Leigh'sgottalottolose said:
wow you doing gr8. I too struggle to eat all my calories a day, and I know we need to force ourselves everyday to eat , which is weird as you said you had a gr8 relationship with food, I am the same i nthe that regard, we need to start eating all our meals or snacks, so that once we off D we can just carry on as normal otherwise we are going to land up eating more calories than we supposed to again and get fat all over again, and that is what we do not want right? I have found that since I have been eating brekkie earlier and forcing myself to eat it, does help me to exercise for longer , D gives me a buzz and energy just being stationary, but food gives us fuel to actually move and build stamina for everyday life and body and brain function, so it is not good that we preventing it from happening naturally , it is good we are getting rid of our OLD bad habits but we must not take on NEW bad habits by not fueling our bodies ,easier said than done, I know , loads of wisdom I write to to you but cannot seem to get this right everyday myself , lol ..Thinking of you in the struggle as I know it so well, and it is not helping my weight loss either , soon I AM going to plateau if i continue this new bad habit of depriving my body , we can win this battle and find balance again , well done on your huge loss, my goodness, I have never known or read of anyone losing that much in one week, amazing !! ,and it is gr8 to know your body can shed so much .. may the rest of your week be a good one ,reaching the next goal on your journey..

It's so nice to know that others are feeling what I feel. I know that people are looking at me and wondering where the 117kgs ever fit. I'm only quite small 164cms - and I've carried the weight well, but is carrying weight well something I want written on my tombstone.. Absolutely not. Diet and eating is so important, but 6 meals a day seems so much especially when I'm struggling at the 1-2 range. I think the only veggie route is not sustainable for me and that I have to get some protein in there somewhere. Tonight I'm going to have chicken tenderloins, seasoned with a little pepper and some roast pumpkin. No matter how hard I try that will never sound as good as a roast dinner, but it's a start. I guess this first 2 weeks has been all about trialling things and seeing what works. I am sure food is something everyone struggles with. Maybe everyone has some easy to share recipes?
I'm like you, i carry my weight well. If i actually tell anyone I weigh over 100 kgs there like you don't. .or if I say I need to lose 45kgs they think I'm joking or being too extreme.
In terms for food and protein I'll have chicken(only meat I really eat) and it'll be around half the size of my Palm. So pretty tiny but at least I finish it. The other thing I am really focusing on is eating slowly so that I allow that full feeling to occur (definitely occurs with the duromine). But normally I eat fast and will get to the very end of a meal or go back for second straight away and never allow myself to know where my cut off point is, I would always just feel stuffed when I finished if that make sense.
Wow, Linda, seems you know everything and I can't even think of what to add to your plan. Yes, proteins here come in the first place. Personally I love chicken and turkey, so I was cooking (boiling mostly) breasts. And then inventing recepies using it and veggies... let's see we had a thread with recepies somewhere on the forum... Try THIS
Try different products at a time. Like one day add - an egg to your breakfast, if you feel a bit hungry - a small piece of meat for lunch with salad. Monitor your state and try different foods every day. Soon you will find your perfect diet. I wish you that.
Have a great weight loss! ;)
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I think we all have fears and doubts .....( I am scared that once I'm of D I will go back to my bad eating habits )
take one day at a time and if we do fall don't let that take you back to your old habits....
Be proud of each goal you meet...
This site is great where you can say how you feel and not be judged..
Good luck
its been a while since i have been thin! i have 11 weeks to go to lose the bulk of my weight (20k) i am in my second week, my fear is i am going so well and im scared its all going to stop! do ask my doctor to up it to 30 in month 2?? duramine has changed my relationship with food and that's been the most pleasing thing for me and the satisfaction of weight loss has made me happy :) going back to my old habits (eating) is not on my radar( yet) i am really enjoying my food, eating lots of fruit, chicken,salad, i have no desire for sweets, oily food. i must must must drink more water.starting tomorrow.

loved reading everyone's stories and experiences its been a big help, duramine can vary a lot from person to person
I am on day 26 of DUROMINE 30mg and have lost nothing since my first week which was 3.6kg.

My second & third week were hard as I was sick & then both my children so could not get to the gym at all. My appetite started to feel like it was back to normal & I don't have any side effects at all since day 3.

I took my first 40mg today and am hoping this will kick start me again. My eating hasn't been awful & I'm back at the gym but I feel like it's not working for me.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
Please help
Hi Liabet

I am sorry to hear you have not achieved the results you were hoping for, but sometimes life throws you a curve ball - like the little ones being sick - and you just have to get back into things afterwards.

