Duromine & Pcos - My Weight Loss Journey

Hi April!
I haven't had a chance to weigh myself this week yet.
I've literally had no time all week to even do any exercise, but hopefully everything settles down next week and I can take some time to fit it in.
Donna said:
Hi April!
I haven't had a chance to weigh myself this week yet.
I've literally had no time all week to even do any exercise, but hopefully everything settles down next week and I can take some time to fit it in.

Hello Donna! I can totally relate to how a hectic life schedule can leave no time for anything at all. Forget the scales. Keep eating healthy and dedicate at least 5 minutes a day to exercises, please. Do the plank, tabata or any HIIT training. There are plenty of those, 5-7 minute workouts that provide a HUGE metabolic boost. You can’t even imagine how much more weight you will be able to lose, if you do any of these at least once a day, every day. Hope this week goes better for you and you will engage into exercising. Best of luck and remember: consistency is the main thing in weight loss.
Just checking in!
Haven't had a chance to weigh myself yet, haven't had a fantastic week so far with eating again.
I'm not expecting much of a loss but will try to weigh myself on the weekend. Onwards and upwards though, no time to dwell on a not so good week! Next week will be much better im sure.
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Hi Donna! I really really hope you will be able to cope with all the things that don’t allow you focus on taking care of your weight loss. The main thing about using Duromine is to realize that you are taking a very strong drug, and if you decided to resort to this serious measure, you should do your best to get as close to executing the weight loss plan, as possible. Do not waste your time. Have a successful next week!!!
Hey Donna...

i also have PCOS. Don't beat yourself up too much over not loosing too much weight on your own schedule. Remember your body has its own time table with PCOS.

Also remember that when you weight train, you shift fat to muscle so you may not see a weight change on the scale as you would like to but trust me your body is changing...

Good luck and remember that weightloss is 80% food and only 20% exercise... so even if you cant get to gym, just focus on eating right
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I think 95% of the time my diet is fantastic!
Just takes one thing to happen and my meal plans go out the window unfortunately. As it does with working so much and 2 small children!
But I'm looking for a good personal trainer at the moment so I can do up an exercise plan with them and might give me a bit more motivation.
Doesn't help the kids have made me sick once again! My first month of duromine is still going after being sick twice etc so I'm glad I still have a few tablets left before I see the doctor again.
I'm definitely losing centimetres off my body now regardless of any weight loss.
Good job Donna! Sounds like you are doing well and working at changing your mindset! Keep going you're doing amazing!
Donna said:
I think 95% of the time my diet is fantastic!
Just takes one thing to happen and my meal plans go out the window unfortunately. As it does with working so much and 2 small children!
But I'm looking for a good personal trainer at the moment so I can do up an exercise plan with them and might give me a bit more motivation.
Doesn't help the kids have made me sick once again! My first month of duromine is still going after being sick twice etc so I'm glad I still have a few tablets left before I see the doctor again.
I'm definitely losing centimetres off my body now regardless of any weight loss.

Hey Donna! Glad you maintain your motivation and keep going no matter what! Very well done! If these “breaks in eating plan” still happen, try at least to have these not more often than once in 3-4 days. Talk to yourself, convince yourself… I know that it can be hard. On hard days, it’s always hard… try finding something that can distract/bring satisfaction instead of food. This might help.

Best of luck for the new week!
Quick update again!
I haven't been able to take the duromine for over a week now.
Turns out the flu that the kids gave me was actually pneumonia and waiting for the test results to come back for influenza A.
So after feeling like death and a hospital stay I'm finally feeling a tiny bit better now.
Lucky for me I couldn't actually eat anything at all for majority of the time so I didn't have to worry about what I was eating lol.
Hopefully I'll be well and truly recovered by next week when these crazy antibiotics have finished.
Just another week wasted by being sick! So frustrating.
Donna said:
Quick update again!
I haven't been able to take the duromine for over a week now.
Turns out the flu that the kids gave me was actually pneumonia and waiting for the test results to come back for influenza A.
So after feeling like death and a hospital stay I'm finally feeling a tiny bit better now.
Lucky for me I couldn't actually eat anything at all for majority of the time so I didn't have to worry about what I was eating lol.
Hopefully I'll be well and truly recovered by next week when these crazy antibiotics have finished.
Just another week wasted by being sick! So frustrating.

