Dee2017 said:
Hey :)

Oh no!! I hear you on that... Glad to hear your back on track! and feeling better ;)

Oh I had a look at your video that April posted... then I spent 1hr looking at other videos LOL I did find a few good things and subscribed to a new person....I might try and see if I can do a plank I already do something similar but lift my arm and leg ... I seem to be able to get on all fours without it hurting my back. .. touch wood Il see how I go later ;)

Gosh you keep going this way and you will at your goal weight in no time... your doing so well doesn't matter if you didn't weigh yourself, your making great changes and that in itself is a huge achievement I would be celebrating that!.. not to mention how toned it will make you :laughing:

have a great day!

I just read your posts, smashing it as usual lol.
I did actually just jump on the scales to have a quick look. I think I'm on day 16 and I've lost a totally of 3kg. So I'm up 500grams from last week but whatever, I'm lucky it's not more given I was sick for bulk of last week and it's all my time of the month so when I did eat it was crap lol.
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Day 16

I've been a bit lazy on the posts because I was sick!

I wasn't going to weigh myself because I was fairly inactive the last week but I thought today stuff it I'm curious so
Started at- 116.2
Now at - 113.2
Loss 3kg.

I am happy with that but I wish I got off my ass a bit more when I first started and did a bit more exercise. It is what it is!! Like I said I was really sick so I've been almost completely inactive. Yesterday I thought I could get back into it but I felt really weak so I just left it.

So for breakfast I had
Vegemite toast x2 on brown bread I'm seriously not hungry but I'll try squeeze something in for lunch.

I was working in the psych ward yesterday and had to go on a massive run from a client and I've twisted my knee! I do have to go to the gym today so I'm just going to do some weights to try and lesson my tuck shop lady arms lol and maybe a small stint in the rower.

I'll be back tomorrow !!!!
Hey, hey, hey! Give your body some more proteins with food and let the poor thing get better after the illness already! Forget about being inactive last week and start working like crazy this week. Time to add some NOS and ride the track like it’s the last race in your life! You don’t have that much time to get yourself used to the new habits and levels of physical activity. So don’t waste it not that you’re getting better and recovering from sickness.

When you think about squeezing something in for lunch, think about a good serving of salad made of leafy vegetables, some pumpkin seeds, some of your favorite salad vegies and grilled/boiled/oven baked chicken breast/fish/egg/cottage cheese. Best of luck and let’s ride it! :cool:
Tryingtolosethechub said:
I just read your posts, smashing it as usual lol.
I did actually just jump on the scales to have a quick look. I think I'm on day 16 and I've lost a totally of 3kg. So I'm up 500grams from last week but whatever, I'm lucky it's not more given I was sick for bulk of last week and it's all my time of the month so when I did eat it was crap lol.

yep that time of the month doesn't help :mad: right attitude to have...not to worry about a small increase......don't think about what could of been... focus on what will be o_O
Tryingtolosethechub said:
Day 16

I've been a bit lazy on the posts because I was sick!

I wasn't going to weigh myself because I was fairly inactive the last week but I thought today stuff it I'm curious so
Started at- 116.2
Now at - 113.2
Loss 3kg.

I am happy with that but I wish I got off my ass a bit more when I first started and did a bit more exercise. It is what it is!! Like I said I was really sick so I've been almost completely inactive. Yesterday I thought I could get back into it but I felt really weak so I just left it.

So for breakfast I had
Vegemite toast x2 on brown bread I'm seriously not hungry but I'll try squeeze something in for lunch.

I was working in the psych ward yesterday and had to go on a massive run from a client and I've twisted my knee! I do have to go to the gym today so I'm just going to do some weights to try and lesson my tuck shop lady arms lol and maybe a small stint in the rower.

I'll be back tomorrow !!!!

I hope your knee is okay? sounds like the client never caught you so that's great!! you must run fast;).... ĂŤ hope you got to go to the gym remember if you cant even 2 cans (soup/canned beans etc) at home are an easy way to do some exercises

Enjoy the rest of your Friday:)
Hello there, silent mysterious weightlosser!!! =)) How are you doing today? Did you manage to fully recover? IS your knee better? Dropped in to wish you a fantastic day, full of action and cheerful mood!!! Best of luck and looking forward to your updates!
ohtobefit said:
Hello everybody and possibly no one.

