Meangirl said:
i just add 2 table spoons of grounmd flaxseed to a tall glass of water. Please add it to oats but it gets too thick and gross to digest. try eating, 2 egg whites for breakfast. 10am an half a green apple or , 2pm grilled chicken/fish with salad (salad helps with constipation) 6 PM you can have something small like fruit and nuts or plain salad - try making your main meal lunch and supper eat lightly .
Thankfully my constipation has subdued. Thank you so much for the brief meal plan - however, on doctor's orders, I can't eat fruit or nuts :(.
For soooooo long, I've tried liking salad. I want to like salad, but I feel like I haven't found the right one yet. Please let me know what you put when you make your salad.
Zandile said:
Which brand of oats do you use is it jungle oats? An how much of it do u eat like 1 cup?
For me, the brand of oats usually doesn't matter as long as it's specifically rolled oats (and not instant oats). I usually put 1/3 cup of oats into a large bowl and add 3/4 water. Then I heat it in the microwave for 2min with a plate covering the bowl. Take it out, give it a stir and put it into the microwave uncovered for 1 min. And then take it out and allow it to cool for about a minute. Then you can add toppings - I usually add a splash of milk and about 1/3 packet of stevia.

The cooking method can alter from brand to brand- just check the back of the packet. You can also cook it on the stove but I'm just lazy and do it in the microwave.
Kiwinewby said:
Hi Everyone hoping to jump on this buddy thread I haven't started yet I got my first script today and am ready to roll tomorrow, I'm the heaviest I've ever been sitting at 99.7 kgs and I am so motivated to loose some of this weight I really would appreciate if any body has a eating plan that's working for them I could look at. FYI ready all your guys comments is awesome
Hiya Kiwinewby!
Firstly, welcome to this thread. Initially I thought no one would reply but I'm so glad there's so many people replying!
We're actually around the same weight now so it would be pretty great to share this journey with you.
Do keep us updated and best of luck for your first day!

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Kiwinewby said:
Hi Everyone hoping to jump on this buddy thread I haven't started yet I got my first script today and am ready to roll tomorrow, I'm the heaviest I've ever been sitting at 99.7 kgs and I am so motivated to loose some of this weight I really would appreciate if any body has a eating plan that's working for them I could look at. FYI ready all your guys comments is awesome

Sorry, I just reread your post and you had asked about an eating plan. To put it briefly, I have oats for breakfast, 2 chapattis + vegetable or lentil curry for lunch (I'm indian, hence I get homemade Indian food everyday :) ), 3 boiled egg whites (+a small bowl of low fat Greek yoghurt on the days I work out) for an evening snack, grilled chicken for dinner and lastly 1 cup of low fat milk before I go to bed (just to avoid the nighttime hungers).

If you've read my previous posts, you'd find that I've been struggling with eating more. This ''meal plan" is still not at that stage yet but I'm slowly getting there. My goal is to cut down my carbs (planning on cutting out oats once I find a better breakfast substitute) and increasing my proteins and trying to have more than 1000 calories a day (currently sitting in the 900s) and at the same time, making sure I'm actually enjoying my meals :)
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@Kiwinewby, welcome to the forum! I am so happy to see one more person willing to change life and health for better!!! Hope, you will go very well with this weight loss journey!

@MeeMee, I love your eating plan! I don;t like your plan of cutting carbs completely from the diet... especially since you "take" them from oatmeal. Oatmeal is quite high in calories, so I guess, it really helps you staying closer to the required daily caloric value. Cutting it might make it even harder for you to develop an eating plan that would fit the required amount of calories. (just my thoughts...) Again,. your body needs all substances, including the carbs and fiber. Suit yourself. It looks like the current eating plan works great for you! (I would keep the oats to not gain weight when I finish Duromine and get a craving for some carbs, but that's me... =) )
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Hey everybody, so a little update from my side I'm 3 days in and tbh I'm struggling a bit with it all. I woke up at 5 am Friday (nz time) and it's now Sunday night I have slept a total of 5 hours since then As for the eating I'm definitely working on it I haven't eaten much to be frank I just don't feel hungry but I have drank lots of water which is good as I like coffee not water lol. I'm holding out hope that over the next couple of weeks I can get into. Better routine I have a 3 month subscription for the 15mg so fingers crossed it gets better. Ohhhh lastly I won't weigh myself until Friday but will post and hopefully I have some result
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MeeMee said:
Sorry, I just reread your post and you had asked about an eating plan. To put it briefly, I have oats for breakfast, 2 chapattis + vegetable or lentil curry for lunch (I'm indian, hence I get homemade Indian food everyday :) ), 3 boiled egg whites (+a small bowl of low fat Greek yoghurt on the days I work out) for an evening snack, grilled chicken for dinner and lastly 1 cup of low fat milk before I go to bed (just to avoid the nighttime hungers).

