Welcome @MrsB13! Good luck!

How is everyone doing?

Week 2 weigh in - I’ve lost 1.4kgs this week, down to 96.2.
I can’t help to be a bit disappointed that I didn’t hit the big numbers I did last week, but I know 1.4 is a great result.
I also had the last 2 days off Duromine (had the very rare opportunity to sleep in, so chose that! Didn’t want to take the tablet too late when I’m used to having it at 5:30/6:00am) I’m hoping some of the side effects don’t kick back in too.
I also didn’t have time to exercise this last week, so need to focus on that next.

What’s your updates ladies? Xx
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Hi All!!
@MrsB13 please join us! The more the merrier.

I’ve had a terrible week, not eating enough, really exhausted and lethargic and did not exercise. It’s almost time for my period - this week or next I think. And maybe that’s why? No idea.

My weight is Back up to 89.5 this morning.

Not happy. Will try and have a bit more focus this week.

@Bilby80 well done!!
How is everyone else going? @ShelleyBris?
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Ok you guys, I took photos.
There is a change even if I can’t see it on the scales.
Can’t believe I’m posting it. Eek!
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Let me know how you go with the dietician and exercise physiologist as their advice will be great to hear.

Maybe we could keep each other honest, I really do want to increase my exercise, but I do tend to get busy and then lazy.

Sounds good to me hun, I’m lazy when it comes to exercise as well. Hubby works 6-6 mon-sat and I find it difficult to excersise with the kids around. I know just another excuse.
Anyway I managed a 5km walk last night and 3km walk today. I’ll start slow just to build my fitness up.

I still have optifast in the cupboard so I am just using up what I have left before investing in a different type. I’m having a shake in the morning, salad with meat for lunch then another shake for dinner. Around 3pm I also try to shove some nuts into my tummy.

This might sound like a stupid question but as duromine suppressed appetite are we supposed to not eat or limit food intake? I could easily not eat but I also don’t want to fall into a pile where I can’t manage a day with my 4 and 5yr old.

I haven’t gone to the dietician yet, is a $$$ thing coming into Christmas. I will make arrangements after Xmas.

The good thing is I don’t have a fuzzy head anymore and I feel pretty normal.

Did you get increased energy? I don’t seem to have that. I pretty much still feeling the same as I did before I started now. Before it was easy for me not to eat but I didn’t loose weight.
How are you going? X
Mammaof2 said:

Ok you guys, I took photos.
There is a change even if I can’t see it on the scales.
Can’t believe I’m posting it. Eek!
Wow, that’s a massive difference! That’s crazy it doesn’t show on the scales (you don’t have dodgy Kmart ones like me, do you? Lol) You’re looking fab x
I feel yuck today because I had maccas last night - first cheat I’ve had since starting. Had a shocking day with my kids being nightmares, shipped the oldest off to nanny’s house for the night and ate crap.
I don’t know how you control yourself around your cakes!!

Here’s to a good week!
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Thanks @Bilby80! Admittedly the before phone pic is probably 2-3 weeks before i started duro. There is A difference. Even my bottom haha
My scales are from Kmart - so I will buy new ones soon.

Oh I hear you about the kids. My 2 are feral, especially this time of year.
Speaking of Cakes - it was my husband’s birthday on Tuesday, I made him a cake. We all had a piece each and it’s just been on the kitchen bench. Usually, I would have polished it off by now. It’s still there, the Kids are just having a piece after school each day. I’m happy for the changes even though they are ‘drug’ assisted ones.

I hope you have a better day today!! X
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Mammaof2 said:

Ok you guys, I took photos.
There is a change even if I can’t see it on the scales.
Can’t believe I’m posting it. Eek!

You look amazing mummaof2 there is a massive change. So crazy the number isn't changing. How do you feel?

I have also been taking photos so interested to see a change. I'm day 5 now and feeling good have been 100% eating right and exercising daily so hoping to see a change in the scales am anxious about it though that there won't be a change.

