Week 3 Day 1
I know initially I started writing on this thread daily but I think I might make it weekly or maybe every other day.

Weekly Weight Update!
CW: 100.8
Week Loss: 2.2kg
Total Loss: 6kg (3.8+2.2)
I had hoped to be in the 90s by now but I guess today is not the day (it's coming up soon though!).

I'm afraid the following paragraph might be tmi for most people so if you don't want to read about bowel movement and other butt stuff please skip this paragraph. So for the last couple of days I've been feeling slightly constipated and I've had pain whilst...um... "passing motion". I went to the gp about it today and turns out I have a small external hemorrhoid (aka piles). I've been given medication for it. However I'm waiting for my endocrinologist (who prescribed the Duromine to me) to get back to me on whether I can take both medication together. If not, I'd have to go off Duromine for a couple of days. :(

I've also been worried about my exercise - I'm not sure if I'm doing enough. I'm going to the gym twice a week for an hour with a trainer and I do one cycle of the 7 min workout first thing every morning. I also try to do some 15-30 min workout (ranging from endurance to cardio to yoga) from the Nike+ Training app on the days I don't go to the gym (except on my rest days; Sundays). I'm unsure whether this is the right exercise regiment for the best Duromine effectiveness (I hope this makes sense to you).

Anyways sorry for the looong post.
Until next time,
I think the important part is to to try and do what you are able to maintain in the future. I have been on duromine before and lost heaps of weight due to not eating because of not being hungry. But now I'm trying to force myself to eat a certain amount of calories to support the amount of exercise I do. I do a lot of exercise but my eating was out of control.

I think it's important to do exercise you'll be able to sustain and commit to longterm if that makes sense.
Hi MeeMee. Congratulations with such an amazing week loss! You are extremely close to double digits on scales. The main thing is to not relax and keep pushing! =)

I am so sorry about your “inconvenience”. Hope the treatment helps and you start feeling better in no time!

The exercises seem quite right! You alternate the loads and types of exercises, have a day of rest, so it sounds really nice. The main thing is to provide your body with adequate nutrition on days when you exercise more intensively. And I agree with Nobodybutme – the amount of exercises should be the one that you can keep up when getting off Duromine. However, you can concentrate on toning and building your muscles, which will help you burn more calories, and in the future do exercises that will help you maintain and improve the muscle mass you manage to build during this weight loss course. Best of luck and looking forward to your future update!
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Thank you, April and nobodybutme. I'll definitely take your advice into consideration.

April, you mentioned that the main thing is providing my body with adequate nutrition - I don't think I am achieving this. My daily calorie intake is usually around 700 which, after reading many articles online, is quite worrying. I know I need to eat more but I don't find myself hungry that often (I usually eat 3 meals a day). I am also worried that if I eat more, my weightloss is going to slow down.
I don't really know what to do at this point. I think I might consider having 5 small meals a day and ensuring I eat them at specific times (currently I'm only eating when I'm hungry). I don't know.
Hi MeeMee, I have just started on duromine yesterday. Looking for a buddy to share the journey with and for some support.
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MeeMee said:
Thank you, April and nobodybutme. I'll definitely take your advice into consideration.

April, you mentioned that the main thing is providing my body with adequate nutrition - I don't think I am achieving this. My daily calorie intake is usually around 700 which, after reading many articles online, is quite worrying. I know I need to eat more but I don't find myself hungry that often (I usually eat 3 meals a day). I am also worried that if I eat more, my weightloss is going to slow down.
I don't really know what to do at this point. I think I might consider having 5 small meals a day and ensuring I eat them at specific times (currently I'm only eating when I'm hungry). I don't know.

He Meemee,

You should have 5 small meals and specific times even if you feel you are not hungry try to eat something. 700 is too less. i know that your in a hurry to get in shape before feb but you need to remember that healthy maintainable weight loss is a marathon and not a sprint. i also suffer from constipation and green tea helps a lot!! - there are even special teas for constipation as well. Try doing something natural instead of a medical substitute. i also like ground flaxseed which by the way also makes you feel full and helps with constipation.

Hope this helps...
minmac1972 said:
Hi MeeMee, I have just started on duromine yesterday. Looking for a buddy to share the journey with and for some support.
Hi there minmac1972! I'd love to be Duromine buddies! How has your first day been? Hope you don't have too many side effects.
If you don't mind, let me know you're current weight and goals are to be able to track progress (I understand that weight is a personal thing and it's fine if you don't want to share).
I try to write on this forum a couple of days per week regarding my progress, side effects etc. I'd love to hear back from you!
Meangirl said:
He Meemee,

You should have 5 small meals and specific times even if you feel you are not hungry try to eat something. 700 is too less. i know that your in a hurry to get in shape before feb but you need to remember that healthy maintainable weight loss is a marathon and not a sprint. i also suffer from constipation and green tea helps a lot!! - there are even special teas for constipation as well. Try doing something natural instead of a medical substitute. i also like ground flaxseed which by the way also makes you feel full and helps with constipation.

