I have been on duromine 40mg for 2 weeks tomorrow. The first 2 nights i didnt get any sleep, 3rd night i got 2 hrs, 4th night i got about 5 hrs and from night 5 have been sleeping all night.
I dont have any extra energy but i am not hungry all. I eat 3 meals a day and drink 6 x 600mls of water per day and do some lite zumba exercise.
I take my duromine between 4:30 & 5 am every morning.
I weight myself on friday and all up have lost 7.3kgs will weigh in and measure again tomorrow
Well done on the excellent loss Nikki. I bet you are noticing the difference.
I am having trouble sleeping, getting about 4 hours a night.
I am drinking lots of water. I just feel tired all the time, my appetite hadn't decreased although I dont really feel like eating junk food I am still feeling hungry though. I guess I was just hoping for a greater loss. Hopefully next week will be better.
I have been on 30mgs for all most a month, eating right (no snacking no junk food no dairy or gluten) exercising (thanks to the duromine energy boost) and I have lost 1kg.. Wtf!! What am I doing wrong? I am eating 1200 calories... Small frequent meals (or mini-meals). Riding my bike 30-44 minutes and body weight training. And no weight loss
After about 3 weeks I felt it wasn't working either. I was feeling hungry every day and waking up at 3am hungry too! I've persevered though, stuck to my guns (for the most part) and have lost 5.5kgs in the past 6 wks. I was hoping to have lost 10kg by now, but some is better than none I suppose. I've heard slow and steady wins the race :). A bit frustrating though, when you hear about everyone else's massive weight loss. How's the 40mg working?
I've had to stop taking Duro at the moment. My blood pressure was through the roof (not because of Duro). Once we get my BP under control I can go back on Duro. Maybe that's why I didn't feel much of an effect? If my body was already in overdrive, it would be hard to find an extra gear. Guess I'll find out soon enough.
Hey guys, i am a newbie to Duromine, i have been taking it for 6 days now and i am scared it's not working! the 1st 3 days i had no appetite what-so-ever and had to force myself to eat brekky, lunch and dinner (didn't want to go into starvation mode) and only slept for 2 hours each night. But ever since the 4th day i have felt nothing! no appetite reduction, i'm sleeping fine and wouldn't say i have any extra energy. I haven't been weighing myself as i don't want to become obsessed by the 'number' but i ended up doing it today after lunch (which i know won't give me an accurate reading) but if i subtract say 2kg from the food and liquid consumed throughout the day i pretty much have stayed the same weight from day 1!!!!!! shouldn't i have seen some change by now? when is it supposed to kick in? i am feeling so desperate nothing seems to work for me! i am the healthiest eater, i eat tiny portions and avoid junk food and i go to the gym 3 days a week plus walk the dog twice a day everyday.
I know its frustrating when you dont see the results straight away, maybe its just your body adjusting to the new lifestyle. When you say you eat tiny portions are you sure you are eating enough, sometimes when we don't eat enough our bodies can go into starvation mode which will end up having the opposite effect to weight loss, also if it is that time of month or due soon you can put on a couple of kilos in fluid etc so that may have been why you haven't seen any change yet. As for not feeling any symptoms after the 4th day i have been experiencing the same thing, on day 1 i had full blast of energy wasn't hungry etc but from day 2-6 (today) i was the same as you, i dont have that ebergy burst anymore , i do get hungry however i feel the duromine does take the edge off so i am not starving all the time only hungry at meal times and ive managed to curb my snacking, however in saying that i weighed myself today just to see how i was going and i am down 2kg exactly, so just give it some time, it will kick in. keep up the excercise and eating well and remember to drink plenty of water and i bet you'll start to see reults soon. not everyone has the symptoms all the time we are all different.
just another question how many mg's are your tablets?
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Hey, thanks for replying,

good job on the 2kg loss!!!! well done.

by tiny portions i mean i'll have an optifast shake for brekky, for lunch i'll have either 5 pieces of tuna sushi or a small slice of frittata and salad or a vegetable based soup and for dinner i usually have either 200g of protein with steamed veg/salad (no carbs) or i'll mash some cauliflower with some light cream cheese and add a small tin of tuna...plus 2 snacks of either fruit/coffee for morning tea and afternoon tea. This adds up to about 3,800-5200 kj a day depending on my food choices....i was worried i could be in starvation mode...but i don't really know HOW to eat the right amount to be honest! my weight gain in the last year is purely from binges and not just regular large portions, so if i remove my binges from my diet (which i have successfully managed to do!!! woohoo!!) i probably don't eat enough! but i am not sure...

