Hey there! Bravo! This is just the beginning. The very first victory over the extra kilos that are suffocating your beautiful nature.

I am glad you realize you could have lost more if you exercised, so the following 7 days I hope you will try working more over your muscles development. To all people who are super busy and say they don’t have time to workout enough, I always advice two things: plank and Tabata. The first lasts about three minutes (that is if you make several plank exercises.). Tabata can last half an hour, yet there are even 8-minute versions that make your body work like crazy AND make your muscles burn calories long hours after you have finished the workout. So… it’s 10 minutes a day. There are some great versions of this workout on youtube. Besides, what I like about these videos is the fact that one of people exercising shows a lighter version for the beginners. So you shouldn’t be afraid of falling from exhaust. It is intense and cool!

What do you say? Do the plank in the morning. Do the plank + Tabata in the evening. Take a good shower and use alternating shower to boost blood circulation. Drink a cup of herbal tea, eat half of boiled egg white, close your eyes and go to sleep.

I hope you are convinced and ready to go! Have a great day, and again congrats with your weight loss! =)
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Yep thank you for all your help!
Tomorrow is the start of my second week so I will do what you have suggested and see what else can be achieved over the next week Thanks for all your support
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Dee2017 said:
Oh that is wonderful!!!!


Thanks!! I actually ripped myself off due to poor math lol I've lost 2.2kg but I'm really motivated now and once I can get to sleep tomorrow I'll be back at it it's really good to talk to people that are going through the same thing so thank you !!
Day 8

I have had almost no side affects today and I am sleeping pretty well.

I have absolutely no appetite at the moment- that didn't happen to me at the start.

Breakfast - yogurt and duromine at 800
Lunch - tuna and rice
Dinner - stir fry
45 min walk

I actually cheated and had like 3 biscuits at a meeting I was at, oh well tho at least it wasn't maccas!!

I'm still drinking massive amount of water and my lips are really dry still from the really dehydrated day I had a couple of days ago. Anyway after eating I'm feeling really sick and getting cramps in my stomach so I'm wondering maybe instead of forcing myself to eat I should replace breakfast and lunch with a meal replacement shake and just have dinner. Any thoughts on this?
Ahahaha!! SO the weight loss is even greater than we all thought! Fantastic news! Keep it up! :cool:

I like the menu, and I am sorry to hear your stomach gives you troubles… I am not an adept of meal replacement shakes. These tricky bastards (pardon my French) can really do more harm than good. If you have such a possibility, it would be fantastic to switch to smoothies, especially that you feel so hot. The good thing about smoothies is that you can include various fruits and vegetables in them and get a real vitamin and microelement bomb in a single glass. You can find plenty of recipes over the Internet, smoothies for weight loss, detox smoothies and so on, so forth. Besides the fruit and vegetables, they also can contain cereals, dairy products, nuts, different kinds of milk (like almond, coconut). You can choose the ones you like by their look or by the set of the ingredients. Some imply using fresh ingredients, other can be prepared with frozen berries and fruits. The main thing is to always carefully read the labels of products you choose to make your smoothies. Make sure they don’t full you with bright labels on the package, and don’t contain any harmful things to make it up for the 0 fat, sugar-free content. While it sounds difficult, it is actually quite a convenient thing. You make a shopping list, buy all you need, throw all you need in your blender and blend. Enjoy! =) Ok, my secret discovered, I love smoothies. =)) Hope, you will follow this advice, since natural stuff is always better than powdery something in a can. ;)

3 biscuits… hmmm… do 10 squats. With your each leg. Forward squats and reverse squats. That’s a total of 20 squats for each foot. =)) If you allow yourself to eat more than you should, then you should also exercise more than you planned. =)) It’s not a punishment, it’s just an idea. However, it doesn’t mean that you should use this as a norm. On the other hand, if you can keep doing squats without eating the biscuits, it would be a really beneficial thing for you. =)

Don’t know why, I feel really excited about your progress. Hope, you feel the same and will continue to improve your weight loss program for further success. Have a great day, you biscuit-eater. :)
April said:
Ahahaha!! SO the weight loss is even greater than we all thought! Fantastic news! Keep it up! :cool:

