Unity said:
Hi Laura,

I am no pro here so wouldn't be able to answer the question of taking two a day...
However I must admit the first week of taking my D @ 30mg at dinner time I was still hungry.
I adjusted my meals, and now been on them since 5th Oct. No more hunger pains at night.
Starting weight was 117kg
I haven't weighed myself awhile now. But I do know that I have lost, my clothing tells me so lol.
Best of luck. And welcome to the forum...
Thankyou!yeah i mean eith all the fuss everyone made about hoe strong it is and side affects i didnt expect hungrler pains. But i might move my meals around
I'm starting this post for others to follow and make me accountable.
I'm started on 30mg duromine on 9/12/14. I'm 82.5kg and 162cm.
My goal weight is 65kg, but to not lose motivation I'll set myself a few targets. My first being under 80kg...then 75kg and 69kg.
I have been going to the gym for 18months now. My weight wasn't dropping and I knew why. My food portions are terrible. I'm getting married in 3 months so I'm putting all my will into succeeding.
So here's how WEEK 1 has gone so far. I instantly found I had no appetite. I'm finding I need to be very organized and take my lunch to work to make sure I eat something. I didn't make it to my gym because of work commitments but I did play tennis on the weekend. Today I woke up feeling fine but by midday I was feeling super tired and had a sore throat. I'm either getting something or maybe it's the duromine? Fingers crossed i see some promising results on Wednesday.
Week 1: SW-82.5kg
I imagined losing more than 0.6kg this week. My meals have been very good but maybe my exercise needs to pick up too. If I'm doing both these things well I have no reason not to see results. 0.6kg is still better than nothing I guess. Bring on the 70s!
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Well done Pat!:)

0.6kg is good. Remember that is more than a block of butter:laughing:

Being organised sure helps for me as well. If I do not plan meals I end up eating things I should not.
Pat said:
Week 1: SW-82.5kg
I imagined losing more than 0.6kg this week. My meals have been very good but maybe my exercise needs to pick up too. If I'm doing both these things well I have no reason not to see results. 0.6kg is still better than nothing I guess. Bring on the 70s!
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Pat said:
Week 1: SW-82.5kg
I imagined losing more than 0.6kg this week. My meals have been very good but maybe my exercise needs to pick up too. If I'm doing both these things well I have no reason not to see results. 0.6kg is still better than nothing I guess. Bring on the 70s!
I'm on the 40mg dosage and found within the first 3 weeks I had lost 15kgs however after that the weight loss slowed down now after 5 months of being on it i went from 106kgs to 87kgs I'm still losing weight but as I have said it's very slow now. I'm hoping to get to 74kgs. 0.6kg loss is a great effort well done!
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Audrey3 said:
Well done Pat!:)

0.6kg is good. Remember that is more than a block of butter:laughing:

Being organised sure helps for me as well. If I do not plan meals I end up eating things I should not.
I like your comparison. I rather like the idea of 1 block of butter falling off me. Preferably my tummy but I shouldn't be picky.
Yes I agree organisation is my biggest downfall. I will have to work on that too.
Hey there guys,

Just thought id jump on the bandwagon and introduce myself :)

My names Tiarne and im 20 years old and mum to a healthy 7 month old baby boy :)

Pre-pregnancy i dealt with a very mild case of hashimotos (auto immune & under- active thyroid problems) when first diagnosed i gained a fair amount of weight but with exercise and healthy eating i was able to maintain a healthy weight (82-85kg) and remain unmedicated. After having my son its become quite severe and i havent been able to get it under control, so ive turned to medication. Im on a natural medication (armour) so i can take duromine in conjunction with it.

I was on my thyroid medication to see if i could lose weight without duromine but once i hit the 6 month mark and had actually managed to put weight on (ontop of the 30kg i gained during pregnancy and the 1st month post partum) my doctor prescribed me 40mg of duromine. Ive always been a fairly health conscious eater, although as far as exercising i struggle to do anything to strenuous because my thyroid problems put me on my ass and im bed ridden with fatigue for a few days even if i only push myself a little too much. So some brisk walking or bike riding is my favourite, or even some swimming at the local pool when i get the chance, but i always do something daily :) aiming to lose around 35kgs and put me back in a healthy weight range (and yes i understand that i most likely wont lose this all on duromine but if i continue the good eating habits, portion control and exercise i know i will be more than fine )

When starting duromine (13/01/2016) i was weighing in at 118.8kg with a height of 183cm, giving me a bmi of 34, unfortunately putting me in the obese weight range.

One week in (20/01/2016) and im weighing in at 113.5kg, which is a weightloss of 5.3kg (alot of which i know is water weight but im so happy!)

So far apart from suppressing my appetite (ive had to set 5 alarms throught different hours of the day to remind me to eat, otherwise ill just forget) ive only really experienced a dry mouth for the first 2 days... Make sure to eat a low carb, high protein diet. Cut out sugar and only eat small portions, stop as soon as you feel full. I fond taking my tablet at around 5-6am suits me best, so ive now got that set as my first alarm of the day to keep regularity :)

Insomnia you ask? Since you noticed that i posted this at 1am.. The answer is no i havent had any insomnia, more so the joys of having a teething baby is affecting my sleeping patterns :( in the last day or two ive noticed im sweating a bit more than usual, but we are experiencing 32-34 degree days and i really dont cope well in the heat on the best of days so im not too concerned. And as far as my mood i dont feel much different, a little more sooky and just wanting more affection from my partner (but what woman doesnt) so once again im not too worried in regards to my mood, although i did let family and a few close friends know that i was starting duromine incase they noticed any undesirable side affects that i ignored

If you have any questions or simply want to chat, you know what to do! Ill keep you all posted on my further weightloss
Hi Pat :)

We have similar stats! I started at 83.5kg (162cm) with a goal weight of 65kg!!

