Lisa Cotter said:
Little side history

Been big since I was the age of 3 , send to a clinic at the hospital since the age of 5 for obesity in children but still the weight went on , in 1998 I suffered a near fatal asthma attack ended up in critical care unit for 3 months and was weighed and I was 169kgs , the doctors were concerned so sent me to have lapbanding. In 2000 I underwent lapbanding I was 138kgs , in the first year I lost 15kgs the doctor was not to impressed I also found it hard to eat so had no fill in my band. In 2004 I worked hard to get down to 125kgs to fit in my wedding dress though I was still big I felt beautiful for that day, within a couple months I found out I was pregnant but at 16 weeks I suffered a miscarriage, in 2005 I suffered another miscarriage , my weight now was down to 130kgs.

Met a doctor who looked into my weight history , he did blood tests and noticed on my pregnancy scans that I had allot of cysts on my ovaries , was diagnosed with PCOS and given 2x metaformin per day and a Low Gi diet.

I did the low gi diet and walked 45 mins a day and got down to 115kgs and pregnant again ! had another asthma attack while pregnant another 2 months in critical care unit and gave birth to a little boy at 36 weeks 2 days before Christmas.My weight was now 97kgs and i had kept to a low gi diet and then found my self pregnant again 8 weeks after my son was born woops ! had a little boy again at 34 weeks he spent allot of time in neonates and eating went out the window..... once I really got my head set to lose the weight I went from 115kgs to 84kgs took me 8 months , I underwent a tummy tuck as the skin was to my knee's . I had another son a year later and then couple years after that a miscarriage then a daughter finally in 2013 again she was born at 35 weeks and in neonates and then this year I gave birth to my last child Jack who was born at 33 weeks on Australia day.

After having Jack this year my weight crept up to 123.680 kgs I will admit I was rather depressed having him so early and stressed and between traveling 4 hours to the hospital and back per day as well as pumping and getting enough sleep took its toll on my weight. Since August I have lost 7.58kgs by giving up wheat and sugar and eating a low carb ketogenic diet.

I still find eating solids not so easy with the lapband I now have 3 mil in and can eat certain foods so dont mind my food diary I eat smaller than the normal person.

So yes Mother of 6 working my way to being healthy!

My doctor was concerned as my blood results were not to good , he wants to up my metaformin to 3- 4 per day and try duromine 30mg for 2 months , as well as looking at the Blood sugar diet plan ( need to buy the book).

Starting weight - 116.1kgs 24/09/2016
height - 173cm

Will update every 3 days or so :) weigh in Day is Saturdays :)

Tip : Take Magnesium x2 at night to help with sleep / migraines and toilet issue's ( learnt that with low carb diet)

Day 1. Took my tablet at 5.30 am as I read about not being able to sleep , went back to sleep until approx 8.30am , did not feel any different, could not stop yawning and I was craving all day , did have a dry mouth but drank allot of water it helped , fell asleep as normal , felt really calm ect.

Food - Breakfast shake used high protein milk to make it and ice cubes( Trying out Fatblaster Mocha ) strawberries / Lunch - Shake + almonds snack / peaches with no added sugar / Dinner was a pork with salad / no dessert.

Day 2. Took my tablet again at 5.30am , did not go back to sleep , felt rather cold today , had a small breakfast but had to force my self I just was not hungry , I then started cleaning and did not stop until 2.30 in the afternoon woops ! had a late lunch as I forgot to eat , mild headache in the arvo but had my parents coming for dinner , had to force my self to eat dinner again , now feeling rather tired been a long day ! I will admit I have felt cold all day maybe its all the water Im drinking !

Food - Breakfast - Shake / snack - strawberries / Lunch shake / dinner Pasta bake and half slice of garlic bread / half a orange cupcake. * not hungry today had to force my self to eat*

Day 3. Had a great sleep even after getting up 3 times to my son, took my tablet at 5.30am ( my body clock works wonders) I then went for a walk for 30 mins , had my breakfast shake . Slight dry mouth but nothing terrible drinking allot of water helps. feeling still rather cold , no other side effects.Going to take my 2 year old and bubba for a walk later and plan to do some washing general house work.

Food - Breakfast shake / Lunch Shake - banana added / dinner - chicken and corn soup homemade / snacks - water / almonds / strawberries maybe some peaches if still hungry. drinking water with lemon inbetween.

Welcome Lisa!! I have been obese since I hit puberty (13ish) and have battled with my weight since then. I also have PCOS and I'm on the public waiting list for lap band however after watching my Mum get banded and now weigh more than she started I don't think its for me.... I might consider gastric bypass middle of next year (waiting for my private health to kick in LOL) but at the moment I'm finding that Duromine is really working for me..... although the initial month I had great results and now they seem to have slowed.

