Hi...im on my 6th day today and I can't sleep now that's why I'm in here now I guess,but I'm loving the research and reading everyone's comments and advices..
I'm 26 and struggled a lot with my weight..
I haven't weighted myself as yet,planning on to finish the 30days dose 1st.i don't know if it's a good idea as I'm so nervous and wondering each day if im losing any weight...im happy for every one with their journey...#smiles:laughing::laughing:;)
Congratulations, Melissa! :)
Would love to hear how your going!! Sounds amazing so far
Wow Nikki well done, would love to hear if you went back on it or if not kept off the weight.
OK!! day 2 down and dusted!! let me say it was my first day of feeling and noticing more side effects! its a really strange feeling your body has when you feel fired up, cant be bothered to talk or tell what you did that day!, feeling flusted and want to be alone! cant be bothered to stand or sit down, mix emotions all over the place but trying to remind yourself "whats going on with me?" "just drop it chrissy!!" i could hear myself being a total bitch!! so i snapped out of that quick smart!! haha but i must say the insomnia is annoying! having being used to sleeping 8 hours straight to 5 1/2 hours the next doesnt help! i now no the difference between tired eyes(close them and next minute your asleep cant remember where you got up to watching the movie!!) and active eyes!(close them and your mind is awake) but i must say i take duromine at 9am and i dnt get tired till 12am! so iv started to take it earlier and see if it makes a difference!

it was my first time at the gym for the new year and also being on duromine, and having read and researched about this pill i new what i was up against! i took it easy on the treadmill for about 15mins of fast paced walking and everything seemed fine! i deffently felt my heart racing but nothing to be worried! i came up with a sweat in the first 5 mins of walking and new "that was different" the blood was puming and so was my heart! i decided to increase my speed for the last 5 mins on the treadmill to 6.0km and man oh man my heart was racing!! i could feel it if not pumping out of my chest! so i decided to get off! i did a bit of skipping and steps and the same would happen!! usually my workouts are offten full on and fast! i love to push myself to get the best out of my workout everytime!! but being on duromine is a little different so im not going to push myself so hard next gym sesh! haha

i do have a question though! ever since i started duromine im now not sure what the feeling of hungry, sick or full is! i can have an apple and say im full but feel sick?? hungry?? i dnt no! its uncomfortable and was wondering if others have had this and can anyone give me any tips??

day 2 out day 3 is on its way! lets hope i have a better sleep and feel better!

Today was horrible!! i experienced bloating/constipation for the first time ever!!
i got the feeling on day 2 before bed but nothing i experienced on day 3! i was in so much pain that i didnt no wether i was hungry or full or feeling sick!! i would have a bite of somthing and the moment iv swolled i was in so much pain id have to get up and stand or walk around to ease it because i didnt no what was going on!! i thought it may of been cramping or nausea because everytime i would sit down id want to throw up!! it was horrible!! i went to the bathroom and everything felt a little better! alot of burping which subsided the pain!

i read you can take some movicol.. but i chose not to and see if the pain would ease and go away! AND IT DID!!

one thing i did get which i wasnt sure if it was normal.. but i got very light headed!, and i felt like my surroundings or objects were slightly bigger then me! it only lasted for a few minutes and then went away! wasnt sure if it was my body trying to adjust..
so far iv enjoyed taking duromine only because im eating smaller portions, healthier options and exercising as normal but seeing those scales go down!! not only that but i like seeing all that candy and saying "i dont feel like that, i dont want that!!" when i look at a massive plate of food or a carb infested dish i get sick just looking at it! its really changed my way of thinking and its opened my mind a little more when deciding whats for lunch or dinner!
its day 3 and i feel like im getting a symptom each day! haha but on the plus side i feel better about myself! and thats what i want!
Its Day 4!

