Thanks April For your kind words...I probably rambled a bit there but am excited to be here! Will keep up with my progress thanks again
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your doing amazing Rachel
well done, keep up the great work!
i agree with you about releasing toxic people from our lives!
sometimes we need to get rid of the darkness,
so that we can see how well we shine in the light..

welcome to this wonderful website my darling x

Dre said:
your doing amazing Rachel
well done, keep up the great work!
i agree with you about releasing toxic people from our lives!
sometimes we need to get rid of the darkness,
so that we can see how well we shine in the light..

welcome to this wonderful website my darling x

Thankyou Dre lovely words ❤
Its a good feeling when you prioritise yourself first and having support from family and friends. Hope your journey is a successful one too
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Rachel Fitton said:
Hi all...I posted a intro the other day but for some reason the thread was dated Thanks Rava for letting me know Hope this finds the right time and thread for you to see.

Found it and no problems :)

Rachel Fitton said:
I'm 1 week down and have 1.8 kilos and 10 cms lost on measurements.

Wow! That is so great! I always forget to take my measurements. I took them 2 weeks ago, but haven't updated as yet - will do that this weekend, so thank you for the reminder :).

Rachel Fitton said:
I'm 47 single mum with 2 awesome kids 12 & 10. Ive always struggled with weight and would say the fatter I am the sadder my life is as I use food as a medicine. I love being curvy and womanly so Im not aiming for skinny. Size 12 is my perfect look on me.

I'm 47 as well :) and we are nearly the same height (I am 170cm). I definitely hear you about the sizes! At my healthiest I was a size 10 pants and a size 12 top (US sizes 6-8), I was about 75kg or just under so that is what I am aiming for also.

Rachel Fitton said:
My friends family always say Im beautiful at any weight Ive been over the years which is lovely but you have to feel it yourself! Ive had health issues the last 6 months and have lost 2 family members a friend and my 13year old staffy all in that time. Hence weight goes through the roof which brings me here. I have overcome my health issues and have let go of toxic people in my life in the last month and am ready for me! Im moving house soon sooo cant wait!

Firstly I wanted to say I am so sorry for your losses *hugs* and your health problems. I know how hard that can be and I am really glad that you have been able to move forward. Your friends and family sound just lovely! and it sounds as though they are willing to support you in whatever you decide to do, which is just fabulous!

Rachel Fitton said:
This year is full of new beginnings for me and transforming to my authentic self is the goal! Hope you all feel the same about yourself too ❤

I hear you, and am with you 100%!!

So glad you started your own thread and I am really looking forward to reading how you progress :laughing:
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How are you getting on @Rachel Fitton ?

Hope everything has been going smoothly for you :)
Rava said:
How are you getting on @Rachel Fitton ?

Hope everything has been going smoothly for you :)
Hey @Rava yes all is good my end...sorry been a busy time with long wknd going away etc...then playing catch ups
So my stats are....sw 100.8 kilos
Week 1 : 1.8 loss
Week 2 : 1.4 loss
CW : 97.2 kilos lost 3.2 kilos
So far ....
I'm due for my 3rd week weigh in on Wednesday but my period arrived last night so wont weigh in till friday.
Food Ive been doing really well yet I have had 2 nights having alcohol. doesnt affect me being on Duromine but went a bit silly with family celebrations as in consumption....
So Im not too confident I will see a loss this week but Im back on track so thats the main thing
Im measuring myself too which really is encouraging as Im losing cms.
I will give measurements properly in the next few days for you to see.
Im feeling more like myself now Duromine has settled down ....just get the occasional dry mouth. Sleep is heaps better too.
Sounds like your doing awesome yourself hon.....keep it up girl
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Hiya @Rachel Fitton :)

Great loss for just 2 weeks! Your rocking it!!

