Weight Loss Motivation

On my 5th Week of duromine and hit my little mini goal of losing 7kg. Lost 7.3kg in 5 weeks! Barely eating much, keeping hydrated with water and tea and my exercise generally involves being constantly on the go. I stand up for 8-9 hours a day and I'm climbing up stairs constantly so it keeps me on the go. I'm always walking and my lifestyle is quite active so it makes it easy. Going to start adding high intensity cardio exercise and as it heats up swimming is definitely something that really helps strengthen my muscles and lose weight. Next mini goal is to hit the 10kg mark and then the 12kg mark!

Any advice from anyone?
I'm not technically savvy enough to make it look pretty but the best advice I have ever gotten was to "do all your grocery shopping from the supermarket perimeter !" Stick to the fruit/vege, dairy, and meat section around the edge and don't be tempted by the processed crap in the middle. Yes, I'm talking to you Biscuit and Lolly aisles!!!
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Well done joannen, , on week 3 and lost 4so far...mine is going slow but im taking 1 day at a time... and my body getting use to the tablet now, energy and sleeping patterns changed
keep us posted
Hi, Joannen
Everything is great in your plan. But I must say that despite the lack of appetite, you should increase your regular meals to the number of 3 or even 4 (little ones). Just make sure your body gets everything it needs: vegetable oils, vegetable protein (beans), fat-free meat, veggies / greens, some nuts and seeds, fruit of course. Buy some small plastic containers and put your daily meals there. Even if it's just an apple or two. When it's time to have a snack - you're just taking the container and eat whatever is inside for this particular time of day. I prepare mine in the evening every day, so the next day I don't have to think what to eat, saves time, plus if you feel whimsical about eating something that moment, you just force yourself to eat and then do what you usually do. Just a tip.
Your physical activity is great I think.

All in all I wish you good luck and much weight loss soon!
LollyTerror said:
I'm not technically savvy enough to make it look pretty but the best advice I have ever gotten was to "do all your grocery shopping from the supermarket perimeter !" Stick to the fruit/vege, dairy, and meat section around the edge and don't be tempted by the processed crap in the middle. Yes, I'm talking to you Biscuit and Lolly aisles!!!
Well that's a challenge for some people))))
Especially when supermarket managers place a "little section with ketchup-mayo-sauce-canned-all-that-stuff" near the section with your favorite veggies :laughing: Smart b**tards))):laughing::laughing::laughing:
Thanks Kate and latashas. Its been pretty challenging to increase my food but for the last few days I have eaten a lot more. I guess its pretty difficult because I already have coeliac disease and am lactose intolerant. I have been upping my nuts and legumes as my cholesterol is really low and so is my blood sugar level. Definitely going to make meals a bit more consistent. Only just lost 1kg last week however I had some gluten a fews days ago and for anyone who has coeliac disease, they would know the severe bloating and the inability of your body to break down foods means extra weight :( been keeping hydrated with water, tea and juices to keep my system regulated. Proud of my efforts so far. Can't wait to hit the 10KG mark! That is going to legendary for me... it will be a lot more of a moral and emotional victory considering the year I've had. Latashas, thats amazing. Remember everyone loses different amounts. Something I'm learning is everyones body is different. Some people start duromine with a lot more water retention and lose a lot more weight initially, while others their body needs to be shaken up and exercise or really change their eating habits. When you feel you hit a plateau then change something. For me, each week I am skipping duromine about 2-3 times on average to ensure I am getting enough sleep, but also that i eat enough. With that if i skip duromine for 2 days then go back on it, my body recharges and i get a hit of energy.

In my first month I didn't skip any days unless i was sick, but now I am doing 2 days on and 1 day off to give my body a chance to get adjusted. Really need motivation to exercise though! Any tips?
Hey there.

I know online everything SOUNDS amazing...before I tried duromine I thought, oh jeez, just more of the imaginery weight loss hype.

Wrong. Here is the hard truth. U need to stick to it. I used the 30mg for 7 days and I had gained a kg. Was so depressed as I was excersising and eating alot better. But as this was my last resort at weight loss, I made myself stick out another week. I just thought, It cant all be a hype.

By week 2 I dropped 2.8 kg. Week 3 another 1.8. Week 4 in total I lost 6 kg. And NOTHING HAS EVER worked for me before!!! No diets, no excersising...I am just here to tell you, if u feel like giving up...DONT. LOOK what happened to me..imagine I gave up after thay week of hell!!!

Trust me on this...stick it out and you will be in as much shock as I am!!! Xxx
The sad truth is that people always want immediate results, especially now when there's a lot of info over the Internet and lots of successful stories. But in reality many people lose nothing at the beginning of Duromine therapy. Or on contrary - some of them lose a great amount first and week 2 or 3 nothing, hence the worry. We appreciate your message, Rachel-Black! Hope some it will help someone new here. Thank you and have a great loss ;););)
I am so glad i read your post Rachel-Black!!!!! i've been on Duromine for a week and i 'feel' like i've lost weight so i was so excited but when i stood on the scales my weight hasn't budged! i was so disheartened, but i hope it works the same for me and kicks in by the 2nd week :( nothing has ever worked for me either and i am desperately hoping this will be my solution!!
Its post like these that have made me give Duromine another chance. i was on it for 2 weeks last time and the first week i lost 6 kilos and the second nothing. Admittedly the first week i was so excited to start so i had heaps of motivation. After reading these posts over the past few days i am going to give it another go :)
I hope it works for you Rjburke1!!!! i've been too scared to stand on the scales because i don't want to be disappointed, so i thought i'd just continue how i am going until my next doctors visit, that way i can't be discouraged if i don't know i haven't lost weight...maybe that could work for you as well? go by how feel?

