April said:
Hi Mel! Did Duromine help you with your hunger pains? Are you following any certain eating schedule? Hopefully, the appetite suppressing effect came back and you keep losing weight. Looking forward to an update from you! Cheers!
Hi April :)
So an update.. i skipped a day like you suggested, but ended up skipping about 1-2 weeks (because i started sleeping again and it was amazing :p) and i started eating more again.. weight went back up to 102kg. I started Duromine again last week and have been going well, i havent checked the scales yet but will do that today :)
I just weighed myself and back down to 99kg which is good :) Just have to keep going and not give up
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Ahaha… glad you followed the suggestion and enjoyed your sleep s much =)) Made me laugh so hard.

And WOOPIEyAAAAY!!! Congratulations with 99!! SO well done! Well, don’t lose the attitude and you know what you have to do now – work even more and be more focused! I am always here and hope on hearing from you very soon with some great mood and more motivating news! Cheers!
Hi Mel. I just noticed your message in the choutbox and read your other post about feeling down on Duromine… did you start having such mood swings when you started Duromine, or they were always there and simply aggravated a bit once you began Duromine? IS this the reason you were on antidepressants?

Let’s try to see what you eat and how you eat. I also had my ups and downs. What helped was the way I was cooking and serving my meals. I was trying to make it all look as if I am dining out in expensive restaurants. I was trying to teach myself to enjoy the taste, every bite, and not the amount of food I ate. It was hard. I learnt to cut small pieces, gather them on the spoon or fork, smell the food and try to remember the flavor, and only then I was placing it my mouth and chewing… try to chew food very very thoroughly. Give yourself some time for every piece of food. You will just Have to change the attitude. It’s all on psychological level.

As for your incapability of staying away from binging for more than 1.5 weeks, let’s do the following. Promise yourself and keep the promise to eat all healthy meals for a week, not 1.5, just a week. And then let yourself have one cheatmeal. Then proceed for another week of healthy eating. DO NOT torture yourself, if it’s hard for now. I think you will be able to control yourself a bit better if you give yourself this possibility – to cheat. You will always know that you have that meal coming soon. Plan it. and enjoy with no remorse. I strongly advice you to try this system. I think it will help you.

Keep strong! You can do it!
Hello hello hello!!! How are you doing today? Still going?

Take care
Heeeeey Mel! What’s up? How is it going? Still going strong and determined? Hope so. Have a lovely weekend and write soon.
I've had to stop taking Duromine and go back on antidepressants sadly
Hello Mel, I am sorry you had to go back to antidepressants, but it doesn’t mean that you have to fall back. You were doing really well. Please, try to do everything right for the sake of yourself. You can do it even without Duromine. If you find it hard to concentrate on the routine just like that, find an hour and write down a program for a week and then cross out everything you do. Make it like a job that you have to do. You know what reward you will get for this job, and it is a lot more valuable than money. if you need any support, or just feel like letting out something you have inside, feel free to do it. I am here most of time. I really wish I could help you continue moving forward. If you feel that need some time, take a couple of day you need (or more) and start on the weight loss program exactly on the day you schedule, without giving a couple more days, then more… you need to become very focused. You can do it! (If you are still on the weight loss program, I apologize, if I wrote something wrong). My best wishes!
Hello Melmeow! Just dropping in to say hi and wish you a good week! Best wishes!
April said:
Hello Melmeow! Just dropping in to say hi and wish you a good week! Best wishes!
Thank you :) I want to go back on duromine while im taking Zoloft.. is that doable??
Heeeey! This is the point where I totally keep my mouth shut and ask you kindly to visit your doctor and tell him that you are taking Zoloft. Antidepressants are something that is not worth messing with. Please, discuss the possibility of using Duromine with Zoloft before you start. It's been almost a month since you stopped using Duromine. How is your appetite? Weight?
All the best, dear.
Melmeow said:
Thank you :) I want to go back on duromine while im taking Zoloft.. is that doable??

Hello there, nice lady! How are you doing? Did the doctor approve Duromine with Zoloft? If not, I wish you all the willpower to continue with the weight loss program without Duromine and achieve success!
Just some background info: I'm 18 years old and I live in Southeast Asia. I'm currently taking a gap year and I'll be heading off to uni in Feb next year and I really wanted to get to a healthy weight before then.
My doctor suggested I take Duromine to kick start the weight loss process and I started exactly a week ago.
Start weight: 106.8kg
Current Weight: 103kg
Mini goal (by December): be in the 70s
Final goal: be in the 60s

Initially I started on 15mg but 4 days later my doctor suggested to increase the dosage to 30mg because I didn't have any side effects from the 15mg (not even the appetite suppression).

I've also been put on a super strict diet. No sugar and up until today, no carbs (except for oats for breakfast). The 'No sugar rule' means not only no processed sugar but also no honey, no maple syrup etc and even no fruit (crazy I know). I usually have 3 meals and a snack in the evening if I'm really hungry.

