hello everybody! i wanna share my experience with duromine! so i have been around a week now and i must say that my feelings are mixed. the first 4 days were working just fine, i was maybe also excited cause of all. after 4 days i was on a holiday where i drank alcohol in the evening for about 3 days, and i realized now that this is the worst scenario you can do! its not working as an apetite surpresant in that way. now im not drinking at all anymore and my feelings are back. still a bit ungry but much better then before. i do feel sometimes hungry,not excually ehingry but mostly desire for food, which is bad. i hope this will go away after some time. i found that coffee will help you speed up the effect of duromine if you need to feel it faster and stop your hunger. but in small quanitties maybe 1-2 cups per day. if i am drinking more it has a strong effect but shorter life... now i m trying to cut off coffee as well. maybe with a cup in the morning only. does anybody feel the same? regarding food i still can eat but i think i need around 2-3 days to settle it down in my body. i dont hve trouble sleeping, more iver i sleep very good,and by the night im soo tired. i dont hve side effects ... no dry mouth soo far nothing drastic... i drink usually a lot of water so for me nothing new. but i do find the effect of duromine on me a bit diffirent. like its more mental motivation then apettite surpresant.Does anyone feel the same? Like i am bit more motivated to do stuff, go walk, etc... i found music also very pleasant. my energy level is up only in the morning , when i take duro but after around afternoon it fade away... also sometimes i have a strange feeling of being bit anxious. I realize i have it if i drink too much coffee with duro so i dont drink so much anymore. sometimes i feel tingling in my legs and arms. is it normal? from tommorow i will start the gym. I really hope the best for this! By the way if anybody has experience during menstrual period with duro pls help. i am in pms but i feel duromine effect less then before. also my period is late.
wishing you all successfull durominating
