Hi, Meagan.
I don't understand your concern, many people dream of not having side effects like lack of sleep. But you are right - it's just two days, give it some more time. By the way, I would suggest you to take the pill with a full glass of water because your stomach is empty this early time in the morning and any pill may irritate the stomach mucosa a little bit.

Have you experienced lack of hunger throughout these days? That's how the pills should work. But don't worry, I am sure you will feel the effect very soon. Especially if you use 30mg. Good luck! :)
Thanks for your reply Kate! I was more worried that the duromine wasn't working as I have no side effects that so many others have talked about on here but I'll give it some more time :)
I still get hungry but find that I don't feel like eating certain foods and desire smaller servings. Hopefully I see some results!
Hey Meagan I'm the same! I still get hungry but some foods revolt me and yes to smaller servings - we had beautiful lamb steaks and salad for dinner... I had about 2 bites of lamb, and a 4inch square of lettuce and I was done!! For a minute I felt sad as I love food so much. But the sadness quickly went
Yep I no longer feel like binging on fast food and chocolate, never thought I'd see the day.. haha :)
I'm just worried because I have no side effects it may no be working. Most people say they experience bursts of energy and jittering but so far I have had none of that. I feel very near normal. Surely 30mg would have to give me more severe side effects.
just don't want to find out I have wasted my money :(
every morning I wake at 5 to take the tablet and go back to sleep then wake at 6/7 completely awake. I'm not sure if it's because I'm disrupting my sleep or the tablets are waking me up.
Do you usually eat something before taking the tablet?
Sorry about the paragraph just want as much advice/ opinion as possible.

Good luck with your weight loss journey! :laughing:
I started at 88.6kg in my first week I got down to 83.2/82.5 ( different scales).

My issue is in week two and three i had no more weight loss, im eating very well exercising 2-3 times day.

What can i do to excellerate the Duromine??

Thank you xo
Hi Jessie!

Sorry to hear your having some troubles achieving the results your after !

Was your duromine prescribed by a doctor ? If so what dose are you on 15 or 30 ?
I was perscribed 30mg.
I dont even feel like im taking it.

Its very frustrating??
That is very frustrating!

Do you mind writing down everything you ate yesterday I may be able to give some advise my sisters a dietitian :)
Morning - 30 minutes of intense exercise.
Breakfast - Three poached eggs, Avocado, two peices of multigrain bread ( I am meant to have
Rye but cafe didnt have any) and one latte with milk ( meant to have only almond milk, had full cream)
12pm - 30 minutes PT
After a protein shake

7pm -30 minutes bootcamp
Then when i came home had a small chicken breast.

Today - im cutting out the coffee/coke and having yucky green tea
You may be building muscle, losing fat but building muscle. Working out so much also means the body needs to be fed or weirdly the weight loss slows.
as of next week I have been on Duromine 40mg for 12 weeks
In the first month I lost 10kgs and then the second month I lost 1kgs
I have a weight in next week with my doctor and in afraid I haven't shifted anymore weight.
Personally I don't feel and difference in my body or looks my clothes haven't gotten any lose on me.
I feel like I've hit a wall/plateau
Like I can't lose any more weight and it's really frustrating me
I'm 100kgs, I work a lot of hours and I try my hardest to fit in exercise and I watch what I'm eating as much as I can but also because I haven't had much time I eat what I can.

I might have a cheat night here and there for example last night I have a few handfuls of crispy m&ms :(

Has anyone eles stopped losing weight? Help? I'm desperate
Have you tried my fitness pal? It's hard to track everything you eat but maybe track a few days to get an idea of the carbs, fats and sugars you're eating. I did it for a while and it helps a lot. I can now look at any food and estimate the calories and carbs and sugar. Sometimes we don't realise how much crap is stuffed in such a tiny innocent looking mueslie bar or 'health' food. That may help. Good luck x
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Shanice said:
as of next week I have been on Duromine 40mg for 12 weeks
In the first month I lost 10kgs and then the second month I lost 1kgs
I have a weight in next week with my doctor and in afraid I haven't shifted anymore weight.
Personally I don't feel and difference in my body or looks my clothes haven't gotten any lose on me.
I feel like I've hit a wall/plateau
Like I can't lose any more weight and it's really frustrating me
I'm 100kgs, I work a lot of hours and I try my hardest to fit in exercise and I watch what I'm eating as much as I can but also because I haven't had much time I eat what I can.