Due to the huge cut in diet, my doctor said to take it easy and not do anything for the first week (yay me). Today was my first day of exercise (and hence why I can start with some carbs). I did the 7 minute workout and a 15 min endurance workout from the Nike+ Training App. I intend to do the 7 min workout every morning and try go to the gym twice a week.

Effects of Duromine
I used to take the pill at 9am when I woke up when I was on the 15mg. But when I did the same with the 30mg I found it really difficult to sleep that night. From then on, I woke up at around 6:45, take the pill and then go back to sleep until 9.
Even on the 30mg I don't find myself forcing myself to eat. I get especially hungry around usual meal times. But I guess I am eating smaller portions and I've practically stopped snacking in between meals.

If you're still reading, thank you very much and send me a reply! Let me know about you and your experience! I'd love to have a Duromine buddy group!

That's it from me for now until next time!
Adios ~ MeeMee
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Week 2 Day 2
I had my first gym sessions in a really long time today. My trainer went through some cardio and ab exercises for an hour. Safe to say I'll probably struggle to get up in the morning.
I had a terrible headache all evening today- I don't know whether it's because of Duromine or the gym session or that I'm getting my period soon. I just hope I don't wake up with it tomorrow morning.
Lastly, does anyone know a good remedy for stretchmarks? I know you can't completely get rid of it but it would be nice if it was a little more invisible. I have them all over my stomach, sides and my upper arm - and I've have them for as long as I can remember.

Anyways, bye for now,
Oh, I just noticed your thread. So you’re already in the second week of Duromine. The headache… probably, all three factors that you named might be the cause of it. there is one thing you need to keep in mind – when you exercise, you should increase your water intake. So, you have already increased it when you started Duromine, yet workouts require proper hydration, so even more.

There are three main things you need to do to improve the situation with the stretch marks:
  1. Take vitamin A and E in 1-week courses
  2. Use natural abrasive means during shower, like adding grinded coffee to your shower gel and gently rubbing the area with the stretch marks
  3. Gently rub olive/coconut/rosehip/etc. oils or special creams into the same areas after shower.
This is probably it. Oh, and of course, consistency!

Have a nice day and hope no headaches for you today.
Week 2 Day 3
Today was horrendous. Woke up with not only muscle pain everywhere (from yesterday's gyming) but also really painful period cramps. I normally get period cramps when on the first or second day but it's never been this painful- I wonder if this is because of the Duromine. I was also much more hungrier than usual today. I intended to go to the gym today as well but I ended up spending most of the day in bed clutching a hot water compress. Fingers crossed the cramps go away by tomorrow.
Also, April, thanks for the info about the stretchmarks - will definitely try them!

Until tomorrow,
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MeeMee said:
Week 2 Day 3
Today was horrendous. Woke up with not only muscle pain everywhere (from yesterday's gyming) but also really painful period cramps. I normally get period cramps when on the first or second day but it's never been this painful- I wonder if this is because of the Duromine. I was also much more hungrier than usual today. I intended to go to the gym today as well but I ended up spending most of the day in bed clutching a hot water compress. Fingers crossed the cramps go away by tomorrow.
Also, April, thanks for the info about the stretchmarks - will definitely try them!

Until tomorrow,

Hi MeeMee, how are feeling today? Sorry you felt so bad... Hope, it is better and you will be able to enjoy this day and follow your weight loss plan.
Melmeow said:
Thank you :) I want to go back on duromine while im taking Zoloft.. is that doable??

Hello Mel! How are you doing? What did the doctor say? Did he allow you taking Duromine with Zoloft?
Oops I forgot to log the last 2 days.
Week 2 Day 4
Woke up with no cramps at all - which was amazing. So I went to the gym and did an hour session. Nothing else new.

Week 2 Day 5
I was much less hungry than usual on this day (in fact I skipped out on breakfast). However at night I had a feeling of constipation. I'm planning on sleeping on it and seeing if it gets worse before going to the doctors.
MeeMee said:
Oops I forgot to log the last 2 days.
Week 2 Day 4
Woke up with no cramps at all - which was amazing. So I went to the gym and did an hour session. Nothing else new.

Week 2 Day 5
I was much less hungry than usual on this day (in fact I skipped out on breakfast). However at night I had a feeling of constipation. I'm planning on sleeping on it and seeing if it gets worse before going to the doctors.

Hi MeeMee! Thank a lot for updating! How do you feel today? There are a couple of ways to address the bowels issue (it’s one of the frequent side effects of Duromine):
  1. Drink more water
  2. Consume prunes or prune juice
  3. Have a couple of kiwis during the day
  4. Take laxative (inform the pharmacist about Duromine)
Hope all is well and wish you a great new week!

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