If you've read my previous posts, you'd find that I've been struggling with eating more. This ''meal plan" is still not at that stage yet but I'm slowly getting there. My goal is to cut down my carbs (planning on cutting out oats once I find a better breakfast substitute) and increasing my proteins and trying to have more than 1000 calories a day (currently sitting in the 900s) and at the same time, making sure I'm actually enjoying my meals :)
Ohh I loveeee curries would love a healthy recipe for one if you ever get the chance lol( sorry about my late replies I work stupidly long hours) also I hate oats with a passion so I haven't found a breakfast alternative yet as my bad eating habits I have never eaten breakfast. Well not in the last 25 yrs unless u count bacon and eggs after a night out ‍♀️. I have a lot of bad habits when it comes to food so I think my biggest struggle is to try and find some consistency.
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Kiwinewby said:
Ohh I loveeee curries would love a healthy recipe for one if you ever get the chance lol( sorry about my late replies I work stupidly long hours) also I hate oats with a passion so I haven't found a breakfast alternative yet as my bad eating habits I have never eaten breakfast. Well not in the last 25 yrs unless u count bacon and eggs after a night out ‍♀️. I have a lot of bad habits when it comes to food so I think my biggest struggle is to try and find some consistency.
I can relate to you so much - I struggle with consistency so much. I can never seem to discipline myself to eat at specific times, I kinda just eat when I feel like it/when I'm hungry.
As for breakfast, I had a phase a few years ago where I didn't eat breakfast at all for about 2 years straight on weekdays. I used to live very far from my school (approx 100km) and the daily commute meant i left home at 5:40am every morning and I don't think anyone has the desire to eat that early. Honestly, I didn't really find that not eating breakfast really affected me much but once we moved from there it kinda just became a habit.
I never used to be a fan of oats either by weirdly I have now grown an appreciation for them. I tried out this recipe for low carb waffles yesterday and it turned out amazing. Mind you, it's not as indulgent as the normal waffles- these have more of an airy texture - but after eating oats for 3 weeks straight, it was a nice change. However, it was a little bland as I had to eat them by themselves as pretty much any topping I thought of didn't fit with the diet instructed by my doctor. Of course you could easily use fruit, nuts, maple syrup or honey (sadly all of which I can't have:() as toppings.
As for curry recipes, I don't really know any. My mum usually cooks the curries (I'm shamelessly taking advantage of her home cooking before I have to head off to uni and fend for myself) and she doesn't really use any recipes. However, you can find plenty of recipes online - just ensure that you try to use less oil (which doesn't even alter the taste) and avoid the ones with ghee or lots of butter (e.g. butter chicken). I have attached a recipe I found online for a chicken curry that seems quite simple. You could probably make a pretty decent tasting curry even if you omit some of the ingredients such as the sugar or the cornstarch or the chicken stock (none of which my mum use in her curries).

Okay I just typed all of the above and tried attaching the links of the recipes but I can't seem to post any links (something about only members with 30 messages can post links). So just google the recipe name with who it's by and it should (hopefully) come up.
Low carb waffle recipe: by Foodie Fiasco
Chicken curry recipe: by Once Upon a Chef
Hello MeeMee, is it the end of your first Duromine month? Are you planning to continue for another month?
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Week 5 Day 2

Weekly Weight Update
(I'll use my weight from yesterday so it's exactly a week).
CW: 99.6kg
Week Loss: 0.4g
Total Loss: 7.2kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4)
It was another week of fluctuating week. This week my weighloss was even lower than the week before but I am not disappointed by it (surprisingly). I was constipated for most of the week (yes, the constipation is back:( ) and I knew that I was "backed up". Also, I was slacking on the exercise (I only went to the gym on the two days and I didn't do any home workouts on the other days). Overall, I'm just hoping I can get back on track this following week and (fingers crossed) lose a few more kgs!

As I mentioned above, I have constipation again. However, this time it's much worse. My doctor prescribed me a laxative and I'm planning on taking them for the next couple of days. Hopefully by then everything that needs to be out is out. I definitively need to increase my fibre content. I started taking 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed today and I'm going to try make some crispy brocolli or kale chips to eat as a snack (I'm praying that I like these because I'm not really the biggest fan of vegetables, especially green ones).

I had my doctors appointment last week (kind of a 3 week follow up since I started Duromine). I had taken some tests for my insulin level a few weeks back and she had my results by this appointment- turns out, my insulin levels a CRAZY high. It's at such a high level that I'm genuinely surprised I don't have diabetes (which was checked for as well). I have medication to lower my insulin levels and now it makes sense why I can't have fruits, sugars or other sweeteners for a while.

