ShelleyBris said:
Way to go @Bilby80 and @Mammaof2 , I am on day 2 today, so a little behind you.

Day 1 was OK, fuzzy head and sleep a little dodgy. So how often should I weight myself? And in the past when I weight myself I fluctuate 2 kg in a day, it's weird (obviously water)

I will keep reading your posts and I hope you don't mind that I am joining in, as no-one seems to answer my post either. All I see on here is people asking for my tablets LOL
Haha! yes please, join us!
I think sleep gets better after day 3 or thereabouts.
I weigh every day - can't help it. silly habit. Good Luck @ShelleyBris
Quick question about hunger - @Bilby80 - Are still feeling less hungry? I'm not thinking about food as much, but still a little hungry. I think I might not be eating enough.
I'm going to see my doc tomorrow - she wanted to make sure I got through my first week ok, so I will ask her as well.
Mammaof2 said:
Yay!!! Well done! :) Good Job!

I've lost 2.9. So now at 89.4. I'm happy with that. I swear this was the longest week ever!!!
Now just to keep going!!
That’s awesome! Aaahh, I’m jealous, can’t wait until I’m in the 80’s again!
Mammaof2 said:
Quick question about hunger - @Bilby80 - Are still feeling less hungry? I'm not thinking about food as much, but still a little hungry. I think I might not be eating enough.
I'm going to see my doc tomorrow - she wanted to make sure I got through my first week ok, so I will ask her as well.
I wasn’t hungry much the first couple of days, but the last couple I really feel like I’m hungrier than I should be. I definitely have more willpower to keep it under control though. I’ve also been feeling tired, which I didn’t expect too.
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Bilby80 said:
I wasn’t hungry much the first couple of days, but the last couple I really feel like I’m hungrier than I should be. I definitely have more willpower to keep it under control though. I’ve also been feeling tired, which I didn’t expect too.

Oh Yes! definitely tired and ready to sleep at night. I had my cranky pants on yesterday - it's nearly that time of the month as well.
Ok, will keep an eye on what I am eating. I'm trying to have approx 1600 cals a day, but not really counting.
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OK, I will not weigh myself every day LOLOLOLOL (OK I will try not to)

I am getting very tired at about 2pm each day, I am surprised by that.

Thanks for letting me join in, I will let you know my loss when I weight myself in a few days.


I hit the heaviest at 147kg at the beginning of the year (I am 6 foot 1 inches tall 187cm) , so I cut all processed sugar from my diet (yes - rather crappy time) and as a result of that alone I lost 28kg, and I have been too terrified to take the tablets.

BUT over the last 7 weeks I have not lost anything at all, not a single kg, so I decided to finally use the tablets my doctor prescribed me back in January.

I am hoping this will help me get back on track to keep me motivated and not let this hit my confidence.

I am super excited to see both of you having a win, and I will let you know how I go :):):):):)
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Bilby80 said:
Hi there,
Just wanted to stop by and say hello :)
I’m starting on 30mg tomorrow and I’m excited, but starting to get nervous. My doctor wasn’t keen so only gave me one month to start with. She tried to really scare me with the potential side effects but I was pretty determined to give it a go.
I’m 37, have 3 kids (youngest is 3 months) and my first goal is to lose just over 20kg and get down to 80 - hopefully by my wedding next March.
Anyhoo, fingers crossed this stuff works!
Hi,welcome and good luck
I started with Duromine 30 3days ago,no side effects ,only drink a lot of water. Hopefully it will help.I don't have almost any food ,just fruit . I'm scared to step on the scale
OH, what a crappy nights sleep I had last night, and I mucked the days, I am on Day 4 LOL

Does the sleeping settle down?

I stepped on the scale this morning, I KNOW I am not meant to :p, but couldn't resist, but no kg loss yet, probably to be expected seeing as I am drinking so much more water than I usually do.
Hey girls! Sorry, I’ve been away. Got down with a flu. Finally back, but not 100% yet, so apologies for delays in answers and possible forgetfulness while answering.