Glad to hear that you are feeling more like you *hugs*

Will be looking forward to your next post to see how you went ;)
Very happy today
So I weighed myself this morning which will be over 3 week mark by 3 days.
Here are my stats,
SW 100.8
Week 1 : 1.8 loss
Week 2: 1.4 loss
Week 3 and a bit : 1.9 loss
Total : 5.1 kilo loss
CW : 95.7
Lost 22cms in measurements.
My mini goal was 95 kilos...I'm saying that Ive reached it..minus 700grams
I'm due to go to Docs on tuesday to get my 2nd months worth, looking forward to jump on scales this
Ive definitely noticed on my face and boobs....and a bit on tummy. Ive only told my gf im on duromine so will be intetesting when people notice! I dont expect anyone to notice till I lose 10 kilos. Im not fussed either way as I feel so in control of losing this weight which is the best feeling ever! Ive had that same feeling about 4 years ago and lost all my baby weight and then some. Ive tried to get to that point all this time and now with help from duromine and a right mind to go with it....its happening Getting into a routine with my eating and choices are getting easier and its great I dont get cravings for fatty foods or sugar.
Usually when period comes I ruin my good work...this month A ok. I still have a bit to lose but it feels more of a reality than a dream now . Hope everyone is benefiting from this duromine journey like I am atm ❤
I’ve started my third month. I’m pretty keen to see how I go without it. The best thing that duromine has given me is energy. I’ve always been low on iron which makes me incredibly tired (even after eating greens and taking iron pills).

I get stuck on certain numbers and the scales don’t shift but when it does it’s like boom. Hoping to shift the last 5-6kgs to reach my first major goal. My dr did say that it will slow down but I still have about 10kgs if not abit more to lose.
Rachel Fitton said:
Very happy today
So I weighed myself this morning which will be over 3 week mark by 3 days.
Here are my stats,
SW 100.8
Week 1 : 1.8 loss
Week 2: 1.4 loss
Week 3 and a bit : 1.9 loss
Total : 5.1 kilo loss
CW : 95.7
Lost 22cms in measurements.

Wow @Rachel Fitton thats just amazing! Congratulations :)

Rachel Fitton said:
I dont expect anyone to notice till I lose 10 kilos. Im not fussed either way as I feel so in control of losing this weight which is the best feeling ever!

I love that you feel in control! I think I know what you mean :). For me it quickly became "I am giving fuel to my body" and NOT what do I feel like eating, if that makes sense?

Personally, I have had a few slip up's since starting Duromine, but its "old habits" that have popped up and before I even thought about what I was doing "hand went to mouth" and that was it. I'm just over 5 weeks today since starting, but I can honestly say that there has only been one time where I "consciously" made the decision to eat something that I know wasn't the best for me nutritionally. When I remember my lack of control prior, its just mind blowing!!
Lottie86 said:
I’ve started my third month. I’m pretty keen to see how I go without it. The best thing that duromine has given me is energy. I’ve always been low on iron which makes me incredibly tired (even after eating greens and taking iron pills).

I get stuck on certain numbers and the scales don’t shift but when it does it’s like boom. Hoping to shift the last 5-6kgs to reach my first major goal. My dr did say that it will slow down but I still have about 10kgs if not abit more to lose.
Well done @Lottie86
I feel the same having more energy too I agree also as we get closer to goal weight will take longer to shift for sure! I really believe its all about being consistent with what we eat etc. I haven't done any excercise yet like walking etc as a few health issues are still niggling around for me not to. In saying that I am moving so much more during the day so I watch more on my diet to keep with the weightloss. I know my body will want to move more once I drop a few more kilos as it will be less stress on my back etc having less weight to
Let me know how you go over the next few weeks hon ...hope u get down to your goal
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@Lottie86 and @Rachel Fitton

One of things I am a little scared off is losing that energy once I do go off Duromine.

Will you gals take any type of supplements after to help transition?
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Rava said:
Wow @Rachel Fitton thats just amazing! Congratulations :)

I love that you feel in control! I think I know what you mean :). For me it quickly became "I am giving fuel to my body" and NOT what do I feel like eating, if that makes sense?

Personally, I have had a few slip up's since starting Duromine, but its "old habits" that have popped up and before I even thought about what I was doing "hand went to mouth" and that was it. I'm just over 5 weeks today since starting, but I can honestly say that there has only been one time where I "consciously" made the decision to eat something that I know wasn't the best for me nutritionally. When I remember my lack of control prior, its just mind blowing!!
Thanks for your support @Rava
Yesss I hear you....duromine does make you chose better in nutrition for sure!
And its so human nature for us to have those slip ups....Ive had plenty of
Ive been good so far except a few too many wines the other week...but oh well back on the horse as they
When are you off overseas? Hope you can fill us in on your journey away! Your doing awesome hon keep up the good work !! ❤
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Rava said:
@Lottie86 and @Rachel Fitton

One of things I am a little scared off is losing that energy once I do go off Duromine.

