Cj87 said:
Hello I'm looking for a Brisbane contact too just wondering if you had any luck finding someone?
Hi CJ - one person has contacted me but they haven't given actual details. If i get an appointment and can verify i will let you know.
Brisbane in need said:
Hi CJ - one person has contacted me but they haven't given actual details. If i get an appointment and can verify i will let you know.
today is day four of 15mg dose. I haven't felt any bad side effects. I don't feel hungry but eating when I know I should though perhaps not enough. I think I should drink more water but scared of retention that other people have mentioned. I'm also aware Duromine can constipate so taking Metamucil Capsules when I take my Duromine. Weighed this morning and I am down 1.2kg in 3 days. Feels like a small amount compared to some but I know it's still a loss.
I'm on 15mg and have lost 2.1kg. It's not a lot in my eyes it but I'm hoping slow and steady wins the race. Side effects have really been very minor.
Good for you, Andy! A loss is a loss even if it's not "a lot in your eyes". You are moving forward and that's great! :)
hey.. So thought I might jump on the forum bandwagon.
I started duromine 30mg capsules over a week ago (22nd June - 10 days)..
I was really expected terrible side effects after reading the many forums out there. Thankfully, dry mouth was the only side affect I had. However, the moment the tablets kicked in and my motabolism started going, I have been STARVING!.. I've never been a large eater. Normally just breakfast lunch and dinner, with the occasional snack, but always just stayed around my constant weight. Even with exercise etc.. So was given the tablets to try and kick start the metabolism... That's definitely happened! But although I'm constantly starving, the moment I eat, I have two mouthfuls and that's sufficient to satisfy me.. (AtLeast for the next hour before I'm starving again). Because of the hunger I've changed how I eat. I'll have 4-6 smaller portions throughout the day. Always try and have a decent dinner. But foods throughout the day can be a small soup, half an apple, etc..

Starting weight - 91.3
Current weight - 85.85
5.45kg loss!

See the doctor next Tuesday for a 'check up', to make sure all is ok.. Blood pressure etc... But hoping all is so my 3 month journey can continue.. Am thinking about asking to go up to the 40mg dose hoping that would get rid of my hunger... Has anyone experienced the hunger sensation?

I know 5.5kgs in a week and a half is a large number, and assuming I'll plateau out shortly. But would like to try and be hitting the 1 kg a week mark, but any loss is a loss!

Goal weight - 68kgs.
Weight to lose - 17.85kg
Hi, @Usedtobe_sportychick

I think you are doing fine and you don't need to jump to 40mg, since this dosage may cause side effects really quickly. To be honest, the highest dose is not a good starter. Your diet is good, your physical activity too, so just use some calorie counter and see maybe you have not enough calories per day and that's why you are hungry most of the time.

Good luck! :)
Today is day 24. I have lost 4kgs which seems slow going but still feeling very motivated. Seeing my GP tomorrow and hoping I might be able to increase to the 30mg dose.
Thank you Kate. Day 24 today and have lost 4kg. I'm coping well with the medication and still feeling very motivated. I am seeing GO tomorrow and would like to increase to the 30mg prescription.
Andy80 said:
Today is day 24. I have lost 4kgs which seems slow going but still feeling very motivated. Seeing my GP tomorrow and hoping I might be able to increase to the 30mg dose.
Your motivation is inspiring :) Keep up the great work and all the best at the GP tomorrow!
GP was very happy to increase me to 30mg and was pleased with the 4kg so far. I am lucky by all accounts to have such a supportive GP...it's been interesting as she herself is about a size 4-6 ☺️
Andy80 said:
GP was very happy to increase me to 30mg and was pleased with the 4kg so far. I am lucky by all accounts to have such a supportive GP...it's been interesting as she herself is about a size 4-6 ☺️
That's awesome, Andy! Good luck with the higher dose!
You are doing great so far! I started today and unfortunately had a headache. But going to keep at it.
HorrorGirl666 said:
You are doing great so far! I started today and unfortunately had a headache. But going to keep at it.
Keep at it! I have been lucky that I have noticed many dude effects at all. Skeeping well apart from the first to nights. Some mouth dryness but that reminds me t drink more water. Some constipation but I have started taking Metamucil capsules a few hours after I take the Duromine..I hope that isn't too much information.
I'm on day four of the 15mg since you used that amount for a while any tips to get the full effect ?
Nat17 said:
I'm on day four of the 15mg since you used that amount for a while any tips to get the full effect ?
Hi Nat,
I haven't had huge weight loss but averaging about a kilo a week which is just fine by me. I think drinking plenty of water is important. I am eating but basically halving my portions and only the occasional treat. I did feel I was much more successful if I took the Metamucil as I was feeling bloated and with the smaller food intake my bowels were a bit sluggish. Stick with it. I felt it took my ages to get to my 96kg so I have to be patient. It's coming off slowly which I think is much healthier. It's the most motivated I ever been.
Im so glad you posted! I have been starving too!!!!
So its been 7 days on Duromine - I've been busting my gut at the gym and my diet is COMPLETELY different from this time last week. No Sugar, no fatty foods, fruit and veg most of the time.....

It's been hard, like really hard.

It's strange, but I'm really nervous.
I tell myself that i'd be happy with even a 1kg loss, but i'm totally kidding myself.
I reckon i'd need at least 2.5kgs to know its ACTUALLY lost weight and not fluctuations.

Im not sure why I'm posting this. I just figured you'd all get it.
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