scales before it if I keep up the good work I should be rewarded with that number very soono_O

My tea arrived today (not the matcha) :cool: to assist in bowel movement so I will be taking a cup of it tonight before bed:laughing:... . I should have had my hi fiber bread on the weekend oh well lets see how this tea works

Today I had a 1/4 banana, little protein powder, chia seeds instead of my apple first thing... so mid morning I had an apple, and a boiled egg closer to lunch time, so lunch was 6 cristini sticks with cheese, I had my coffee drink earlier, dinner was a small piece of steak with veggies, I snacked on walnuts and a couple of my jellies and 3 mini licorice .... plus ive had my water

Exercise wise Ive done 10 on the vibro machine, I did 30 min dancing with the 1kg weights and incorporated my arms exercise and leg lifts, I tried to stop more often as I move to the beat so its a fast work out... but I only stopped 3 times... ive done 20 tummy ones and so far 2 planks 20 sec I just rode 4 km on the high number I did 3 of 10 fast 10 slow with a few 15 fast thrown in... and the last Km i just rode medium pace

I hope everyone is doing well... Til tomorrow

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April said:
Hello there, suspicious cat caller =))) Now that ginger cat totally trolled you! =))) I am so happy your adventurer came back home, even if he does have some signs of battle casualties. I guess, he climbed a very high tree really REALLY fast. Hopefully, he’ll go well and you won’t have to take him to the vet. Otherwise, he might think you are doing everything to see him more often =))) kidding

Ok, now to the weight loss stuff. Dee, my hat’s off to you for all the exercises you do. It is amazing how you evolved since the moment you only started. So well done! That Pilates machine must be so excited to finally get on the day’s light and start working with you. =)

Now, you’re probably going to hate me… with all your heart and soul…

good luck!

Ok, now about that “I could have lost 10 kg”… aha, you could have lost 15 and 20 kg in a month, why not? And how would your skin look like? Did you see the Shar Pei dogs? Aha, that’s right. So no, my dear, you have lost a perfect and very significant amount of kilos. Pat your shoulder. =)

Btw, do you take care of your skin? I am not talking only about the body, but also your neck and face? I know you’re excited about the weight loss, yet you shouldn’t forget about the skin, too. I am not sure 100% if you are using at least a tbsp. of olive oil per day, so your skin does need some help to adjust to new volumes. For the body, when you take a shower after the exercises, have alternating showers (don’t need to use cold water, just slightly cooler), finish them on the cooler note and then use your towel to slightly rub and massage the problem areas (till slightly red) and use oil or a good cream.

Have a fantastic week! =)

Hi April,

Oh me too. his toe is healing really well I didn't even have to bath it.... he has slept most of the time since he came back :laughing:

Thank you.... Í am not sure If i should say this or not... but no I dont hate you ;) actually thank you for it :)...I looked for some to do on youtube but this is perfect... I am unable to lay on my back but I can do all the other exercises and I did them all :laughing: I can feel my legs today front as well as the other parts ;) and I haven't got on the bike yet :eek:

So true about the skin... I never wanted to loose too much too fast (well I must be honest and say would have loved too :cool: but I know it would easily go back on, as I would not eat properly to loose it and when I did boom up the weight would go) ... So I feel doing it this way will mean a very minimal gain if any when I stop o_O

I have been using bio oil but your tips are very good about rubbing after shower o_O I know 1 - 1/2 a week is ideal to loose... so thats why i set a goal of 10kg but I am over the moon with 9 :laughing: I remember starting and now I am looking back on what I have done... I brought myself a new jacket yesterday as a little reward in 8 weeks time i will be talking about another weight loss and this post will be my past so my future only has even more loss in store for me ... with more hard work and commitment... because i will do this!!!

Okay I better get off my bottom and go shake this body with some weights

You have given me 2 new things to add to my list so thank you

Wishing you a great day Dee
Hey there, the adventurous Dee!!! I am so relieved that I didn’t fall in disgrace due to this exercises routine, and again I applause you for dropping directly into it. Glad you liked it and glad you are feeling the consequences. It will take some time until your inner thighs get into a proper tone and you will stop feeling pain after each workout. Yet, it is all worth it. =)

Yey, yippee! A new jacket! Bravo, girl! A lovely treat for a lovely lady! You definitely deserve it! Way to go! And shake that boootey! =)))))))

Glad, I could be helpful, so you’re very welcome! Have a fantastic day and a cheerful mood!
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Tuesday 7/3


