I have a fitbit charge HR. it is good for checking your calories and sleep, but i reckon my step counter is soooo inaccurate. it counts steps if i move my arm sitting down, or even when im driving!! ill get up and drive to shops and it will say ive done 1000 steps lol i work on my feet for 4 hours a night at work i do nightfill at coles, and at about 1am i hit 10,000 easy, but not sure thts accurate cuz of the driving and stuff to get there, but oh well its still a good device to monitor things. I also have my fitness pal app where i log my food and check my calories, me and my mum are both using it and we are friends and see what eachother eat and what exercise we do. its really good cuz if i eat a chocolate bar my mum will text me n go OI haha. i have no time limit either really, but i want to be skinny by my birthday, which is october 17th. so heres hoping! i only have about 10 kilos to lose but i really need to tone up aswell i reckon, my flabby ass and arms and stomach are what is most annoying
ate healthy breakky today and im about to go to the gym and do a bodyattack class. gunna be so pooped after that lol
weighed myself today and i was 73, i used to be 63 a year ago so thats the goal again, plus being more toned.