She also suggested I change up my diet a little bit. She said I should try having 2 days a week completely carb free to give my body a shock. And then go back to the usual diet for the remaining of the week. I am not to do any exercise on the carb free days (which I'm secretly happy about). She also said I can have 1 cheat meal a week. I know that it will be good for me to mix it up a little (rather than having the same thing day after day and my body getting used to it).

@April Tomorrow will mark exactly 1 month since the beginning of my Duromine journey. I have been given a prescription for another 2 months. However, I am thinking of taking a break for 10 days in early November. I'm going on holiday in December and I want to be taking Duromine during that time (because holidays = carb city and sugar). So the 10 non-Duromine days in November will help stop my body from getting too used to the pill (I hope).

Until next time,
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Hello MeeMee. Oh dear, I am so sorry the constipation is so bad… in fact… two controversial things can cause your constipation:
  1. Insufficient fiber
  2. Too much fiber
Yes, it goes exactly like that. If you weren’t consuming a lot of fiber earlier, and loaded your body with a huge amount of it in one day, and then the second day, and more, and more… and increased its amount even more… Boom it’s stuck! If this is the problem, your water intake should be too high to be address the issue. In fact, it might be too high to be safe for your health. (you need to increase your water intake while on Duromine, but not extremely high to avoid electrolyte balance and kidney problems)

If the amount of fiber is insufficient, you already know what to do. =)

It is good that your doctor gave you a laxative and I hope it works perfectly well for you. In fact, I like what your doctor advices you and I hope that the results from such carbs alternation and the cheat meal will bring great results.

Taking a 10-day break sounds like a good idea to me. =) Sounds like you have everything under control. Best of luck to you, dear!
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Congrats...have you had any side effects??
I started 5 days ago and i get heart palpitations every now and then
That's great Melissa!
I'm on day 3.
Doing well. Side effects are lessening. Trouble sleeping last night but tired now so I hope I sleep tonight.
I'm so excited for the future!
Not weighing till I see my dr after 1 month, but I will measure
Guys, that's a very old post... the chances are really small that Melissa answers or updates on her weight loss progress. =))) Either way, you all are great for supporting each other. Keep it up!
It gets confusing with how old some of these posts are
Week 6 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 97.1kg
Week Loss: 2.5kg
Total Loss: 9.7kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5)
After my weight loss being stuck in in a rut for 2 weeks, I never imagined I'd lose anywhere near 2.5kg in a week. I know I shouldn't get too overly excited about this (because weightloss fluctuates and it will probably go down to a lower rate soon) but it's just the motivation I needed. Also, I guess it's safe to say that I'm officially out of the 100s!! And only 300g to go until 10kg loss!

I think the weightloss this week probably has to do with the meal plan. I had a cheat meal last Friday (it was glorious) and I had my 2 non carb days over the weekend. I'm just glad it's working.

As for the constipation, I stopped taking the laxatives today. I hope bowel movement goes back to normal. I've also been trying to have ground flaxseeds everyday. So far, I'm only getting 1tablespoon a day (the recommended intake is 2 tablespoons) mainly because when I add it to water, just the 1 spoon is enough to give an extremely unpleasant taste (kinda feels like you're drinking watered down dough or something). Taking the ground flaxseed with milk makes it slightly more bareble but it still tastes quite grainy. So, if anyone has any ideas on how else I can incorporate the flaxseeds into my diet, please do.

Thanks it for now I think.
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MeeMee, what amazing news! Congratulations on your weight loss! You did it! You survived the plateau and went straight though it – what a willpower!

Flaxseed can be consumed in so many ways: add it to your hot porridge/yogurt/salad/soup/smoothie. You don’t necessarily need to consume it separately.

Have a great day and even more success on your way to your goal! Sheesh, just 300 grams until you hit a -10kg mark!!!
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Well done, I hope you can reach your goal!
Week 7 Day 1

Weekly Weight Update
CW: 96.4kg
Week Loss: 0.7kg
Total Loss: 10.4kg (3.8+2.2+0.8+0.4+2.5+0.7)
Well... I've officially hit the 10kg mark!

Weightloss was fluctuating quite a bit this week. I had actually dropped down to 95.9kg in the first 3 days of the week only to gain it back the second half of the week. It's that time of the month again so the gain is probably due to that. I've discovered that my cramps are significantly worse and I'm pmsing more now than before (I don't know if this is a side effect of Duromine).

Other than that, no issues- I feel I've finally gotten food on track and didn't have any constipation problems this week.

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