All the best.
Well i know I've only posted one thread only yesterday saying I had no motivation to do anything, but now i changed my routine and am feeling amazing!

I was reading all of the other threads posted and felt it was time to help myself in order for this tablet to do its stuff.

Today I went for a 30 minute walk with my dog, which turned into a run as she saw a cat and I did 45 minutes on the exercise bike alternating between medium and slow.
I can officially say that IT HELPED! My weight is now 69.9!!!

My next weigh in is on Friday (doctor said every 5-7 days to weigh yourself) and I hope I can get to 65kgs just before I finish my tablets (9 left)
Good work :) interval training on a bike is the fastest way to burn calories and your body keeps burning them for longer during the day :)
Thanks! I was on the exercise bike again this morning (20 minutes) staying on medium tension and my inner thighs are dying haha. I'll be doing another 30 mins at 8pm following 50 sit ups, 25 crunches, 25 squats, etc. Tomorrow my body will die and hate me hahaha
Hi all, haven't posted in a while, No internet!

So I finished my script two days ago, and did my weigh in.

I'm now 69.6
4.8kgs, I'm pretty happy about it but my doctor said another 3-4 kilos and I'll have a healthy bmi!

I'm going 1 week with out the tablets,
And so far so good. Two days in and I feel hungry at meal time but don't feel the need to snack ☺️

My motivation on the other hand, well it's um there? Don't get me wrong, I'll spend 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike but I get bored and my head starts to think about other things (like make baby suits for my respecting sister!) I've got baby brain, minus the baby haha. I'll post again on my last day without duromine but in the mean time. ITS EXERSISE TIME!
Well done!;)
HopelessIndulger said:
Hi all, haven't posted in a while, No internet!

So I finished my script two days ago, and did my weigh in.

I'm now 69.6
4.8kgs, I'm pretty happy about it but my doctor said another 3-4 kilos and I'll have a healthy bmi!

I'm going 1 week with out the tablets,
And so far so good. Two days in and I feel hungry at meal time but don't feel the need to snack ☺️

My motivation on the other hand, well it's um there? Don't get me wrong, I'll spend 20-30 minutes on the exercise bike but I get bored and my head starts to think about other things (like make baby suits for my respecting sister!) I've got baby brain, minus the baby haha. I'll post again on my last day without duromine but in the mean time. ITS EXERSISE TIME!
So I've now been off duromine for a week now and weigh 69.4 ☺️☺️ So happy that I can continue to loose weight off it. Even though it's only 200g's but I'll take anything! I'll starting it again next week (depending on when it arrives!)
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I absolutely love this site. it has motivated me and given me so many good ideas to help with my weight loss journey. My starting weight was a 120kgs. i never used to be that big i used to weigh 69kgs before the birth of my two children. After i gave birth to my kids i struggled to loose the weight i gained a lot of weight during my two pregnancies and over the years i just carried on gaining weight due to an unhealthy lifestyle and emotional eating. After numerous failed attempts and disappointments i finally decided to try duromine. I'm tired of being so fat i want to make a lifestyle change and i feel that duromine will give me a push in the right direction

This is my day 5 on the D so far i have lost 2kgs bringing my weight down to 118kg... i went on that scale three times because i couldn't believe my eyes... i was so happy and this has motivated me to push on. I wake up at 4am for my daily exercises for 30 min which is usually weight training or intense cardio. I exercise everyday, the plan is to exercise everyday of the week as i have so much energy. I then take duromine at about 6am. I try to eat well i have to remind myself to eat and i make sure that i have 3 meals a day. I cant manage 6 small meals as 3 meals is a huge struggle already. Breakfast is easy as I'm usually very hungry from the exercises. Lunch and supper are a struggle to get down.

The side effects...gosh...i get about 5 hours straight sleep if I'm lucky. But during those 5 hours it wont be right through it will be interrupted sleep. I drink a lot of water which i find is great. i drink about 3 -4lts of water a day. I haven't told anyone that i am on duromine for the sake of being judged and being accused of being lazy or wanting a quick fix. Duromine has increased my energy levels which i absolutely love because i am a working mom with two children and a husband to take care of the extra energy just keeps me bouncing.

I want to stay motivated. I want to continue with this lifestyle. My 9 year old daughter has even joined in my yoga classes which is good because she is learning a healthy lifestyle. Im tired of being fat i want my body back, i want to be able to wear anything i want and feel sexy. I want to be confident in my own skin and just be happy and not be hindered by the weight.
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Hi Nopsi!

This is my first post on the site. Have been reading it for a couple of days. Some good inspiration here! Although not a lot of recent stuff?

I am on day 6 of duromine and I have lost 3.5kgs so far. I know we are not meant to weigh everyday but I can't help it! Lol. I am now 131.2kg, down from 134.7kg, so pretty stoked!

We should keep each other updated on here since we both started at the same time?
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Hi Pammyz,

I also have been reading a lot on this site and also noticed that there are not many recent posts. This site has given me a lot of motivation i must say!!

Oh WOW you have lost 3.5kgs!!! Well done!! i know how hard it is to loose weight. Once you see that you are actually loosing weight it motivates you to just carry on. How did you do it Pammyz?
i think keeping each other updated is a great idea sort of like weight loss buddies it will also motivate us to push on.

Well done 3.5kgs is a great start!!!
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