Day 3 update

Quick update today as my little one naps.

So yesterday was another crazy day. Side effects are beginning to stabilise. Nothing major to report there. I am extremely exhausted so that's adding to the buzzed out feeling.

I decided not to hit the treadmill because I think I overdid it the day before and I've been getting sharp pains at my c-section incision site. So instead just focused on keeping myself moving at home and did a full house cleaning.

Breakfast was some yogurt and toasted muesli (only 2 tablespoons of each). I ended up drinking coffee because I'm seriously sleep deprived.

Lunch was my leftover salad which contained about 12 veggies, fruit and protein.

By evening baby was very grizzly so I only got a chance to scoff down some tuna and 3 ricecakes.

Water was on target with 4 litres.
Go you.... I'm glad the side effects have lessoned. Loving you meal choices and I can't wait for you first weigh in. I'm half way through. Started taking my tablet later now as I found I was starting to get hungry around 9pm. But it has effected my sleep so that's cool.
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Not good about the sharp pains! I hope you will get yourself to the Dr if those continue *hugs*

In the future you might want to consider exercises that build/strengthen your core - especially after having a c-section - but please make sure you are ok to do so first and get a complete bill of health from your GP.

Toasted muesli can have a lot of sugar - I used to love it a lot and would even take handfuls for a snack. Oh how I miss me some muesli lol!

If your not already - have a look at counting your calories there are some free ones that are available online (my fitness pal) :). I find them really helpful :)! Also gives you a good idea by breaking down what you have consumed in the way of protein, carbs and sugar..

Wishing you a good sleep :)
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Rava said:
Not good about the sharp pains! I hope you will get yourself to the Dr if those continue *hugs*

In the future you might want to consider exercises that build/strengthen your core - especially after having a c-section - but please make sure you are ok to do so first and get a complete bill of health from your GP.

Toasted muesli can have a lot of sugar - I used to love it a lot and would even take handfuls for a snack. Oh how I miss me some muesli lol!

If your not already - have a look at counting your calories there are some free ones that are available online (my fitness pal) :). I find them really helpful :)! Also gives you a good idea by breaking down what you have consumed in the way of protein, carbs and sugar..

Wishing you a good sleep :)

Thanks hun, unfortunately the pain is part of the journey for me. A few days after I gave birth, I bent down to pick my baby and ended up rupturing my stitches. Because of this my recovery is taking longer. Sigh....
Day 4 update

So I decided not to take my duromine on day 4. I had a very stressful 72 hours with baby not sleeping much and as a result, I've only had about 6 hours of sleep in the last three days. The last 2 days I managed but today was not good. She's teething and is also going through a growth leap so its double trouble and bad moods all round. I'm doing this alone so I'm completely exhausted and extremely emotional with the depression (which gets worse with lack of sleep). The duromine buzz is actually making me feel hugely anxious and jumpy so decided to skip it.

I haven't had a chance to exercise unless lugging a 5 month old all day counts lol.

Food wise, I managed to get in 2 boiled eggs and half an avocado mid morning while she napped for 19 minutes (kill me now!). Had 2 crackers and cheese at some point in the afternoon. By dinner time I was practically dying. Thankfully I had some chicken and vegetable soup frozen which rescued me.

Water was about the 3.5 litre mark.

I still have the dry mouth and thirstyness. I also felt really light headed and spaced out but I can't tell if this is the duromine or the lack of sleep and exhaustion.

At this point I really don't feel hopeful with any weight loss but I'm trying to do whatever I can especially with food. If I've lost anything - I'll definitely be jumping for joy.
Hey don't beat yourself up @Determined2try !! As a mother with a newborn, your priorities of course are going to be on your baby *hugs* and I don't think anyone here would criticise you at all!!

This week I have been only taking Duromine every second day, not so much because of lack sleep but due to the utter exhaustion I felt first thing in the morning and at about 3-4pm every afternoon. I wanted to let you know that going off my experience it still acts as a suppressant the days I am skipping. (Im on 30mg)

To help yourself through the anxiety due to the "buzz of Duromine" sometimes even just acknowledging that symptom out loud can help you overcome it :). My daughter has extreme anxiety and one of the things that helps her settle is taking a few minutes, closing her eyes and listening for 5 things that you can hear and saying them out loud. It tends to bring her back to the "present" instead of being stuck internally going over every little thing.

The next thing is maybe head on back to your Dr and see if you can have the lower dose? If I remember right you are on the 30mg?

Foodwise you are still doing ok :). Maybe until her teeth come through, and seeing as though you've been rescued via the soup you could try and freeze some other meals when you have time?

There is no race sweetheart, its about the little steps that help you overcome unhealthy habits *huge hugs*.
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Completely forgot to update my measurements last week and my weigh in from yesterday so here they are...

