Belinda said:
I just did what I said I wouldn't Kate I weighed in. But it just gave me a good kick in the ass as I am back up to 69. Silly me I was down to 66.7 just a few days ago. It's crazy how when I'm down I head to the thing that most of all really makes me unhappy : ( something I've struggled with since having kids. I don't drink I don't do drugs I don't smoke my stress relief has been to put food in my mouth. A habit I just slipped back into.
Hey ladies im back and thrilled with the progress i have made, but i havent weighed myself ever since i started taking Duromine, but i can really see the difference in my clothes and the fact that people can even notice my weight loss, but besides that im still not having any side effects besides insomia, ive been exercising 4-5 times a week doing HIP HOP ABS in the morning before i have breakfast, and im noticing im not sweating that much anymore, so im thinking about switching it up to Advanced TAEBO,im naturally pear shaped, and what ive noticed is that im really losing weight fast on my upper body but my bottom half is taking its own sweet time, so i wanted to know if there is any exercises or foods i should eat that will help my bottom half catch up with the top?
pumie said:
Hey ladies im back and thrilled with the progress i have made, but i havent weighed myself ever since i started taking Duromine, but i can really see the difference in my clothes and the fact that people can even notice my weight loss, but besides that im still not having any side effects besides insomia, ive been exercising 4-5 times a week doing HIP HOP ABS in the morning before i have breakfast, and im noticing im not sweating that much anymore, so im thinking about switching it up to Advanced TAEBO,im naturally pear shaped, and what ive noticed is that im really losing weight fast on my upper body but my bottom half is taking its own sweet time, so i wanted to know if there is any exercises or foods i should eat that will help my bottom half catch up with the top?

Hi, pumie, welcome back!
Personally I think a treadmill should help in your situation, or some exercises I have found over the web:

1. By adding a short walk to your day, you will exercise the hip area and begin to attack the deposited fat cells.

2. Toning the abdominal muscles will also help lose hip fat. This can be done by performing a variety of ab exercises such as twists or crunches. Do not over do it with these. Abdominal exercises are most effective when done three times a week.

3. Squats are a great way to reduce unwanted fat on the hips. This is a simple exercise. You begin in an upright position and bend your knees, lowering your body. Then come back up. Not only will this exercise help with hip fat, but it will also tone leg muscles.

4. Cardio exercises (which is basically the same treadmill) are the best way to lose fat from the body. A complete cardio workout will speed the metabolism and burn calories. These exercises do not build muscle but they strengthen the heart and help burn calories.
Thanks Kate, i'll be trying these exercises out and let you know how it goes. Ooh and about the short walk, should i brisk walk or just walk normally?
pumie said:
Thanks Kate, i'll be trying these exercises out and let you know how it goes. Ooh and about the short walk, should i brisk walk or just walk normally?
Well, I think it doesn't really matter - both are good. Try first a normal walk, then may skip to brisk, since it's closer to jogging. Have a great weak!:)
Walking is freat to start your metabolism, i'm about to start a new gym in the same building ass my work. I have an hour and a bit between dropping my partner to work and starting work myself so what better way to spend this time then at the gym? right?!

Just be carful with those squats, if you're doing them wrong you can hurt your back and knees, if you're unsure just youtube the correct actions. I cant wait to start using the new gym and all the new equipment! Squats with dumbbells, ohh sounds like a good burn to me!
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Hi ladies I'm new to this I'm on day 12 of duromine 30mg and have lost 8kgs so far I to have no side effects at all apart from a dry mouth (even though I'm guzzling water) was wondering if I should go to 40mg???

Starting weight: 86.5
Georgia said:
Hi ladies I'm new to this I'm on day 12 of duromine 30mg and have lost 8kgs so far I to have no side effects at all apart from a dry mouth (even though I'm guzzling water) was wondering if I should go to 40mg???

