If you've had a bad week on Duromine (or a shaky start..) READ ON!

So anyone who has been around for a little while might have noticed that the first 3+ weeks on Duromine for me were a disaster. Not because of any side affects, i've had only the dry mouth and even that has eased now. But in the first 3+ weeks, nothing happened. Zero results. Zero effects. No energy, very very little appetite suppression and I was sleeping like a baby. By the end of the first month, i'd managed 1.3kgs of weight loss.
It was confusing and frustrating and consuming me.I was exercising constantly, I had a great, nutritional, considerably smaller portioned diet. Without the Duromine I should have lost a couple of kg, but with it?!? All I was reading about were people with "3.5kg loss in the first 4 days!" ... or "10kgs in the first month". Also people talking of less sleep, no appetite, energy bursts.. NONE of this was my experience.

Not exactly what I was planning.

At one point at the end of the first month, I gave up worrying, stopped weighing myself every second day and let go. If It was going to work at all it was going to be because I made it work, end of story.

I haven't had a HUGE weight loss, but i'm averaging 1kg per week and am only 1kg off my first goal - Under 80kgs!! I can't wait!!!

No lies, I was hoping for 18kgs loss over the 3 months. I had told my doctor I'd be happy for 13kg - but secretly I was going for 18. Now, if i'm able to continue my 1kg per week, I should get 12kgs loss

But my success has been with the measurements I have taken every 2 weeks. Mostly because I'm aware that i'm one of those people who put weight on VERY evenly ALL OVER. (It sounds like a good deal until you've put on 10kgs before you've realised your jeans no longer fit!!) Yes, the measurements are quite comprehensive... But while some results have taken longer than others, some have been wonderful!! I won't rattle through all the minor ones... but here are some

Shoulders: 4cm loss (The vertical measurement - that's all the bra overhang - woohoo!!)
Arms: 3.5cms loss.
Bust: 4cm loss (desperately hoping for more, but it may be a pipe dream for me)
Under Bust: 7cms loss
Small of Waist: 5cms loss
Hip Bones: 12 cms loss!!! (that's ALL muffin top!!)
Bum: 5cms loss (interesting to note - 4 of those cms only budged this last fortnight)
Widest part of thighs: 5cms loss
Mid Thigh - (16cms above knee - I know, methodical, right?) 5.5cms loss

I have a total of 14 measurements I do and I tally the cms lost each fortnight. Today I reached 90cms total!!!

I guess what i'm saying, especially for those who have trouble getting incredible results like those you read about - there is something to be said for slow and steady. So i'm still not out of the same size jeans I was wearing when I started this (boy! they must have been TIGHT!!!) but 90cms of loss overall is huge!! 8kgs... or 2 bags of dog - food are HEAVY - and i've lost all that!!!

So it's not the crazy numbers I was hoping for, but it's still great. It took weeks for me to get any results, but it's working for me now... Slow and steady. Sllloooowwww and steady.

I hope for those who have crappy starts/average weeks you all can remember to not sweat it too much and just stay focused. It's hard enough without us putting pressure on ourselves. ANY weightless is fantastic! Even if it takes a while.

Good luck, y'all!

The Tortoise.
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Congrats Rosie :p:p:p and thanks for sharing your journey. I've had similar experience with calorie counting. I'm on my first week of duromine...not a lot of side effects and 1.2 kilo loss. But I'm happy with that.... as you say a loss is a loss. But also like you I am wondering...I would have lost that doing what I am doing without the duromine. I work in disability/mental health and have learned from psychiatrists that for some, medications can take time to start getting their desired outcomes. And also have to own that I've been yo yo dieting and exercising for years and have no doubt completely stuffed my metabolism. Looking forward to seeing your post when you hit your 70's

Thank you, Rosie!
It is a good story of you being very patient and stubborn to your weight loss :laughing: Like it should be.
Yesterday I saw a video of "my 600 lb life" - honestly for the first time in my life)) Wow! Christine's story made me cry, think a lot, suffer, recall my experience, etc etc... But it proves that everything is possible if we really want it!