I like the menu, and I am sorry to hear your stomach gives you troubles… I am not an adept of meal replacement shakes. These tricky bastards (pardon my French) can really do more harm than good. If you have such a possibility, it would be fantastic to switch to smoothies, especially that you feel so hot. The good thing about smoothies is that you can include various fruits and vegetables in them and get a real vitamin and microelement bomb in a single glass. You can find plenty of recipes over the Internet, smoothies for weight loss, detox smoothies and so on, so forth. Besides the fruit and vegetables, they also can contain cereals, dairy products, nuts, different kinds of milk (like almond, coconut). You can choose the ones you like by their look or by the set of the ingredients. Some imply using fresh ingredients, other can be prepared with frozen berries and fruits. The main thing is to always carefully read the labels of products you choose to make your smoothies. Make sure they don’t full you with bright labels on the package, and don’t contain any harmful things to make it up for the 0 fat, sugar-free content. While it sounds difficult, it is actually quite a convenient thing. You make a shopping list, buy all you need, throw all you need in your blender and blend. Enjoy! =) Ok, my secret discovered, I love smoothies. =)) Hope, you will follow this advice, since natural stuff is always better than powdery something in a can. ;)

3 biscuits… hmmm… do 10 squats. With your each leg. Forward squats and reverse squats. That’s a total of 20 squats for each foot. =)) If you allow yourself to eat more than you should, then you should also exercise more than you planned. =)) It’s not a punishment, it’s just an idea. However, it doesn’t mean that you should use this as a norm. On the other hand, if you can keep doing squats without eating the biscuits, it would be a really beneficial thing for you. =)

Don’t know why, I feel really excited about your progress. Hope, you feel the same and will continue to improve your weight loss program for further success. Have a great day, you biscuit-eater. :)

Haha! I did the squats, it's actually not a bad idea...given they are my most hated exercise. I'm going to try and eat normal meals tomorrow and hopefully it doesn't make me feel unwell. If it does I'll try the smoothies the next day

I really like getting your messages so thank you! I am excited. I have tried other things in the past but always given up before I lost any weight so now that I have actually seen the weight come off (only on the scales I think I still look the same) I'm really motivated. It also feels a lot better now that the side effects have died down because day 6 was brutal for me. Anyway it's 1207 so offiicially day 9!! I'm going to try hard not to cheat today lol strange thing is I didn't eat the biscuits because I was hungry I just did it because they were sitting in front of me, silly girl!

Thanks again for all your support. I love this forum it makes me a bit accountable and it's great to have the ability to share things that I wouldn't ever share with anyone close to me.

Tryingtolosethechub said:
Haha! I did the squats, it's actually not a bad idea...given they are my most hated exercise. I'm going to try and eat normal meals tomorrow and hopefully it doesn't make me feel unwell. If it does I'll try the smoothies the next day

I really like getting your messages so thank you! I am excited. I have tried other things in the past but always given up before I lost any weight so now that I have actually seen the weight come off (only on the scales I think I still look the same) I'm really motivated. It also feels a lot better now that the side effects have died down because day 6 was brutal for me. Anyway it's 1207 so offiicially day 9!! I'm going to try hard not to cheat today lol strange thing is I didn't eat the biscuits because I was hungry I just did it because they were sitting in front of me, silly girl!

Thanks again for all your support. I love this forum it makes me a bit accountable and it's great to have the ability to share things that I wouldn't ever share with anyone close to me.


Hello, hello! Thank you for the nice words! It makes me feel useful and I will be very glad to go with you all the way through till the end, to not let you get off the road and leave it all half way. You deserve to get at the weight you want!

Fingers crossed for your stomach to start loving the good food. I bet it didn’t give you cramps from those biscuits. =))) Btw, I really love the fact that you realized you didn’t eat them because of hunger. This is one major step in weight loss – to start actually understanding whether you are hungry or not, whether you eat because your body needs this energy, or because you are just bored or sad/angry/don’t want to throw away the piece of *something fattening* that was left after a holiday or a picnic. If you have the understanding of yourself, you always can control your actions with food. Besides eating for the abovementioned reasons, we also eat often when we are thirsty in fact. So it is good if you have a glass of water at times, when you feel hungry and wait about 10-15 minutes. In most cases, hunger just goes away.