Holly ****! Poor thing! Don’t think about wasting the week – no way! You need to get better and fully recover before you start stressing your body with weight loss. By the way, I know that you need more protein foods when you have a cold or flu. They help your body fight with the illness. Get well soon and give your body some time to get rid of antibiotics before you start taking Duromine. Rest well during the weekend!
Thank you!
Yes I'll definitely be resting for a bit and wait until I'm completely recovered before starting the duromine again. Just a couple more days on antibiotics then I should be good to go. I'm feeling so much better now though.
I'll definitely try upping my protein though. I seem to be catching everything at the moment so hopefully that eases up soon.
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Just wishing you a better week than the previous one! Hope you feel better! Vibes of health to you! =)
I think I'm ready to get back on the duromine horse tomorrow!
Antibiotics are finished now and I'm feeling much better so time to start again.
Fingers crossed I can go atleast a month without catching some sort of germ or disease from the kids lol.
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Donna said:
Thought I'd check in so I can keep myself accountable and have something to look back on when my duromine journey is finished.
This post may be a tad depressing but that's life unfortunately!
I'm not sure if it's the duromine or just life itself overwhelming me but I think I've hit a fairly low point in my life.
I've never really had any depression or mental health issues but this past week has been so hard.
Trying to lose weight and and not having the support at home doesn't help. My two children can be an absolute handful and my partner really doesn't help much either. Pair that with working full time aswell and I'm drowning a bit.
I feel bad doing something for myself (like taking time to look after myself) and the guilt eats me up.
Maybe the duromine exacerbates the problems but it definitely has me feeling like I can't cope right now.
Hopefully things will settle down soon and I can focus on my weightloss journey and not have the pressures of raising two kids with little to no help and trying (and failing miserably) to maintain a home.
I'm not looking for sympathy, more just a get it off my chest moment and something that I can look back on in better times and see that I did make it through and everything's okay in the end.

Did a quick weigh this morning and I'm still sitting at 81.5kgs. Happy that I haven't gained anything after my terrible weekend and looking forward to seeing how I go over the next week.
Never feel guilty doing something for yourself luv!
You are just as important as children or a husband !
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Taybs said:
Hope u all the best...I've started today on 30mg of duromine I have PCOS and hoping duromine Wil help with my hormone as well as weight ....my 1st day nd I'm feeling overwhelmed nd energetic....Nd no food cravings.....U said u have 2 kids nd u have PCOS ....wat did u take as I've been married 12 years nd no luck with kids been to fertility clinic bt was very depressing....pls let me know if u have any advice ....

Taybs, hello! How are doing? Did you have any side effects? Does Duromine help suppress appetite? Any weight shifts?
Donna said:
I think I'm ready to get back on the duromine horse tomorrow!
Antibiotics are finished now and I'm feeling much better so time to start again.
Fingers crossed I can go atleast a month without catching some sort of germ or disease from the kids lol.

Hi Donna. Did you restart Duromine? How is it going this time? Any new side effects? (fingers crossed for none)
April said:
Hi Donna. Did you restart Duromine? How is it going this time? Any new side effects? (fingers crossed for none)
I started again today! No new side effects thank goodness, just struggling to get to sleep right now which is normal lol.
RachelleM said:

Never feel guilty doing something for yourself luv!
You are just as important as children or a husband !
I absolutely agree! It's time to do something about my health because I can't look after everyone else if I can't look after myself.
Now fingers crossed I don't get sick again and have to delay my duromine any further.
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Finally update time!
Weighed myself this morning and came in at 76.9kgs!
I was very very surprised.
I'm getting very close to my second goal of 75kgs now and I'm really motivated to get there hopefully by the end of the week (wishful thinking)
How's everyone else going?
Donna said:
Finally update time!
Weighed myself this morning and came in at 76.9kgs!
I was very very surprised.
I'm getting very close to my second goal of 75kgs now and I'm really motivated to get there hopefully by the end of the week (wishful thinking)
How's everyone else going?

Hi Donna! Great news! Congratulations on further weight loss and fingers crossed for the successful week! I am so happy to see such strong motivation and your readiness to keep moving even more! High five!

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