And man oh man im seeing RESULTS!!

as usual im up at 6:30!! 30 minutes before i HAVE to get up for work! My eyes and mind and body are up and want to get the day started... but i wanted to sleep more!! I must say 5 1/2 hours of sleep each night for the last 3 nights are making me exhausted... and thats how i was today.. tired..

for the last 3 days iv had minor symptoms/ side effects from duromine but nothing to worry about.. so i was happy that Day 4 didnt involve stomach cramps.., headaches.. nuasea.. heart racing!!! oh lord..
i was just tired.. The whole morning has gone so slow... i was set a task that normally takes me 5 mins to do and because i had 2 of the same job to do, it should have taken me 10 MINUTES!! but it didnt... it took me a whole 1 hour and 15 minutes!! i couldn't believe it.. i kept thinking maybe this is what "SPACED" out feels like or "ïs".. but must say its CRAP!! i had no energy, i felt bland.. i felt lost.. like i lost track of time.. i was really quiet and wasn't my usual self.. it was really strange.. considering i took duromine at 8am by 11am i had a burst of energy all of a sudden and was hard to catch in the office!!

Now thats its day 4 and i have been eating smaller portions, i no how much i can eat and how much i should plate up! that was the real main reason of being on this! i already knew what to eat before all of this happened, i just ate 2 much of it and it caused me to gain 10kgs.. and maintain 75-76 kgs for the last year and a half!

Its not just a quick fix!! not just to see how much i should be eating!! and how much i use to eat when i wasn't taking this but realizing if i continue to do my normal routine(gym, healthy food, water) and eat the same portion size on the same plate after these 3 months i guarantee you i can maintain it... this drug isn't a magic pill for weight loss.. yes it stops you from eating so much, stops the cravings that has made us over weight and unhappy.. but its showing us what we should be eating and doing as alifestyle! not just for 3 months! so for me its working and having the right mind set and dedication, determination for alife timeand not just a GOAL, we all will have successful weight-loss!

so far these last 3 days i have dropped 2.5kgs!! Im very happy with the result!! it may not seem alot for the first week but its more then i have asked for in a long time.. and plus i have another 3 more days and my first week is UP! Im excited to see where i am on those silly scales and most importantly how i feel.. At the end of the day or week or month i no i have done the hard work.. not this pill.. because you have to work for it, eat right for it and LESS!! too see the results! and thats what my lifestyle should be! and is!!
Omg we shared the same result 3 days lost 2.5kg ;) and i am too in my 4th day today :)

Using calorie counter really helps me to be in control of what i eat. Like today i want a peanut butter SO BAD but surprisingly, my brain signals me to instead of going all out, just have 1 teaspoon and it only cost me 30cals. I hope my brain will continue to train itself thinking this way when im off D. Lol

Doc advised me to aim at 800cals till 30th day then he will increase to 1000.

So far so good. And Congrats to u! Loooking forward to see ur progress :)
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The day Has started well!! :)

- No Symptoms or side effects!
- Slept for 61/2 hours!! longer then i have been for the last few nights! but i woke up feeling exhausted.. i soon got over that!
- Had a horrible afternoon with chest pain and tightness/ breathless going home from work.. it was really uncomfortable and there was nothing i could do but just breath slowly and relax.. but beside that it soon went away.
- For the first time ever though i was exhausted by 7pm!! i was ready for bed and hit the pillow!! but instead i had to wait for 10:30 when i got home! it was the weirdest thing because it was almost like i had trained for hours or iv had a big day when i didn't! although i must tell you, i cleaned my house from top to bottom and i was so in control of what i was doing what was next and what i had to do and there was always something extra that i thought had to be done! i was lifting stuff, moving it around! i worked up a sweat!! i never thought that cleaning my house was going to be my workout for the day!! it was exhausting!! so maybe that's what knocked me out when i went to bed! because i don't even remember turning my light off! haha
- Cons of the day, i guess it was just the tightness of the chest and breathlessness... it was an uncomfortable feeling but nothing major.. and it only happened coming home from work...
- Pros of the day were i felt good about myself! i felt lighter and.. comfortable! yesCOMFORTABLE!! Its the start of something new and i liked remembering how that felt and i don't want to let go of it again!