Be proud of yourself and keep going! :)
Well done Rosie!! I started D around the same time as you I think. I too haven't had the raging success story I was hoping for, but I've been eating less crap and exercising almost everyday and lost 6 kg of the 10 (secretly 15)kg I'd hoped to lose. Most of us seem to have "a happy with this weight, but it'd be super awesome to lose a bit more" weight goal, eh?
In the past 3 weeks or so I have only averaged about 0.5kg loss, but have noticed my body changing shape. My bulges are less rounded and my rolls are less jiggly and I'm feeling more positive about myself and body. My once tight shorts are now a little loose.
I'm not dreading the work Xmas party as I have in the past. I hated to see photos of my fat self. But now I'm looking forward to it - I've got an awesome dress picked out and feel more confident than I have in ages. The scales might not have changed too much, but my outlook certainly has.
Weight loss takes time,eating habits and lifestyle change and commitment to continue even if you have some setbacks. Good luck to everyone and thanks to Rosie for her encouraging post.
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Fantastic effort Rosie! Great news that you are really starting to see results. :)
Well done!! Thats amazing. nothing feels better than hitting a mini goal. So after 2 months on duromine and losing about 9 kilos I went of it for a good 3 weeks because of uni exams and to take a break. With being at home studying and snacking I put on a kilo and i just finished my first week back on duromine on my third month on it. back on i lost about 2.8 kilos- one kilo being the weight i actually put on so i didn't count that. Finally sitting at 10.8 kilo loss!!! I am now the weight I was over a year ago and am one kilo away from being my thinnest in the last 3 years! If i lose another 2 kilos i will be the weight I was about 5 years ago!! Can't wait. 3 weeks to go, meaning three weeks of getting into a settled and stable routine. Not taking duromine every day, giving myself a chance to function without it. Need to get back into intense training because eventually being active and walking constantly everywhere and running around wont be enough to maintain weight loss.
Hey all
I went to the doctors today weigh in day end of 4 weeks total loss 5.7kg.
So I am pretty happy with that bit over a kg a week .
But today is the first day I have ever had a high heat rate. I can feel it coming out my chest . My doctor was a bit unsure to give me 40's again but said if I become sick or it's too much go on to 30's so gave me a prescription for both.

But happy with the way I was going
Fatty33 said:
Hey all
I went to the doctors today weigh in day end of 4 weeks total loss 5.7kg.
So I am pretty happy with that bit over a kg a week .
But today is the first day I have ever had a high heat rate. I can feel it coming out my chest . My doctor was a bit unsure to give me 40's again but said if I become sick or it's too much go on to 30's so gave me a prescription for both.

But happy with the way I was going
A 1 kg loss per week is amazing. Just think of it as 2 x blocks of butter per week - that is quite a lot to loose!
Some people loose a lot the first few weeks but do not compare yourself to that please. We are all different. You are doing great and are very fortunate to have a doctor that supports you;)
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Yeah she is really good
It's what she is know for helping people with weight loss she travel all over the world to talk about weight loss. So happy she is on my side helping me

That's a great way to think about the butter :)
Well done! thats a really good result!
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It was my first visit back to the dr tonight.
Very happy with the progress. 10kgs. Gone! Woop woop!
Not only kgs gone but 11cms off my hips, 10cms off my waist, 5.5cms off each thigh, more off my bust which i wasnt stoked about but no more fatty puffy decolletage and no more cutting in of my bra!
Feeling so much more confident in myself already.
Many more kgs (id like to lose another 38- and will lose it over time) to go but im on the right track now.
Still eating 4-5 times a day small meals. Used an app to work out how many calories i should be eating to keep my body running all the while burning the fat away! Also got myself a fitbit to track my daily steps- on a normal day i do min 8000 on a good day when i throw in some dancing or an actual 'walk' im sitting at around 12000.
about to start 'training' with my 10yr old for her cross country at school.

Loving life at the moment.
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This is such a great news!! Congrats!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Hard work always pays off, for sure.
I am happy to know you are enjoying your life again because your body is changing in the positive way.
Go go, slim mommy!;)
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Thanks Kate. Its good to start feeling good :)
Which apps are you using?
My net diary :)
It has so much info to help. Calculates your intake of fat fibre etc based on the food you enter. Also calculates your energy burned from everything from housework to running a marathon!
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so it's the beginning of week 5 and I am now down to 111.2 kg starting at 134.5.
I was so surprised, from now on I am just going to do monthly weigh ins.
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First off congratulations! That absolutely amazing!!

What dose are you on? Are you on a specific diet? Any specific exercises? I can't exercise at the moment as I have a moonboot on for a sprained left ankle.

Sorry to bombard you with so many questions, but I am truly inspired by your results. :)
Kat1783 said:
so it's the beginning of week 5 and I am now down to 111.2 kg starting at 134.5.
I was so surprised, from now on I am just going to do monthly weigh ins.

OMG Congratulations! :eek: my jaw just dropped lol

There a few newbies with start weights similar to yours, if you are willing, sharing your experience and what you have done to get this absolutely fantastic result will really inspire them to do the same. I remember you in the beginning, thinking it wasn't working. But clearly it was, you must be soooo happy:)
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So at the moment I am dealing with abnormal bleeding etc long story there as I have pcos, it may be that it is kick starting my hormone levels etc. not sure why it was such a high weightloss but during the first month I had it I was dealing with moving and trying to clean and garden the new house(renting). Truly, I have had takeaway but seem to have stayed away from chocolate and sweets. It is more the hot chips that get me I am also seeing that after a while I am getting bored of takeaway and try cooking something at home, you know like something new and creative.

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