I believe cravings are our body's way of telling us it needs something. I have constant iron deficiencies and regularly crave coca cola - but only in a can! The doc told me it is because of the iron the can is made of:eek:
Try taking a good multi-vitamin. Very few us have a balanced enough diet to get all the nutrients we need. And you can also try a protein shake. You even get the carb free ones.
Awesome result! I'm going to do it for another month, maybe all 3, I'm worried if I stop then start it again I'll get all the side effects I had in the first two weeks and I've only just normalized on it. Also I haven't lost as much as I want haha.
Awesome result! I'm going to do it for another month, maybe all 3, I'm worried if I stop then start it again I'll get all the side effects I had in the first two weeks and I've only just normalized on it. Also I haven't lost as much as I want haha.
Visivixen88 said:
Awesome result! I'm going to do it for another month, maybe all 3, I'm worried if I stop then start it again I'll get all the side effects I had in the first two weeks and I've only just normalized on it. Also I haven't lost as much as I want haha.

I know exactly what you mean! I thought the same thing - what if i get side affects when/if I start again?! So just kept going today... :confused::p
Audrey3 said:
I believe cravings are our body's way of telling us it needs something. I have constant iron deficiencies and regularly crave coca cola - but only in a can! The doc told me it is because of the iron the can is made of:eek:
Try taking a good multi-vitamin. Very few us have a balanced enough diet to get all the nutrients we need. And you can also try a protein shake. You even get the carb free ones.

I agree with craving meaning lacking something. I felt better after the baked beans and steak, and haven't craved anything since. Thumbs up.
Been 8 days - lost 2kgs! Really happy about the start - and aware this could all be water weight. I also think that my loss was mostly due to me not being very hungry at all. This week however my appetite seems to be back. I'm on 15mg - and trying to be really intentional about the food I eat, as well as the quantity. I have an overseas trip coming up in just under 6 weeks. Hoping I can lose another 8kg (total of 10) by this date. Just so the airplane ride will be a little more comfortable. Those tiny seats are horrible for big people like me!
Adrienne said:
Been 8 days - lost 2kgs! Really happy about the start - and aware this could all be water weight. I also think that my loss was mostly due to me not being very hungry at all. This week however my appetite seems to be back. I'm on 15mg - and trying to be really intentional about the food I eat, as well as the quantity. I have an overseas trip coming up in just under 6 weeks. Hoping I can lose another 8kg (total of 10) by this date. Just so the airplane ride will be a little more comfortable. Those tiny seats are horrible for big people like me!
It's OK. The loss is great even though it's mostly water. You are doing great. As for increased appetite, eat more fruit and veggies, handful of nuts (be careful they are high in fat and protein), a yogurt maybe, when it is snacktime or when you feel hungry again. Water mixed with lemon / lime juice, teaspoon of honey and ginger will make it much easier to fight the appetite as well. Plus, it is not as boring as plain water. Good luck!
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Week 3

Week 3 weigh in and total loss of 6kg.

Turns out 1000 calories a day is just too low. I felt I could easily eat that low, but the weight wasn't shifting at all so increased to 1200 cal per day minimum and the weight loss seems to be a lot easier. Haven't been exercising much as work/life just gets too busy, but healthy eating and no sweats/alcohol makes up for it.

Still getting some undesirable side effects so I find every 2-3 days my body needs a day off.

As another Male im 39 years old and 5 Feet 11 I have been on duromine for about 6 months the first 3 months i was taking 40 mg once every 2 days and consuming between 1000-1200 calories per day i lost 14kgs in that time.But soon the cravings for food returned at night time so i went on to take it everyday and the cravings stopped again and started doing 1 hour walks every day still at the same amount of calories of lost a further 13kgs so in total ive lost 27kgs in 6 months now ive gone off the duromine and its been a week so far and there has been no signs of cravings of hunger hopefully my body has adjusted over time to the excercise and calories that my hunger pains at night dont return will update if anything changes.
Welcome you guys!;);)
Great to have you on here sharing your journey. Hopefully it will motivate other guys to do the same. This is not a Forum for ladies only!
Keep up the great work:p
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I absolutely agree with Audrey! This forum is for everybody regardless of sex.:)
Thank you Blackcoats for sharing your experience, it is motivating, especially when you say it helped you to go on without the pills. It is possible to change your eating habits and the lifestyle. So I wish you Lego and Blackcoats to achieve your next weight loss goals very soon!
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Thanks Kate and Audrey

Great result Blackcoats76! I'm same age and height as you and hopefully I'll get the same weight loss! Let us know how you go now that you are off Duromine. I expect you'd need to eat about 1500 cal to maintain your weight, or are you still looking to loose more? Any dependency/withdrawal issues when coming off it?
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Yeah m still going to stay at the 1000 to 1200 calories ive got alot more weight to lose i was morbidly obese at my heaviest was 176.6kg . My problem was i would have dinner and then 2 hours later feel hungry again and would order a takeaway and i would do this 3 to 4 times a week on top off eating to many chips and chocolate and alot of carb foods loved pasta,rice,potatoes and always made too huge a serve . I had to make a change to my lifestyle and eating habits so went to my local doctor got on the duromine cut out completely all rice pasta potatoes and junk food chips,chocolate,pies etc. Started having proper 3 meals a day starting with breakfast which i never use to have and drink min. of 2 litres of water and started walking i had no side effects on the duromine at all so i was lucky. So now 6 months with my lifestyle changes and not taking duromine anymore and so far no effects of it im motivated to keep going its no longer a chore to go for a walk at first it was like oh man gotta go outside and walk its like now in my routine and feels weird not to go for one (if that makes sense) sorry for thr long post just wanted to explain a little bit more about my situation anyway Keep Strong and Motivated People Your Goals Will Be Reach!!!!
Hey Again just a quick update its been 2 weeks since ive stopped taking duromine and ive had no effects coming off them still having 1000-1200 calories per day and doing the 1 hour walks lost another 1.9kgs in in the 2 weeks which is great my doctor is happy that ive continued to lose weight so just letting you know how its going and
Keep Strong and Motivated People Your Goals Will Be Reach!!!!
Love this thread! Had a great laugh, my day 1 yesterday was definitely the same as yours Lego lol. Today there's no sign of that feeling, I can't decide if that's a good thing or not, never was one for a hair of the dog hahaha.
Hello, gentlemen
How are you doing?
Hi Lego