From all your questions… yes, side effects of Duromine can have a late onset, so nausea is possible since day 5, even since the second-third week, and yes – it is highly possible when you don’t eat enough Many people report of feeling nauseous before getting a couple more bites, so don’t starve yourself. Obviously, your body knows how much you need to feel ok. =)

Feeling cranky can be both Duromine and these days… Duromine can aggravate your period moods, so do your best to control your emotions and not make your close people sad =))

Feeling hungry at meal times is ok. Duromine can work both ways – 1. Totally eliminate hunger; 2. Let you feel hungry when it’s time to eat and help you feel satiated from smaller amounts of food. Not eating enough can definitely contribute to your hunger and tiredness. Besides, tiredness is one of paradoxical side effects of Duromine. Make sure that you eat enough and monitor your condition. Something might need to be adjusted to make you feel better: 1. Dosing time, 2. Nutrition, 3. Exercises.

And of course, CONGRATULATIONS on your amazing weight loss!!! Keep up the great work!

@ShelleyBris, welcome and best of luck!
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Hi Tassiegirl, how’s it going today? Feeling excited for your tomorrow’s weight in? Keep my fingers crossed =))

I just love the your body responds to Duromine – no more poor eating habits. =) Hope this remains when you’re off Duromine as well. Cheers!
Thanks April :) today's official weigh in put me at 84.7kg! 4.3kg gone! Very happy with that..been drinking a lot of water, the Duromine makes me thirsty..going to the gym almost everyday and eating healthy, I'm feeling quite good :) hoping this keeps up!!
Tassiegirl said:
Thanks April :) today's official weigh in put me at 84.7kg! 4.3kg gone! Very happy with that..been drinking a lot of water, the Duromine makes me thirsty..going to the gym almost everyday and eating healthy, I'm feeling quite good :) hoping this keeps up!!
Wow amazing job. I’ve just started today so this is very inspiring
Welcome @Aaliyha_Rose. I have just finished my first week, all side effects have gone, first few nights I had an issue sleeping and the first day fuzzy brain, but all good now and I am yet to weigh myself. I start a new exercise program next week.

Just drink heaps of water and remember to eat. HEAPS of water, that I think is the only thing that helped. :):)
ShelleyBris said:
Welcome @Aaliyha_Rose. I have just finished my first week, all side effects have gone, first few nights I had an issue sleeping and the first day fuzzy brain, but all good now and I am yet to weigh myself. I start a new exercise program next week.

Just drink heaps of water and remember to eat. HEAPS of water, that I think is the only thing that helped. :):)

Thank you! Yes I currently have the fuzzy head thing going on. I have noticed that I’m drinking less water than I would normally so I’m making a constant effort to drink more. I don’t want to get the headache people talk about. I have to book in to see a dietician and exercise psyshiologyist. My last dietician put me on optifast. (I lost 10kg but my hair also fell out) anyway I’m looking to keep up my with foods a bit better now. Have you seen any food diets that are helpful? Really appreciate your feedback. I’m to embarrassed to talk to my friends. X
Hi Everyone,

Bit of a different second week for me, well compared to the 1st. :laughing:
I'm sleeping fine, starting to get a little bit hungrier than last week. I didn't meal plan/prep so maybe that's what it was.
Anyway, I had a busy week, I'm a cake maker (sad! I know) so the days went by quickly.

I haven't lost much weight - 400gms. So my current weight is 89.2, still better than my starting weight.
I'm planning on doing some meal prep tomorrow, so will see what the scales say on Wednesday!

