Hi everyone,

Just wanted to ask for some experiences/ feedback from people.

I have a toddler and have struggled to lose pregnancy weight. Despite exercising 5 times a week (quite intense level) and eating a low calorie diet, my BMI is in the early 30s.
In the last fortnight I got a personal trainer and I have just started 30mg D this week.
The PT suggests that my diet is too low calorie and potentially not enough protein. Often I don't feel hungry so miss meals. I figure that I want to lose weight so not eating is a good idea. Apparently this is the wrong approach. So the PT and I are working on changing my diet and type of exercise.

That's the backstory. I know that this is not a quick fix but I would love to hear from some people about whether they had success on Duromine even though they didn't need appetite suppressing?
So far I'm not experiencing much indication that I'm on Duromine- some dryness in the mouth and some alertness at different parts of the day.

I guess it would be good to hear if anyone else shares this experience and had success? It's early days and I will definitely keep at it but am feeling a bit low and would love to hear some success stories!

Thanks in advance!
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"I know that this is not a quick fix but I would love to hear from some people about whether they had success on Duromine even though they didn't need appetite suppressing?"

Duromine is not a weight loss drug, it just suppresses your appetite so you don't feel hungry and over eat. How many calories are you eating? My experience is that if I eat 1200 calories a day and don't exercise, at all, I can loose about 1-2kg per week. Anything less than 1200 then the metabolism tends to shut down and weight doesn't really shift, although I am sure long term it would. Missing meals is not good - even if you're not hungry you should try and eat something. Good luck, it will happen.
It's been 3 weeks. I have lost 3kg but have lost around 3cm from all over my body (mostly my waist and hips/butt). I had hoped I'd lose more weight by now but hey, its been 3 weeks so it's healthy weight loss at least.

I have been solid with the diet too - under 1500 cals a day. Definitely less appetite, but I wouldn't say I have no appetite. More like I have 25% less appetite than I used to.. Which works just fine!

I have been very conscious of a lot of the rhetoric about "you'll gain it all back once you stop taking it!". So I have been eating much the same food I have always liked, meaning I still eat carbs. I cannot exist in a world where I can't eat bread, pasta or sweet potato! So I still eat them but I eat a lot less. I want to make lasting changes to my life by eating smaller portions overall. I treat myself every day with one square of Lindt Mint Excellence dark chocolate.

I have heard that it takes 3 weeks to build a new habit and its been 3 weeks for me. Finger's crossed.

I am also exercising a fair bit. I am still doing "couch to 5km" walk/run program, and 2 walks every day - one at lunchtime at work, and one with my toddler in the stroller in the evening (bribed with a trip to the playground after!). Each is 30 minutes. I might add another run in the morning, but the exercise is for my anxiety more than anything.

I am thinking I'd like to stop taking Duromine. I feel like I'be established a new behaviour and that's what I wanted. I'm seeing there Doc tomorrow so i'll talk to him about weaning myself off it.
I would cut down carb intake to just once a day in one meal only.
Kat1783 said:
I would cut down carb intake to just once a day in one meal only.
forgot to say you are doing a good job
Thank you for your reply I appreciate it.
I'm eating under 1000 (unintentionally, just discovered this last little while through use of a calorie counting ap).
Hopefully once I fix this things will change.

Thank you
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hi there try to aim for 1200 calories a day otherwise ur body goes to starvation mode and ur metabolism goes to shit and slows down, its important that u eat breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks in between, protein is very important you're burning calories as well as counting them, protein is essential for making sure you lose fat, not muscle. Your body uses the amino acids in protein to build lean muscle, which not only makes you stronger and more toned but also fries calories even when you're not active—unlike lazy fat. Ultimately, this keeps your metabolism humming along at high speed. Even if u boil up some eggs and leave them in the fridge and use these as a snack is a good protein source.
I find the app my fitness pal excellent, it has everything u need down to counting ur calories, recipes and logging ur exercise.
Goodluck with ur weightloss journey and i hope u see results soon
Thank you Kat1783! I'm thinking I might keep my dinners low carb, but green veggies and meat. My husband is obsessed with this prawn and tomato pasta I make, I figure I can still make that and have it without the spaghetti added.

