Hi I just started duromine today and can not sleep is that normal I weigh 145kg I'm on 40 mg and am hoping to lose 50 kg do you have any suggestions on how I should go about it as I don't feel hungry I've had to remind my self to drink otherwise I would dehydrate so I'm hoping to get some support also by anyone who wants to help
Hi Benji:):)
I'm a newbie myself only into my second week.
My GP started me on 15 mg for the first few days, then if all ok to increase to 30.
In the first few days even on the lowest dose, I was having difficulty sleeping, had some indigestion, felt a bit "cotton headed" and a dry mouth. I am on day 10 now. I increased on day 6 to 30 mg after the side effects had eased . And found I've had no further problems.
One tip is to take the medication early....I take mine around 6 am
I see duromine to be an enabler...giving me the freedom, and power to choose healthy eating and reduce/eliminate previous bad habits without the misery of going cold turkey. I am conscious to not allow the pendulum to swing to the other extreme of not eating at all. That's not sustainable let alone healthy.
In the coming days... if the.side effects become too uncomfortable and distressing...you can always go back to your GP and discuss, with the option to trial reduction of dosage.
Look forward to sharing the journey with you

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Hey Leah thanks for your advice it's good to have someone to talk to through this journey I'm on day 3 now and feeling better I just want to hurry and lose weight I hate being judged because I'm fat it's really depressing I hope we can chat more and share our journey together if you would like to ? Thanks again
Just an update I have today started to walk for excercise I never knew how unfit I was till today I walked 3kms and felt so good I'm gonna do it every day it have my mind set to become a guy that people will stop judging because of my weight I want to be the guy people notice for a good reason not for the fact that I am fat. I have done my first weigh in on day 3 and proud to say 3kgs lighter I can't wait to lose another 50kg I also hope to make some friends on the way.
Hi I just started duromine today
I'm feeling some jitters and very thirsty
Is that normal ?
SW : 95.5 kgs
Hi Grace...

Yes it's normal to be thirsty and jittery.
I know it's very time consuming but I've made a habit of reading the leaftlets in any meds me or my family get just so I know what to expect.
It will subside sometime as your body adjusts I've been on D for a week now and my side effect have mostly subsided but do still get that dry mouth and thirst.Give it some time your body is adjusting to the whole idea.

Good luck with the weight loss journey....
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Thanks alleycat
I am determined to see it through
Good to know there are others who are experiencing the same things and can encourage and reassure me
Looking forward to dropping all this excess weight and actually living life to the fullest. Will update regularly :) I'm a daily weigher
Hi I've just started also I'm hoping to meet people on here to share the journey
Great ! We can all exchange notes
I am a vegetarian - so let's see what I can do for protein.
I'm on 30mg and I can't say that I'm feeling "full" but I'm exercising some self control
Plan to eat small meals through the day and hopefully get a moderate workout in daily
The jitters have somewhat reduces and drinking lots of water is helping
HI Guys :p:p:p

Grace ...I found that I too wasn't feeling full and was still wanting to eat. So I was eating breakfast snack lunch snack dinner. I'm on day 12 now and find I could easily skip meals because I don't "feel" like eating. So I now have to consciously eat. I'm trying to resist letting the scales dictate what I am doing, but rather put in place healthy eating habits that will naturally see the weight come off. In the past I have overthought the journey...stressed over every plateau, and then given up. If I had just stuck with what I was doing I would have been at goal years ago. :confused:
Benji...glad to hear you are starting to feel human again lol. Congrats on the loss that's awesome.:):) I haven't started with the exercise yet...which is really lazy because on one of my weight loss attempts a couple of years back, I bought a good quality treadmill which sits in our lounge. Mind you I was waiting for the side effects to settle.. so no more excuses lol
Alley-cat ...as they say knowledge is power...I think I must have read every weight loss book ever written and at the end of the day they all say the same thing..eat healthy, portion control, drink water and move. Just putting the knowledge into action that I've had problem with.:oops:
There is another free weight loss site you all might find helpful....calorie king.com. Just word of warnng don't mention the duromine. The purists will jump all over you. Like this site there are chat threads ....one thread you might find valuable Benji is "more than 50 kilo's to lose". The site also gives you tools such as your own "check in " which allows you to track your loss, both in weight but also in measurements if you choose. When you join you enter your height weight sex and it gives you a peronalised recommended calorie intake. There are menu plans, with recipes which would be great for you Grace as you can identify as vegetarian. If you use the food diary, you can get graphs which will tell you what percentage of protein/carb/fat...( even breakdown of sodium, sugar etc) you are consuming.. on one day or average over a week... all of which you can print off.
Anyways I've prattled on enough..

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Hi all
Leah - thanks so much for your sharing. And I will go and check out calorie king. I use fitness pal on my smart phone to keep track of calories and exercise. Trying to consume between 1100-1200 a day while on 30mg.
I slept rubbish last night, pure torture. But woke up to one kilo lighter. I know it must mostly be water but it's still exciting to see the scale actually move.
So it's day two. Feeling a tad weird and jumpy, not unbearable though.
Worked out this morning and jeez what's with the extra energy. I actually was able to jog for 30 mins which I haven't done in a looooonng time. Strange thing I'm either super energised or super fatigued, it's like there's no normal anymore.
All in all, craving sleep, eating small meals. Breakfast oats, snack nutrbullet fruit veg juice, lunch lentil soup, snack baked vegetable croquettes , dinner will be some tofu and brown rice.
My vice is coffee with sugar which I refuse to give up :)
Let's hope today sleep comes easier.