Will you gals take any type of supplements after to help transition?
Yes I'm scared too @Rava once we stop duromine
My last month im going to ween myself off the pills...take every 2nd...then 3rd day as I get closer to coming off them. I will probably just take what I usually do now...berroca, iron , magnesium and been taking vitamin C recently. The fear I have is those cravings you get when off duromine!
So I guess its more getting the headspace in line b4 we go off them I think. And hopefully seeing ourselves in better shape and feeling it that can hopefully continue our weightloss journey. Hope that helps hon ❤
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Rachel Fitton said:
Thanks for your support @Rava
Yesss I hear you....duromine does make you chose better in nutrition for sure!
And its so human nature for us to have those slip ups....Ive had plenty of
Ive been good so far except a few too many wines the other week...but oh well back on the horse as they
When are you off overseas? Hope you can fill us in on your journey away! Your doing awesome hon keep up the good work !! ❤

Im off on the 27th of this month, and am still trying to determine whether its the best choice for me to continuing taking them whilst away. Its not the food I am worried about, but the drinking - which I just know is going to happen on a regular basis.

So still trying to weigh up the pro's and cons.

Will be most definitely checking in at least once a week whilst away :). This forum and its members like you are part of the reason that I am able to stay on track, and if I slip I know you guys are so motivational and supportive that it makes it a hell of a lot easier to pick myself up and move forward. *hugs*
Rachel Fitton said:
Yes I'm scared too @Rava once we stop duromine
My last month im going to ween myself off the pills...take every 2nd...then 3rd day as I get closer to coming off them. I will probably just take what I usually do now...berroca, iron , magnesium and been taking vitamin C recently. The fear I have is those cravings you get when off duromine!
So I guess its more getting the headspace in line b4 we go off them I think. And hopefully seeing ourselves in better shape and feeling it that can hopefully continue our weightloss journey. Hope that helps hon ❤

I'm still on my first months prescription due to the fact that I spaced them out as I wasn't sure I would be able to get anymore before going off on my trip, so instead of lasting 30 days, they will last me 40. Now that my GP changed her mind and gave me the 2 other scripts, I have been really going to and fro in regards to taking them with me. It is a bloody good idea to space them out again though, as I was forgetting that I have might have some withdrawal symptoms if I stop using them..

Your definitely right about the headspace! Again another worry when I am away - 2 months on holiday is a long time to get back into bad habits!
Rava said:
I'm still on my first months prescription due to the fact that I spaced them out as I wasn't sure I would be able to get anymore before going off on my trip, so instead of lasting 30 days, they will last me 40. Now that my GP changed her mind and gave me the 2 other scripts, I have been really going to and fro in regards to taking them with me. It is a bloody good idea to space them out again though, as I was forgetting that I have might have some withdrawal symptoms if I stop using them..

Your definitely right about the headspace! Again another worry when I am away - 2 months on holiday is a long time to get back into bad habits!

Where you off too? I’m flying to America start of July.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do I’ll probably see my doctor this week or the week after. Iron pills don’t do anything for me I was meant to be on them for 6 weeks that turned into 6 months +.

I’m currently on holiday as I work seasonal but I’ve lost my mojo. I haven’t eaten bad food just not as active but every second day I’ll walk or run.

Might need to change though as I want to hit my goal lol
Lottie86 said:
Where you off too? I’m flying to America start of July.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do I’ll probably see my doctor this week or the week after. Iron pills don’t do anything for me I was meant to be on them for 6 weeks that turned into 6 months +.

I’m currently on holiday as I work seasonal but I’ve lost my mojo. I haven’t eaten bad food just not as active but every second day I’ll walk or run.

Might need to change though as I want to hit my goal lol

Hey @Lottie86, I'm off to Europe for 2 months leaving on the 27th :). We fly into Spain and go from there.

Maybe you need an iron transfusion? Before my hysterectomy I was always consistently low, and having a transfusion was the best thing and lasted me about 3 months. The tablets and drinks did increase my iron levels but very minimal.

I've just been given the no hard exercise spiel until I get my leg ultrasound and result. My hubby doesn't even want me to walk around the park as he knows I will push myself a little lol.

How long are you in the US for?
Maybe you girls @Rava @Lottie86 should take some pills away with you for back up.
Take one every 3 days if you feel the need to. In saying that going overseas for a holiday is just that! A time to relax, enjoy and not have to worry bout our day to day lives at home. Have that pizza or wine or cake with a mindful approach to it. Being concious of whats going in your mouth...if its going to be not so healthy...make sure its bloody
Have what you want ...dont deny yourselves....maybe not the whole cake instead. Dont stress or worry bout too much ...just enjoy your travels and be safe

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