I'm currently on day 12 and have lost 5.3kg, bringing me to 78.2kg :cool:

How are you going now?? Hope all is well!
Hi there! :)
I started taking D on Australia Day (26th of Jan), and althoughI've been in a good mood and I think I'm losing weight (I haven't weighed myself yet, waiting till next Tuesday) my sleep is TERRIBLE. I started at 86kg, I want to get down to about 72-75kg, which isn't an ideal weight for someone my height of 162cm, but its better than nothing. I'm on 30mg. I am eating healthy and exercising 4-5 times a week at the gym, and every other night at home doing squats, lunges, planks etc. I drink only water, too, because apparently coffee and alcohol induces sleep problems.
And I have to ask, how long did it take for sleep to go back to normal?! I've had 8 hours of sleep in the last 3 days! Not ideal :(

When does sleep return to normal? And I hope everyone is doing well with their goals! :laughing:
Hey :)

My sleep went back to normal after a week! Perfect sleep now!!
Oh awesome thanks :) I slept better last night, around 6 hours (it was day 4). Getting better!
Hi .
Just started 30mg on Tuesday .
So far so good . Starting weight 100kg 174cm. To make things easier I got a Garmin wrist band to help track n also using Myfittnesspal with it to watch what I eat .
I used to eat wrong things in day n skip breaky n loads of ice coffee n little to no exercise. I have arthritis so used that as a reason to do nothing .2 yrs ago I was 85kg then came body pain n pain pills .
But new goal eat healthy foods n exercise n do more over the day ( getting a cross trainer some time this wk )

So far I'm getting up at 6am so to get most of the day :) but Saturday is sleep in day of 7-8 am wake up .
Hi, Farmone :)
Good luck and wish you to have only positive results on your weight loss journey!
Thanks :) new active life n better eating :)
Farmone said:
Hi .
Just started 30mg on Tuesday .
So far so good . Starting weight 100kg 174cm. To make things easier I got a Garmin wrist band to help track n also using Myfittnesspal with it to watch what I eat .
I used to eat wrong things in day n skip breaky n loads of ice coffee n little to no exercise. I have arthritis so used that as a reason to do nothing .2 yrs ago I was 85kg then came body pain n pain pills .
But new goal eat healthy foods n exercise n do more over the day ( getting a cross trainer some time this wk )

So far I'm getting up at 6am so to get most of the day :) but Saturday is sleep in day of 7-8 am wake up .
Hi Farmone, I've been on Duromine since April 2, so around 5 weeks, and have lost a total of 10.3 kg, I started at 130kg, 168cm so a long way to go, but so happy with the progress. Not that I want to spruke a diet, but I'm using the Duromine in conjunction with the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, so that when I eventually come off the Duromine, I've established a healthy eating style. Also using a fitbit to track steps and use and exercise bike twice a day for 1/2 hour each. Loads of water, and a good diet helps. Not sure where you are based, but I'm in Australia, being Mothers Day yesterday, lots of family time around food, but was so easy to say no to the scones jam and cream, and the apple crumble. Just didn't feel like it. So much more energy now too to keep moving. Good Luck!
Hi ,
I'm from qld :). Yes I love my Garmin vivo2 fitness band . Been I have 4 kids n full time carer to my hubby I got to look for smart healthy buys .
So far so good n if anything I'm eating more :)
Think my hardest treat to stop will be my ice coffee in which I used to have 3-5 a wk . I've been drinking extra water for a while now due to my meds I need to drink extra .
I'm hoping my first baby goal of 90kg will be easy it's to the 75-80 kg final goal that going to be hardest .
Loosing weight isn't old to me but this time it's the first time I've done it with exercise n healthier eating .
In past it was just not eating :( or doing supplement shakes .
Hi all - i'm in Qld Brisbane and struggling to find a doctor to prescribe. I've had success with Duromine in the past (years ago) but due to some personal issues i went through a period of bad diet and drinking and recently put a lot of weight back on. I've tried going to the gym and watching my diet but that alone is not getting the results. If anyone has any leads on a source or a doctor who is sympathetic please let me know.
Brisbane in need said:
Hi all - i'm in Qld Brisbane and struggling to find a doctor to prescribe. I've had success with Duromine in the past (years ago) but due to some personal issues i went through a period of bad diet and drinking and recently put a lot of weight back on. I've tried going to the gym and watching my diet but that alone is not getting the results. If anyone has any leads on a source or a doctor who is sympathetic please let me know.

Hello I'm looking for a Brisbane contact too just wondering if you had any luck finding someone?
Hi Everyone - I'm in Melbourne and I am struggling with my weight gain at the moment (Male 35y, 175cm - 97kg). I'm not morbidly obese but I'm definitely not in the healthy category either. Work has been hectic as of late and I have seriously neglected healthy eating and exercise. I have been finishing late from work at around 7pm, taking train home and basically eating dinner around 9pm which has contributed to my weight gain. I have put on close to 20kg and it has started to affect everything, I feel more depressed and tend to eat junk, but I know I have to lose the weight! I am hoping that a course of Duromine can help me lose weight and give me the energy to workout late at night. If anyone has suggestions on any doctors I can see? or any other help it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance

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