I've always had a battle with fluctuating weight and at my heaviest was 74kg at 166cm. (Might not sound much to some but it was very unhealthy and I was miserable). I dropped down to 65kg in the last year with (mostly) healthy eating and exercise but it's come to a stand still and I cant seem to lose anymore - only gain.
It's sounds like an okay weight to some but I am still not happy with that as I can't fit my clothes.
I had spent a few weeks reading these forums and decided I'd give Duromine a go. I got 30 days worth of 30mg and will access my progress and whether or not an additional amount is needed.

Day 1. Took at 10.30am due to getting it in the morning
Started 65kg.
After an hour I could not stop drinking water. 1.5l within 2 hours 500ml every hour after that. Had half of the dinner I'd prepared of chicken salad with stir fry veg. So much energy. Extreme heart beat, sweating, scatterish. Couldn't stop talking. Finished work about 1am and by then I had a headache but nothing major.

Day 2. Took at 6.30am
Barely slept the night before but full of energy. Mood was extremely happy, positive and Affectionate.
2 weet bix, coconut yoghurt for breakfast.
Plenty of water all day.
Couldn't eat for the rest of the day.
Great energy levels, zero appetite. PT session and an hour of sport.
Went out to a function, had half a cider with soda water. Felt fine. 4 or 5 plain soda waters more.

Day 3. Took at 8am
Not much sleep.
1 weet bix, coconut yoghurt for breakfast.
Still plenty of water, constant dry mouth.
Scattery 1 hour after pill was taken. Great mood. Was fine when Boyfriend went to work. 1 hour of sport. Did house stuff, prepped dinner. Was in a weird mood by the time Boyfriend returned. Didn't want him in my space.
Went out for some drinks with a friend despite warnings to not drink, thought alcohol hadn't done much. Had 3 1/2 full strength ciders. Had fun.
Got home. Didn't really want to talk to Boyfriend. Had a bit of an argument as he was upset with the way I was acting which was completely fair enough. Mind racing, paranoid. Nothing else eaten all day.

Day 4. Taken at 9am
Down to 61kg.
Was not going to take a pill as I was up from 6am crying. Emotional. Felt depressed. Knew I needed to eat as I felt as though I was dying. Stomach was really upset. Was on the toilet 4 times in an hour. Never EVER drinking on this again. All I could manage to get down was a few spoons of yoghurt. Felt better for it so I decided to persist with duromine. Forced myself to play sport despite my mood. Still really thirsty. Tried to eat lunch but I couldn't, mouth was too dry, food wasn't appetizing. Was worried about work as I felt really sensitive like anything could set me off.
Worked 3pm - midnight.
Felt hungry at 6pm, had half my dinner of rice salad then the other half 3 hours later. It was okay, mood got better throughout the shift.

Day 5. Taken at 9.30am
Slept the best I had in days. 2am-9. Was mentally and physically exhausted so sleep did me well.
Played sport, lots of energy. Still thirsty all the time.
Worked 3pm-midnight again. All of a sudden my appetite was raging from 4.00pm. I had a small vegetable salad at 4.30pm. Continued to pick my way through a large meal throughout working. Snacked on cheese, apple. Could. Not. Stop.
Got home to weigh myself. Was on 63.7kg. +2kg. Was disappointed but inevitable having not eaten properly for 4 days.

Day 6. Taken at 9.00am
Average sleep. Maybe 3 or 4 of solid sleep. Mood was in between. Still felt a little down.
Sport at 10am then again 12.
Lots of energy. Ate at 1.30pm. Massive chicken, cheese, salad toasted sandwich. Stomach was gurgling for hours as it didn't know how to process this amount of food at once anymore. Lots of water. Craved chocolate so had a couple. Tried a small (75ml) glass of wine and tipped the rest. Felt racey and sick immediately so stopped. Still wanted chocolate so I had a brownie.
Went to bed 9.30pm

Day 7. Taken at 2.30am
Could not sleep the night before. Think I might have got 30 mins of broken crappy tossing turning. Got up an hour before I needed to as it was pointless laying there any longer. Mood is okay. Away from home for work so unable to have normal exercise patterns. Figgety for sport. 1200ml water before 10am. 3 weet bix, coconut yogurt at 7am.
Extremely hungry at lunch. Pasta lunch at 2pm. 2 mini mars bars. I don't even eat chocolate normally but when it's there in my face I need it.
So much energy at work.
Continued drinking another litre of water.
Dinner at 7pm of chicken, vegetables, naan bread.
Bed at 9.30pm woke up twice in the night but slept easily after.

