Week 2 day 5
Today was probably the best day I have had so far since starting in terms of motivation. Actually it’s the best day I’ve had in a long time. I didn’t particularly feel crazy energised but I was committed to getting the tasks done I had set for today and I didn’t hate doing them. I found that when I took a break I was rearing to go again. I just couldn’t contently sit there and do nothing. It actually surprised me because I didn’t have the best sleep last night so I thought I’d have zero energy today but that was not the case and I just felt good and no headaches!!

So I started my day at 8am and had a coffee before I took my duromine. Followed that with a cold shower and some grapes for breakfast. I started to feel a little sluggish at about 2pm so I had another coffee and I was good to go again. I even managed to get all 3 kids fed, bathed and in bed by a decent hour (something I usually struggle with). I’m really hoping that this keeps up, after the last few days of feeling very sluggish, unmotivated and having to force myself to do anything today was a nice change.

SW - 97.4kg
CW - 93kg
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Jana said:
Same as me! I am on day 2.

I’m able to drink now so I think you’ll be fine soon.

I was reading about how 8 glasses of water a day is a myth because we get a lot water in the food that we eat. Fruits and veg have heaps of water.

I’ve had one drink bottle a day the last two days so I’m definitely doing better.

I was drinking A LOT of coke before I started on duromine lol so it’s good to finally be drinking water again
My doctor weighed me at 95 when I saw him yesterday and I’m not sure if I’ll be going to my mums today to be able to use her scales like I did last week.

So I think I’ll wrap this week up at 95kgs which is a 2kg loss in the first week. I’m happy with that!

I need to start exercising but still struggling with motivation for that. But no coke or chocolate is a really huge step for me so I’m pretty proud of myself so far :)
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I feel like the effects of the duromine have diminished. I’m battling myself today with hunger/head hunger. Might have to go back and get a prescription for the higher dose. Going to stick this month out though as I have already bought it.

My latest attempts at eating well haven’t lasted more than 3 days at a time this year.. so far so good. I’m trying my best :laughing:
Chum said:
I feel like the effects of the duromine have diminished. I’m battling myself today with hunger/head hunger. Might have to go back and get a prescription for the higher dose. Going to stick this month out though as I have already bought it.

My latest attempts at eating well haven’t lasted more than 3 days at a time this year.. so far so good. I’m trying my best :laughing:

I reccomended giving it a bit more time. Towards the end of my first week I started to feel as though duromine no longer had an effect on me at all but a few days later things picked back up again. Also with the increased hunger I find that if I stall for a while (half hour or so) it would go away and I wouldn’t be hungry anymore.

Ps. Good job on cutting out coke. I used to be a huge coke drinker as well so I know how hard it is to give it up. I also noticed that because coke was my main source of hydration for so many years that I became really intolerant to water, I could sip on maybe a couple of 600ml bottles a day but anymore then that and I would feel ill. As I was giving up coke I slowly increased my water intake and now I don’t get sick from it anymore. Tea was always helpful too when I was increasing my water intake because it’s mostly water and I found that it helped.
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Chum said:
I’m able to drink now so I think you’ll be fine soon.

I was reading about how 8 glasses of water a day is a myth because we get a lot water in the food that we eat. Fruits and veg have heaps of water.

I’ve had one drink bottle a day the last two days so I’m definitely doing better.

I was drinking A LOT of coke before I started on duromine lol so it’s good to finally be drinking water again
Great advice thank you. I had some strawberry teat today and that made me feel better.
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I ate badly yesterday. I know duromine is only a tool so I have no one to blame but myself. At the same time it could have been much worse so I’m glad that I had some self control and didn’t go too overboard.

It’s scary having this relationship with food and I’m really not sure how to break it. Will power and motivation is so hard to find when you’ve been in a downward spiral for such a long time.

I’ve been feeling more hunger as each day passes and as a result have been eating more. It’s not as much as I used to which is a positive but it is still too much for my liking.
Hi everyone!

As you can see my stats are posted above, my BMI is currently sitting right on 30. Considering 4 years ago I was 74kgs with a 6 pack, it’s pretty depressing!
This is the 3rd time I’ve tried duromine, after breaking a lot of bones in my left leg 3 years ago I gained 10kgs - sitting at 84kgs due to all of the morphine I was taking - I was given 15mg duromine for close to a month but had to stop as it wasn’t interacting well with other meds.
I tried again late 2017 with the 15mg, after 3 weeks I ended up injuring my spine and it went out the window again!
This time I’ve gone straight onto 30mg, onto day 3 at the moment. Side effects for me aren’t too different from what I experienced on the 15mg luckily. Lack of sleep, dry mouth, feeling warm.
Over the last 3 years the additional 10kgs has crept up so slowly .. no matter what I’ve tried, I haven’t been able to shift it.
With my spine injury I’m also limited in what I can now do exercise wise, so I can see the first month results are going to be slow!
I struggle with binge eating and then starving myself for extended periods, fingers crossed this’ll get me back into better eating patterns.
Going through a pretty stressful period in my personal life at the moment, hoping that doesn’t effect my results too drastically either!

