WOW!! - your doing great!! and i also experience bad pms and a more lower mood than usual when on duromine. Chin up!! - your learning to read your body better and next month you will be much more prepared. Good to hear that you managing your constipation cause that also makes you feel even more uncomfortable.
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MeeMee said:
Week 7 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 96.4kg
Week Loss: 0.7kg
Total Loss: 10.4kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7)
Well... I've officially hit the 10kg mark!

Weightloss was fluctuating quite a bit this week. I had actually dropped down to 95.9kg in the first 3 days of the week only to gain it back the second half of the week. It's that time of the month again so the gain is probably due to that. I've discovered that my cramps are significantly worse and I'm pmsing more now than before (I don't know if this is a side effect of Duromine).

Other than that, no issues- I feel I've finally gotten food on track and didn't have any constipation problems this week.


MeeMee official CONGRATULATIONS! =)) -10 – what a great achievement! I hope you are proud of yourself?

Yes, probably, the weight fluctuation is due to this time of month. Severe cramps can be a side effect of Duromine, however, as I was losing weight, I discovered that with each weight loss these were getting worse and worse. I guess, something shifts down there as the fat goes away, and causes more pain…. I don’t know. It is just my observation based on my own experience.

Happy for your no-more-constipation mode and really happy for the weight loss.
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Week 8 Day 1
Thank you @April and @Meangirl for your kind words last week.

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 93.6 kg
Week Loss: 2.8 kg
Total Loss: 13.2 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8)

Very pleased with the results. Honestly, I don't have anything else say! :)

Hey! Are you serious? 8 weeks and over 13 kg down! Amazing! MeeMee, you’re smashing it! Keep up the great work, 2/3 of the course done and dusted. Have an extremely successful month 3 on Duromine!
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OMG!!! - thats amazing!! - your killing it!!!
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Week 9 Day 2
Oops... forgot to post a weight update yesterday.

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 92.5 kg
Week Loss: 1.1 kg
Total Loss: 14.3 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1)

My weight was actually constant during the middle of the week and I was afraid that I was hitting another weight plateau but I managed to lose a few grams by the end of the week. For the last couple of week, I have been waking up EXTREMELY late and missing breakfast pretty much every day. However, from today onwards I'm going to try and make a habit of waking up slightly earlier and ensuring I do get my breakfast in.

I don't think this is a side effect of Duromine but rather one from taking pills in general. Every time I take my pills, I get the 'pill stuck in the throat' feeling and recently it's been remaining for pretty much the whole day. I always drink water with the pills, before and after and I've tried eating but the feeling is still there most of the times. It has gotten to the extent where I feel nauseous and my chest feels congested (especially when exercising). If the problem persists for the next couple of days, I'll go see a doctor about it. Just wondering whether anyone else feels the same discomfort...

@April I'm not technically 2/3 of the course. My doctor said that it probably best that I continue taking Duromine during the holidays (I'll be going to Australia for a week then to visit family in India for 3 weeks and I know for sure that there is no way I will be able to sustain my current diet during that time). Hence, I will be on Duromine for a total of 4 months. However, to ensure that the pill doesn't lose its effectiveness, I'll be going down to 15mg for 5 days then down to no Duromine for 10 days (I'll be starting on the 15mg this Friday). It isn't ideal but it's the only option considering the situation. After the 4 months (around mid-January) I will be stopping Duromine completely and then the hard part of sustaining begins (sigh).

As always, thank you @April and @Meangirl for the constant encouragement!

P.S. Happy Halloween!
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Week 11 Day 1

I forgot to post last week so this is the weight update for last week
Weekly Weight Update
CW: 91 kg
Week Loss: 1.5 kg
Total Loss: 15.8 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5)
Officially hit the 15 kg mark!

The following is this week's update:
Weekly Weight Update
CW: 91.2 kg
Week Loss: -0.2 kg
Total Loss: 15.6 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5-0.2)
This is my first weight gain since I started my weight loss journey. I'm assuming this is because I've been off Duromine since last week. Also, it was my sisters birthday party and I had an impromptu 1 day overseas trip (which meant airport and aeroplane foods at odd timings). Honestly, I'm not too worried about the weight gain and I hope to get back on track with food this week and lose that extra 200g!

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Hi MeeMee! Congrats on your amazing weight loss! You deserve applause and bravo’s here and there! I am sure that you will easily drop these 200 grams, so don’t even worry about the scales showing a bigger number. You did great!