Day 8. Taken at 8.30am
Hungry as soon as I woke up. Had leftovers in hotel fridge so had a small cup of vegetables, chicken for breakfast... and 1 square of dark chocolate. (What's with chocolate right now!!!!)
Thirsty! already had 1.5l by 11.30am.
Mood is good. Bit worried about how hungry I am so trying to drink plenty of water. Will weigh in tomorrow but I feel like I may have gained

Anyone else have issues with moods especially with partners?? Wanting space but then when they do you freak out and don't want space?!

I am going to continue posting daily with progress, food, moods etc.

Hi ohtobefit! How are you feeling? How is it going? Did the mood swings stop bothering you? I hope everything’s moving towards your weight loss goal and always remember, here you can find the tips and support you need during this journey of the new life! Good luck and write soon!
Haha I have gone ghost. I have been really busy lately with work!

I'm still going along, I have my doctors appointment on Tuesday so that will be the proper weigh day and will be 28 days. I did weigh myself yesterday and I was down too 111.3 so I have lost about 5kg.

I'm off to bed now but thought I would do a quick check in, I hope to post something more over the weekend.
Oh, finally! So sorry to hear your work is keeping you so busy. However, the loss is great! I am sure your doctor will tell you the same thing. Juuuuust a little bit left till you hit the “less than 110” mark. Just don’t give up and try at least having a stretching session on your very busy days. Always give some work to your muscles and let them work for you. =) Take care and looking forward to your new posts.

I started taking Duromine last week. I did post in the Q&A Section and I really appreciate your feedback Kate and April.

I feel like it really doesn’t agree with me. I’m very shaky and whenever I do anything other than a gentle walk or ride on the stationery bike my heart rate goes through the roof (even the past two days I have had to stop with the bike as my heart was beating way to fast). It is much worse then doing a spin or boxing class. It is like nothing I have ever experienced before.

I have been walking for about 3 hours (a 1.5 - 2 hour walk in the morning and a 1 hour walk in the evening) but that's really all the exercise I can seem to manage without raising my heart rate to an unbearable level. Should I get a heart rate monitor so I actually know how fast?

For the first 4 days I wasn’t hungry and lost 1.5 kilos. However these past few days I have been feeling starving. Two days ago I ate a little bit extra than my meal plan but the last two days I have been back eating the same even though I feel so hungry. I don’t understand how I could be having the side effects like dry mouth and not being able to sleep (I’m literally lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night at the moment). Yet am not feeling the same appetite suppressant feeling I experienced on the first four days.

I’ve booked to go back in to see my Doctor but the first appointment I could get was for Friday.. I think I will just stop taking it in the meantime. I’m wondering if I am being over cautious.. a lot of people seem to say the side effects decrease after the first week so I am wondering if stopping would actually be worse if I start again.
Hopingtogetslim said:

I started taking Duromine last week. I did post in the Q&A Section and I really appreciate your feedback Kate and April.

I feel like it really doesn’t agree with me. I’m very shaky and whenever I do anything other than a gentle walk or ride on the stationery bike my heart rate goes through the roof (even the past two days I have had to stop with the bike as my heart was beating way to fast). It is much worse then doing a spin or boxing class. It is like nothing I have ever experienced before.

I have been walking for about 3 hours (a 1.5 - 2 hour walk in the morning and a 1 hour walk in the evening) but that's really all the exercise I can seem to manage without raising my heart rate to an unbearable level. Should I get a heart rate monitor so I actually know how fast?

For the first 4 days I wasn’t hungry and lost 1.5 kilos. However these past few days I have been feeling starving. Two days ago I ate a little bit extra than my meal plan but the last two days I have been back eating the same even though I feel so hungry. I don’t understand how I could be having the side effects like dry mouth and not being able to sleep (I’m literally lucky to get 4 hours sleep a night at the moment). Yet am not feeling the same appetite suppressant feeling I experienced on the first four days.

I’ve booked to go back in to see my Doctor but the first appointment I could get was for Friday.. I think I will just stop taking it in the meantime. I’m wondering if I am being over cautious.. a lot of people seem to say the side effects decrease after the first week so I am wondering if stopping would actually be worse if I start again.