You did a huge step in this regard, so keep it up like that!

Applauding you for the squats! Very well done! Continue working on your physical strength and the results are very soon to come!

Have a fantastic day!
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Day 9

I'm finally sleeping really well again - actually better then I ever had I think!! Today was easy I made a plan of exactly what I wanted to achieve the night before and I stuck to it

I did tabata for 15 mins in the morning - April, seriously? that's really hard !!!! But despite the disgusting sticky sweaty feeling it felt really good after.

I didn't even cheat today, no biscuits for me!!! I went to the gym with one of my clients in the afternoon and did 5 minutes on the cross trainer, I would have done more but she wanted to leave. I work in mental health and made a deal with my client that I would work with her twice a week and go to the gym with her. It's mutually beneficial- I get paid to go to the gym and she gets to spend more time with mental health support lol

Anyway I'm blabbing but when I was at the gym the owner chased me down (I've been avoiding him for 2 weeks) he wanted to do my damn health check...scales + personal trainer + old chubby bubby (me) WORST NIGHTMARE. Annnyway we did BP etc and then I got on the scales and to my surprise my weight was 112.7kg so I have lost another 1.5kg since my weigh in 2 days ago. That weight was only slightly less humiliating lol expecially when my dumb ass goes OH I've lost another KG haha

Anyways sorry for raving on!! I better get to sleep. Goodnight
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Hey there! Man, I love your attitude and energy! No doubt, you will get to your goal! I truly believe in you! And yes, you did like Tabata, admit it. =))))) It lets you sweat and you can feel your muscles start working like crazy within such a short period of time. Best thing about this workout is that they keep on burning those calories long long after you finished exercising. I would also suggest you start making plank. It takes very little time, yet in a week you can clearly see and feel how much more toned your muscles become.

Ahahah, what a perfect client you have! If only she would exercise more than 5 minutes… I guess it’s time for you to work on that, as well. We both are aware of how beneficial physical activity is for your mental health, as well.

Health check is great! Now you have something to compare your stats with. I am even curious if you will notice any changes as your weight keeps reducing. You are going in a great pace! Keep it up! Making plan and sticking to it is a fantastic idea. Bravo and applause to you!

Have another fantastic day!
I cannot physically plank for 3 minutes lol I tried. I lasted one minute and my whole body was shaking!!
Hi Tryinggtoloosethechub,

I loved reading your posts... congrats on the further weight loss and sleeping better... woo hoo...your doing really well... go you!!! your trying and you know whats great about that.... when we keep trying we will eventually succeed :laughing:

I hope your having a great Saturday

Day 11

I did well today I think, I didn't cheat and eat anything I wasn't meant too! I did have two coffees tho.

I did a 25 min tabata video on YouTube this morning this was was for toning and building muscle strength. I did a plank too but only last a minute haha

In the evening I did a 10 minute tabata- cardio, this one kills me but it's quick and you can feel how effective it is.

Still struggling along, 3 more days until my weigh in. No side effects but I am still drinking heaps and heaps of water.

Have a great weekend
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Happy Sunday to you

You are doing so well.....:laughing:
Tryingtolosethechub said:
Day 11

I did well today I think, I didn't cheat and eat anything I wasn't meant too! I did have two coffees tho.

I did a 25 min tabata video on YouTube this morning this was was for toning and building muscle strength. I did a plank too but only last a minute haha

In the evening I did a 10 minute tabata- cardio, this one kills me but it's quick and you can feel how effective it is.

Still struggling along, 3 more days until my weigh in. No side effects but I am still drinking heaps and heaps of water.

Have a great weekend

Hello! Finally, I got someone addicted to Tabata! Wooohooooo!!! I am a tabata-addict too! Love the good results within the short time. As for the plank… You don’t have to aim for more than a minute now. The usual time for beginners is 30 seconds and you should be slowly increasing the time each day. In small steps. However, there are various plank exercises. So not just the classic one. They are hard, and you can start with little time, and develop strength with time. It’s ok. I found a video on youtube,
, plus size plank. They give some good explanation, and I think it might help you understand that you shouldn’t be pushing too hard. Do it regularly and correctly. And it’ll do miracles. =))
3 days… I think I am waiting for this day more than you are. =)) You do a fantastic job! Have a great day!
Today was my weigh day but I didn't do it!
I got really sick over the weekend and spent the last few days in bed basically with minimal movement.