I also had a crappy morning with the kids felt like my patience was not there at all..
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MrsB13 said:
You look amazing mummaof2 there is a massive change. So crazy the number isn't changing. How do you feel?

I have also been taking photos so interested to see a change. I'm day 5 now and feeling good have been 100% eating right and exercising daily so hoping to see a change in the scales am anxious about it though that there won't be a change.

I also had a crappy morning with the kids felt like my patience was not there at all..
Thank you. I don’t feel any different. I’m a bit miffed at the scales. A friend of mine who got me to talk to my doc about duro also said that it’s a bit weird about the scales. She’s much smaller than me but had big losses in the first weeks.

Oh I dare say the duro is the reason you’re cranky too. Not just the kids. I hope it eases up a bit for you.
Good luck - can’t wait to hear what your weight loss is in the first week.
@Mammaof2, the difference is HUGE!!! And you know… my main issue (as weird as it may sound) when I was losing weight were my arms… so I always look at the arms… and yours look A LOT smoother. Yippee!!! In addition to all amazing changes in other parts of your body… GREAT JOB!!! Keep it up! And don’t mind the scales – these are not always our best allies. =)

There is a ton of success stories, when people were losing HUGE numbers in circumference, while losing really small amounts of weight.

@Bilby, you should be proud of your loss, really! It’s great! And most people lose a huge amount in the first week, and continue with smaller losses in the following weeks. So it’s a normal thing. Besides, many people lose more in weight in one week and lose in volumes in another week, and the cycle continues.

@MrsB13, I’m really happy that your journey takes place with these ladies. They are amazing and can be a true inpiration =)) Best of luck!
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Hi to all in this thread! Sounds like you all are pretty focused and determined! Great mindset! @Aaliyha this is very good that you are doing it slowly. I mean, with exercising. It’s the best thing – to increase physical activity. I hope that you will be able to build endurance and add something new soon. You also can have some fun with kids and exercise at the same time. Find just dance on youtube or similar stuff, and dance =)) My girls love dancing with me. The only thing I do differently is that I starin muscles (abs, legs, hands, etc.). The results are great and we all enjoy our time together. =)

The appetite suppression effect is supposed to help you reduce the size of portions and vope with cravings for junk and sweets – so that you find it easier to make healthy food choices. In no way should you starve. Starving with Duromine may result in serious health consequences. When your shakes end, you will simply need to come up with healthy breakfast choices and your lunch and dinner can be alike,

Increased energy doesn’t come to everyone. SO it’s normal not to feel it. You can increase your energy levels through exercising, if you wish. =) All in all, I think you are doing well and wish you great results!

Tassiegirl, Shelley, how are you doing?
Mammaof2 said:
Thank you. I don’t feel any different. I’m a bit miffed at the scales. A friend of mine who got me to talk to my doc about duro also said that it’s a bit weird about the scales. She’s much smaller than me but had big losses in the first weeks.

Oh I dare say the duro is the reason you’re cranky too. Not just the kids. I hope it eases up a bit for you.
Good luck - can’t wait to hear what your weight loss is in the first week.

So today is week 2 day 2 and finally weighed myself I am down to 81.5 so 6.5kg weight loss am so surprised looking at the scale I stood on it 3 times to be sure I was sure it would be 1 or 2 and I'd be happy with that. But wow.
I am feeling quiet optimistic at this point about this whole journey I have kept with my eating healthy and exercise. Am seeing some muscle definition now too which is nice. I had always had quiet an athletic body so I think muscle memory is helping.
How is everyone else doing after the weekend?
Oh MrsB13 - that is an incredible loss! Well done to you! I am so jealous!! ;)

I have not had a great 3rd week. I was up most nights trying to get a mammoth cake order finished for Saturday. It just had so many details, and so I am bloody exhausted. My scales really scared me - showed my starting weight at some point and made me a little depressed. So i didn't take Duro on the weekend - and started back up again today. Funnily, my scales went back to 89.5 when I weighed this morning.
I've got one more crazy week of cakes/late nights and then I can relax and focus on my weight. I've not got another cake order until the 1st week of March next year. Phew!

