thank you for the well wishes April ...

Yes hopefully it goes away now that I will drink more water ...
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So tomorrow will be the last tablet from my 1st duromine 30mg script.
I have a couple of events on over the weekend, so I won’t be refilling the next script until Sunday - ready to take on Monday morning!
Had a check up with my dr last Wednesday where I was 90.2kg, I went back today for some test results and am officially 89kg.
I thought my starting weight on the 25th of June was 96, but according to the weight my doctor took it was actually 97.3kg so a total loss of 8.3kg on my first script.
Considering the stress I’ve been under - both my doctor and I are happy with this loss over a 6 week period!
Fingers crossed the remaining 10 or so kgs will be gone after the next 2 scripts.
Have officially started back at the gym this week, did a BodyPump class yesterday and a spin class this morning - safe to say my fitness levels aren’t what they once were!
I’m anticipating the fluctuation due to muscle gain over the next few weeks, to then hopefully drop a large amount afterwards.
So far so good!
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So a little back story, when I was 21yo I took duromine for 3 months with the 3rd month taking it every 2nd day to wean off it. I weighed 104kgs I have a previous post on it but didn't update it after 2 weeks, I lost 27kgs and kept it off for almost 2 years.

Until today now 3 years on I've put it all back on and more (127kg) I'm so mad at myself for this because it was just pure laziness that did it. So now I start duromine again in the morning but it will end in a more permanent procedure by the end of it as I am having gastric sleeve surgery in may 2019. Doctor doesn't want me putting on any more weight until then and happy if I lost some, I'm hoping to get to at least 100kg by surgery date so i can recover quickly.

My side effect last time were minimal with thirst being the main one and little sleep the first few days im keen for the energy boost duromine gives as I work in childcare and it's starting to get tiring getting through the work week.

Stats as of 4.9.18
Cw- 127kgs
Thanks! First day over and have been less tired by the end of my working day, a little dry mouth but nothing too bad yet let's see how sleeping goes tonight lol
what about the appetite suppression?
fingers crossed that you sleep well!
April said:
what about the appetite suppression?
fingers crossed that you sleep well!

Yeah it's been good, I've still eaten 3 meals today and work had chocolates for world educator day so I still ate a fair bit tbh but I wasn't hungry I just ate for the hell of it, I need to get my head straight now. I did workout after work which i never normally do because I'm exhausted by the end of the day so at this stage I'm glad I just have the energy to get through the day
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Well its day 6 today and my symptoms over the last week have been more energy during the day which is giving me the motivation to go to gym after work for once, the dry mouth has disappeared but I drink alot of water anyway, I'm not feeling hungry anymore and that kicked in at about day 4, I'm still making a conscious effort to eat 3 meals a day but some days I've skilled dinner or just had a snack

I didn't think I would've lost any weight this week but I jumped on the scales this morning at gym and I've lost 1.5kg!! Holy shitballs lol I did measure myself at the start of the week but will do that less regularly then weighing myself maybe every 2 weeks I'm so please it's working as I've caught a cold and been feeling like crap since yesterday.

Sw: 127kg
6 days later: 125.5kg
Oh wow! Congratulations on the weight loss!!!

The flu-like symptoms may come from Duromine. Usually appear at about the second-third week. If you, however, plan on taking any meds for the cold, ask the pharmacist whether they can be mixed with Duromine.

Hope you’ll get better in no time and applause for the gym after work!
April said:
Oh wow! Congratulations on the weight loss!!!

The flu-like symptoms may come from Duromine. Usually appear at about the second-third week. If you, however, plan on taking any meds for the cold, ask the pharmacist whether they can be mixed with Duromine.

Hope you’ll get better in no time and applause for the gym after work!

Thankyou! Being sick is normal for me during the winter period due to working with 2 year olds so It wasnt out of the blue for me, I didn't even think it could be the mess making it maybe worse but I'm feeling alot better today after a good sleep last night only 6-7hrs but alot better than 3 from the night before from just feeling crappy lol
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Hi peeps~

This is my second attempt with Duromine as I have tried it before 2 years ago. I chanced upon this support forum during that period but I am always a silent reader. I have decided to log my story and progress this time round and finally registered for an account.

My story is quite lengthy so I hope you guys can bear with me.