Hope this helps...
Hiya Meangirl! Thank you so much for your advice!
I understand that my calorie intake is too low but I'm kind of running out of ideas as to what to eat for 5 meals. I'm really picky when it comes to food (which isn't helpful) plus I'm on a pretty strict diet from the doctor. If anyone has any meal ideas or good recipes please let me know!
I used to drink up to 3 cups a day of green tea initially. But I stopped once the constipation came in because I assumed the caffeine in green tea was making it worse. I guess if it works for you I should give it another try. I have a packet of whole flaxseeds (I guess I could ground them up in the food processer). What do you usually put your ground flaxseed into? Or do you just eat it as it is?
Thank you for replying and I hope to hear back from you!
Hey mimnac1972 would like to have a Duro buddy too i started on wensday,so far so good i do hv minner side effect thou .an how a u holding up?
Hai i am experiencing the same problem my calories intake are not dt much they are around 500 to 700 a day. I would have an apple for break fast, chicken breast an 2 cups of vegetables for lunch bt i eat a half of it an i get setisfied den keep it an eat it myb aftrb2 or 3 hours, around 5:30 i have a pear an for dinner i am not hungy i jst have a small bowl of salad.Wht should i don???

Does eating less calories prevent weight loss or it makes you loose weigh rapidly which is unhealthy nan cud cos harm on my body?

Can i eat weetbix with skimmed milk?

Can i have a snak late night around 9 or 10 ........
Zandile said:
Hai i am experiencing the same problem my calories intake are not dt much they are around 500 to 700 a day. I would have an apple for break fast, chicken breast an 2 cups of vegetables for lunch bt i eat a half of it an i get setisfied den keep it an eat it myb aftrb2 or 3 hours, around 5:30 i have a pear an for dinner i am not hungy i jst have a small bowl of salad.Wht should i don???

Does eating less calories prevent weight loss or it makes you loose weigh rapidly which is unhealthy nan cud cos harm on my body?

Can i eat weetbix with skimmed milk?

Can i have a snak late night around 9 or 10 ........
Hiya Zandile!
I am not a certified doctor so the following might not be 100% accurate but it's what I have learnt from intensively googling.

Ive read that when you're one a 500-700 calorie diet, initially you will lose a lot of weight. Then your body goes into starvation mode as you're body is trying to hold on to as much energy (calories) as possible (the energy required for day to day life). This means it's going to hold on to the fats you already have and you will not lose any weight (you may even gain some). In starvation mode, it can also cause muscle deterioration as well. Overall, in the long term it's not very healthy and it can cause extreme mental (fatigue, restlessness etc) and physical damage.

I am now slowly trying to change my diet and make it more calorific. I have added a meal (around 5pm) where I eat 2-3 boiled egg whites (high in protein). I know my calorie intake still isn't high enough but i am experimenting and trying to find ways to get there.

I am not completely sure about weetbix - it may be high in sugars. Check the nutritional information. Rolled oats (not instant oats) with skimmed milk can be a great substitution. I suggest you incorporate a little bit of carbs into your diet, especially if you are exercising. If you cut out carbs completely now, it may be difficult to maintain the same diet once you're off Duromine.

Lastly, I try to eat dinner around 7-8pm so I usually don't get hungry around 9-10pm. However on the days that I do, I usually drink a cup of skimmed milk around that time.

I hope this was helpful!
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Thank you for the advice i will try an increase my intake, is home made pot pop corn good to eat?
Zandile said:
Thank you for the advice i will try an increase my intake, is home made pot pop corn good to eat?
Home made popcorn is completely fine as long as you don't add butter or other toppings
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Hi MeeMee! How is it going? Did the weekend go well? Enjoy the new week and new successes!
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Week 4 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 100kg
Week Loss: 0.8kg
Total Loss: 6.8kg (3.8+2.2+0.8)
Weight loss this week was rather disappointing. For the first few days of the week, my weight was fluctuating up and down between 100.3kg-100.9kg. The gain in weight was/is unpleasing and demotivating. My weight was at 99.9kg (finally the 90s!) yesterday but this morning when I woke up it was back up to 100kg.

I think the reason behind why my weight isn't shifting has to do with food. Like mentioned before, I used to only have around 700 calories and now my body is probably going to starvation mode and is retaining body fat. However, in the last 2 days, I have been increasing my calorie intake and now it's sitting at about 1000-1100 per day (I hope this is okay). Nevertheless I am still afraid that this increase in calories is going to make me gain weight.

I'm am slowly losing confidence and I'm needing any motivation and encouragement anyone can offer.

Side note: I think I've gotten rid of my constipation and my bowel movement is now more or less back to normal (which is a good sign!)