Hi. I am so sorry to hear you feel so bad. Unfortunately, Duromine side effects are unexpected and you never know what hits you. I agree with your decision to stop taking them until you go to your doctor and check your heart. What’s the use of torturing it and making it work so fast. It is not good for it. And yes, I would advise you to get a heart rate monitor, if you have it, or count your pulse rate.

You are not being over cautious. It’s your health and your life, and you should never look back at what others do or think. Act the way you think is best for you. no one knows you better than yourself.

Take care and please keep us posted, if you can, about your condition. And don’t forget to have enough water. Water is essential when you take Duromine. Its insufficient amount can make your body react inadequately. Anyways, I wish you luck and hope on hearing from you soon!
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Tryingtolosethechub said:
Haha I have gone ghost. I have been really busy lately with work!

I'm still going along, I have my doctors appointment on Tuesday so that will be the proper weigh day and will be 28 days. I did weigh myself yesterday and I was down too 111.3 so I have lost about 5kg.

I'm off to bed now but thought I would do a quick check in, I hope to post something more over the weekend.

Heeeey there busy beeee!!!! How is it going? Did you already visit your doctor? Any news? Are you going for the second month? Hope everything’s fine and you got your prescription. And will continue this victorious march. =)

How is your exercising going? Did you introduce anything new? I am always so curious about every person’s way and method. =))

Hope you have a great mood and wish you a cheerful day. Take care!
Hello ohtobefit. How are you doing? It’s been 2 weeks on Duromine, or you discontinued it because of the side effects? I wonder how you are feeling and if you are still keeping to a weight loss plan. Either way, I wish you all the luck and hope on hearing from you soon!
Hi! How are you? Did you stop taking it? Feeling better?
I agree with everything April said previously. Increased heart rate is no good at all, so there's nothing bad in taking a break from the pills for awhile. And I am wondering how things going these days? Have you seen the doctor yet? What's your condition? Please let us know.
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Yep I went to the doctor on Tuesday and weighed 108 even. He didn't give me another script but said to continue how I'm going and we will see this Tuesday. So again I'm going back to the dr on Tuesday if there is weight gain or if it hasn't changed he is going to prescribe another month of duromine.

Yeah I have been excersising everyday usually for an hour walk in the morning and then I do a 20 min tabata in the evening.

The first couple of days off duromine I still didn't have much of an appetite but it seems to be back a little today so I'm just fighting the cravings!!!
Tryingtolosethechub said:
Yep I went to the doctor on Tuesday and weighed 108 even. He didn't give me another script but said to continue how I'm going and we will see this Tuesday. So again I'm going back to the dr on Tuesday if there is weight gain or if it hasn't changed he is going to prescribe another month of duromine.

Yeah I have been excersising everyday usually for an hour walk in the morning and then I do a 20 min tabata in the evening.

The first couple of days off duromine I still didn't have much of an appetite but it seems to be back a little today so I'm just fighting the cravings!!!

Oh hi! You finally showed up! I am so glad to hear from you!!! So… you started at 116.2 kg, and now are at 108. So that’s a total loss of 8.2 kg in a month! WELL DONE! My congratulations to your for the great result! I like it that your doctor is so careful with Duromine and doesn’t want to just prescribe you the second month. Congrats with such a good doc.

And I am so sorry you have to start fighting cravings again. =(( Poor thing. I guess, you should mention this to your doctor. Obviously, 1 month is not a sufficient time to let your body go off the unhealthy foods you crave for. =(( I know how hard it is for you now… I was a real sweet tooth… and Duromine helped me get off sugar. It’s not that I am not consuming it at all. I can have like 2-3 slices of cake in a year for holidays, or an ice cream during the summer. But I no longer “die for them”. I hope so much that you will be able to develop the same attitude to whatever you crave for.

In fact, it’s always like that. When someone, especially a doctor, says we can’t have any kind of food for some time, we immediately start craving it. =))

I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I hope everything goes the very best way, the way you want and need things to go. And please, dear, don’t forget to exercise. Either way, whether you get another month of Duromine or not, you should continue fighting extra weight. You are so good at it!!! Good luck to you, and I am really looking forward to updates from you!
I’m just sitting here and eagerly tapping my fingers, and waiting for the doctor’s resolution on your further action plan. Ahh… just waiting and wishing you a very good day!
How is it going? I am worried… Hope you’re doing ok and you already visited your doctor. What did the doctor say? Did you stop using Duromine?

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