I would suggest seeing today as your first day again, and see how it goes. If you can not get to the gym, try to do a bit of walking - any kind of exercise helps.

If you are still not happy with the results in a few weeks, maybe you should see your GP - there may be an underlying cause like thryriod problems, insulin resistance etc.

All of the best, and don't give up!;):)
Wow! I have had an incredible 24 hours and just have to share. I've settled into a pretty comfortable diet now. 5 meals a day, small but nice and nutritious - I've added in fruit and nuts, I find banana's are the best and for dinner usually a small portion of chicken with pumpkin, carrot. My husbands joined me now too, so whilst he doesn't need to lose a single kilo, he is just eating a larger portion and it tastes great. Best of all, yesterday on the scales I found out I had lost 2.2kg. Yesterday I went for an hour long power walk with hubby and our dog. It was incredible, I felt so great. But the best thing happened just before that.
I took a secret before photo the day I started taking Duromine. I was so humiliated by it, I emailed it to my own personal email before deleting it of my phone. As I was putting my exercise clothes on yesterday hubby suggested I take a photo now to see how far I'd come. I don't even know how he knew about the first secret photo, but he did. So I took the photo and side by side. I want to share it with you guys but am so embarassed by the first photo I'm not sure if I should. But WOW! I just needed to see that change and I'm motivated even more. I will never ever ever go back to that person. This just feels far too good!!
post it !!! you can be proud, and you NOT that person in the first pic any more , who knows you might just inspire us to share ours with you too Linda Brown .. well done for finding a blance with food and exercise that is working for you , ! ;)
What the heck! I should be proud of this not ashamed. I should also point out that the top I am wearing I purchased just over a month ago. It was an XL and I really needed an XXL but I was too embarrassed, so I just got the smaller size. It didn't fit very well, I find being overweight that tops don't seem to go down low enough because they're holding in your stomach. Now I could stretch that top out. But the best part is the support. I work as a travel agent and in my office of 5 staff, everyone has always harped on at me about my weight, now they can't stop complimenting. This is all the inspiration I need :) Needless to say, very proud of myself so far today.


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WOW WOW WOW !!! huge transformation already !!!Linda, you go girl !!!! ...keep going ... and take in all those compliments at work, good for you ..and thank you for sharing these pics with us, I KNOW IT COULD NOT HAVE BEEN AN EASY THING TO DO :)
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Thanks to everyone for their kind comments. Still a long way to go, but I'm on this path of determination now and unwilling to stop. I have laughed a lot at people over the years for their diet fads and crazes. Most of which go to the extreme forgoing any sort of enjoyment to look a certain way. But this weight loss is me changing my life for the better. I still enjoy the sweeter things in life, but just not as much as before - before I was overdosing on food, now I'm using food to survive. I'm learning to say no.
A lot of us would come from an era where we weren't allowed to leave the table until our plate was finished.... Solution - serve a smaller plate. It's the little things that are making the biggest difference. Your forum helped me more than I've helped myself, I just can't believe how much it's changed me in a fortnight. Thank you for giving us a place where we can talk openly about the things that weigh us down - no pun intended :)
Linda Brown said:
What the heck! I should be proud of this not ashamed. I should also point out that the top I am wearing I purchased just over a month ago. It was an XL and I really needed an XXL but I was too embarrassed, so I just got the smaller size. It didn't fit very well, I find being overweight that tops don't seem to go down low enough because they're holding in your stomach. Now I could stretch that top out. But the best part is the support. I work as a travel agent and in my office of 5 staff, everyone has always harped on at me about my weight, now they can't stop complimenting. This is all the inspiration I need :) Needless to say, very proud of myself so far today.
All I can say is WOW!!!
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:) Don't stop!!! Your progress in your photos is so amazzzzzing! You go girl!!!
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Thanks everyone :)
Still working hard at it, this is a lifestyle change not a short-term one. I've been out walking every day and then yesterday something extraordinary happened... I actually started running. I'm not sure our little puppy knew what was going on, mum's always the slow one but not anymore. 3 weeks down on Duromine and I'm feeling incredible!
Fantastic loss and thank you for putting up your before pic you look great :) have a great week :)
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You are a great motivation to us all Linda, thank you:)
Posting you pictures was really brave, but you can be proud of yourself, there is a HUGE difference. Keep going. Maybe you can inspire more of us to post pics of our journey.......:rolleyes:
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