Starting weight: 86.5
Why do you want to go for 40mg please tell us? I mean, aren't you happy with your current weight loss? Because 8 kgs for 12 days is a HUGE loss if you ask me;)
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It is
Kate said:
Why do you want to go for 40mg please tell us? I mean, aren't you happy with your current weight loss? Because 8 kgs for 12 days is a HUGE loss if you ask me;)
It is no longer suppressing my appetite I feel nothing at all can ever have a nap in the day! If anything I'm feeling more tired/lazy and don't have the energy to exercise or really do anyThing
Hi Georgia, how are you going now? Did you stick with the 30 mg? You know after awhile it seems that you do get use to the Duromine and you don't realise the side effects it's having good or bad. Keep eating well and excercising and you will continue to loose weight. 8 kilos in 12 days wow you should be so happy with yourself!!!
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Belinda said:
Hi Georgia, how are you going now? Did you stick with the 30 mg? You know after awhile it seems that you do get use to the Duromine and you don't realise the side effects it's having good or bad. Keep eating well and excercising and you will continue to loose weight. 8 kilos in 12 days wow you should be so happy with yourself!!!
I agree with Belinda here. Keep eating healthy and stick to your usual diet schedule+exercises. The weight will come off again.
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Hi not sure if duromine is working for me...
Today is day three and I have constantly just wanted chocolate or am craving a salty take away.
I feel so exhausted too. However I do think I am getting a cold/flu and (sorry for TMI) my period is due on Saturday.
Hi Lilah

Give it a week and see how you are doing then - it takes a while for your body to get used to the medication. If you are getting a cold/flu, maybe it would be better to wait until you are back to good health again before continuing. Good luck!:)
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Hi everyone!

First of all, I am so thankful I found this forum!

Well, after having my third baby, I went from 53kgs pre-baby weight, to a whopping 75kgs. After my first 2 babies, I lost all the baby weight within the first 8 months; but this time around, it has been a whole different story.

Feeling depressed about my weight and not getting back to my pre-baby body as quickly as I did the first two times, I seeked help from my doctor. She started me off on 15mg for a month.

So far it has been 15 days, and although I haven't jumped on the scales yet (as I'm too scared of the disappointment) I feel like I haven't lost much, if any at all! But the thing is, I am killing myself with Cardio workouts 5x per week, for at least an hour at a time; and sometimes I even exercise twice during the day if I get a chance. And of course, as a mother of 3 under 5 years of age, I am constantly on the go anyway. Even finding the time to exercise with 3 children is difficult in itself, but I am managing it.

I'm just lost as to why I feel like the weight hasn't been falling off me?! Has anyone else had this? I'm not sure if it's the eating though?

Question: Because Duromine suppress' your appetite, are you not supposed to eat that much during the day? Because that's what I've been doing. Watching what I've been eating, and eating very little.

If it works by suppressing your appetite, then doesn't that defeat the purpose if you still eat normally? So confused!

I'm hoping that when I go back to the doctor she'll put me on the 30mg, or even 40mg, because I don't really feel like the 15mg is doing anything! I think it's more that I've tried to make myself believe that it's working... if that makes sence?

Also I'll add in there that I'm probably the fussiest person in the world, so that makes life a lot harder when trying to diet!

Thank you so much for taking the time out to read my novel - any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
Hello, Missmoana!:):):)

First of all thank you. Thank you for joining us.
Now, let's try to help you with your issues.
So - Duromine. Yes the whole point of this drug is to suppress the appetite. Why? Because most of overweight/obese people feel like they are constantly hungry. That's a fact. Been there myself))) So, Duromine helps to stop overeating and snacking all day long. But.

Human body can't survive without food, you know that too. So, what shall we do about this confusion? My answer is - eat. Force yourself to eat WHEN YOUR BODY ACTUALLY NEEDS IT. But you may ask me: how do I know when this time comes if I don't feel hungry? The answer is: Make a daily schedule. Diet is not just NOT EATING, but eating properly. When I was doing this, I used to cook simple salads, boiled/stewed meat, put in small containers and taking it with me at work.