Tomorrow is going to be exciting and challenging for my weigh in! it will only push me to continue to get my goal! and its what iv wanted in a looonngg time!! YAY for Duromine and YAY for those stupid scales going down!! and final YAY for eating the right portion sizes and drinking water!!!
Good luck tomorrow! I get the tightness in my chest too ( a lot of the time unfortunately) but the main problem for me is tummy troubles. I think it might be the meal replacement shakes I'm doing though so I'll keep an eye on it. Its amazing how much confidence you can get back though hey? My clothes are looser already and I feel happier than I have about myself in a very long time. Let us know how you go tomorrow!
thanks @Anka! i went to the gym today and had no issues so maybe it may get better with time but the breathlessness comes more often.. Iv recently had bloating/constipation as one side effect and this is what caused me to have some stomach troubles.. but taking some natural sena i was all good again!

it is a great feeling!! good job and keep it up! :) its what we wanted so why go back the way we were!!

so iv been blogging everyday for the last 7 days and my journey so far was what i expected from what iv read and been told ! some things i may of missed and had to question but it ended up to be all ok!

the last week iv had chest pain, endless energy, sleepless nights! (51/2 hours suck! which only lasted 3 days), no appetite, mood swings (lasted a day! i snapped myself out of that quick smart!) the feeling of satisfaction.. (in a good way) and last but least BLOATING & CONSTIPATION!! (thats one thing i missed and didn't read about!!)

iv learnt a lot from 7 days ago and how i use to eat, what i ate and what i looked like! flicking through pictures on the computer, i new i was big but i didn't no how big i made myself stuffing my fat face with everything!!

4 years ago i met my current boyfriend josh, and in a year i put on a lot of weight as you do getting comfortable, i weighed in at 81.6KGS!! I cried looking at that number.. the scales from that day were not my best friend.. i decided to change my ways and i got into "body trim" it taught me how to eat, what to eat, when to eat and DRINK lots of water!! i lost in 3 months 16.6kgs!! i got to my goal weight of 65kgs...

my mistake was "I'm skinny now, i can't eat whatever" that FAILED! i got to 70kgs in the 2nd year with being with josh and by 3rd year i weighed between 73-75kgs..

7 days ago i weighed in at 76.5kgs...
i decided to change that and body trim wasn't helping.. i was eating to much of the good stuff and not keeping track of how much i was eating and what i was eating! and most of all i could go a whole day with a sip of water! BIG PROBLEM!

Duromine has been a journey in just one week!! its pushed me to my limits, made me look at myself, made me want my old self COMFORTABLE SELF BACK!! i wanted to feel light not heavy.. not self conscious! its shown me how much to eat and its shown me that to keep the weight off is to maintain my portion size! the bigger it is and the more you eat is more weight (duh!!) I already no what to eat and when but i NOW no what portion size i can eat and have to eat! its only week 1 and I'm sure theres more i may experience but so far so good! and i no i may have a shit week one week and lose nothing but thats the journey i have to go through to push myself further! like i hear all the time, you have to fall down and see why and pick yourself back up to better yourself! its all part of the plan and makes you a stronger person! PREACH THAT!! haha

i no i no your probably thinking just tell me your results!!!
i weighed in this morning on those stupid scales..


7 days ago i was 76.5kgs a total loss of 3.5KGS!! WOOOO!!!
its the first time in a year those scales have MOVED DOWN!!! and with my result I'm really happy!! and i can't wait for next weeks result and see where my body takes me!!

Im hesitant to put a pic up from what i looked like 4 years ago and now! but it may give you a better picture of what i looked like... haha
what do you think?? EEEKKK!!!

From now on ill blog weekly unless i have question or you guys wanna ask me something!
This time on my weightless journey feels right! with the endless support on here and my forever endless questions or long arse writing i no I'm on the right track!! thank you to all!
Well, it's been an interesting week, that's for sure! I'm afraid this may be a long post, but that's okay, right?