The journey came to an end? Or planning on returning to Duromine after a break?
Week 12 Day 3

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 90.1 kg
Week Loss: 1.1 kg
Total Loss: 16.7 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5-0.2+1.1)

@April Hi... Thanks for the encouraging words! I will be be going back on Duromine the beginning of December until mid January. After that, I will be off Duromine for good.

Hi MeeMee, glad to finally hear from you, and the weight loss!!! Sheesh.. and you were worried about 200 grams =)) Your weight loss plan works perfectly well!

And up until now, you managed to lose 15.65% of your initial body weight! fantastic result! Sooo looking forward to the end of your journey, and a good pile of before and after photos (please, oh please, tell me that these are coming =))) and also looking forward to your confessions of falling into shopping craze =)) Cheers!
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Week 14 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update (last week)
CW: 88.6 kg
Week Loss: 1.5 kg
Total Loss: 18.2 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5-0.2+1.1+1.5)
It's crazy to think that I'm in the 80s! I honestly don't remember when my weight was this low (it must have been at least 5-6 years).

Weekly Weight Update (this week)
CW: 87.7 kg
Week Loss: 0.9 kg
Total Loss: 19.1 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5-0.2+1.1+1.5+0.9)
Getting so very close to that 20kg mark! I'm back on Duromine for a month starting today. I am actually very proud of the weight loss (3.2kg in 3 weeks) I achieved while I was off Duromine - I had expected to gain a couple of kilos.

@April Sorry to disappoint about the before and after pics. I hated taking pictures (still not 100% comfortable) so I never took any proper body shots. And also, I had a shopping craze even before the weight loss!:laughing: But I'm looking forward to actually being able to fit into most of the clothes now! I've discovered that I am now able to fit comfortably into my old size 16 jeans (I used to squeeze into my size 18 jeans and deny that I needed a bigger size) - and I haven't owned a pair of size 14 jeans in the near past so I need to go to the shops and try them out!

MeeMee, that is… I am speechless! You should be very very proud of yourself for losing over 3 kg in 3 weeks without Duromine. Hats off! Now you know that you can continue losing weight even when you finish this last month. =) I am so happy for you – BRAVO!

It’s ok… I understand you perfectly well. I also hated being photographed while being overweight, so usually somewhere at the background, in the shadow, under the table. =) Either way, I am sure that you can see your progress well even without the photos. And that size 14 jeans is waiting for you somewhere at the shop =)) They will always be your guide and now you know that you should never squeeze in jeans. If you need – time to act. =)

MeeMee, I wish you a new amazing week and an extremely successful month on Duromine!!! Cheers
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MeeMee said:
Week 14 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update (last week)
CW: 88.6 kg
Week Loss: 1.5 kg
Total Loss: 18.2 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5-0.2+1.1+1.5)
It's crazy to think that I'm in the 80s! I honestly don't remember when my weight was this low (it must have been at least 5-6 years).

Weekly Weight Update (this week)
CW: 87.7 kg
Week Loss: 0.9 kg
Total Loss: 19.1 kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7+2.8+1.1+1.5-0.2+1.1+1.5+0.9)
Getting so very close to that 20kg mark! I'm back on Duromine for a month starting today. I am actually very proud of the weight loss (3.2kg in 3 weeks) I achieved while I was off Duromine - I had expected to gain a couple of kilos.

@April Sorry to disappoint about the before and after pics. I hated taking pictures (still not 100% comfortable) so I never took any proper body shots. And also, I had a shopping craze even before the weight loss!:laughing: But I'm looking forward to actually being able to fit into most of the clothes now! I've discovered that I am now able to fit comfortably into my old size 16 jeans (I used to squeeze into my size 18 jeans and deny that I needed a bigger size) - and I haven't owned a pair of size 14 jeans in the near past so I need to go to the shops and try them out!


MeeMee - I just read through your whole thread, Wow what amazing perseverance you shown through the tough times. Your weight loss is incredible and you have successfully stuck to your goals throughout! You must be so happy with yourself.

I am a newbie started my journey on Sunday feeling good so far, am very excited to see results. Reading your thread definitely gave me hope

Best wishes for your last month.
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Hi guys,
I've just completed my first week of Duromine and I'm taking the 30mg pill once every 3 days.
Im hoping for a 5 kg loss over the next 4 weeks as I'm traveling overseas to visit family who are particularly mean and vocal about excess weight.
I'm not sure if it will be possible to achieve so I've come to the forums for some support. I know quick fix diets like this are no good for long term weight loss and I tend to give up quickly the harder the diet is.
So far my experience with Duromine has been good. I lose interest in food about 2h after the pill and I'm not super hungry the day after. It's only on the third day that I get cravings. I'm eating a healthy diet, no less than 1200kcal a day. I go to the gym 3times a week for a light cardio and weights.
My first 2kg lost was mostly water weight so I'm about to start the hard journey of actually losing FAT.