Finally some weight loss for this week, on day 22. Only half a kg but perhaps the lower carbs will help. Down another 1cm all over too.

Talked to my doctor today, helped me put a lot of my symptoms into perspective. I have crazy anxiety, the shakes, dizziness - all this week. It's all related to this. Some days are better than others. Sometimes i wonder whether taking this medication was the worst thing I could do and I regret it. But then I see my habits just over 3 weeks ago, and then now...it's quite a difference. I needed a circuit breaker and this has certainly worked.

But I think today was an off day. I didn't exercise today, the first time in ages. Instead I spent 3 hours cleaning and reorganised my home (I'm half done!). It felt good to just be busy accomplishing something I could see.
Your bodies main fuel is carbs. Maybe try having complex carbs earlier in the day as they are slow releasing and should keep you satisfied for longer through out the day. Instead of cutting them out, which WILL make you seem run down, depressed, no energy; Have 1/2 cup of brown rice with 150 grams of lean turkey or chicken and 1 - 2 cups of vegetables for lunch. For dinner, let your self enjoy 1 potato, and some chicken with a tablespoon of low salt and low sugar pasta sauce spread on the top with a tiny handful of low fat cheese on the top and stick it in the oven or under the grill, season with some garlic powder and some dried herbs. Have a side of green vegetables or a nice fresh salad. But remember, always go for the LOW SUGAR LOW SALT sauces and dressings.

Even better just use low salt seasoning and mixed herbs.

Message me if you need any help ;)
Hi all!

So I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago today and I was 78.2kilos. I am 177cms tall. So I was about 2 kilos overweight but I put on 18 kilos since January last year and no I didn't have a baby I work in an office so my metabolism is almost non existent. Anyways I didn't weigh myself when I first started last Monday on the 30mgs so will be going from what my weight was at the doctors. I have lost so far 3.7kilos I have always ate pretty healthy and have always drank a lot of water and in the gym 5 times a week but nothing would work. So I am so stoked to see the weight coming off! I hope it doesn't slow down too much as I know the first week is always a big one!

I have had almost no side effects at all, I am still hungry, I sleep exactly the same, I don't have any more energy than normal.

The only side effects I have if that's what you want to call them is a dry mouth which I don't notice because I already drink tons of water anyway and I don't have cravings for junk food, so my experience so far has been amazing!

Stats are=
CW: 74.5
GW: 65.

Wish me luck!
that souds amazing!! i just started today on 30mg, i did feel a little agitated but then i went for a big power walk and felt like the duracell bunny then i had a hot bath and i feel great now nice and relaxed... my start weight is 72kg my goal is 60kg i am 165cm. im trying to stick to the 1000 calories or under type thing avoiding all of the simple carbs (bread rice pasta white potato..sugar). i hope i see a result like yours as im getting married in 5 weeks and all exercise and dieting in the lead up has failed! i think my hormones are out of wack... we can keep each other motivated and update each week :)
I eat bread in the morning only as you do need some carbs in your diet and it's best to have it in the morning. I have cut out all sugar which I thought would be tough as when I have tried before I would ge the headaches etc. so far so good! If you can try and do fasted cardio so as soon as you wake up before you eat go for a run or a fast paced walk or get on the treadmill or something! I tried to this morning set my alarm and everything and ignored it lol. So angry at myself I find that if I don't go to the gym at night it is a bit harder to sleep, so if you do have the insomnia side effect smash out some exercise before bed and you should be okay! Let me know how you go! The my fitnesspal app is great! I also have the Fitbit app even though I don't have one haha but it helps to tell me how many calories I am burning roughly when I have my phone on me.

The only way to lose weight is by burning more calories than you are consuming! Try and eat foods that you like that are healthy because if you eat food you don't like but know it's healthy as soon as you go off duromine you will go straight back to the food you like. So I eat a piece of meat and salad for lunch and dinner because I am not a vegetable person lol.