@Bilby80 , @ShelleyBris - How are you guys going??
April said:
@Mammaof2, the difference is HUGE!!! And you know… my main issue (as weird as it may sound) when I was losing weight were my arms… so I always look at the arms… and yours look A LOT smoother. Yippee!!! In addition to all amazing changes in other parts of your body… GREAT JOB!!! Keep it up! And don’t mind the scales – these are not always our best allies. =)

There is a ton of success stories, when people were losing HUGE numbers in circumference, while losing really small amounts of weight.

@Bilby, you should be proud of your loss, really! It’s great! And most people lose a huge amount in the first week, and continue with smaller losses in the following weeks. So it’s a normal thing. Besides, many people lose more in weight in one week and lose in volumes in another week, and the cycle continues.

@MrsB13, I’m really happy that your journey takes place with these ladies. They are amazing and can be a true inpiration =)) Best of luck!
Thanks @April :)
Mammaof2 said:
Oh MrsB13 - that is an incredible loss! Well done to you! I am so jealous!! ;)

I have not had a great 3rd week. I was up most nights trying to get a mammoth cake order finished for Saturday. It just had so many details, and so I am bloody exhausted. My scales really scared me - showed my starting weight at some point and made me a little depressed. So i didn't take Duro on the weekend - and started back up again today. Funnily, my scales went back to 89.5 when I weighed this morning.
I've got one more crazy week of cakes/late nights and then I can relax and focus on my weight. I've not got another cake order until the 1st week of March next year. Phew!

@Bilby80 , @ShelleyBris - How are you guys going??

Oh sounds like you have been crazy busy but on the home stretch! No cakes till March that will give you a good 10 weeks to really focus on yourself, which sounds like, its exactly what you need!

I am still in disbelief that I have lost that much. I have been taking photos and can see a difference but not sure what 6.5 looks like.
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I already gave this advice once on this forum to a user, who also wanted to know what her lost kilos look like. The idea is to take as many sticks of butter, as the weight that you managed to lose. Butter is fat and will give you a pretty good idea of how much bad is no longer in your body. =0) 6.5 kilos will make a huge pile =)) have a great week and even better results
I don’t like my scales so I have decided to just take photos.
There seems to be no change from last week.
Oh wow, @MrsB13! That’s awesome work! Hopefully some of it rubs off on me, lol.
@Mammaof2, like you, I haven’t been doing too well. I’ve not fallen off the wagon, I’ve taken a flying leap off the wagon!
I’ve had Xmas parties and hubby’s bday and I’ve taken the opportunity to be a big pig. I’m so disappointed in myself...
I’m too scared to get on the scales, but I’ll be starting afresh and back on the Duromine tomorrow xx
Hi, everyone :)

I hope you don't mind me jumping on board! I start my 30mg on Friday, super excited!

im 22 years old and my starting weight is 95.2kg was a huge shock seeing that on the scales but I'm ready to kick some butt with the duromine and get back into a healthy lifestyle.

do any of you have any tips for starting off? xx
Hey guys how are you All?

Been a busy couple of weeks so I haven't checked in much but it's been so nice reading your experiences :)

I just had to share today's experience. I had my first months check up with my doctor this morning and my blood pressure is perfect and I have lost just over 6kg!!!! The doctor is quite impressed with my progress..and I am pretty happy also!! Really hoping I can keep this up :)

Hope you guys are all going well! X
Tassiegirl said:
Hey guys how are you All?

Been a busy couple of weeks so I haven't checked in much but it's been so nice reading your experiences :)

I just had to share today's experience. I had my first months check up with my doctor this morning and my blood pressure is perfect and I have lost just over 6kg!!!! The doctor is quite impressed with my progress..and I am pretty happy also!! Really hoping I can keep this up :)

Hope you guys are all going well! X

Heeey! Great to have you back and see that you are still going, and going great! Congrats on the wonderful weight loss!!! Woop woop! Keep up the great work and focus on long-term changes, which will help you maintain the result and continue losing weight. Have a great week!

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