I have been fighting with obesity from young since I was 10 years old. I love eating especially carbs like potatoes and rice and sweet desserts. My highest weight was 120kg which was 2 years ago and that was when I started Duromine. I lost my parents when I was 12 and I grew up with my elder sister living in a rented apartment. I used to eat out on most days as we don't cook at home due to our busy schedules with school and then work. My weak spot is really snacking in between meals and I snack alot on potato chips and chocolates.

2 years ago, I was introduced to Duromine by a friend who tried it and had some success. I did research on the medicine and decided that it was worth a try. I went to a local clinic and got a month supply from the doctor and started on the pill the next day. Throughout the 3 months, I was glad that I didn't experience any serious side effects that I read online from other users. The most was just dry mouth in the first 2 weeks or so and staying awake in the first few nights. I felt that Duromine works to suppress my appetite and I was very surprised at the small amount of food I can eat when I started on the medicine and I don't feel hunger throughout the day so I need to remind myself to eat. The effect was reduced in the 3rd month but I know that's because the body built immunity towards the medicine. During that 3 months, I was conscious of what I eat and avoided all junk food and snacks. I also took note to have enough sleep everyday and slept before midnight. It was a challenge as I was doing shift work and weekends (9am to 6pm and 1pm to 10pm rotating shifts). I also started to do briskwalking and swimming during that period. I managed to lose about 15 kg from that 3 months and ended up at 105kg. After I stopped the medicine, my appetite came back and determination wavered causing me to start snacking again. I had a huge appetite and can eat 2 bowls of rice in one meal. I stopped exercising due to the lack of time. My weight then creep up again and after a year, it rose back to 118kg.

In March 2017, I went for a medical checkup and found out that I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes after I noticed some symptoms with my body. I did some research on diabetes and was terrified of the outcome that Diabetes can lead to. The doctor advised me to lose weight as losing weight can help reduce the sugar level. I then signed up for a weight management programme with the hospital with the doctor suggesting that I can go for bariatric surgery known as gastric sleeve gastrectomy (cutting off part of the stomach leaving a pouch sleeve sized stomach to restrict food intake). I was worried of the complications of such surgery and the cost of it all and whether it is worth it to risk my life for. After doing comprehensive research on the surgery, i decided to give it a try as I was desperate to change my life and I was miserable and in poor health. The process to prepare for the surgery was tough as my surgeon wanted me to lose as much weight as possible before the surgery to reduce the chances of complications. I was scheduled for surgery 3 months later and during that 3 months, I forced myself to be disciplined in my food choices and intake and even took liquid meal replacements for the last 2 weeks before the surgery as you are supposed to clear the stomach of solids. It was a really tough time having only to drink the 'milk shake' for every single meal for 2 weeks straight. I managed to lose 12kgs before the surgery and my weight dropped to 106kg. I had the surgery in end June 2017 and it turned out well. After the surgery, I started losing weight as I couldn't eat much every meal. I also started briskwalking again and target to hit 10k steps everyday. Half a year later in January 2018, my weight dropped to my lowest at 85kg and I plateaued. During the new year period I slacked and started snacking alot. Although my appetite was small, I was hungry after 2 hours as the small amount of food was digested very fast and it made me eat snacks to fill the hunger between meals. I also started eating unhealthy food that contains high calories. The only redeeming point was that I avoided sugary drinks as I didn't want my diabetes to come back. After 8 months of undisciplined lifestyle, my weight crept up to 98kg and I am really embarrassed when my family and friends kept asking me if I managed to lose weight or if I am continuing to lose weight.

My best friend is getting married in late October and I am going to be her bridesmaid and I am worried that I won't be able to fit into her bridesmaid dress if I continue gaining weight again. I don't want all my previous efforts to go into waste and decided to give Duromine another try. I went to see the doctor yesterday and he put me on a 3 months weight management programme with monthly consultation. He prescribed me with Duromine for a month as well as another type of medicine called Xenical which I am only supposed to take with my heaviest meal once a day. (Xenical is supposed to block off 30% of the fat consumed in that meal) So here I am, starting my Duromine journey again and I hope to lose the weight I have gained in the past year and more. My goal weight after this 3 months is 80kg and it will seem like a dream come true if I managed to achieve this goal. I remember the last time I was 80kg was like 15 years ago when I was 16 years old. I hope to lose 10kg for my bestie's wedding but I am not sure if I can achieve that.

