Just thought I would drop in quickly. I haven't written since last Monday but I've basically been doing the same thing. Eating well and exercising. I weigh in again tomorrow but I'm not sure if there will be a change as I have had my period for this whole week and motivation has been hard. I've basically eaten healthy but I've snacked on a couple of Atkins chocolate bars

I'll post again tomorrow and hopefully be under 110!!
Hey! Please. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get any result. Keeping it consistent is the most important thing for a weight loss. Have a great day! Cheers!

I weighed 110 this morning so the same as lasweek. I'm not discouraged, just thankful there was no gain lol.

I had a pretty busy day today so I only did 30 mins on the x trainer but that's still better then nothing. I had cereal for breakfast, chicken and salad for lunch and a wrap with lamb and salad for dinner.

So I'll see how the third week goes now
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I haven't taken my duromine for the last 4 days, I've had the flu (like actually a flu not just a bad cold) today's the first day I've felt alive!! I haven't been eating badly and I haven't been hungry buuuuut in saying that I have been largely imobile... tomorrow's my weigh day sooo I'll let you know
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Happy Easter to you too!! I am so sorry to hear you got sick.. =(( But I am glad that you are holding and avoid any binging or junk food! Hope you will get better soon and will be able to get back into the exercising routine. Looking forward to your results (ready here with a hug). Once you’re out of the flu, gotta do something really fast and with a good straight direction. Best of luck and a great day to you!!!
Soo I made an impromptu trip to Bali lol but I weighed myself after being here for 3 days and I weight 107.3 I didn't bring duromine with me because I forgot but I've been eating small amounts and healthy food so I'm hoping not to gain weight! I'll be back on Thursday but I've lost weight so I'll be happy if I can at least not gain while on holidays!!
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Happy holidays dear Tryingtolosethechub!
Well, at least you got the right attitude and seems you're focused on eating small meals. That should work. Fingers crossed! :)
Hello, hello! Wooohoooo!!! Finally, the 108 threshold is behind! Fingers crossed for no weight gain and hope your holidays go fantastic! Have a great day and looking forward to an update with the same wonderful attitude! Way to go!
I just wanted to say as a newbie this is a really inspiring thread! Keep going Tryingtolosethechub! I'm really excited about your weight loss xx
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Hello there! How are you doing on this wonderful day? Are you already back or is it tomorrow you are coming back? How was the trip? Looking forward to your update and wish a lovely fun day!
Hi Everyone,

I turned 40 yesterday :eek: I am also 1 week into duromine combined with Optifast intensive stage which is 2 x shakes & veg. I am down 1.4kg from last Thursday when i started. I have a bit to lose and wanted to know if 1.4 loss is good or not. I also Hashimotos (Hypothyroidism) so i struggle to move the weight. I have started diets so many times but get 2 days in and i cheat myself. Taking the Duromine i have found i dont have the craving anymore and i have to remind myself to eat.
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Hello Rjburke1! A bit late Happy Birthday to you!!! May all your wishes come true!!!

And now to harsh reality… =)) I am not a fan of shakes that replace two meals a day and such a low-calorie diet kept for a long time… with your hormone disorder, you might never know how your body will react so such strict caloric limits. I would not advise such eating regime to anyone with low thyroid function, simply because your metabolism is already slow… eating less than 1200 cal a day (and not eating. but drinking) might slow it down even more. That is my opinion.

It is fantastic that you don’t have cravings and hunger… however, I would suggest you to switch to normal healthy nutrition, i.e. 3 main meals (small serving) and 2 healthy snacks (proteins, nuts, vegetables, fruits), higher water intake and increased physical activity.

In fact, we have another lovely young woman, who started almost the same day as you did. She also has Hashimoto’s (here’s her blog Hashimoto's Disease). I am sure you guys will find something to discuss and share. She goes pretty well, so her experience might help you adjust your eating and exercising regimes a bit.

Yes, we’re all different, and she might be losing weight faster than you. But what I always have to say to people with any hormone issues is: be proud and happy with any loss. So CONGRATULATIONS with your first result and I will keep my fingers crossed for your success!!!
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Rjburke1 said:
Hi Everyone,

I turned 40 yesterday :eek: I am also 1 week into duromine combined with Optifast intensive stage which is 2 x shakes & veg. I am down 1.4kg from last Thursday when i started. I have a bit to lose and wanted to know if 1.4 loss is good or not. I also Hashimotos (Hypothyroidism) so i struggle to move the weight. I have started diets so many times but get 2 days in and i cheat myself. Taking the Duromine i have found i dont have the craving anymore and i have to remind myself to eat.

Morning Rjburke1!!

So glad to meet another Hashi's survivor, :p...

I also started Duromine almost 2 weeks ago and I just have to say I am super proud of you for what you have lost up to now :) :)
My weight loss is going a little slower though, fast in the first week but it slowed down in the second. Still going strong with my exercises and healthier food choices but it seems like the actual "weight" loss is standing still now. I read one of April's posts where she stated that the fat loss and muscle gain obviously influences the number on the scale... so I am not despondent, I believe I'm building MUSCLE which weighs heavier!!

How is your activity levels and water intake? Perhaps start with a 15 minute walk and increase it with 10 minutes every week to get you more active.. always great to do it with a friend, that way you can socialize while being active..


Stay positive lovely lady - we will get there.
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Hello Rjburke1, how is it going? How do you feel? Did you develop a weight loss plan to follow? Hope, you’re still into it. I know it can be hard to stick to something… I also find it quite difficult to do something for a long time. I have a suggestion… cross out the days in the calendar, and you will see that you have less and less to bear. =) encircle some days when you have cheating meals, and hold till those days. it’s just a suggestion and I hope you are doing really well, excited and motivated. Looking forward to an update from you and wish you a great day!
Heeeey! Now where are you? How are you doing? Still going or needed a break? If so, let’s continue! No time to look back, moving forward is what we all need! Hope, you’ll write soon and wish a fantastic mood!!!
Hello Hopingtogetslim, how are you?
Hi everyone :) So my name's Mel. im 24, 170cm tall. i started taking Duromine 30mg on Sunday 14th May. Starting weight was 105kg. in the first week i didn't feel hungry at all and i lost 5kg. But now im in my 2nd week and im back to being hungry all the time even though i eat a decent amount :( and im not losing any more weight. Finding it hard to stay positive at this point, so i thought i'd join the forum to get some more support.

Now im currently at 99.5kg, and my first goal i want to reach is 90kg, then 80kg, and eventually 72-74kg ish.

The main thing im worried about is the hunger pains :( Before i started Duromine i would have them ALL the time, even just after eating a BIG meal (and my portions used to be very big), so i was happy when i didnt feel that during the first week. But now they're back and i'm worried i'll start binging or eating too much again :(
Hi Mel, I started a week ago too and weigh in tomorrow. Have you been drinking a lot of water? Keep up the good work, 5 kilos is a massive loss :)
Hello Mel! Welcome and congrats on your first weight loss results! -5 kg in a week that is HUGE.

Now let’s see.. are you sure you eat enough? Drink as mush as you were drinking during the first week? What about your physical activity? Anything? If you start drinking more and the hunger is still there, try to skip a day of Duromine and continue the next day as usual. It helps some people kick start Duromine effect. Good luck to you!
Hi Mel! Did Duromine help you with your hunger pains? Are you following any certain eating schedule? Hopefully, the appetite suppressing effect came back and you keep losing weight. Looking forward to an update from you! Cheers!

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