hmmm i am due for my period either this week or next week (it can be a bit irregular) so that could contribute to it i guess!!! i hope so anyway :(

my dr started me on 15mg and then said after a few days increase it to 30mg, which is what i stared today! so i hope the 30mg makes a difference, but i really haven't felt any symptoms from it (as in decreased appetite or increased energy).
Has anyone else been taking duromine and not seen their weight move??
I am eating practically nothing, like 2 protein bars a day AND i work as a waitress, so am running around for around 10 hours a day and my weight STILL has not budged, its been 4 weeks! I'm so confused!! anyone else had this???
You're not eating at all. What did you expect? Your body is just afraid you will starve it, so it doesn't want to get rid of its "precious energy storages" (aka fat deposits). I have no other explanation. Sorry:oops:
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Hi Danielle
Kate has hit the nail on the head.
One of the things my GP warned me...I won't feel like eating but if I don't.. it will defeat the purpose...as my metabolism will slow right down to conserve stores thinking it's in a famine. The medication gives us the opportunity to establish new healthy eating habits that will see the excess weight come off and stay off. That is a challenge in and of itself..old habits die hard as they say;);)
So I guess if it were me...I've tried the barely eat for 4 weeks and no result...so I would next try the eat 3 meals and 2 snacks for 2 weeks and see if that changes the outcomes. If not then perhaps medical checks to make sure there's not some other underlying cause.
Good luck
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Hey, Im new to this site, but join for some good advise, today is my 2nd weight in. I started duromine 40g, 2 weeks ago and was so excited I dropped 7kg in one week, 2nd week lucky to have lost 1 kilo, im so down was on such a high with the weight falling off then a sudden holt. I have like 80kilo to loose and also stick to the weight watchers points, my points r 48 for the day but im only using on average 25 as I just cant eat anymore. Im feeling kinda down right now, is this normal on duromine, I thought it would just keep dropping, my diet hasnt changed in past 2 wks.
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I'm with Kate on that one your body has gone into starvation mode!!!!!
You need to eat a bit more even if its just little bit and small meals at least 3-5 times a day.
Try and eat proteins and don't give up on it yet!!!
Well my week 2 sudden holt has gone to a 500g put on, I'm now eating up to 30 of my 48 weight watchers points drinking 2 litres water daily and nothing. Lost 8kg in 2 wks and now put on half. Feeling very frustrated
If that is you in your profile picture Danielle F then you really shouldn't be taking Duromine. You wouldn't have lost any weight possibly because you have nothing to lose! Duromine is an appetite suppressant - not a fat reduction pill. It will reduce hunger, so overeating can't occur - people will generally lose weight because their caloric intake is reduced. If you eat next to nothing though your body will catabolise muscle and retain fat stores.
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MJC2312 - sounds like your initial weight loss was likely fluid (water). Stop staring at your scales. Weight can fluctuate especially if you are prone to water retention. I'm not familiar with ww points, but if you're eating 3 healthy meals a day and a couple of snacks you should be on track. Start to increase your exercise level too. Judge your weight loss on how you feel not what the scales say'
I am feeling like such a desperate failer!!! I've been on duromine for 2 months now- AND HAVE HAD NO CHANGE WHATS SO EVER!!! What's wrong with me seriously!!! I've only become like this in the last year, I had a bmi of 19 12 months ago! My hormones are normal and I eat healthy and I exercise! I don't drink alcohol...what more can I do? I'm at the end of my tether, I really am!
Hey Larnie, what dose are you on? If its 15 or 30mg, ask your doc to step you up to the 40mg. The tablets are too expensive to buy and not get results. You probably already are doing this, but make sure that your meal portion sizes are small, plenty of water, and shake up your routine of exercise on a regular basis. The body gets use to its daily routine, and metabolism settles. A routine change up keeps things going.
I've had all the dosages, I'm now on 40mg and yep, NOTHING!!!

My portions aren't big either :( I really really really don't know what else I can do I feel like my body is against me! I've never been overweight I've always been fit and I just don't understand :(
Hi larnie, dont let it get to you. Iv got a friend yous rite into the whole fitness thing and when the bodies fat wont budge, it usually calls for some full on fitness training. If you can afford it (coz I know it aint cheap), look into getting a fitness trainer. They will get the fat burning. Iy does sound like your not too overweight and duromine is designed for helping the obese to shed the fat and will usually drop off easy but even then, they too will get to a point where the fat is more stubborn and harder to lose. By the sounds of it, the weight your trying to lose is probably at that stubborn point and will take extra to get it off. The higher the heart rate is when exercising, the more weight youl lose.

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