There’s my novel for the day! Looking forward to checking in and seeing everyone’s results.
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Hi @Nicole88 - glad to meet you :)

Geez you really have been through a lot, but was glad to read that you are slowly getting much better.

I understand the binge eating, starving cycle - and it can be a nasty one to break, but I am sure with your determination and drive you will be back into a healthy regime in no time :)

I seriously recommend reading the content on these forums - they are full of motivation and willpower, and so many of us have similar stories. It is one of the things that have given me a real boost when I have been having a shitty day.

I wish you all the best on the start of this journey and just know you are going to do great!
Rava said:
Hi @Nicole88 - glad to meet you :)

Geez you really have been through a lot, but was glad to read that you are slowly getting much better.

I understand the binge eating, starving cycle - and it can be a nasty one to break, but I am sure with your determination and drive you will be back into a healthy regime in no time :)

I seriously recommend reading the content on these forums - they are full of motivation and willpower, and so many of us have similar stories. It is one of the things that have given me a real boost when I have been having a shitty day.

I wish you all the best on the start of this journey and just know you are going to do great!

Hey Rava!! Apologies for the late response, EOFY has certainly been stressful. The downfall of being so busy whilst on Duromine means I’m forgetting to eat altogether! Not ideal, rolls around to 9pm and I’ll be starving. Have been surviving off vegemite rye toast & water haha
Hopefully it’ll start to level out next week.
Even though I’m not even a full week into this first month, I’m already anxious about coming off the pills .. my doctor is great and we have a plan, just hoping doing the full 3 months of Duromine will give me the time to sort out my relationship with food and eating!
Fingers crossed I don’t have to stop taking it a few weeks in this time - am aiming to get the time to exercise over the weekend, hopefully my 1st week weigh in on Monday will be a success!
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Technically at week 3 today, but only onto my 2nd sheet of duromine as I’ve skipped days here and there due to moving at the end of the 1st week.
I’ve also not been taking it every Sunday, so it gives me a chance to get a good sleep at least once a week!

SW: 96kg
CW: 93kg

The last 2 weeks have been extremely stressful due to my husband and I separating, luckily thanks to duromine I haven’t had the appetite to emotional eat like I would usually.
As I’ve been all over the place, staying with friends ect while I figure out a more permanent option it means I haven’t been exercising as much as I’d like.
I’m currently house sitting for a friend for the next 2 weeks, she luckily has a gym set up in her garage which I’ll be trying to use as much as possible. I have a mini goal of hitting 90kg by the 30th of July, I’m pretty confident I’ll be able to reach that!
Fingers crossed
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I am sorry for your tough life situation. I hope that focusing on yourself will help you get better soon. Fingers crossed that you become a real close friend with that garage gym =)) You two together will smash that goal of yours! Stay strong, Nicole and congrats on the first motivating result!
April said:
I am sorry for your tough life situation. I hope that focusing on yourself will help you get better soon. Fingers crossed that you become a real close friend with that garage gym =)) You two together will smash that goal of yours! Stay strong, Nicole and congrats on the first motivating result!
Thanks April!
I have 10 tablets still left, I took a break from duromine over the weekend as I was feeling a little jittery. Have managed to work out 6 of the last 7 days, pleased to jump on the scales this morning and see another loss!
Am now sitting at 90.8kg, so over a 5kg loss and only 2/3 of the way through my first script of 30mg.
Happy I agreed to 30mg instead of the 15 again, the side effects aren’t as bad as I anticipated and it certainly boosts the results!!
Fingers crossed this continues
Woohooo!!! You're smashing it! Great job! Definitely fingers crossed for your further success. You can be proud of yourself! have an amazing new week!
Good morning from South Africa

I'm new here and I just started 15mg of Duromine last Friday.

I'm not sure if I lost weight as I weighed when I was on my period and then weighed yesterday again. Ah well.

I'm hoping to get support and make some weight loss buddies on here.

I had an upset tummy on Sunday but that's because on Saturday I didn't drink a lot of water as we were out most of the day.

I am a migraine sufferer though but the headaches I do experience are very mild.

I was on 30mg Duromine in 2011 and lost 10kg in two months but was also much younger than I am now and I used one pack over two months by taking one capsule every second day.

I'm hoping to see good results and will take it for 3 months as per my doctor.

SW: 91.7kg
CW: 89.7kg
Mini goal: 85kg
GW: 70kg - although for now I'll take anything under 80kg LOL
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Welcome to the forum and all the best on your journey! Keep that positive attitude and enjoy the changes!!! Cheers
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Thank you for the warm welcome
Week 1 weigh-in

SW: 91.7kg
CW: 89kg
Weight loss: 700g
Mini goal: 85kg
GW: 70kg

Although I lost a little I'm still happy with my weightloss LOL ... I wasn't strict on myself this week as we had a lot of birthdays (mine and my niece) to celebrate and tomorrow we celebrating my son's 18th birthday ...

I've been suffering with constipation and have also upped my water intake and I had an apple first thing this morning and was able to 'let go'

I still have headaches that are very mild in the afternoon ...

from next week I will be focusing much more on my eating habits and menu
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Congrats on the first weight loss!!! Fingers crossed those headaches go away for good. and, of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May all your wishes come true and happy birthday to your son! All the best things in life for him!
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