Your post brought a tear to my eye. I'm so sorry that you lost your wife. I have a one year old son and I cannot tell you how much respect i have for you to be raising your sons on your own. Raising children is the hardest job I've ever done.

Anyway, I wish you all the best with your weight loss and congratulate you on the strength to continue trying to be the best you can be, rather than just giving up. I hope you find happiness again.

Kylie :)

Lego said:

I'm a Dad and sole parent of two awesome little boys (dear wife died of cancer last year and need to loose the 20+ kg added by all the stress!).

Week 1
I've been on 30mg for 1 week and lost 3.4% body weight (or 3.5kg). Not a massive loss but I'm just happy the weight is going in right direction. The game changer for me is not so much the weight loss, its the change in mind set. I feel in control of my eating again. I haven't had any bad food this week and haven't even felt like I needed a beer (trust me this is a revelation!!)

On average I consume 1000 calories each day, which I know is probably a bit low, but at the moment the body is fine with it.

No real side effects, other than on day one when I really felt like I should have been at a dance party sucking on chubba chubs and waving glow sticks, rather than being at work. Must say I had a very productive day though. Had to check the pupils in the mirror as I was getting a bit paranoid that my colleagues might be getting suspicious.

Otherwise the side effects have been surprisingly good - no sleeping issues (other than sick boys sleeping in my bed and coughing in my face all night), some dry mouth, no imminent feeling of a heart attack, pretty much all normal other than a low appetite.

The goal for week 2 is to keep loosing a little each day and start ramping up the weights and exercise.

Bring it on!

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Week 5 (and a bit)

Hello - after 37 days on Duromine I've lost 8.5 kg so far.

I've calorie counted each day keeping to a daily goal of 1200. But my exercise regime has totally gone out the window the last two weeks mainly due to lack of time (that's my excuse anyway). So I'm happy with the loss given my general lack of effort in the last week or 2.

I've noticed my body tolerating the 30mg more now, which means I do get a little hungry but also the side effects are better. I think its a good balance though and have no trouble keeping to 1200 cal.

Thank you for your comments Kylie. You hit the nail on the head. After loosing my wife I could either give up and wallow in self pity, or make the most of life and be the best I can be. I owe it to my boys now that they have lost their Mum to give them the best childhood and life they can possibly have under the circumstances. For that they need a fit, healthy and active Dad who can not just keep up with them but bring out the best in them as well!

i've done my intro, now here's the diary for real. Day 3 and my diary begins

Today was a weird day. A few things combined to make my afternoon very weird. I mentioned in my other post that i am coming off Lexipro, which I took for anxiety/panic. (One of the reasons I have gained lots of weight). I am currently weaning myself off it, on half a tab a week for this week, and half every second day next week, then finished. I'm hoping to replace the medication with exercise endorphins...hahaha. So I've been exercising lots too. And this with not much sleep for the last 3 nights (about 4 hours on average).

So today these facts collided: much less food, much less sleep, much more exercise and coming off meds. I was dizzy most of the day, really low on appetite and SO TIRED. I didn't want for 6 hours and didn't even feel hungry, which never happens. I left work a couple of hours early and was able to catch a cat nap (20 mins) before my daughter came home, and this made all the difference. After that, I was able to do 50 mins of exercise after my little one had gone to bed, and eat dinner.

What I'm hoping is that I sleep a bit better tonight. I'm over waking up at 3am.
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And now I'm at day 11 I think. I've been going ok, sticking to 1500 calories or less per day and eating small amounts regularly. I've exercised every day except one - yesterday, when I didn't get time due to working late and busy all day.

I've done a 25 minute walk at lunch every day, at least 20 mins of Ballet Beautiful streaming workouts every evening, and I have done the first of the 'couch to 5 k' runs. (I am still sore from this! Running is horrible! hahaha).

The first few days I was hyper energetic, no appetite at all and couldn't sleep much. That has calmed down. I sleep fine now (mostly due to exercise) my appetite is certainly less than before Duromine but I do feel hungry towards the end of the day. Energy has claimed down and is more normal. My mouth is often very dry though. I drink heaps of water and eat lots of carrot sticks!

So far my loss of weight stands at just over 2kg. But I am told I look thinner, and from people who don't know I'm actively trying to lose weight. I forgot to take my measurements when I started, grrr! For me that is always the indicator. So I've taken them now and i'll see how they compare next week.

I am satisfied at how motivated I am. Day 11 and I haven't cheated on my diet even once. This is a whole new world for me. I figure when i reach 3 weeks, I'll have formed a new habit.

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