Bringingskinnyback said:
OMG Congratulations! :eek: my jaw just dropped lol

There a few newbies with start weights similar to yours, if you are willing, sharing your experience and what you have done to get this absolutely fantastic result will really inspire them to do the same. I remember you in the beginning, thinking it wasn't working. But clearly it was, you must be soooo happy:)
Yeah, I didn't feel like it was working or any different. I held off weighing, but since I had a lot to lose maybe that's why I didn't notice. My father actually said to me that just shows how big I had gotten if I didn't even notice a difference lols Oh, family! I suppose next time I see him I will be a skinny Minnie.
Wynona_92 said:
First off congratulations! That absolutely amazing!!

What dose are you on? Are you on a specific diet? Any specific exercises? I can't exercise at the moment as I have a moonboot on for a sprained left ankle.

Sorry to bombard you with so many questions, but I am truly inspired by your results. :)
Hi I do side leg lift in bed before going to sleep 3 lots of 10, each leg lols. It is so good for toning. Food wise I still eat takeaway sometimes, lots of gardening at the moment too. I am on 30mg a day.
My name is Emma I used to weigh 115kg yeah! I know it's a lot (I am 6ft).I started Duromine about a month and a half ago (30mg).All seemed to be going ok I had heaps of energy I didn't feel the need to eat it was crazy. The only issue I had was major insomnia. I thought I could handle it but on day four I ended up with the worst head ache of my life. I thought it could be my diet lack of something so i tried eating more meat, more water, more carbs. Needless to say that didn't work. The head ache persisted and my last resort was to stop the Duromine. That was devistating as in that first week I had lost 5kg. After a few days I felt normal I weighed in at 110.2 .Unfortunately without the Duromine I struggled to keep my weight under control. I went back up to 113 which was devistating. I realised a trade off had to be made loose weight or function as a human. My partner was convinced I should stop but lets face it there was no way I was stopping. About two weeks later I went back on. The same thing happened I was hyperactive, didn't feel like eating and the dreaded INSOMNIA!!.I pushed through it! However after a further two weeks the number of kg's lost per week has lessened but it is still weightloss. I have also noticed I am not having the insomnia anymore I have also noticed I'm not hyper or immune to food cravings. I am not sure why. I will consult my doctor about it. So I started at 115kg I am now 106.5 so 8.5 kg down. Still going. I would greatly appreciate any coments or suggestions Ideas anything!
Hi Emma-Clare!

Just checking in to say hello and see how you are doing!

I was on Duromine for 6 weeks earlier this year and lost 9.4kgs. I didn't have too many side-effects, although I did experience some headaches and a bit of insomnia. I found that I had to take the tablets really early in the morning (5:30am was best for me), but as long as I took the tablets before 6:30am it was much better! When I say I experienced insomnia (barring one night when I really couldn't fall asleep) I found that I would wake up a few times in the night, but I would be able to fall asleep again after each time.

I stopped Duromine about a week before my wedding and have been off it for 2 months and totally pigging out on everything, so I've put on 2 kgs, but I'm not worried about that at all, as I have really eaten and drunk SUCH a lot of junk food!

I had lots of energy in the beginning and actually quite enjoyed it! My worst side-effect was grinding my teeth! I have always been a grinder (if that is a thing!) but on Duromine it was just WAY worse! I think that contributed to having a headache!

Anyway, I'm back on Duromine and have 2 months left so I'm hoping to lose the 2kgs and then some!

Hope that you have managed okay, either coping better on the Duromine, or managing your weight whilst off it!

Feel free to reply if you'd like to chat!

I am sorry to hear about the insomia. Side effects usually goes away after sometime. I am so scared of insomia and i tried to take mines as soon as possible and works perfect. It is hard to maintain the weight true but you have only taken it for couple of weeks. Get into a routine so you can follow it while youre on D and you will have a guide when you stop. Also maybe you want to have some test with the doctor Thyroid and all. Duromine works really great but will power to be healthy is what we really need. D is just there to quickstart us. Good luck hope this helped!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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I experienced insomnia for the first 4-5 nights.. getting about 2-3 hours of broken sleep... it was frustrating as hell! Also alot of headaches in the first week. I battled on and have just started my 2nd month today..besides those forst 5 nights, im sleeping great now and have had minimum headaches.
Everyone is different though and i know that if the insomnia had continued I absolutely would have stopped.
So i've been on duromine now for 2 months. Been on the 30mg pack. Had another check up with doctor yesterday, she has bumped me up to 40mg for the last month, then said i need to take 3-4 months off before she will give them to me again. (our bodies get used to it, and anything longer than 3 months at a time is just a waste of money apparently... )..
I'm one of those, have to weigh myself every day kind of people, which doesnt help my case because our weight fluctuates so much!. But going by my doctors scales (i saw her after 2 weeks, then a month, and then yesterday 2 month mark). After 2 weeks i had dropped (according to her scales) from 91.7 down to 87.7 (4kg loss). After a month i was down to 85.7 (2 kg loss), and yesterday (2 months) i was down to 84.2 (1.5kg loss).
The past month i've been a little upset with the little loss, compared to the first 2 weeks, however my doctor is super happy with my results, and has said:
a. your metabolism is REALLY stubborn.
b. you started at a lower weight than most on this drug, so you're not going to get large numbers consistently.
c. the slower you lose weight, the easier it is to keep off (generally).