Any other questions you have be sure to ask!
Well done on your weightloss! I'm more a salad person too, still try to get some veggies in though. Stirfry is the easiest and pretty yum with the right flavours added.

Last year this time I lost 10kg by eating low carb, going from 80kg to 70kg. Gained back 5kg because I started eating how I used to. So my advice would be to use this time to make new healthy habits you can stick to after your finished your Duromine journey. So I don't exclude any type of food, I just eat less of it.

I didn't really have much sugar as a lot of people but I absolutely love fruit and juice and would live off fruit if I could lol! So I have stopped drinking juice for now and fruit :)

I don't really have any cravings for food at all which is really good but I know it will come back once I finish but if I change my habits then I should be much much better than I was!
Sounds so promising, I have started on 30mg today, I need to lose 8-10kg, I started on duromine last year and lost 6kg, but then went through marriage break up, moved house and left my gym and changed jobs. I stopped taking it as I had so much going on in my life. I am now ready to start again, I have joined a new gym and am keen to get started. It is great to hear others with such encouragement and positive support. Thank you
This forum is amazing and I am so glad I came across it because I have only ever really heard bad things about duromine but coming on this forum really opened my eyes!

Let me know how you go! Would love to hear your progress!
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So it's been nearly 40 days I think! Almost half way.

My loss is still pretty small overall but I've been coming off my anxiety meds and that has been ROUGH. Truly just awful. But I am going to power through and get that stuff out of my system. But going off that stuff often makes people's weight go funny so it's been a struggle not to gain. The bad days make you want to eat more chocolate!

But I'm coming out the other side if all that so I'm hoping I can get back on track with eating more low carb meals and get past my plateau.

I am running to manage the anxiety and the weight and I'm getting much better at it. On the weekends I am most active, I take my daughter to the playground, then I garden while she's sleeping, and go for a run in the afternoon. On workdays I only have time for the run.
I should post an update I suppose! I started on my 15mg tablets today, as this is my last box. I think I have embedded enough good habits by now.
I have lost 7.4kg, which is healthy weight loss, and put on muscle too. I stick to 1500 cals per day. I exercise every day, usually an internal training run/walk for 20-40 minutes. I find this works best for me. I think I might start doing some weights as well. My anxiety is getting better all the time, though it still troubles me.
I am happy to fit into all my pre-baby clothes! A lot of my current clothes are now too big (not that I've bought much for a while). I am back into pre-baby jeans and work pants which is awesome! And I have a wedding coming up and i needed a new 'formal' dress as the two I had were too big by HEAPS. That is pretty cool...so I sold them on eBay!
It's funny, I don't get many comments from people on it - not that I'm looking for them, but it seems odd. My husband comments of course, and two friends at work, but beyond that, no one has! Perhaps I was very skilled in hiding my bigger self under baggy clothes this past winter.
I feel that I've changed my life for the better. My goal is to lose 5kg before the end of this box of pills and be 80kg. It would be nice to be ahead by Xmas.
I hope everyone else is going well too.


I started duromine a week ago, 30mg, and have to say i have no side affects. Im sleeping fine and havent experianced any energy boost what so ever.
I dont really think its helping with my appitite much. I still get hungry around dinner.

I take the pill at about 8am but think maybe i should take it at lunch time to help curve my dinner hunger.

Im on lite n easy do my meals are taken care of with a daily 1.200 calories per day.. not including the fruit i eat to stay full. Also doing walking everyday and being more active (im a big girl and cant go gym crazy just yet)

Really just wondering if anyone had a similar experience and if it will kick in the longer i take it. Or maybe go up to the 40mg.

And i know you shouldnt take 2 a day.. But maybe that will do the trick.
Im totally new to this so i dont even know if im posting this in the right place.
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Hi Laura,

I am no pro here so wouldn't be able to answer the question of taking two a day...
However I must admit the first week of taking my D @ 30mg at dinner time I was still hungry.
I adjusted my meals, and now been on them since 5th Oct. No more hunger pains at night.
Starting weight was 117kg
I haven't weighed myself awhile now. But I do know that I have lost, my clothing tells me so lol.
Best of luck. And welcome to the forum...

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