My ultimate goal weight is 60kg but it seems impossible to achieve that. Well, we shall take things one step at a time and see how things go. I will be starting another thread in the 'My Experience with Duromine' forum to track my progress and experience. I just wanna say that this is the first time that I opened up with my life story and what I have been through. I am looking forward to this experience and hoping that like minded individuals can share their experiences with me as well.
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Day 10 today and I've had a bad day eating wise, tonight I gorged myself in hot chips and gravy, I wasnt hungry and I kept telling myself dont do it, but I did anyway and now I feel like shit:( it's been a couple of hours and I still feel bloated and full.

I also got the implanon in 3 days ago so I hope it doesn't affect anything
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Im starting my 2nd time duromine supp today and i had a similar experience as yours- once im off duromine i went off track and i could eat 2 servings in one sitting. I was 72kg 5years ago and went down to 61kg on duromine 30mg but i really abused it- i took them without doc’s supervision and i went on for about 1 year with 3 months intervals just to be safe (which is not at all my metabolism is pretty much damaged)

Then last 2 years i started doing atkins it worked and i was down to 61kg again but now the weight is slowly creeping back and lo and behold im currently 69kg just 3kgs shy from where i was 5 yeas ago. Despite exercising (i do cardio 3x per week and some light weight lifting) the weight seems to keep going up and up and i resorted to intermittent fasting. It slowed down the weight gain a little bit but its still happening. I then upped my cardio everyday i make sure to burn at least 300cals per day without fail and i run 30mins for 1 month but my weight just stopped at 69kg - at least it hasnt increase but still. So this is when it hit me - ive ruined my metabolism from my duromine 30mg abuse that i did years ago.

I got panic and feeling so lost so yesterday i went to see endocrinologist to do some hormone test thank God im doing all good its just that i have a metabolic condition :(

So she prescribed me duromine 15mg and instructed me to let go of my intermittent fasting but I was so afraid to eating normal again and she finally settled with 2 meals per day no carb and dont fast for more than 12 hours. So im going to have my meal at 1130am and 4pm no snacking in between and stop eating at 5pm. And i continue doing daily cardio for 30mins nothing more as it might release the stress hormone - cortisol and that would stall everything. And she warn me NOT to weigh myself at all until i finish my 1 month supply as she really wants to investigate the reason why i havent lose any weight with cardio and intermittent fasting - maybe i need hormone theraphy which i hope not :(

My advise is - to newbies who happen to read this please do not use duromine without doc’s supervision and proper diet/nutrition. U dont feel hungry but u still NEED to eat and dont eat junk or else you will damage your metabolism - no matter how much u exercise and diet u will not lose weight. Just like me :( now i really need to eat clean again to fix my metabolism and hormone and it will take me a long while to recover.

Do it right and you will reap the benefits.

Current weight :69kg (stalling even with exercise and fasting/low cals)
Mini goal : 65kg
Main goal : 55kg pre baby weight.
gaga9 said:
Im starting my 2nd time duromine supp today and i had a similar experience as yours- once im off duromine i went off track and i could eat 2 servings in one sitting. I was 72kg 5years ago and went down to 61kg on duromine 30mg but i really abused it- i took them without doc’s supervision and i went on for about 1 year with 3 months intervals just to be safe (which is not at all my metabolism is pretty much damaged)

Then last 2 years i started doing atkins it worked and i was down to 61kg again but now the weight is slowly creeping back and lo and behold im currently 69kg just 3kgs shy from where i was 5 yeas ago. Despite exercising (i do cardio 3x per week and some light weight lifting) the weight seems to keep going up and up and i resorted to intermittent fasting. It slowed down the weight gain a little bit but its still happening. I then upped my cardio everyday i make sure to burn at least 300cals per day without fail and i run 30mins for 1 month but my weight just stopped at 69kg - at least it hasnt increase but still. So this is when it hit me - ive ruined my metabolism from my duromine 30mg abuse that i did years ago.