On days 1-3, I found it really hard to eat anything at all. I ended up being very glad that I'd weighed portions of peanuts for myself to snack on, because eating a meal was the last thing I felt I could handle, so I just nibbled throughout the day so I could actually eat something without feeling like vomiting, eek! I also exercised, playing Dance Dance Revolution at home on light mode without jumps for some very low-impact cardio, but longer sessions. This type of exercise seems to be the sweet spot for me at this weight, easy on the knees, and not too taxing on my arthritic back, but working up a good sweat.

On days 4-7, my appetite started to return. I don't know why, but for some reason over this week I developed a terribly unhealthy relationship with food, that I shouldn't be eating because I'm trying to lose weight. I felt guilty each time I had a mouthful of toast, even though my portions were unbelievably small. Perhaps I should have spent more time on this forum, where everyone has a much healthier and positive attitude towards food. I honestly have no idea how I managed to have such a horrible mindset about myself and food, and I've got to put a stop to it somehow.

Something interesting I discovered was that I found it very difficult to complete my normal weight training sessions while on D. I don't know why this is, but I just couldn't complete my usual regimen. I felt so much weaker, and it really bothered me, because I've spent quite a while building my muscles and getting stronger, and this week it was just too much to handle. I visited my GP during the week, and he said not to worry too much about it and just do what I can. I still feel a little discouraged by the fact that I can't lift like I did before I started D, but maybe it's just something I'll have to deal with through this experience.

I also noticed that my spinal arthritis has been the worst it's been for almost a year during this first week on D. I still do all the stretches the physio taught me, but for some stupid reason the pain is just so intense sometimes I just have to lie down, or if I'm exercising, take a 5 minute break to stretch and take some pressure off it for a while. Since I was diagnosed (5 years ago now) I've been building core strength to help support it, and I've got some killer abs and back muscles under all this fat, so it's not that I'm not being proactive in my treatment, just for some weird reason it's really flared up this week.

I tried skipping rope on day 4, but unfortunately my back just can't take it right now. Perhaps this will change as I get lighter, and I'll try it again if I manage to lose 10 kilos or so and see how my back goes with it then.

From day 4 onwards, I started going on long walks. Wednesday night, I walked 3.5km with my partner, and showed him where I went to primary school, which was pleasant. Thursday-Saturday we went on power walks in the mornings, with distances of 7km, 9km and 6km. I felt really guilty because I had to sit down every 2km or so, because of my back. I've really got to get a handle on my negative self-talk and guilt for having health problems, for some reason I easily fall into beating myself up because my bad back prevents me from doing the entire thing in one go.

Today is rest day, and my grandma and my partner have both told me they'd better not catch me exercising today, because they don't want me to burn out. I might direct my energy towards creating more content for my YouTube channel instead, heh.

And finally, here's the weight loss figures from week one:

Starting Weight (18 January 2015): 103.8kg
Current Weight (25 January 2015): 99.1kg
Goal Weight: 75kg
Loss so far: 4.7kg

I know most of that's water weight, as after calculating caloric deficits for the whole week, it still adds up to an absolute maximum of 2kg of fat, even if the calorie burning estimates of the exercise I performed are correct, which is unlikely, so it's more likely around 1-1.5kg of fat. But it's a good start!

Sorry for the massive post, it's been a long week, haha. If anyone has tips on more positive self-talk, or tips for how not to fall into the trap of beating oneself up about silly things, I'd really appreciate it! I unfortunately find it so easy to guilt trip myself even if I'm performing to the maximum of my current ability, and tend to compare myself to other, far fitter individuals, which is really silly I know, but I'm a perfectionist and hold myself to much higher standards than are realistic for someone at my current fitness level and health problems... So any tips on staying positive would be absolutely amazing!!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!
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Hey @SevenOfNine, thats a fantastic result!!! well done!! :)

i get what you been by "not being able to complete your usual workout!!" i had the same issue during week one!! 3 days in and i just couldn't run on the treadmill and i still cant!! and im in mid week 2!! my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest!! but i realised also that its all in my head!! so i forgot about! stopped looking and reading at all the side effects many are getting and worrying over that too!! i put my phone and laptop down did my usual routine and i can now walk easily 6.5KPH on the treadmill!! but i still no not to push it too far! i dont want to pass out in the gym!!! hahaha

For the negative thoughts your having your not alone!! we all experience it! even the most skinniest person!! i work at a gym as a receptionist for a living and i see it everyday!!