I've read over the last few months on this forum people being upset (like me) for losing little amounts in comparison to what some others are posting. But everyone is different, everyone has a different story, a different lifestyle, different health conditions, different ideas on what 'exercise' entails, different idea of how food calories are counted, different genetics, different metabolism, and the list of differences that ultimately affect weight loss could go on!..
I today am 7.5kgs lighter than i was 2 months ago - that wouldn't have happened without the help of duromine. But even if that was only 5kgs lighter, or 2 kgs lighter... i'm closer to my 'goal weight' than i was before i started it. that's worth celebrating!..
Celebrate the little things..
Good job :) I'm around the same weight, started at 91 and at 88 now. Only on my second day of duromine, so hope I can get to where you are too! keep going strong! What is your goal weight? I first wanna get to 80 (I wish I could by the end of my first month but now don't seem hopeful of that lol) and then 70 and maybe 65 after that but I would still be happy with 70 :)
Hey guys.
2 weeks ago I finished my first pack of Duromine 30mgs and today I started Duromine 40mgs. What I'm intrigued to find out if anyone has done a similar thing and if you experienced any newer side effects from the higher dosage?

I lost 3 kgs in my first month, so I'm pretty happy!

Any feedback would be amazing.
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I'm at the end of week 6 and again (like week 2) I'm just horribly horribly miserable. I'm too sad to even cry
But, I have no idea why.

Its affected everything! I've gone into this really negative head space where I'm not pushing myself to exercise anymore (gradually winding down for the last week and a bit & 3 days with ziltch - can't even convince myself to go for a walk let alone the gym)
I've stopped tracking my food, not eating badly - but certainly not enough to stay healthy. I was forcing myself to eat regular healthy meals before - now, eh. I don't care. Let the tablets starve me to death.
I'm not sure if this is me trying to make excuses like I've always done before, or its a real legit thing.

I have hovered at 95 kg for 2 weeks now and i don't know if that is what is getting me down?
I'm not seeing any change in my clothes (despite a 7kg weight loss) so maybe that's it?
Or that when I started, I was walking every morning for an hour and hitting the gym for an hour each night for 6 days a week
.... I can't seem to manage that now.
I don't know why. My body is just so sore and tired all the time.... I try but I get 2 or 3 days into the twice a day workouts and i'm cactus! like "falling asleep at my desk, unable to sit down on the toilet without yelping with mucsle pain" kinda cactus!
I hate myself so bad for not being able to manage x2 a day anymore. why can't I cope?!
My other half is so super supportive and tells me i'm burning myself out.... but I feel like I haven't shifted past 96-94 kg because I haven't worked hard enough (by exercising for a couple hours a day) to earn it.
it's a shitty shitty cycle.

I don't what to do

Is anyone else super emotional?
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Oh you poor thing, sorry I'm not much help, I only want to kill my family on weekends
I am very exhausted though most days for some stupid reason.
I don't exercise at all . Well my exercise is going to get my coffee from muffin break every morning lol, I'm pretty lazy!
Maybe it is the weight being the same for the last couple of weeks getting you down?
Maybe it's the pills!! Seems like your stuck and I really wish I could help you but I have no answers and just know how I feel. Sorry.
Are you sleeping? If not maybe you may need more? I sleep like a baby! Yet could so sleep all day since being on the Duromine.
I hope you find out what it is that's bothering you lovely
God and people think taking duromine is the easy way out, How wrong are those judgemental people
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I'm saying it's the pills!!
Plus everything else on top. As women we over do and over think every thing.
My advice, focus on basic.
Go for a stroll (not a power walk) around the block or along a nice path, just take in the scenery, breath, nice long deep breaths..
Have some protein/iron..
More water!
Do something for yourself, a massage, or just a nice long hot shower and moisturise afterwards?
Try yoga or Pilates, they are great relaxing exercises.
Love this Mumo3girls.. (whats your name by the way? Lets crack open your alias)..
I agree its the pills. I have also hit walls in my 2 month journey - very close to giving in and know this feeling is just below my skin.. right next to all the fat cells!

I don't exercise but i am super busy at work.. buzzing around all day long- still feel like a cow and my clothes are still tight.. i am still suffering from constipation and - I do feel defeated in weird ways.. also assists with the ready to cave in feeling... i am thinking I just haven't tapped into the right additional thing for me.. something like Mumo3girls suggests perhaps... i am bloody exhausted all the time too.. just like Vix..
Madaselle said:
I'm at the end of week 6 and again (like week 2) I'm just horribly horribly miserable. I'm too sad to even cry
But, I have no idea why.