I might have a cheat night here and there for example last night I have a few handfuls of crispy m&ms :(

Has anyone eles stopped losing weight? Help? I'm desperate

Hey shanice,

How are you going with your journey?

I'm also 100 kg down from 110 kg.

Keep going and don't give up!! I'm two weeks into duromine and have cut down my meals to two a day (as I cant eat anymore) I drink water all day and exercise for half an hour each day and getting amazing results...

Just wanted to check in with you and see how you are going?

Josie x
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Today is my 7th day of 30mg Duromine and I've lost 1kg but that varies each morning (goes back up to 80 then down to 78 back up etc). Im 155cm 81kg, 20 yrs old. I went on duromine in 2011 and lost 10kg in a month so decided to go back on it as I'm having trouble keeping my eating habits in check.
This time on Duromine I've had all the bad side effects, dry mouth, diahorrea, insomia and nausea
im not eating as much but still feeling hungry and when I do eat its something small. But its not a rapid no hunger feeling.
Can someone help me, not sure what I'm doing wrong :(
it seems you need to eat more food. 4-5 times a day, small portions up to 1200 calories. Then your hunger feelings should normalize and the nausea disappears hopefully. Do not do the same mistake most people do. Start eating normally, teach your body healthy diet. I know it may be hard, but try this time harder. It helped me to cook and put my meals in small containers in the fridge. Set time for the meals even if you are not hungry.
1kg is good for a weeks loss! Try not weighing yourself everyday (so hard I know!) as it will fluctuate from day to day, but over a whole week you will hopefully see the difference. I weighed 2 days ago (NOT weigh in day - naughty!) and then weighed today and weight was up 0.4kg from 2 days ago. I was so disappointed until I looked at last weeks weigh-in and realised I'd actually lost 1.2kg this week overall (even after the 0.4 gain) Good luck for the next week!
Cmvx said:
Have you tried my fitness pal? It's hard to track everything you eat but maybe track a few days to get an idea of the carbs, fats and sugars you're eating. I did it for a while and it helps a lot. I can now look at any food and estimate the calories and carbs and sugar. Sometimes we don't realise how much crap is stuffed in such a tiny innocent looking mueslie bar or 'health' food. That may help. Good luck x

Just to add my two bob in - I use my Fitness pal too and its brilliant . Its amazing how much your food ads up . but its been a great tool
Hello everybody... i must ask for your help cause im desperate! sooo after long and hard way to find duromine i went to dr got preescription for it and now started. in first 4 days i was ok. still bit hungry but not like before( i am by the way binge eater) . after 4 days i went holiday and of course i was trying to keep still my diet. but i was drinking alkohol. after 3 days holiday i didnt felt anymore duromine effect at all. more over the last 3 days i been eating like crazy before :( now. i am trying to see whats the problem? am i too strong? what is the deal? i am also in pms . i think that when my period its about to start i am more then crazy and nohing can save me... now i was today doing the test. i took 1.5 duromine capsule. honestlly it did helped in the beggining but nothing serious. even now its ok i feel more just mood swing but still can eat. pls anybody have experience? woman? im desperate. my dr is on holiday cant answer... im trying to push myself with coffee .. dont know ;(
Hello, Catharina ;)

First of all, you should know that you must never take pills when drinking alcohol, or vice versa. These two are not to be combined. Although some people may say it is OK to take pills and then drink alcohol, it is not! Your liver is under greater stress that ever. So, I hope you did a break on Duromine that weekend when you were drinking (also depends on what drinks you were taking). If not, you might feel fine, but it could be the reason the pills did not provide appetite suppression anymore...I would suggest you check our forum topics carefully, as there is so plenty information on the subject you are interested in. For example: how to take the pills, at what time, what and how much food to eat, what exercises to do to increase the weight loss effect, etc.

Speaking of 'eating like crazy' - I am sure everyone here undestands you very well (including myself), but if you set a proper eating regimen (3-5 small meals a day) you may notice your appetite decreased and soon you will see the first results. I'd say start with this. Again. And better start your weight loss diary - recording there every single calorie you put in your mouth and your physical activity (you might be surprised to see you were consuming greater/or/lesser amount of calories than you thought). Also, my advice is to take Duromine pill early in the morning, at the same time every day.

So, I hope my small tips were useful and you will find your personal plan soon. Give yourself a week and if nothing changes - write here or visit your GP (and do not increase the dose on your own please).

Best wishes

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