The best thing for you is to think "why do i want to do this?" "what is it that bothers me with my weight?" "why did i start duromine and what were my intentions?" we all no why we are on this journey and the thought process we had and are still having of why we started! so why start now and give up already?? Remember we have to fall down in order to get back up again!! we learn from those times we fall because we can see where we went wrong and how we can improve!! the more negative thoughts the less encouragement you'll have for yourself! and you already no it! so remember be proud of the person you are and what your capable of doing and where your going to be in 3 months time! and its these lowest moments that should drive you and motivate you no matter how far you can walk and how many times you have to have a break, YOU STILL GOT UP AND FINISHED IT!!

Weightloss is journey not a day trip! you dnt wake up skinny and you deffs dont wake up fat!!
you have to be patient! all the best girl!! i no you can do it!! and so do you!! START BELIEVING IN YOURSELF! :);)
Hey guys it's issy here and im new to this forum, So Iv been on Duromine for 7 days now and Iv lost about 3.5 kilos, which I'm really happy about but I have hardly any changes in my body. Is it maybe because I haven't eaten at all or excersized. I literally have no appetite for food at all and no motivation to excersize. Iv looked up some really good excersizers for loosing weight though, which I'm planning on starting them today, because I'm used to the pill now and have more energy. So I was just wondering if I stay on the pill for 90 days straight (3 months) excersize 3-4 days a week, consume nothing but water, how much weight would I loose?
Hi Issy,

wow, there are so many posts I could reply to, I've chosen this one since you state "consume nothing but water" and are focused on weight loss in a defined period of time.

Firstly, you need to eat. Irrespective of how little appetite you have, you need to eat. Take the lack of appetite and not being "starving" coming up to lunch or dinner to enable yourself to make good choices about what to eat. IE:

Me before: Left work late, 'starving', hanging out for dinner. Oporto's is on the way home, that is better than Macca's / HJ's, I'll just grab something here as "I'm so hungry".
Me now: Left work late, not all that hungry, make it home, Cook up some chicken + vege's, or a small serving of a random risotto dish I usually make.

Once you start eating properly you will have the energy to exercise. The motivation you need to find also. You had the motivation to go to the doctors to get Duromine. Now you need the motivation for the hard part - exercising. But the good news is you can start off small. Simply walking each day might be a big enough change initially depending on your previous level of exercise. Otherwise lots of ways to get incidental exercise in: cleaning is a good one - washing the car or cleaning the house burns surprisingly good amount of calories compared to sitting on the couch.

There is no answer to:
"I'm taking Duromine and not changing anything else and not eating, so how much weight will i lose?"

Taking Duromine is the jump start you need to make some changes in your life, either eating habits or exercise habits.

The positives are that you're drinking more water, something a large proportion of the population (especially overweight people) need to do and that you're looking up some exercise routines and are keen to get stuck in. That is the motivation you need and it is good to see. Good luck and cant wait to see how you go.

Also, don't worry about not seeing changes to your body, they will come in time :)
You definitely need to eat. Even if it is only 3 small meals a day which is what I eat. I run 4 times a week and I would also suggest downloading a fitness app on your phone. I use daily workouts and it's great because you can choose the areas where you need to most work on and for half hour it will have you sweating with workouts you are able to do in the lounge room watching tv. I didnt see any massive changes till about week 3, its week 5 for me and now others are noticing and complimenting. It will come
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