Updated Measurements - Week 5 - 21/05

Bust - 101.5cm
- 3cm loss since last week (4.8cm Total loss)
Chest - 91cm
- 2 cm loss since last week (6.3cm Total loss)
Hips - 108.7cm
- 3cm loss since last week (6.6cm Total loss)
Waist - 92.8cm
- 2.3cm loss since last week (5.6cm Total loss)
Bicep - 36.5cm
- 5mm loss since last week (5mm Total loss)
Forearm - 29cm
- 5mm loss since last week (1.2cm Total loss)
Calf - 39.8cm
- 9mm loss since last week (1.2cm Total loss)
Thigh - 68.6cm
- 8mm loss since last week (3.2cm Total loss)
Midsection- 111cm
- 3mm gain since last week (6.3cm Total loss)

End of week 6 weight - 86.8kg
*1.8kg loss
*10.6kg total loss to date

I am a bit surprised by my weight loss this past week as I feel like I haven’t been as active as usual and I haven’t been as strict with eating. I am struggling to believe that I am down 10kg too as other then a couple of very very slight differences I don’t notice any change in my appearance. The last time I lost 10kg it was undeniable as most of it came off of my butt and hips so none of my pants would stay up so I guess I just assumed by this point that I would be noticing a difference in my clothes which I’m not. Don’t get me wrong I am so happy to have made it this far and reached my first mini goal, I just wish that it was little more noticeable to me. I still haven’t taken any updated progress photos so maybe I should do that and compare to the original.
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@Determined93 Did you know your basically averaging out at about 1.7kg - 1.8kg per week! Such a great result!!! I really hope you give yourself a mini reward! :)

Your measurements are awesome... You said you don't notice much change, and I think its because you are slimming down evenly!

You have a total lost of 25cm between your chest and hips! and thats bloody huge! Do you think it could be your clothes? If last time you lost more from your butt and hips, it stands to reason you would have smaller options to fit into, but.. this time around your becoming more hourglass, I think.. and I just wonder if you have any clothes that accentuate your waist?

Anyhow you deserve a huge congrats!
@Rava I wear a lot of singlets which do that which at one stage I noticed a difference in how my waist looked wearing them but haven’t really noticed much of a change in a while. I think you’re right about it coming off evenly which is probably why I haven’t noticed much so it may just take longer for me to notice this time.
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Rava said:
Hey don't beat yourself up @Determined2try !! As a mother with a newborn, your priorities of course are going to be on your baby *hugs* and I don't think anyone here would criticise you at all!!

This week I have been only taking Duromine every second day, not so much because of lack sleep but due to the utter exhaustion I felt first thing in the morning and at about 3-4pm every afternoon. I wanted to let you know that going off my experience it still acts as a suppressant the days I am skipping. (Im on 30mg)

To help yourself through the anxiety due to the "buzz of Duromine" sometimes even just acknowledging that symptom out loud can help you overcome it :). My daughter has extreme anxiety and one of the things that helps her settle is taking a few minutes, closing her eyes and listening for 5 things that you can hear and saying them out loud. It tends to bring her back to the "present" instead of being stuck internally going over every little thing.

The next thing is maybe head on back to your Dr and see if you can have the lower dose? If I remember right you are on the 30mg?

Foodwise you are still doing ok :). Maybe until her teeth come through, and seeing as though you've been rescued via the soup you could try and freeze some other meals when you have time?

There is no race sweetheart, its about the little steps that help you overcome unhealthy habits *huge hugs*.

@Rava Thank you so much for your encouragement. If I could, I would definitely give you a big hug.
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No problems whatsoever :). I felt the hug ;)
So the last few days have been... can I say...AWFUL!

The baby continued her sleep strike and my emotional health has nosedived big time. I wont go into the dirty details but lets just say, as much as I am committed to losing weight - my aim in the last few days has basically been to SURVIVE. Having said that its also time to confess.

Yesterday I hit rock bottom and sent an SOS to my mum who came to rescue me and took the baby away for a few hours. After a REALLY LONG good cry and 3 glasses of wine, I ended up eating a burger and fries. I know that duromine and alcohol are not to be mixed - my last duromine was on Friday morning at 4am so it had been well over 48 hours before I had the wine. I accept that falling off the wagon can happen and I refuse to let a bad few days derail me so back to it this morning.

As today is Monday, I worked up the courage to step on the scales and I'm at 82kg, so that's a loss of 1kg. I know it isn't as phenomenal as some people who are losing 3kgs in the first week but I wasn't expecting it to be as I've lost about 12kgs since I gave birth so my body isn't going to suddenly drop 3kg, duromine or no duromine.

