After a pretty heavy drinking and camping weekend I'm keen to push for more loss.
I only lost 2kg in the last fortnight but now my assignments are in I'm ready to get really going again.
101kg today. Let's hope I'll be well into the 90's by my next doctors appt in 2 weeks.
Back to actually taking the metformin regularly. I'm terrible at medication.
My brother is also on a weight loss kick and he's pushing to join me at the gym although I'm worried my competitiveness will get the better of me and I'll end up wrecked lol.
Age: 28
Starting weight: 100.2kg (sigh)
Height: 163cm

Need to loose about 40kg;);)

Its day 5 and so far so good. Had very bad tummy cramps on Saturday and yesterday (Monday) but none today.
First 2 days on 30mg tab I felt great. Full of energy and happy, motivated etc and from day 3 I feel less motivated. Not at all depressed just dont have that "get up n go" im looking for. Dont get hungry but im eating fruit, veg and protein. Going to start working out tonight. Wish me luck!:p
Thanks Kate. :)
Its the end of week one and im pleased to announce im down 2.5kg. Not bad for 7 days. Also started an at home exercise program yesterday which was a huge challenge for me, only lasted 24 minutes but I did it and its a start! Heres to week 2!
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Excellent! A home exercise program is good, especially if you have no time for gym.
It's possible, everything is possible. Soon you will see your body changes greatly.
Hi Jenny78! You and I are very similar as I to am on 15mg and currently weigh 109. I started my journey on 7th July and the only side effect is I was feeling very very bloated but the chemist advised I was drinking way to much water and it has gone away. First weigh in and measurements tomorrow, I am a little nervous.
Thank you to everyone as your information and support has been very helpful :)
Hi Gemma you will do great I'm sure! I have my fingers crossed for you. Even if its not a huge number you have lost just keep in mind the steadier you lose the more chance of keeping it off after duromine so my doctor told me. I'm now in double digits on the scale and feeling great! Have so many more clothes in my closet I can wear lol. I am off my tablets for a week as I'm having surgery to have my tubes tied this thursday but I'm not worried I intend to just keep eating healthy!:)
Double digits!!!! Congratulations :) I can't wait to get double digits. All the best with your surgery this week. I look forward to catching up next week... Hopefully I can tell you some good news:p
hello everybody !!

A little bit about myself....
I'm 28 years old and had a baby 11 months ago. Her Name is Layla and she is my first born. Hopefully first of 4 :)
Prior to getting pregnant i began to realise that i would binge eat. I wouldnt eat anything all day and then eat like a pig from 6pm onwards. I would eat everything and anything. Once i got pregnant i got worse. I then stopped binging and began just eating from morning to night. CONSTANTLY. 3 months into pregnancy i was diagnosed with sever depression and was put on anti-depressants. Side affect of these was weight gain.So i quickly went from a size 8 to a size 14 in 12months.
As a teen and even in early 20's i was always very petite so i never thought i would feel overweight.

I have tried everything before trying duromine!! No matter what i can not lose weight. My doc says its my meds that dnt allow any weight loss. thats why iam now on duromine.

I train 3-4 times a week doing cardio (for now) treadmill, elliptical and rower then back to treadmill. i eat 6 times a day (all small meals). 3 meals and 2 snacks.
This week my weigh in is at 8 days because i didnt get to the scales till today.
so so happy and feel like iv officially joined all of you in this amazing journey.

will post again in a week.
Here are my stats so far
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nadiafarhat said:
hello everybody !!

A little bit about myself....
I'm 28 years old and had a baby 11 months ago. Her Name is Layla and she is my first born. Hopefully first of 4 :)
Prior to getting pregnant i began to realise that i would binge eat. I wouldnt eat anything all day and then eat like a pig from 6pm onwards. I would eat everything and anything. Once i got pregnant i got worse. I then stopped binging and began just eating from morning to night. CONSTANTLY. 3 months into pregnancy i was diagnosed with sever depression and was put on anti-depressants. Side affect of these was weight gain.So i quickly went from a size 8 to a size 14 in 12months.
As a teen and even in early 20's i was always very petite so i never thought i would feel overweight.

I have tried everything before trying duromine!! No matter what i can not lose weight. My doc says its my meds that dnt allow any weight loss. thats why iam now on duromine.

I train 3-4 times a week doing cardio (for now) treadmill, elliptical and rower then back to treadmill. i eat 6 times a day (all small meals). 3 meals and 2 snacks.
This week my weigh in is at 8 days because i didnt get to the scales till today.
so so happy and feel like iv officially joined all of you in this amazing journey.

will post again in a week.
Here are my stats so far

Hi Nadia
Reading your post has really inspired and motivated,giving me hope, good luck on your journey,look forward to reading about your progress xx

I started D today , my current weight is 89.2 and my goal is 74
Hoping with hard work and motivation I will reach my goal :)
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Welcome Nadia. You seem to be doing all the right things, well done!! It is a great inspiration, you must be feeling very good.
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Kyles said:
Hi Nadia
Reading your post has really inspired and motivated,giving me hope, good luck on your journey,look forward to reading about your progress xx

I started D today , my current weight is 89.2 and my goal is 74
Hoping with hard work and motivation I will reach my goal :)

Hey there Kyles !!

Welcome to the forum !
I'm really glad i could contribute to someones motivation. Thank you and good luck on yours too. Remember u will have ur off days..but just take it one day at a time.

Good luck hun.
Uv taken the first step :)
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Audrey3 said:
Welcome Nadia. You seem to be doing all the right things, well done!! It is a great inspiration, you must be feeling very good.

Thanks Audrey3
trying to...haven't been to gym in 2 days and have barely been eating 3 meals :/
Tomorrow's another day so hopefully it will be better.
Im happy to be of some inspiration to some people.
I will continue to blog my journey on here.

Good luck xxx
Hi Nadia
How is it all going for you?
Today I go to dr for my first weigh in and check up after starting D only been on it 5 days,but just have to get blood pressure checked.
Hope your still doing well and are motivated .
I have been fighting a bad cold can't wait till I can really get out and start exercising
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Kyles said:
Hi Nadia
How is it all going for you?
Today I go to dr for my first weigh in and check up after starting D only been on it 5 days,but just have to get blood pressure checked.
Hope your still doing well and are motivated .
I have been fighting a bad cold can't wait till I can really get out and start exercising

Hey hey Kyles

its going really well so far. 1st day of week 3 today plus weigh in day and iv lost 5.5kg in 14 days so far. My gym tights I noticed today a little loose.

let me know what your weight was today. Hope uv had a loss and hope ur feeling better . Exercising will help u feel good too. Releases endorphins.
iv posted a new blog entry by the way.

all the best hun.
that's fantastic! i hope i can report the same stat next week:) congrats
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Ok, so week 1 over and I purposely haven't being weighing in every day as your weight fluctuates so much..
I can't pull myself together to get on those scales. (what the??) At the start of the week I was excited to find out how 1 week went, but now the week has passed, I'm a raving crazy woman!!!
I'm worried that if I haven't lost anything, I'll give up and return to bad habits and feel what a waste....but...then again, the house and the kids have been sprung cleaned to an inch of their lives...bahahahaaaa....
Has anyone else felt like this, or am I seriously insane??
I did get on the scales yesterday and saw a loss and like you at the start of the week I thought if I saw a loss I'd be extatic.

But I wasn't and I don't know why cause it was a good loss. I think I'm failing to believe that it is a real loss and that it's not just a fluctuation.

I don't want to get super excited and then weigh myself next week be back where I started or something like that even though I'm continuing with what I'm doing.
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