I post weekly on here but I'm on 3 weeks holidays at the moment so you may see more of me :laughing:

Looking forward to sharing the highs and lows of this journey with you!

Lisa Cotter said:
You will notice allot of people who are bigger lose the weight faster so remember this is your own journey and every ones body can be different so I would try not stress over how much others have lost.

Best advice I can give is do not over worry , start a food diary at My fitness pal , cut out any Added sugars , up your protein , cut out the junk and work out how many calories you are meant to have at your current weight/height to lose 500g per week you need to drop 500 calories per day or burn 500 calories aka 3500 calories per week.

You could also be gaining muscle so rather than using a scale use a measuring tape, its a better way to find out if your losing the weight than the scale , and how are your clothing fitting.

best of luck remember the duromine is just a pill its not magical the hard work comes from you !
Great advise Lisa.. going to download My Fitness Pal now
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JulesIsOnAjourney said:
Welcome Lisa!! I have been obese since I hit puberty (13ish) and have battled with my weight since then. I also have PCOS and I'm on the public waiting list for lap band however after watching my Mum get banded and now weigh more than she started I don't think its for me.... I might consider gastric bypass middle of next year (waiting for my private health to kick in LOL) but at the moment I'm finding that Duromine is really working for me..... although the initial month I had great results and now they seem to have slowed.

I post weekly on here but I'm on 3 weeks holidays at the moment so you may see more of me :laughing:

Looking forward to sharing the highs and lows of this journey with you!


I would say dont do the lap band , I now wish I had never had it done seriously has given me a bad relationship with food :( If your still finding the weight slowed try looking at a ketogenic diet or the blood sugar diet. Both are low carb / no sugar / no grains or starchy veg , higher fat , medium in protein.

I am starting the Blood sugar diet tomorrow I have been reading his book and it really sounds good - 800 cal in the form of lower carb foods / cutting out sugar and grains though he does suggest having lentils and beans .

I am 28 years old from Melbourne, Australia. Serial yo-yo dieter. At my heaviest I was 102kg and have tried everything from weight watchers, light n easy and personal training. All of those things worked to drop nearly 22kgs but then for a year I have stayed the same weight and been unable to shift anymore weight. The doc suggested Duromine and so here I am!

1st week done! The first two days I had a migraine after taking the tablets and have struggled to get to sleep each night. I am also experiencing this weird feeling at around 1pm each day where I feel completely spaced out, low energy and extremely lethargic.
I'm sticking to a 1300 calorie diet and found that on work days I feel like I need to eat more than on the weekend.
Woke up this morning and I've got a cold now :(

SW: 80.3kg
Height: 161cm
CW: 78.0 kg
GW: 65kg

Lost: 2.3kg

Not looking forward to week 2 weigh in next Saturday, I always drop low numbers on week 2 of any diet and can become very disheartened. Fingers crossed it's not too bad!
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Hi everyone,

I started duromine 30mg on 30th September. I'm 29, 165cm and started duromine at 99.4kg (my heaviest weight). I have always had issues with my weight. I managed to lose 17kg a few years ago but felt like I was starving the entire time I was dieting. Unfortunately I gained all the weight back and more.
Duromine has been excellent for me so far as I'm able to eat far less without feeling like I'm starving. I'm extremely pleased with my results so far. I realise my weight loss will be much less each week from here on in but if I'm able to lose any weight each week without feeling like I'm dieting, I will be very happy.
Good luck to everyone else. It has been very encouraging reading your posts. It was through reading them that I decided to ask my doctor about duromine.

SW: 99.4kg (30/09/16)
CW: 95.4kg (11/10/16)
GW: 67kg

Week 1: 96.0kg (-3.4kg)
How is your progress going?
Going well thanks Sarah. I'm down another 0.6kg so far this week but my week 2 weigh in isn't until Friday. 4kgs down so far .
How are you going on day 1? Hopefully no side effects so far. The only thing I had was a bad headache on day 2 and 3. Haven't had it since. I also had a bad neck at the time so I'm unsure if the headaches were from duromine or actually just referred neck pain.

Hope it works well for you
4 Kg is awesome!
I really hope for similar results.
I previously used Duromine and in the first week lost 6kg and most weeks after lost 2 kg. I am really hoping for the same results so I can get there faster and be happy again.
Wow Sarah, 6kg in a week followed by 2kg is amazing! Fingers crossed you have just as much success this time. Hope it's going well for you so far.

I've just finished week 2 and here are my results so far:

SW: 99.4kg
W1: 96.0kg (-3.4kg)
W2: 94.2kg (-1.8kg)

Total loss: 5.2kg in 2 weeks.

I'm so over the moon with my weight loss.
Hope everyone is having a great week.