My weight has gone up?? I guess I cant complain... I've just been spoilt with it going down every day... so I am 97kg :eek: Monday is my weigh inn so I have 5 more days to get to my 95 umm maybe low 96 o_O lets see what tomorrow brings

The tea I drunk last night didn't work then again I was nervous about steeping it for too long, I will see how I go tomorrow otherwise I will make another and will steep it a bit longer and give it another go ;)

I did the 3 minute inner thigh burn minus the lay down ones :laughing:(due to my back I am unable to do them) I did 20 on the vibro legs are sore... so when I tried riding at 20 fast and 10 slow I struggled so I lowed the number and did 1km 10 slow 10 fast then a mixture in the last 2 km of 10-15 fast 10 slow i have done one plank so far 30 sec I also did 25 minutes of dance with 1kg weights, I will do another plank before bed :laughing:

Breakfast was an egg and a almond/peach/ chia/ protein drink, lunch was mini snacks 4 mussels, 4 cristini sticks, slice of cheese and slice of homemade banana bread with chia seeds, dinner was homemade Japanese pancake, zucchini, carrot, cabbage egg etc

Short post today.... Till tomorrow:)
April said:
Hey there, the adventurous Dee!!! I am so relieved that I didn’t fall in disgrace due to this exercises routine, and again I applause you for dropping directly into it. Glad you liked it and glad you are feeling the consequences. It will take some time until your inner thighs get into a proper tone and you will stop feeling pain after each workout. Yet, it is all worth it. =)

Yey, yippee! A new jacket! Bravo, girl! A lovely treat for a lovely lady! You definitely deserve it! Way to go! And shake that boootey! =)))))))

Glad, I could be helpful, so you’re very welcome! Have a fantastic day and a cheerful mood!

Ba ha ha I love it thank you!!! Its perfect... you find the best ones!;)

It will be on my to do list after my inner thigh one tomorrow... I can't wait :laughing:

Dee :laughing:
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Hello Sarah! Did I bore you with my long message? =)) Hope not and I hope you did introduce some changes into your daily routine! If not, then let’s do it! The time has come! Wish I could do more to help you boost your weight loss, yet it’s all I can do and hope for the best!

Have a fantastic day and a very very very cheerful mood!
Athena Rusch said:
I'm a shorty - which is why my goal weight is so low! I was 45kgs - 50kgs my whole life until I had kids!

Hello Athena Rusch! It’s been a long time since you confessed about your eating problem and I was hoping you will drop by from time to time and tell us all how you are feeling. I am sure you do need support, because you have to fight not simple hunger, and the emotional one, which is a very difficult thing to fight. However, there are so many people ready here, on this forum, to help you with tips and support you might need at times.

Please, don’t be restraint. Here, no one knows you in real life and you can share anything you feel like sharing. It’s a great opportunity to fight both your addiction and its consequences, i.e. extra weight.

If you started and then stopped, let’s start together again and get on with this on a daily basis. It does help to use this forum as a weight loss diary. Now it’s all up to you. first step is always a very difficult one, yet while you still have time and strength, it’s time to change your life to healthier side. Best of luck!
Hello Nassa! How is it going? How are you feeling? Any news, any progress? Are you attentive with your water intake? =)) DO you have a great mood now If not, let me share some of mine with you and inspire you for something active! I am sharing just the active part, because I know that you already eat perfectly healthy! =)) have a cheerful day and write soon, please!
Gwynedd said:
Yesterday I did a big Pile of house work. Took kitty to vets for a Lion cut, and then went off to work. Had a cereal bar, a nectarine and my lunch was the Lamb kofta curry I made on Saturday, which is crazy hot, but good. Did 26mins yoga and weighed in at 96KG. Just want this to happen so magically quick! No patience. But awesome that hunger pangs aren't there. Finding myself bored more often though, as opposed to satisfied lounging on the couch. Hence all the house work. Lol. It certainly needed done!
Valentines day today! Aim is not to be too bad. Have had 2 cereal bars, a nectarine and left over pork roast from sunday. Yum. And will do some yoga after picking kitty up and heading home. Today is one of my 10.5 hr work days. So I end up pretty tired. Plus sleeping was super hard last night.

Hello Gwynedd. So it’s a month since you started Duromine. A whole month of a new experience. How was it? Did you manage to lose any weight? Did you manage to introduce any lifestyle changes? I hope you are doing well and will find a couple of minutes to write a few lines for everyone who is here to cheer you up and worries for your progress. Best of luck!
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