I'm going to leave it and weigh myself next Tuesday. I'm also feeling a lot better now then I was so tomorrow I'll start exercising again.

Ah I'll watch that video, I did last about 50seconds pretty easily but the last 10secs were hell lol I'll see how I go again!

Being sick through me out of wack! And I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping but I don't know if that was just a fever. Anyways I'll be back at it tomorrow now I have some life in me!
Hello everybody and possibly no one.

I've always had a battle with fluctuating weight and at my heaviest was 74kg at 166cm. (Might not sound much to some but it was very unhealthy and I was miserable). I dropped down to 65kg in the last year with (mostly) healthy eating and exercise but it's come to a stand still and I cant seem to lose anymore - only gain.
It's sounds like an okay weight to some but I am still not happy with that as I can't fit my clothes.
I had spent a few weeks reading these forums and decided I'd give Duromine a go. I got 30 days worth of 30mg and will access my progress and whether or not an additional amount is needed.

Day 1. Took at 10.30am due to getting it in the morning
Started 65kg.
After an hour I could not stop drinking water. 1.5l within 2 hours 500ml every hour after that. Had half of the dinner I'd prepared of chicken salad with stir fry veg. So much energy. Extreme heart beat, sweating, scatterish. Couldn't stop talking. Finished work about 1am and by then I had a headache but nothing major.

Day 2. Took at 6.30am
Barely slept the night before but full of energy. Mood was extremely happy, positive and Affectionate.
2 weet bix, coconut yoghurt for breakfast.
Plenty of water all day.
Couldn't eat for the rest of the day.
Great energy levels, zero appetite. PT session and an hour of sport.
Went out to a function, had half a cider with soda water. Felt fine. 4 or 5 plain soda waters more.

Day 3. Took at 8am
Not much sleep.
1 weet bix, coconut yoghurt for breakfast.
Still plenty of water, constant dry mouth.
Scattery 1 hour after pill was taken. Great mood. Was fine when Boyfriend went to work. 1 hour of sport. Did house stuff, prepped dinner. Was in a weird mood by the time Boyfriend returned. Didn't want him in my space.
Went out for some drinks with a friend despite warnings to not drink, thought alcohol hadn't done much. Had 3 1/2 full strength ciders. Had fun.
Got home. Didn't really want to talk to Boyfriend. Had a bit of an argument as he was upset with the way I was acting which was completely fair enough. Mind racing, paranoid. Nothing else eaten all day.

Day 4. Taken at 9am
Down to 61kg.
Was not going to take a pill as I was up from 6am crying. Emotional. Felt depressed. Knew I needed to eat as I felt as though I was dying. Stomach was really upset. Was on the toilet 4 times in an hour. Never EVER drinking on this again. All I could manage to get down was a few spoons of yoghurt. Felt better for it so I decided to persist with duromine. Forced myself to play sport despite my mood. Still really thirsty. Tried to eat lunch but I couldn't, mouth was too dry, food wasn't appetizing. Was worried about work as I felt really sensitive like anything could set me off.
Worked 3pm - midnight.
Felt hungry at 6pm, had half my dinner of rice salad then the other half 3 hours later. It was okay, mood got better throughout the shift.

Day 5. Taken at 9.30am
Slept the best I had in days. 2am-9. Was mentally and physically exhausted so sleep did me well.
Played sport, lots of energy. Still thirsty all the time.
Worked 3pm-midnight again. All of a sudden my appetite was raging from 4.00pm. I had a small vegetable salad at 4.30pm. Continued to pick my way through a large meal throughout working. Snacked on cheese, apple. Could. Not. Stop.
Got home to weigh myself. Was on 63.7kg. +2kg. Was disappointed but inevitable having not eaten properly for 4 days.