Its affected everything! I've gone into this really negative head space where I'm not pushing myself to exercise anymore (gradually winding down for the last week and a bit & 3 days with ziltch - can't even convince myself to go for a walk let alone the gym)
I've stopped tracking my food, not eating badly - but certainly not enough to stay healthy. I was forcing myself to eat regular healthy meals before - now, eh. I don't care. Let the tablets starve me to death.
I'm not sure if this is me trying to make excuses like I've always done before, or its a real legit thing.

I have hovered at 95 kg for 2 weeks now and i don't know if that is what is getting me down?
I'm not seeing any change in my clothes (despite a 7kg weight loss) so maybe that's it?
Or that when I started, I was walking every morning for an hour and hitting the gym for an hour each night for 6 days a week
.... I can't seem to manage that now.
I don't know why. My body is just so sore and tired all the time.... I try but I get 2 or 3 days into the twice a day workouts and i'm cactus! like "falling asleep at my desk, unable to sit down on the toilet without yelping with mucsle pain" kinda cactus!
I hate myself so bad for not being able to manage x2 a day anymore. why can't I cope?!
My other half is so super supportive and tells me i'm burning myself out.... but I feel like I haven't shifted past 96-94 kg because I haven't worked hard enough (by exercising for a couple hours a day) to earn it.
it's a shitty shitty cycle.

I don't what to do

Is anyone else super emotional?

I know how you feel, losing weight itself can be so not sure, but maybe you worked yourself a bit too hard before when you were walking and going to the gym almost everyday. No wonder you are sore and tired! Maybe like the other girls suggested you should do some other exercises that aren't so intense, but still better than doing nothing. And just do the gym 2 or 3 times a week or even once a week. I have only been doing walking and strength exercises for my first few days (like weights, sit ups, etc) and today I did an hour of cardio, I'm only planning do my strength exercises and walk everyday and maybe cardio once or twice a week. But don't worry, I'm only on day 3 and I'm already sore from exercising! Shows how unfit I am lol.

All I know is that I've tried to lose weight many times before as I bet you have, and everytime I have failed and everytime it makes me so upset to look back at. This time we shall both succeed! Just keep motivated and remember it's okay to be sore and tired and emotional, and you're allowed to feel lazy sometimes.. Take the day off and do something you enjoy and then get back on track the next day :)
Deanna78 said:
Love this Mumo3girls.. (whats your name by the way? Lets crack open your alias)..
I agree its the pills. I have also hit walls in my 2 month journey - very close to giving in and know this feeling is just below my skin.. right next to all the fat cells!

I don't exercise but i am super busy at work.. buzzing around all day long- still feel like a cow and my clothes are still tight.. i am still suffering from constipation and - I do feel defeated in weird ways.. also assists with the ready to cave in feeling... i am thinking I just haven't tapped into the right additional thing for me.. something like Mumo3girls suggests perhaps... i am bloody exhausted all the time too.. just like Vix..
Haha my name is Toni
Oh how did the 40s go?
Did you find a difference at all even though it's been 1 day lol
I'd love to know the answer to your question too.
I have seen some people have not much luck on the 30 and go to 40s and the weight starts dropping.
My friend is on 30s but said the 40 done nothing for her which I thought was strange.
Well - hello there Toni... lovely to meet you!! :)
Hi.. i went from 30 after a few weeks to 40.. i was expecting:
A kick in energy - Nope.. didn't happen
Not to feel any hunger - Nope, still get hungry
Weight loss - ppffft... hardly

Mind you - i havent exercised other than being hot on my feet at work -.i have always eaten well at work and was hoping not to want to snack at night- but... i still do!! just not quite as much..

Contemplating filling my 3rd script.. first 30s , which i didnt finish before going to 40s.. but have used a few of the last card of 30s this week (ran out of 2nd 40 script).. think i need to experiment with whenni take it maybe...

Actually- its Friday night.. 10pm.. nothing to lose- i will take a 30 now (lol) and see what happens.. didnt take one today!

Will blog it... see what happens o_O
Hey Vix! So, years ago I was on 40s and dropped 7 kgs in a month!
So expectations are high. So day one for me this time around wasn't too bad. Quite shaky, more energy than usual, heart goes wild but I also get anxiety so that could be contributing to it, also was turning my nose up at food. Was quite restless during the night! Given I had a 2 week break before starting the 40's I was expecting it.

Dianna! You're game taking one at this time of night :O
Let me know how it goes.
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Hi Madasell. I completely relate. I hit the wall a few weeks ago, actually I became emotionally unstable! Even suicidal, so I stopped the duromine after pressure from my therapist and husband. However I think I've gained at least 3kgs (too scared to weigh myself) I can't stop eating! Bingen in fact. So today I started again with the duromine. I am in my 3rd month so have to make this count! I understand and hear your frustrations and hope things get better for you! Xxxx

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