Hope you are all going well. :)
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Aaliyha_Rose said:
Thank you! Yes I currently have the fuzzy head thing going on. I have noticed that I’m drinking less water than I would normally so I’m making a constant effort to drink more. I don’t want to get the headache people talk about. I have to book in to see a dietician and exercise psyshiologyist. My last dietician put me on optifast. (I lost 10kg but my hair also fell out) anyway I’m looking to keep up my with foods a bit better now. Have you seen any food diets that are helpful? Really appreciate your feedback. I’m to embarrassed to talk to my friends. X
Hi @Aaliyha_Rose,

This is the advantage of this forum, we can talk about things that would normally embarrass us and not worry LOL.

It's horrible to hear about your experience on the shakes, but sometimes I think when people go on VLCD shakes it's a big shock to the body, so maybe mix it up with low cal rather than VLCD, and have a proper meal. (shake options options below)

I have lost 20kg without duromine and I was feeling awesome, but then I plateaued for about 8 weeks loosing nothing, so was loosing motivation and confidence, that is why I started duromine.

My diet so far, if you can call it a diet :) is all I have done so far is removed processed sugar, I read every label on every bit of food that is in containers (yoghurt, sauces, seasoning - everything), obviously fresh food is fine. I still eat out once a week with hubby.

So I started the no sugar horrid life, but it worked, 85% of the weight loss was from my stomach, which is the unhealthiest place to carry weight, BUT I also get regular blood tests and all of the bad indicators are going down as well.

Now, I am going to be extremely honest here, one of my big problems is I have always been keen, but busy and lazy and full of excuses, SO now I am trying to add more exercise to the mix :):) arrrrh


Target at least 2 litres of water a day - it will help with the chance of the horrible headache
Eat something for breakfast - even if it's just a banana or a shake
Have lunch - it will stop the fuzzy brain - I make this my main meal

The meal replacement shakes - One again comes the honesty, I am one of those people that tends to skip breakfast, so I think I may join you in the shakes for one meal replacement :):) but we need to make sure we read the label as a lot of them are full of sugar, carbs and salt.

So my research so far:

IsoWhey - has better ingredients
VitaDiet - Has less sugar than most
Flexi by Impromy has a little more backing by CSIRO and includes better meal options and a cool cookbook

So far these are the top 3 I could find, anyone else have any good options on this?

NOTE: I will only replace one meal, and go from there.

Let me know how you go with the dietician and exercise physiologist as their advice will be great to hear.

Maybe we could keep each other honest, I really do want to increase my exercise, but I do tend to get busy and then lazy.

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Oh my…. A cake maker… poor thing… did you manage to fulfil your meal prep plan?

You can be right – no planning in your menu can lead to higher hunger levels, because you skip foods and probably don’t eat enough / enough often. Hopefully, you will manage to address this issue and continue your glorious journey to your goal weight. =) have a great week!
@Aaliyha_Rose, welcome to the forum! I wish you a great weight loss journey with only positive effects! Shelley did a great job to explain her successful routines. I hope you two will give each other all the support you need and will go steadily towards your goal! Best of luck!

@Shelley, start with small things, when it comes to exercising. If you’re not willing (no time) to have long walks or trainings, find short HIIT or Tabata trainings on youtube. They help your body burn fat while taking very little time. Cheers!
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Hello All,

Tassiegirl - your stats are very similar to my own, you are doing so well! How are you doing this week?

I started 30mg Duromine on Sunday so currently on Day 3. I also have three kids :)
Starting Weight:88
Goal Weight:68
I just found this site, how good finally have people i can chat too.
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Hi ladies,
Can i join your thread too??

I started my Journey on Sunday so currently on Day 3,
Im 170cm tall
SW 88kg
GW 68kg

And a mother of 3... This is the heaviest i have been in my life besides when i was pregnant, i'm a fairly active person but have had quiet a stressful emotionally straining year and put on 13kg in 6 months..

I am feeling OK so far besides really active dreaming and light sleeping (can hear everything)

I started an exercise regime 4 weeks ago and have just continued doing that, 3 days of circuit, 3 days of LISS .In a week or so ill add some HITT in there too.

Hope you are all well.
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