I got panic and feeling so lost so yesterday i went to see endocrinologist to do some hormone test thank God im doing all good its just that i have a metabolic condition :(

So she prescribed me duromine 15mg and instructed me to let go of my intermittent fasting but I was so afraid to eating normal again and she finally settled with 2 meals per day no carb and dont fast for more than 12 hours. So im going to have my meal at 1130am and 4pm no snacking in between and stop eating at 5pm. And i continue doing daily cardio for 30mins nothing more as it might release the stress hormone - cortisol and that would stall everything. And she warn me NOT to weigh myself at all until i finish my 1 month supply as she really wants to investigate the reason why i havent lose any weight with cardio and intermittent fasting - maybe i need hormone theraphy which i hope not :(

My advise is - to newbies who happen to read this please do not use duromine without doc’s supervision and proper diet/nutrition. U dont feel hungry but u still NEED to eat and dont eat junk or else you will damage your metabolism - no matter how much u exercise and diet u will not lose weight. Just like me :( now i really need to eat clean again to fix my metabolism and hormone and it will take me a long while to recover.

Do it right and you will reap the benefits.

Current weight :69kg (stalling even with exercise and fasting/low cals)
Mini goal : 65kg
Main goal : 55kg pre baby weight.
Hi, thanks for sharing with us ur experience. :)
Slow progress is still progress so well done :)
I too have gained back all the weight i lost on duro30 4 years ago. I blame myself bcse i went extreme cutting cals on intermittent fasting and also daily cardio to burn 300cals per day. In 6 months trying to lose it all back, i havent lost anything not an inch not even water weight lol. So sad and depressing.

Now here i am again but using duro15. Still sticking with intermittent fasting but im forcing myself to eat 1100-1200 cals and stop the exercise. i hope this weight will shift by end of month.

Dont beat urself up for bingeing a day. It happens :) U have eaten some junk and sure, it will stall u a bit but moving on forward is better than regretting how far along u need to restart again. u can fix that excess cals and junk by fasting maybe? Try 20hr fasting to reset and flush the food out of ur system and start again :) all the best.
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missclaire said:
Slow progress is still progress so well done :)
I too have gained back all the weight i lost on duro30 4 years ago. I blame myself bcse i went extreme cutting cals on intermittent fasting and also daily cardio to burn 300cals per day. In 6 months trying to lose it all back, i havent lost anything not an inch not even water weight lol. So sad and depressing.

Now here i am again but using duro15. Still sticking with intermittent fasting but im forcing myself to eat 1100-1200 cals and stop the exercise. i hope this weight will shift by end of month.

Dont beat urself up for bingeing a day. It happens :) U have eaten some junk and sure, it will stall u a bit but moving on forward is better than regretting how far along u need to restart again. u can fix that excess cals and junk by fasting maybe? Try 20hr fasting to reset and flush the food out of ur system and start again :) all the best.

Thanks, after I posted I went to the gym and I felt better and wasnt going to let 1 bad meal get the better of me now back on track with eating, i have a appointment with the dietitian on Wednesday so hopefully get some tips from them. I hope it all works out for you this time around aswell!
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myweightlossjourny said:
Thanks, after I posted I went to the gym and I felt better and wasnt going to let 1 bad meal get the better of me now back on track with eating, i have a appointment with the dietitian on Wednesday so hopefully get some tips from them. I hope it all works out for you this time around aswell!

Yay good to know :) yeah i hope so with mine. Thanks :)
So its day 14 and thought I would post my stats
Sw 127kg week 1 125.5kg day 14 124.1
Loss this week 1.4kg total loss 2.9kg

Start of Week 1 chest 120cm
Current chest 117cm
Start of Week 1 waist 122cm
Current waist 115cm
Start of week 1 hips 137cm
Current hips 135cm
I didn't measure arms or legs as most of my weight is in the mid section but doing alot of weight exercising to tone those areas up.
I'm measuring myself every 2 weeks to see more of a difference I'm quite surprised that I've lost 7cm off my waist, last week I brought clothes online a size or 2 smaller for summer this year (australia) and the shorts that I brought down 1 size already fit comfortable and the clothes I'm wearing now fit alot more comfortably yay :)
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gaga9 said:
Im starting my 2nd time duromine supp today and i had a similar experience as yours- once im off duromine i went off track and i could eat 2 servings in one sitting. I was 72kg 5years ago and went down to 61kg on duromine 30mg but i really abused it- i took them without doc’s supervision and i went on for about 1 year with 3 months intervals just to be safe (which is not at all my metabolism is pretty much damaged)