If you look through different topics and threads on our forum, you'll see that there are three simple rusles for best weight loss. Here they are:

1. Low-calorie diet (4-5 small meals a day). Scary huh?))) Don't worry. The whole point of it is to eat small(!) portions - 3 main meals: breakfast (is a must), lunch, dinner and a couple of snacks in between (nuts, fresh fruit, berries, protein shake or yogurt). Drink lots of water. Small meals contain little calories (veggies, some meat, dairy), so even if you eat 4 times per day, you will lose weight.

2. Duromine (take a pill as early as you can at the same time daily). It is important to take the pill early in the morning (after the breakfast to protect your stomach) and at the same time every day to avoid insomnia and other side effects. Actually any pills should be used at the same time daily. Regime.

3. Exercises (that's a must too). Well, I see no problem here, since you're doing crazy workouts. It's good, but I would suggest you to slow down a little. There was a post somewhere about cardio... The point is that you should not "torture" your heart and muscles with treadmill (or whatever cardio you chose) for an hour! Only a pro athlete can do 1h of cardio. But you shouldn't. You are young and you need healthy heart. Besides, only cardio will never give you that calorie -> weight loss that you need. My advice is to do 15min of cardio for warm ups, then some strength exercises (anything you like, push-ups, sit-ups, abs...with or without dumbells, etc.) and another 10min of cardio afterwards. Exercises on strength will tighten up your skin a bit, so that you can lose weight without having much of loose skin.

You should not be afraid of weighing yourself. I think you have lost some weight already, sometimes you can't see and feel it.
I hope I helped you today and soon you will share us your numbers! Take care!
Wow that was long)))))))))))) Sorry:p
Hi Everyone,

I'm on my second stint of Duromine, I was on it for one month then had a break off the pills to see if I could maintain my eating habits off the pill (doctor agreed that I should do this) I put on a little weight but not all that I lost whilst on my first cycle.
I've now been on the same 30 mg for 6 days, and haven't felt a thing!
The first time I had more energy, my sleeping times were on and off and I had instant appetite suppression. Now nothing except minor appetite suppressant, I'm even still hungry at some stages.
Can anyone offer any suggestions to this? Feeling a little disappointed.

Thanks! :(
ForgetfulMe, the same happened to me when I used D in 2012. Also used it for a month or so, stopped and started again a month or so later. I was so disappointed! I started D again about 3 weeks ago and I must say it is working again to its full effect. It is important to listen to your body and to eat when hungry, but the trick being to stop when full. Keep on using D and maybe don't take a break between the months again?

Hope the "problem" gets resolved. Hang in there, remember this will help us with a lifestyle change, so make positive changes where ever you can :)
Hi there, the same thing has happened to me. Except I haven't been on/off. I took it 8+ years ago and it was amazing! My body responded immediately, i could 'feel' it working (sleep/appetite/metabolism/sleep)... This time, I'm 8 days in... Day 1 was full appetite suppression, day 2 was only about 50%...and it has got weaker and weaker since, I'm almost sleeping longer on it. Only effect to remain in the dry mouth. Not sure why. It's hard not to be disappointed.
Yep pretty much the same story here. First few days it was amazing and then gradually noticed my appetite returning, sleeping soundly. I'd done my research before discussing it with my dr but it's really hard to stay positive when you hear so many amazing results for other people. Why isn't it working for me? I've just upped my dosage to 40mg. Hopefully things will turn around soon. My dr is expecting 15-20kg loss by the time I see him in three mths time. At this rate there's just no way. :(
Today is day 8 on 40gm Duromine, I am having terrible sleep at night, so I am tired all day.I am still waiting for the extra energy and decrease in appetite I expected. I have lost about 700gm. While I realise and acknowledge that weight loss is a slow process I really expected a more positive result in the first week.has anyone else experienced this and does it get better?

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