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That's awesome Claire!
5.2kg is amazing in 2 weeks!
Are you feeling like your clothes are fitting better yet?

I am on day 4 currently and 90.6kg according to my scales. My starting weight on Monday was 93.4 at my dr. So 2.8kg in 4 days, I am happy with.
My PT did my weight and measurements today and since she weighed and measured me 2 weeks ago, according to her scales, I've lost 1.7kg and 10cm.
I am looking forward to the next fortnight weigh in, on Duromine for the whole 2 weeks to see what the scales and measurements are.
Hi Guys, I am on my 3rd day of 30mg Duromine. My Weight was 84kgs on day 1. This morning, I am on 82.5Kgs. I would like to know if this is normal that in less than 3 days, I have lost about 1.5kgs. am happy that its happening fast, but also worried of a quick drop in weight. Hearing that you lost 6kgs in the 1st week, did you have any side effects?
wow fantastic results so far. Congratulations! I really should have measured myself but I forgot.
Yes some of my clothes are fitting a little better but not so much that it's noticeable yet. I can't see it in myself yet and I didn't expect to but I feel like my waist is smaller when I place my hands there.
I've found through many weight loss attempts that generally each kilo I lose is roughly 1cm lost from my waist. I might measure myself now and assume that I may have lost 5cm from my waist lol.

I lost 0.9kg after my 1st day on duromine and 0.6kg on the 2nd. I then had a couple of days where the scale didn't move and then I had a big drop each day again. So I think it's normal to lose a lot some days and nothing (or even gain some) on other days. Even this week I had 4 days in a row where the scale didn't move and then all of a sudden I had a big loss the next day. I am just weighing myself each day out of interest but I only take the end of the week weigh in seriously as I know it's normal to fluctuate during the week.
Keep in mind like any weight loss efforts, your first week will usually be your biggest loss.
Congrats for your weight loss so far. It's amazing and so motivating seeing results so quickly isn't it?
Hi Claire, Thank you for your reply. Yes, it feels amazing and extremely motivating to see quick results. even my tummy seems to remain flatter than usual and my gastric issues have subsided or disappeared. I am really hoping to loose 14 kgs in the next 3 months. fingers crossed. Am sorry to ask you another question, are you experiencing any headaches. I am feeling constant headaches but its bearable but annoying, feels like a hangover effect .

Day 3 . - 30 mg. height 176cm.
Start Weight : 84kgs
Current Weight : 82.5kgs
Target Weight : 70 kgs.
Yes I had a pounding headache during days 2 and 3. I haven't had it since though luckily. Hopefully yours disappears soon too. From what I've read if you have any side effects, they usually disappear after week 1.
Hope you continue having great success with it :)
Hey Gals,
I'm on my first day 30mg Duromine.

Day 1.
Starting Weight #78kg
Goal Weight #60Kg

If I can do this it will make such a massive difference in my life.

So far today no side effects definitely appetite is reduced and a tad more energy than usual.
Week 2 done!
Not struggling to sleep anymore, a couple of headaches through the week (possibly from the cold I had). I felt more hungry this week than last.
Weighed in this morning and lost 600g which I'm not that thrilled with but a loss is a loss I guess.

SW: 80.3kg
Height: 161cm
CW: 77.4 kg
GW: 65kg

Total Lost: 2.9kg
Hi Claire , just an update, you were right. the Headaches totally disappeared. Today being day # 6, the headache has disappeared. I feel more control when it comes to food, the hunger feeling has disappeared. Food doesn't seem important anymore, its only weight loss thats priority. An update on my stats :
Day # 6
Start Weight 84kgs
Current Weight 82 kgs
Goal weight 70 kgs
Total loss / Target : 2 kgs / 14kgs.

I know the loss has been insignificant in the past 2 days, but that also has to do with food and drinks over the weekend.
SW: 99.4kg
W1: 96.0kg (-3.4kg)
W2: 94.2kg (-1.8kg)
W3: 93.2kg (-1.0kg) (-6.2kg total)
Hi everyone,

Before I started Duromine , I did a lot of reading up on it and research, I found This online Forum, which really was motivational. I have Decided to post about my own experience hopefully to help others feel motivated.

Weight stats:
Starting weight 88kgs
Current weight 85kgs
Goal weight 55kgs
Height 158cm

So according to my BMI I am apparently Obese, I don't find myself obese, I am currently wearing a size 12 in most clothing, Yes over weight for my Height
And a bit upsetting as I don't fit into all of my clothes at the moment.

I started Duromine 30mg 7 days ago.
I have lost 3kgs in my First week ! Yay.
I do attend Gym but not as often as I want to due to heavy work load etcra. (3 times a week currently)

I signed up with the Gym on the 3rd of October and started Eating properly around the same period. I was doing a few days at the gym and dieting 2 weeks prior to Duromine. But Damn I was always Hungry. ( I am on the Depro Provera, which makes you eat like a crazy person because of the hormones in the medication. I started the Depro two years ago and gained about 18kgs on it in two years :( I am currently discontinuing it.)