SW 95.5
CW 94.5
HI Grace
Hopefully your side effects will settle soon, it's still early days:)
I'm on day 13 and weighed in this morning at 88.9 so 3.7 kg loss for me.
I didn't have the best sleep last night...but then I stayed up watching TV. I feel tired and will yawn but don't feel like going to bed. I find once I do I go straight to sleep.
I've got a busy few days ahead, my youngest daughter is moving house on Saturday. She's 25 weeks pregnant...so going round to scrub walls, clean oven windows etc..that will be my exercise lol.
I'm normally a coffee drinker too...milk and sugar...but for some reason don't really feel like it...so mostly drinking sparkling water diet tonic water and the odd cup of tea.
My vice is wine or scotch w/ diet coke...then wonder why I have trouble losing weight.:rolleyes: So I'm on the wagon. Stepped off last night for 2 small glasses of red, and probably going to have a couple tonight as it's hubby's day off....But again I made myself a scotch and coke last week...took 2 sips..yuck I could taste the sugar.. so gave it to my son.
Anyways better get cracking and load up the car with cleaning products...can't wait.. not.
Chat soon
Thanks Leah - just the first line of your message was so encouraging. Thank you.
Side effects have been very challenging. Can't wait for my body to adjust. Today is day 3. Have hardly had any sleep, have been itchy on my lower legs and having terrible leg cramps. I shall weather it out. Have taken anti allergy meds for the itching, and magnesium supplements to help with cramps.
You're going to be a grandma ? Wowzers! Awesome ! Congrats. Wishing your daughter a healthy happy easy delivery ! Your first grandchild ?

SW 95.5
CW 94
Treadmeal said:
first official weigh in this morning and have lost 1.5 kgs. :p:p:p
I started on 25 mg for 5 days and only increased to 30 mg yesterday. Most side effects have either gone or reduced, strangely I had my first really good nights sleep last night on the 30 mg.
Goals for the week to come are to drink more water, reduce portions, and increase protein.
I'm going to hold off the exercise for another week, allow my system time to get accustomed to the effects of the medication and focus on the food/fluid side for another few days.

Hope everyone is having a good week
Congrats! I hope I have such a result once I start them. BTW how do you get those ticker things into your signature?
Ally Russell said:
Ok, so week 1 over and I purposely haven't being weighing in every day as your weight fluctuates so much..
I can't pull myself together to get on those scales. (what the??) At the start of the week I was excited to find out how 1 week went, but now the week has passed, I'm a raving crazy woman!!!
I'm worried that if I haven't lost anything, I'll give up and return to bad habits and feel what a waste....but...then again, the house and the kids have been sprung cleaned to an inch of their lives...bahahahaaaa....
Has anyone else felt like this, or am I seriously insane??
I'm always like that when I start something new and no doubt I will be again when I've completed my first week! You're not alone ;)
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Hello y'all
Day 4
Weight loss total 1.5 kgs
Didn't sleep first three nights - terrible cramps in the legs , itchiness , thirsty, jittery
Just wanted to share with anyone new that today I am much better and just hang in there - the yucky stuff wears off
Another 4.5 to go to hit my mini goal which will take me to just under 90kgs
Hellloooo everyone!! Hope everyone is doing well.
It's now been approx 5 months later (going into my 6 month) and I've lost 22. 5 kgs.
I've still got another 10-15 kgs to go.
I can't thank Duromine enough for the kick start.
I feel so much more confident and happier with my appearance. Love it!
Hope everyone is feeling just as good! XOX
Congrats on your loss Ally fantastic effort are you stil on duromine... I am I have had 3 week break, however I doing so well on the 15 mgs my doctor said I can keep going I have lost 21.9 kg in 5 months that's with putting on 4.8kg when I went on holidays :laughing:Te cupcakes were amazing :eek: I to still have to lose 18.4kgs :( it's ok though I know I will do it .... Duromine & this forum has been amazing for me it was the only thing that worked & kept me motivated keep us updated on your progress :)
That's awesome Grace. To answer your question this is grandchild no 9. My eldest daughter Kelly is married with 5 kids she started young at 17. Our youngest daughter Fiona is having her fourth. It's a high risk pregnancy as her 3rd child Lucas was born premature at 24 weeks 5 days gestation. Only weighed 810 grams and was 7 months in hospital. He is 2 1/2 years now has mild cerebral palsy and PVL (which is brain damage), he's a miracle and love him dearly. They don't know what caused the early labour...so being very careful. Had a sneak weigh today and came in at 88.2..so 3.2 away from my first mini goal.
Hi Stormgirl...see u figured out the ticker thing :laughing:...I just can't figure how to move the ticker along..
Hope u are all feeling better
Chat soon

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