Day 6. Taken at 9.00am
Average sleep. Maybe 3 or 4 of solid sleep. Mood was in between. Still felt a little down.
Sport at 10am then again 12.
Lots of energy. Ate at 1.30pm. Massive chicken, cheese, salad toasted sandwich. Stomach was gurgling for hours as it didn't know how to process this amount of food at once anymore. Lots of water. Craved chocolate so had a couple. Tried a small (75ml) glass of wine and tipped the rest. Felt racey and sick immediately so stopped. Still wanted chocolate so I had a brownie.
Went to bed 9.30pm

Day 7. Taken at 2.30am
Could not sleep the night before. Think I might have got 30 mins of broken crappy tossing turning. Got up an hour before I needed to as it was pointless laying there any longer. Mood is okay. Away from home for work so unable to have normal exercise patterns. Figgety for sport. 1200ml water before 10am. 3 weet bix, coconut yogurt at 7am.
Extremely hungry at lunch. Pasta lunch at 2pm. 2 mini mars bars. I don't even eat chocolate normally but when it's there in my face I need it.
So much energy at work.
Continued drinking another litre of water.
Dinner at 7pm of chicken, vegetables, naan bread.
Bed at 9.30pm woke up twice in the night but slept easily after.

Day 8. Taken at 8.30am
Hungry as soon as I woke up. Had leftovers in hotel fridge so had a small cup of vegetables, chicken for breakfast... and 1 square of dark chocolate. (What's with chocolate right now!!!!)
Thirsty! already had 1.5l by 11.30am.
Mood is good. Bit worried about how hungry I am so trying to drink plenty of water. Will weigh in tomorrow but I feel like I may have gained

Anyone else have issues with moods especially with partners?? Wanting space but then when they do you freak out and don't want space?!

I am going to continue posting daily with progress, food, moods etc.
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Hello ohtobefit! What a story. Full of action with some drama and some alcohol, and lots and lots of water =)) First of all, welcome to the forum! I wish you a very successful weight loss journey. I hope Duromine will help you get to your goal!

Now let’s see… I personally didn’t have the issues with the mood and partner. But I know that many people get this side effect. I remember someone here wanted to bite off her husband’s head =))) mood swings is a possible side effect of Duromine. Yes, it does happen often. You might watch it subsiding in the following couple of days. Hopefully.

As for the weight loss/gain. What I realized from your story, I understood that you didn’t develop an eating plan whatsoever. Or may be it looks like it because you were going through the first day on Duromine, when your body wasn’t sure what to do with this stuff. Either way, just like a advise to every person who tries to lose weight, I suggest you to make a good and balanced eating plan and follow it. I hope you won’t be experimenting with alcohol again, while on Duromine. Three months without booze will bring so much good to your body. =)

As for your cravings for chocolate… have you ever heard of such thing like “deficit of certain important substances in our body can make us eat foods that “compensate” for the deficit”, while in fact we can’t recognize what we really need. When it comes to sweets and chocolate, your body might lack chromium, phosphorus, tryptophan, or magnesium. You can get magnesium from nuts, leafy vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, pumpkin seeds. If the problem is the sweets, and not just the chocolate, you should consume liver, beef, chicken, carrots, potatoes, whole grains and eggs, to make up for the chromium deficit. Or you can get a good mineral complex and take it during your weight loss journey.

What else… the exercises. You’re doing very well! Try not to skip several days in a row and you might consider including plank exercises. Doesn’t take much time and tones your muscles very quickly.

The question I have to you is – what is your goal weight? how much are you trying to lose? Did you count your BMI?

Hope, you’re feeling a lot better right now, and really hope your boyfriend is safe and sound. Try controlling yourself a bit stricter. You don’t want to ruin your relationship. Best of luck and a lovely day to you!
Hey :)

Oh no!! I hear you on that... Glad to hear your back on track! and feeling better ;)

Oh I had a look at your video that April posted... then I spent 1hr looking at other videos LOL I did find a few good things and subscribed to a new person....I might try and see if I can do a plank I already do something similar but lift my arm and leg ... I seem to be able to get on all fours without it hurting my back. .. touch wood Il see how I go later ;)

Gosh you keep going this way and you will at your goal weight in no time... your doing so well doesn't matter if you didn't weigh yourself, your making great changes and that in itself is a huge achievement I would be celebrating that!.. not to mention how toned it will make you :laughing:

have a great day!

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