My side affects from Duromine are quite mild:
The biggest one is my water intake , I am drinking roughly 3 liters of water a day, because my mouth is very dry all the time.

My portion sizes of food is basically halved, the saying "your eyes are bigger than your stomach." currently discribes my situation at the moment. Although my appite is completely suppressed I still try and eat a balanced, calorie controlled diet of at least 1000- 1200 calories per day.
With my appite being so small, it shows you how much extra unnecessary food I was eating. I am currently using an app on my phone called - My Fitness Pal to log calories.- I will add more about this at the end of my post for those interested but I totally recommend it.

Yes my energy levels have increased as well, which is great for achieving many things in one day. I have woken up maybe an hour early a few mornings a week which is great because that was another goal of mine Since I work mainly night shifts.

I have noticed that maybe 2 out 7 days I was a bit emotional, yes I did cry, but for stupid reasons.

Very Happy with my results this far and looking forward to seeing more.
I will post a weekly update to track results.

The My Fitness Pal app is fantastic.
Basically you log in every single thing you have eaten for the day and it counts your calories. When you first download the app, you can load and save your goals. Your current weight and your goal weight and when you want to achieve it by. It then formulates a daily calorie intake for you based on how much you want to lose and when you want to lose it by. You log in your water intake and also your excersie, it's really cool and your calorie intake ajusts according to how many calories you have burned at the gym/excersing.
(Download it, super awesome)

Also when it comes dieting, to keep your body and metabolism functioning properly and highly you need to consume a minimum of 1200 calories a day. I'm not saying that those crazy diets you see around all the time don't work, I am saying for long term results that last, you need to treat your body right and maintain it. Do it the healthy way it will be much more rewarding in the long run.

Another thing I am also doing to help my weight loss along: I have never been a big breakfast person at all, so I am currently using a meal replacement shake called Ultima 1 in the mornings ( I add about 50mls water / 50mls milk / 100mls yoghurt and one banana I then blend it into a shake. I do this 5 days a week (Monday - Friday) it's actually very yummy.

1 scoop Ultima 1 = 110 calories
1 Banana = 60 calories
100mls yoghurt = 63 calories
50mls milk = 22 calories
50mls water = 0 calories

Breakfast total calories = 255 calories
This shake is yummy (chocolate flavor) and really filling it makes approximately 1 and a half glasses which is more than enough.

I have a very big sweet tooth, so for snacks I got myself dried fruit and sunflower seeds. I also went and purchased 5 mini snack lunch boxes so once a week I will fill them up and store in my Cubard for Monday- Friday. I find a lot of the time I was hungry and ate anything because of convience, if you take a little extra time to pack and organize you meals/ snacks it makes sticking to a healthy diet 100 times easier.

50gms Dried fruit = 150 calories
1 tblspn sunflower seeds= 55 calories
Snack for the day = 205 calories

Alternatively Biltong is also a good snack as it's very high in protein.

Lunch: 2 slices of Low GI Brown Bread (no mayo/ butter) plain -178 calories
100g sliced Cucumber - 16 calories
100g cherry tomatoes - 18 calories
3 slices of cheese - 110 calories
1 Boiled egg - 70 Calories
1 Apple - 80 calories

Lunch total calories = 472 calories
(I have a large lunch and a smaller dinner, as this gives me time throughout the day to burn some of those calories)

1.5 cups of fresh boiled veggies = 135 cals
100gs of protein ( chicken/ sausage/ beef)
Dinner total calories approx 250-290 calories

Total daily calories =1182 calories
This is approx 800 calories short per day excluding any excersie done

1 kg = 7700 calories
To lose 1 kg you need to burn/eat 7700 calories less.

If you starve yourself your body will store everything you eat as fat and not break down any nutrients. I cannot stress enough how important a good diet is with weight loss. Weight loss is 70% what you put in your mouth and only 30% excersise.

Also to help keep yourself on track research things, knowledge is power, the more you know, the better of a job you can do.

I hope I have helped to motivate you if you read my blog. I decided to contribute because, this forum helped me to get started I hope I can return the favor. This is an exiting process and I'm glad that I can share the journey.
SW: 99.4kg
W1: 96.0kg (-3.4kg)
W2: 94.2kg (-1.8kg)
W3: 93.2kg (-1.0kg)
W4: unable to weigh in re: away. However I weighed myself during the week and I was 94.8kg (+1.6kg). I also ate badly for 2 days this week.
W5: 92.0kg (-1.2kg since week 3) (-7.4kg total)

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