Wish me luck and let me know if you think this is a realistic goal.
Hello Lantis and welcome to the forum. Umm… I know how difficult it can be to lose the nasty 5 kg. But I am so not pro using Duromine for such small amounts of weight to lose… knowing how strong it is. But it’s your choice, and I truly hope that you will take this experience as a full stop, where you will reach your goal and further introduce lifestyle changes, which will allow you to never get back to Duromine again. Now… you have little weight to lose, and you want to do it fast. I am glad that you realize that you should not starve. Applause! Good amount of exercises is also a great thing. Do you have a possibility to hire a PT? 4 weeks is a sufficiently long period of time, during which a professional can help you “re-melt” the extra fat into a lean muscle mass. If you can switch to weight trainings and HIIT trainings 3 times a week, and get your cardio load from brisk walking in other days… Besides, I would also advise you to have a course of body massage (whole body or problem areas). Swimming is something that helps tone up the body and skin very fast (or exercises in the swimming pool). Besides, a professional PT could help you in adjusting your menu for days when you exercise intensely and when you don’t. You should consume different amounts of calories, depending on your load.

Sounds like Duromine does a pretty good work for you, and you are doing quite a good job and sound determined to achieve your goal. So I am sure that your goal is realistic, and if you don’t back down, you will get there and make this family’s jaws drop when they see you. =))

PS. Don’t forget about consuming sufficient water.
Lantis said:
Hi guys,
I've just completed my first week of Duromine and I'm taking the 30mg pill once every 3 days.
Im hoping for a 5 kg loss over the next 4 weeks as I'm traveling overseas to visit family who are particularly mean and vocal about excess weight.
I'm not sure if it will be possible to achieve so I've come to the forums for some support. I know quick fix diets like this are no good for long term weight loss and I tend to give up quickly the harder the diet is.
So far my experience with Duromine has been good. I lose interest in food about 2h after the pill and I'm not super hungry the day after. It's only on the third day that I get cravings. I'm eating a healthy diet, no less than 1200kcal a day. I go to the gym 3times a week for a light cardio and weights.
My first 2kg lost was mostly water weight so I'm about to start the hard journey of actually losing FAT.

Wish me luck and let me know if you think this is a realistic goal.

Can you explain your diet plan? I eager using your diet plan.
I have always been in fantastic shape until 3 years ago when my doctor put me on a new medication for my Bipolar disorder. It had terrible side effects the main being rapid excessive weight gain. After a while i stopped it but the damage had set in and i gained more weight on my own doing. I have been on Duromine 30mg for almost a week now and lost 1 kg in the first 2 days. I have no side effects, my appetite is as it was and i'm concerned its not going to work. I eat smaller portions of food, and have cut down on sugar. Its a little bit daunting....
It always is at first, but you can do it.

As I’ve found, you can be “hungry” while on Duromine (sometimes more than before it because you’re also intentionally eating less), but your “appetite” is less- meaning you’re “craving” less bad food and huge portions. Sometimes, that’s all the “appetite suppressant” means- it doesn’t always take away a person’s “hunger” (that would be dangerous, as the people who do actually get the effect of literally no hunger don’t end up eating and can suffer from that- sometimes passing out).

Patience, it’s not all going to disappear over night unfortunately.

Stargazer said:
It always is at first, but you can do it.

As I’ve found, you can be “hungry” while on Duromine (sometimes more than before it because you’re also intentionally eating less), but your “appetite” is less- meaning you’re “craving” less bad food and huge portions. Sometimes, that’s all the “appetite suppressant” means- it doesn’t always take away a person’s “hunger” (that would be dangerous, as the people who do actually get the effect of literally no hunger don’t end up eating and can suffer from that- sometimes passing out).

Patience, it’s not all going to disappear over night unfortunately.

oh i know that it will take some time, i was just thinking that there'd be a change in energy levels at least. i know some have said the weight loss can occur quite slowly at first too. i'm certainly not about to throw the towel in just yet.

i just wondered if the dosage is enough or am i just being impatient
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I found it took a couple of days for my appetite to actually be suppressed. I’ve had a day here and there where I haven’t taken it and am ravenous the next day. I still get hungry but I have been able to kick those pick me up sugar rushes I’d look for in the arvo.

2 days isn’t long, I didn’t drop drastic amounts of weight if the first few days like some people. But I’ve just started the 2nd sleeve of tabs and i was 4.7kg down on Friday morning.
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