I'm going to take onboard your suggestion @Rava and try alternating the duromine every other day starting tomorrow. I decided not to have it today given there's probably still some alcohol in my body.
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You know what, sometimes a good cry helps put things back into perspective :) and its so good that your Mum is able to help you out and give you a break!

The great thing about posting in how your day has gone or your weekend for that matter is that;

1. Its a really fabulous support system.
2. It can help you hold yourself accountable.
3. It's a really fabulous support system :)

We all slip up at times (me too this weekend!) but the great thing is, its just a little bump on the road! It's over! done and dusted. It's pointless looking back and beating ourselves up over it, cause we can't change it! It's already in the past :)

Tomorrow is a new day, so just acknowledge the fact that it didn't go to plan and keep moving forward *hugs*
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Determined2try said:
So the last few days have been... can I say...AWFUL!
As today is Monday, I worked up the courage to step on the scales and I'm at 82kg, so that's a loss of 1kg. I know it isn't as phenomenal as some people who are losing 3kgs in the first week but I wasn't expecting it to be as I've lost about 12kgs since I gave birth so my body isn't going to suddenly drop 3kg, duromine or no duromine.

Its a loss! and 1kg is 1kg! Have a look at 4 x 250g of butter - put them in your hands, see how they feel! You still managed to lose whilst having a crappy week!

I say well done :)
Rava said:
Its a loss! and 1kg is 1kg! Have a look at 4 x 250g of butter - put them in your hands, see how they feel! You still managed to lose whilst having a crappy week!

I say well done :)

Yes you are absolutely right. Though I have to admit that I did fantasise about a 3kg weight loss when I started last week lol
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Determined2try said:
So the last few days have been... can I say...AWFUL!

The baby continued her sleep strike and my emotional health has nosedived big time. I wont go into the dirty details but lets just say, as much as I am committed to losing weight - my aim in the last few days has basically been to SURVIVE. Having said that its also time to confess.

Yesterday I hit rock bottom and sent an SOS to my mum who came to rescue me and took the baby away for a few hours. After a REALLY LONG good cry and 3 glasses of wine, I ended up eating a burger and fries. I know that duromine and alcohol are not to be mixed - my last duromine was on Friday morning at 4am so it had been well over 48 hours before I had the wine. I accept that falling off the wagon can happen and I refuse to let a bad few days derail me so back to it this morning.

As today is Monday, I worked up the courage to step on the scales and I'm at 82kg, so that's a loss of 1kg. I know it isn't as phenomenal as some people who are losing 3kgs in the first week but I wasn't expecting it to be as I've lost about 12kgs since I gave birth so my body isn't going to suddenly drop 3kg, duromine or no duromine.

I'm going to take onboard your suggestion @Rava and try alternating the duromine every other day starting tomorrow. I decided not to have it today given there's probably still some alcohol in my body.
Oh sweetheart. I good for the soul. And a damn good release. Doing everythinf that you're doing is amazing and it can be easy. Just remember you're doing an amazing job.
Wow Determined93 -- It's amazing to lose over 10kgs in only 6 weeks. It's taken me literally three times as long to lose as much. Something tells me you will definitely notice after the next 10kgs! Chin up. You got this!
Oh sweetheart. I good for the soul. And a damn good release. Doing everythinf that you're doing is amazing and it can be easy. Just remember you're doing an amazing job.

Thank you so much for the encouragement cutie, it means alot especially on the difficult days. Sending you a big hug and vibes for a wonderful day hun.
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28/29 May 2018

Back to it and as mentioned I didn't have a duromine yesterday. Surprisingly I did pretty good with food.

Breakfast - mini tin of baked beans which I rinsed out as I'm not a fan of the tomato sauce which I find really salty. Handful of baked chickpea crackers.

Lunch - tin of tuna and rice crackers.

Dinner - pan baked chicken and a cup of mixed steamed veggies. I got some of the portion packed microwaveable frozen veggies which I found are really handy for me when I don't have enough time to sort out my food especially with a fussy bub.

Water - 3 litres.

Exercise - 45 minutes on the treadmill.

Today (Tuesday) baby actually slept for 5 hours last night so I got about 4 hours WOOOOHHHOOOO! It's amazing what a difference even that much sleep can make. I had my duromine at 7am this morning. At this point, the thirst has kicked in and I've got the impatient buzz. I feel anxious but I'm attributing that to mental health and not just the duromine. In the last week I did feel like the duromine does intensify emotions so anyone who is in a challenging mental health space really needs to be aware of this.

I also weighed myself this morning and I've picked up 700g which I guess is the burger/wine making its appearance. It's not what I wanted to see but I had a chat to myself and I will not be held slave to the numbers on the scale. I have to keep trying and not give up on account of a difficult few days. I hope this week I can keep it together and l will see the numbers go back down.

I found a quote which I liked and thought I'd share with you. Wishing you all a wonderful day.


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