Joanne87 said:
Thanks I plan on keeping it up :) Saturday I didn't take a duromine as I wanted a day without a headache to spend time with my kids but still at well and healthy. Let me no how you go on you're weigh in day pls and good luck with it all

Hey there I lost 2.6 kgs in 7 days
Doctors wants me to go up to 40's tmw
I am not sure as one it's the money and two i am not getting any side-effects now. Apart from dry mouth. And I thinking if I go up yeah might lose more but what side affects will I end up with.

What are you on ?
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Hey, I'm on 30mg but was on 40mg a few years back when I first received duromine, it drove me slightly insane yes I lost weight quicker but I was only getting 2 hours max a night sleep and I was so moody :/ everyone's diffrent though, I would see the month out on the 30mg ones and see how u progress
Well I started 40 today and nothing yet just tired but not as hungry as I was in the 30s
So hopefully these work and I lose weight. I want some sort of side affects so I know it's working but on the other hand I don't lol
Lol yeah I know what you mean, good luck hope it all goes well :)
I am 29yrs old, my start weight was 123.1kgs
and after one week on the 40mg with no exercise (expect running after two kids) and eating healthy my current weight is
That's a total of 4.3kgs lost!! I feel great :) took a couple of days to get into a good sleep pattern on them but I find the earlier you take in morning the better. I also do not feel hungry throughout the day but still force myself to eat a very small snack cause I know starving myself is not a good idea! I have loads more energy and I am in a good frame of mind to keep on keeping on and shift the remaining 43kilos to achieve my goal weight of 75kgs! :)
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Welcome, IsaGirl!
You are doing great, I agree that the earlier you take the pills - the better. But a little snack is still not enough. I mean, you will lose more weight, but when you stop the pills you will have to eat normally again because your appetite will be back, so you have to teach your body at this stage to eat small but 3-5 times a day. Make it as a good habit - one apple, for example, then a handful of nuts, or berries, whatever. Nothing fatty and sweet I mean. Once you get used to this regime, your body will be losing stably and you will not regain weight. This way it will not be a great shock for your body after the pills withdrawal. It's just my advice:)

Weight loss is a hard work, just like raising kids, girl:cool:
Fatty33 said:
Yeah tmw is my Weigh in day I'm looking forward to it but than in a way I am not as I have no idea if I have lost anything or as much as I hope . I am hoping at least 2 kgs.
I have been pretty good on the tablets I'm on the 30 The only thing I've had is a dry mouth. But if I exercise I sweat way more than normal. Still get hungry going to talk to my doctor tomorrow about that.

Have you had bad headaches?
Hey very bad one,i am even scared of taking painkillers cos I don't know how it will interact with duromine.
You guys are going to be my inspiration...your doing so awesome!
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Make sure you keep us updated ladies
Progress pics of the last 5 weeks


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Progress pics of the last 5 weeks



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Wow,i am impressed.
You can really see the difference Joanne :) That's excellent progress, I'd be so happy with that :)
I've just finished my first week on Duromine, so thought Id share. Im down 3.6kg and about 20cm. Im very happy with the result, especially because its so much more than the nothing I was losing in the 12 months beforehand.

I still seem to have no side-affects; My energy levels are slightly better than prior to taking, but Im still pretty tired throughout the day, sleeping 7/8 solid hours at night and have no dry mouth. Ive mostly got my appetite back, and this morning I was actually really hungry. Though Im still not eating a lot when I am hungry, Im not sure if thats supposed to happen? :confused:

I had an appointment with a dietician yesterday just to check my eating habits and make sure that when Ive finished taking duromine, I won't be eating poorly and stack the weight straight back on. She really couldn't figure out why my weight kept climbing in the first place, but is confident if I keep my calories limited and exercise like normal, Ill have success, so thats made me feel a bit better.

Hopefully the next week is just as kind to me :) x
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That is so exciting! Well done! I'm sure you are just going to keep on succeeding:) All the best with everything, you must be feeling so happy.
I'm on Day 6, but didn't weigh myself until Day 3. I weighed in at 96.5. I'm being weighed again on Monday. Fingers crossed:) Take care, :)
Lidz said:
That is so exciting! Well done! I'm sure you are just going to keep on succeeding:) All the best with everything, you must be feeling so happy.
I'm on Day 6, but didn't weigh myself until Day 3. I weighed in at 96.5. I'm being weighed again on Monday. Fingers crossed:) Take care, :)

Thanks lovely! It is nice to see the numbers go down for a change :laughing: I was a bit naughty and weighed myself nearly everyday. I shouldn't have, especially because one day Id actually had a 0.2 gain. Not much, but enough to make me a bit sad about it. If I didn't weigh every day, Id never have known! Lesson learnt - no scales for me until the end of the next week!

Cant wait to see your weigh in results x
Thank you! Would you believe I don't actually own scales! So that's my way of preventing me weighing myself from happening:) I can't believe you are getting so much sleep, that's awesome for you. I think I got about 4ish light hours- apparently it'll get better for me. Enjoy the next week, I hope it keeps on getting easier and more exciting for us both, x
Oops! End of week 2 and almost forgot to update :p This week consisted of no side affects what-so-ever and only a 0.5kg loss. Appetite is back, though Im not eating nearly as much as I normally would. Still no energy and sleeping 7-9 hrs per night, then feeling like I need a snooze during the day. Im wondering if period has anything to do with it as its just finished? (apologies for TMI :confused:) Ill give it another week and then contact my doctor to see what he suggests. Just about to jump on treadmill as Im feeling guilty about my lack of exercise. Fingers crossed for the next week! x

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