Until next time,
MeeMee said:
Week 4 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 100kg
Week Loss: 0.8kg
Total Loss: 6.8kg (3.8+2.2+0.8)
Weight loss this week was rather disappointing. For the first few days of the week, my weight was fluctuating up and down between 100.3kg-100.9kg. The gain in weight was/is unpleasing and demotivating. My weight was at 99.9kg (finally the 90s!) yesterday but this morning when I woke up it was back up to 100kg.

I think the reason behind why my weight isn't shifting has to do with food. Like mentioned before, I used to only have around 700 calories and now my body is probably going to starvation mode and is retaining body fat. However, in the last 2 days, I have been increasing my calorie intake and now it's sitting at about 1000-1100 per day (I hope this is okay). Nevertheless I am still afraid that this increase in calories is going to make me gain weight.

I'm am slowly losing confidence and I'm needing any motivation and encouragement anyone can offer.

Side note: I think I've gotten rid of my constipation and my bowel movement is now more or less back to normal (which is a good sign!)

Until next time,

Hey MeeMee! First, congratulations on your weight loss! The result is a very good one, even though you are disappointed… You managed to lose almost 7 kilograms in 3 weeks! It is a normal thing for the progress to slightly slow down at times. The main thing is to stay consistent and do your best to work for the result. It is a good thing that you have decided to review your calorie intake. Better late than never. Now that you are closer to the ideal, you also should monitor your exercising. Your body will feel better if you eat enough and exercise well to keep the metabolism going. I am sure your weight will keep lowering, especially if the increase in calories is due to healthy foods.

DO not get discouraged! You are doing REALLY WELL!!! Bravo! Chin up and active forward! =) You can do it!
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April said:
Hey MeeMee! First, congratulations on your weight loss! The result is a very good one, even though you are disappointed… You managed to lose almost 7 kilograms in 3 weeks! It is a normal thing for the progress to slightly slow down at times. The main thing is to stay consistent and do your best to work for the result. It is a good thing that you have decided to review your calorie intake. Better late than never. Now that you are closer to the ideal, you also should monitor your exercising. Your body will feel better if you eat enough and exercise well to keep the metabolism going. I am sure your weight will keep lowering, especially if the increase in calories is due to healthy foods.

DO not get discouraged! You are doing REALLY WELL!!! Bravo! Chin up and active forward! =) You can do it!

Hi April!
Thank you very much for the motivation!

As per eating healthy foods, I'm still on a suuuuper strict diet so it's pretty difficult to wrong there. I have an appointment with my doctor this Friday and I'm planning on asking if I could introduce fruits back into my diet (I'm kinda getting sick of oatmeal from breakfast everyday and I'm dying to try one of those healthy banana pancake recipes that keep popping up online).

As for exercise, there has been a little change. I used to do the 7min workout every morning on an empty stomach. I found myself procrastinating to do this every morning (because who wants to exercise first thing?!) which lead to me eating my breakfast rather late (sometimes it would be 11:00am by the time I ate breakfast!). I decided to get rid of this morning workout completely and just to extend the ones I do in the evening (thinking for doing 30min workout every evening (except gym days and Sundays)). I'm still going to the gym twice a week with my trainer religiously (maybe I'll increase this to 3 times a week in a few weeks).

All in all, I'm just hoping I'm making the right decisions for the best outcome.
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MeeMee said:
Hiya Meangirl! Thank you so much for your advice!
I understand that my calorie intake is too low but I'm kind of running out of ideas as to what to eat for 5 meals. I'm really picky when it comes to food (which isn't helpful) plus I'm on a pretty strict diet from the doctor. If anyone has any meal ideas or good recipes please let me know!
I used to drink up to 3 cups a day of green tea initially. But I stopped once the constipation came in because I assumed the caffeine in green tea was making it worse. I guess if it works for you I should give it another try. I have a packet of whole flaxseeds (I guess I could ground them up in the food processer). What do you usually put your ground flaxseed into? Or do you just eat it as it is?
Thank you for replying and I hope to hear back from you!

i just add 2 table spoons of grounmd flaxseed to a tall glass of water. Please add it to oats but it gets too thick and gross to digest. try eating, 2 egg whites for breakfast. 10am an half a green apple or , 2pm grilled chicken/fish with salad (salad helps with constipation) 6 PM you can have something small like fruit and nuts or plain salad - try making your main meal lunch and supper eat lightly .
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Which brand of oats do you use is it jungle oats? An how much of it do u eat like 1 cup?
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Hi Everyone hoping to jump on this buddy thread I haven't started yet I got my first script today and am ready to roll tomorrow, I'm the heaviest I've ever been sitting at 99.7 kgs and I am so motivated to loose some of this weight I really would appreciate if any body has a eating plan that's working for them I could look at. FYI ready all your guys comments is awesome
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