Then last 2 years i started doing atkins it worked and i was down to 61kg again but now the weight is slowly creeping back and lo and behold im currently 69kg just 3kgs shy from where i was 5 yeas ago. Despite exercising (i do cardio 3x per week and some light weight lifting) the weight seems to keep going up and up and i resorted to intermittent fasting. It slowed down the weight gain a little bit but its still happening. I then upped my cardio everyday i make sure to burn at least 300cals per day without fail and i run 30mins for 1 month but my weight just stopped at 69kg - at least it hasnt increase but still. So this is when it hit me - ive ruined my metabolism from my duromine 30mg abuse that i did years ago.

I got panic and feeling so lost so yesterday i went to see endocrinologist to do some hormone test thank God im doing all good its just that i have a metabolic condition :(

So she prescribed me duromine 15mg and instructed me to let go of my intermittent fasting but I was so afraid to eating normal again and she finally settled with 2 meals per day no carb and dont fast for more than 12 hours. So im going to have my meal at 1130am and 4pm no snacking in between and stop eating at 5pm. And i continue doing daily cardio for 30mins nothing more as it might release the stress hormone - cortisol and that would stall everything. And she warn me NOT to weigh myself at all until i finish my 1 month supply as she really wants to investigate the reason why i havent lose any weight with cardio and intermittent fasting - maybe i need hormone theraphy which i hope not :(

My advise is - to newbies who happen to read this please do not use duromine without doc’s supervision and proper diet/nutrition. U dont feel hungry but u still NEED to eat and dont eat junk or else you will damage your metabolism - no matter how much u exercise and diet u will not lose weight. Just like me :( now i really need to eat clean again to fix my metabolism and hormone and it will take me a long while to recover.

Do it right and you will reap the benefits.

Current weight :69kg (stalling even with exercise and fasting/low cals)
Mini goal : 65kg
Main goal : 55kg pre baby weight.
gaga9 said:
Im starting my 2nd time duromine supp today and i had a similar experience as yours- once im off duromine i went off track and i could eat 2 servings in one sitting. I was 72kg 5years ago and went down to 61kg on duromine 30mg but i really abused it- i took them without doc’s supervision and i went on for about 1 year with 3 months intervals just to be safe (which is not at all my metabolism is pretty much damaged)

Then last 2 years i started doing atkins it worked and i was down to 61kg again but now the weight is slowly creeping back and lo and behold im currently 69kg just 3kgs shy from where i was 5 yeas ago. Despite exercising (i do cardio 3x per week and some light weight lifting) the weight seems to keep going up and up and i resorted to intermittent fasting. It slowed down the weight gain a little bit but its still happening. I then upped my cardio everyday i make sure to burn at least 300cals per day without fail and i run 30mins for 1 month but my weight just stopped at 69kg - at least it hasnt increase but still. So this is when it hit me - ive ruined my metabolism from my duromine 30mg abuse that i did years ago.

I got panic and feeling so lost so yesterday i went to see endocrinologist to do some hormone test thank God im doing all good its just that i have a metabolic condition :(

So she prescribed me duromine 15mg and instructed me to let go of my intermittent fasting but I was so afraid to eating normal again and she finally settled with 2 meals per day no carb and dont fast for more than 12 hours. So im going to have my meal at 1130am and 4pm no snacking in between and stop eating at 5pm. And i continue doing daily cardio for 30mins nothing more as it might release the stress hormone - cortisol and that would stall everything. And she warn me NOT to weigh myself at all until i finish my 1 month supply as she really wants to investigate the reason why i havent lose any weight with cardio and intermittent fasting - maybe i need hormone theraphy which i hope not :(

My advise is - to newbies who happen to read this please do not use duromine without doc’s supervision and proper diet/nutrition. U dont feel hungry but u still NEED to eat and dont eat junk or else you will damage your metabolism - no matter how much u exercise and diet u will not lose weight. Just like me :( now i really need to eat clean again to fix my metabolism and hormone and it will take me a long while to recover.

Do it right and you will reap the benefits.

Current weight :69kg (stalling even with exercise and fasting/low cals)
Mini goal : 65kg
Main goal : 55kg pre baby weight.

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